Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow “Fundamentals of Decision Support" Ms. Desiree Murray and Ms. LaShunda Lewis 4 June 2010 Defense Financial Management & Comptroller School Ira C. Eaker Center for Professional Development Maxwell Air Force Base, AL Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Outline Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Decisions, decision making and decision support The role of the financial manager in decision support Opportunities for more on decision support Changing decision support culture A decision support model Decision support tools Summary Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Decision Making and Decision Support Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow To Understand Decision Support, We Must Understand Decision-Making Theodore Roosevelt: In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. Margaret Thatcher: Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. Albert Einstein: We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Franklin D. Roosevelt: One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment...; if it doesn't turn out right, we can modify it as we go along. Yogi Berra: When you get to the fork in the road, take it. Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Bottom Line Up Front… Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow For decision makers to make the best decisions they must demand the best data A lack of quality data and analysis leads to suboptimal decisions The majority of significant decisions have resourcing implications Those of us in the resourcing community are responsible for providing quality analysis Decision Support - a Core Competency of the FM Community Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Reaction vs. Decision Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Reaction – Response to some stimulus or event Decision – Selecting a choice between alternatives Components of a Decision: – A set of alternatives or options • • Alternatives have subsequent consequences Uncertainty regarding consequences Successful Decision Making is not a Simple Task Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Dealing with Complex Issues Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Good decisions are seldom easy to recognize…bad decisions are very noticeable Uncertainties add complexity to decision making – There are many techniques for dealing with these uncertainties Decision makers are subject to their own biases Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Outline Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Decisions, decision making and decision support The role of the financial manager in decision support Opportunities for more on decision support Changing decision support culture A decision support model Decision support tools Summary Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence The Call for Effective Decision Making and Decision Support Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow “… leaders must make the tough decisions that produce the best possible use of finite resources and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations. Resource stewardship, and the tradeoffs between cost and performance, must become a part of every conversation.” Honorable Nelson M. Ford, ASA(FM&C) Taken from 2007 Army Financial Statement Effective Decision Making is Critical to our Nation’s Future Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Where We’ve Been… Where We’re Going Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Decision Support Decision Support Decision Support FM ROLES SHIFT FOCUS Control & Reporting Control & Reporting Transaction Processing Transaction Processing Past Future (Scorekeeper Role) (Advisor Role) Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Financial Advisors Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Building/Strengthening Networks/Relationships Influencing Outcomes, Driving Decisions Engaging Proactively Analyzing Options/Developing Alternatives Looking Forward…Future Perspective Effectively Communicating Enhancing Value To Decision-Making What do you expect from your personal financial advisor? Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Decision Support Defined Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Decision Support is enabling decision makers to make informed decisions that better utilize resources and improve mission effectiveness. Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Seven Tips for Making Good Decisions Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Identify and focus on the most important things Don’t jump at the first feasible solution Choose the option you really want – unless the data doesn’t support you Optimize the opportunities Project the 2nd and 3rd order effects of your plan Don’t limit your alternatives Turn big decisions into a series of small ones Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Outline Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Decisions, decision making and decision support The role of the financial manager in decision support Opportunities for more on decision support Changing decision support culture A decision support model Decision support tools Summary Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence DFM&CS Courses Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow • Defense Financial Management Course (DFMC) • Defense Decision Support Course (DDSC) Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Defense Financial Management Course Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Designed to Develop or Enhance: – Decision support skill sets – Leadership and communication skills – Awareness of the multi-faceted financial management community – Strategic Orientation – Support for Contingency Operations Target audience GS-12, O-4 and above & E-8 and above Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Defense Decision Support Course Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Focuses on concepts to understand Decision Support – – – – – Defines Decision Support and the Decision Support Model Describes Analysis Tools and Techniques Reinforces Learning through Practical Exercises Includes Graduates of PME and PMCS Students should already possess a broad knowledge of the DOD FM environment, a strategic perspective Target audience GS-12, O-4 and above & E-8 and above Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Outline Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Decisions, decision making and decision support The role of the financial manager in decision support Opportunities for more on decision support Changing decision support culture A decision support model Decision support tools Summary Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence 15 Reasons Why Change Efforts Fail1 Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow 1. People leading the change think announcing the change is the same as implementing it. 2. People’s concerns with change are not surfaced or addressed. 