Corporate Overview*4x3 PPT Version

Fluid Flow:
Application of Numerical Methods
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 2
Understand the application of numerical methods.
Learn about domain discretization.
Investigate discretization of equations.
Compare different numerical methods.
Understand the process of numerical analysis.
Become familiar with the use of CFD software, such as Autodesk
Simulation Multiphysics.
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Understanding Numerical Methods
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 3
Numerical Methods are used when an approximate analysis can be
deemed accurate enough.
Due to the nonlinear and complex nature of flow equations, exact
solutions are possible for only a handful of cases.
Even when using numerical methods, simplifications have to be
made in the problem being analyzed to yield an answer.
Three discretization schemes used in numerical methods are:
Finite Element Method
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Finite Difference Method
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Finite Volume Method
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Domain Discretization: Part I
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 4
In Numerical Fluid flow analysis, a continuous domain is replaced by
a discrete domain using a grid.
In a continuous domain, a result (e.g., velocity) can be found at any
point in the domain.
Continuous Domain
In a discrete domain, results are calculated only at the grid points
(nodes) or at the centers of control volumes (CVs) defined by those
grid points.
Discrete Domain
Values for other positions are extrapolated from grid point results.
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Domain Discretization: Part II
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 5
Similarly, when solving fluid flow in a CFD software application, the
flow domain must be discretized into a number of nodes.
These elements can be quadrilateral or triangular.
Quadrilateral Mesh
Triangular Mesh
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Discretization of Equations- Techniques
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 6
Numerical discretization techniques used in commercially popular
applications are:
Finite Element Method (FEM) – popular in structural mechanics
 Finite Volume Method (FVM) – popular in CFD
 Finite Difference Method (FDM) – popular in optimization and flow studies
requiring less accuracy
 The differences lie in how the equations are discretized, or converted into
discrete form over a number of points.
FEM is mainly popular for
structural analysis (left)
but can also be applied for
CFD analysis (right)
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Discretization of Equations
Taylor Series: Part I
Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 7
Once the domain is discretized, the equation also needs to be
discretized, or converted into discrete form over a number of points.
The Taylor Series is given below:
d 2 f (x)
d n f (x) n
f ( x  x)  f ( x)  (x)  2
 ......... n
dx 2
from this series:
df { f ( x  x)  f ( x)}
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Discretization of Equations
Taylor Series: Part II
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 8
Replace the continuum with discrete points:
x  ....,xi 1 , xi , xi 1 ,....
u  ....,ui 1 , ui , ui 1 ,....
Approximate derivatives:
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ui 1  ui 1
 u 
  
2  x
 x  i
ui  ui 1
 u 
  
 x  i
ui 1  ui
 u 
  
 x  i
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Discretization of Equations, Taylor Series III
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 9
Example of partial differential
equation (PDE) with spatial and
temporal derivatives:
For Space discretization
Index “i” is used with Backward
differencing scheme.
For Time discretization
Index “n” is used with Forward
differencing scheme.
 Notice that the PDE has been reduced
to an algebraic equation.
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 a
ui  ui 1
 u 
   a 
 t i
n 1
u u
 a 
a  x n
n 1
ui  ui 
(ui  ui 1 )
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i 1
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Discretization of Equations
Finite Difference Method: Part I
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 10
A system of flow governed by the following equation:
 u 
   ui  0
 x i
Can be discretized using Taylor series algebraic equations:
 u1  (1  x) u2  0
 u2  (1  x) u3  0
 u3  (1  x) u4  0
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i  2
i  3
i  4
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Discretization of Equations
Finite Difference Method: Part II
Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 11
If there is a boundary condition (B.C) of u1=0, then:
0   u1  1
 1 1  x
0  u2  0
 1 1  x
0  u 3  0 
   
 1 1  x  u4  0
This matrix can be solved using a direct or iterative matrix method.
More nodes = more equations to solve.
The higher the accuracy of a Taylor Series, the more terms in the
A computer can greatly help to solve the complex system of
equations resulting from a large, finely meshed domain.
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
FDM vs “FEM” and “FVM”
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 12
FDM is an easy to implement, easy to understand and easy to
program scheme.
FDM does not show good results for unstructured meshes.
Compared to FEM and FVM, FDM is very a crude scheme.
In-house CFD codes based on FDM do exist, but most commercial
software for CFD are based on either FEM or FVM.
In the next slide, differences between FEM and FVM are explored.
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Comparison between FEM and FVM for CFD
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 13
Solves both structural mechanics and
flow/thermal problems
Equations are discretized over a number
of points
More stable compared to FVM
Requires high amount of memory, limits
solution of large flow domains
Is capable of solving cases involving
Fluid–Solid Interaction (FSI)
Solves non-Newtonian fluid flow (e.g.,
plastic flow in molds) much better than
Discretizes conservative form of
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Is used only for flow/thermal problems
Governing equations are solved over
discrete control volumes (CV)
Less stable, convergence can sometimes
require manipulation
Requires less memory, a mesh with up to
5 million CVs can be solved on a PC
Schemes for FVM based FSI have been
devised, but are difficult to implement
Can solve non-Newtonian fluids, but not
as effective as FEM
Recasts and discretizes integral form of
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Process of Numerical Analysis
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 14
To solve a problem numerically, the following steps are required:
(First simplify geometry if possible)
 Establishing problem boundaries and flow assumptions
(e.g., inlet/outlet, walls, density constant)
 Discretization of the domain
 Generation of equations for each nodal point (by using FDM, FEA)
 Solving those equations (using direct or iterative matrix scheme)
Actual Geometry
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Simplified Geometry
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involves elimination of unnecessary
curves and details that may have
negligible or no influence on the
flow. This helps mesh creation or
domain discretization by reducing
Education Community
Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Flow Process
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 15
Initial / Boundary
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Questions for establishing workflow
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 16
The first step of the analysis process is to formulate the flow problem by
seeking answers to the following questions:
 What is the objective of the analysis?
 What is the easiest way to obtain that objective?
 What geometry should be included?
 What are the freestream and/or operating conditions?
 What dimensionality
of the spatial model is required?
(1D, 2D, axisymmetric, 3D)
 What should the flow domain look like?
 What temporal modelling is appropriate? (is flow steady or unsteady)
 What is the nature of the viscous flow? (inviscid,
laminar, turbulent)
 How should the fluid be modelled? (compressible or incompressible)
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Using CFD software
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 17
A CFD software application breaks down the analysis using the
following steps:
Solving (number crunching)
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Video: Application of Numerical Methods
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 18
The video for this module on application of numerical methods
 Domain discretization
 Discretization of equations
 The concept of numerical analysis
 How computers have helped
 Types of discretization and their applications
Measuring the
of a circle
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 19
Navier–Stokes is a complex equation and can be highly nonlinear for
many flow cases.
There are relatively few cases where an exact solution to this
equation can be found, and they involve a great amount of
assumptions and simplification.
We replace these equations with small linear equations which are
applicable at very small intervals.
This is called domain discretization and discretization of equations.
The result is a large number of simultaneous equations.
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Section 5 – Fluid Flow
Module 2: Numerical Methods
Page 20
To solve these equations, computers are used.
Because of advancements in computer technology, large flow
domains can now be solved.
FEA, FDM and FVM are different types of discretizing schemes that
have found applications in different areas.
For instance, FVM is widely popular for CFD.
FEA is used largely in structural analyses and also in complex CFD
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