3. Those being asked to change are not involved in planning the change. 4. There is no urgent or compelling reason to change. The business case is not communicated. 5. A compelling vision that excites people about the future has not been developed and communicated. 1 Ken Blanchard- “Leading at a Higher Level” Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence 15 Reasons Why Change Efforts Fail Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow 6. The change leadership team doesn’t include early adopters, resisters, or informal leaders. 7. The change isn’t piloted, so the organization doesn’t learn what’s needed to support the change. 8. Organizational systems and other initiatives aren’t aligned with the change. 9. Leaders lose focus or fail to prioritize, causing “death by 1,000 initiatives.“ 10. People are not enabled or encouraged to build new skills. Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence 15 Reasons Why Change Efforts Fail Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow 11. Those leading the change aren’t credible—they under-communicate, give mixed messages, and do not model the behaviors the change requires. 12. Progress is not measured, and no one recognizes the changes that people have worked hard to make. 13. People are not held accountable for implementing the change. 14. People leading the change fail to respect the power of the culture to kill the change. 15. Possibilities and options are not explored before a specific change is chosen. Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Outline Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Decisions, decision making and decision support The role of the financial manager in decision support Opportunities for more on decision support Changing decision support culture A decision support model Decision support tools Summary Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Decision Support Model Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Identify the Issue Analyze the Issue Evaluation Decision Support Implementation Decision Made Develop Alternatives Evaluate Alternatives Make a Recommendation Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Break Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Outline Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Decisions, decision making and decision support The role of the financial manager in decision support Opportunities for more on decision support Changing decision support culture A decision support model Decision support tools Summary Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Six Thinking Hats White Hat Red Hat Available data Intuition, gut reaction, emotion Yellow Hat Positive, optimistic Black Hat Negative, cautious, defensive !?! Green Hat Creative Blue Hat Process Control 25 Decision Support Model Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Identify the Issue Analyze the Issue Evaluation Decision Support Implementation Decision Made Develop Alternatives Evaluate Alternatives Make a Recommendation Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Identify the Issue Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Arguably, the most important part of decision support Provides structure to the problem – Indicates what is to be accomplished – “How do we best…” Ensures the decision maker and the decision support team are working toward the same objective Sets the stage for success Establishes Focus on Desired End State Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Issue Identification Tools Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Brainstorming Identify the Issue WHY? Why? Analyze the Issue Why? Why? Why? Mind Mapping Fishbone Diagram Develop Alternatives Affinity Diagram Evaluate Alternatives Make a Recommendation Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Brainstorming is a method for generating ideas Use when: – – – ROE: No criticizing! – – Creativity & quantity of new ideas is the focus Build on the ideas of others Conduct: Open, closed, or round robin – Identifying the Issue Determining Evaluation Criteria Developing Alternatives Record and display ideas to energize other ideas Prioritize ideas, sort into common themes Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Five Why’s (more or less) Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Repeatedly asking “Why” can help you determine the real issue. – – A very simple tool, easy to use. Useful when the issue involves human interactions ROE: Answer the question – “How do we best…” – – Write or precisely state the issue (for focus) Ask why. If the answer is not the root issue, repeat process. "If you don't ask the right questions, you don't get the right answers. A question asked in the right way often points to its own answer. Asking questions is the ABC of diagnosis. Only the Air University: Theproblems." Intellectual and -Leadership Center of the Air Force inquiring mind solves Edward Hodnett Integrity - Service - Excellence What is the Real Issue Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Analyze the Issue Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Attempt to further understand the issue Break the issue down into subordinate parts Identify external actors, influencers and their relationships Diversity in the analytical team helps expand the analysis Need to recognize time available for analysis Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Issue Analysis Tools Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Identify the Issue Analyze the Issue Quantitative Tools Time Series Plots Scatter Plots Correlation & Regression Control Charts Descriptive Statistics Pareto Chart Decision Trees Develop Alternatives Evaluate Alternatives Qualitative Tools Flow Charting The “Q” Box™ Cause & Effect Force Field Analysis Make a Recommendation Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Issue Analysis Tools Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Flowchart a process or service – Pareto charts – Losing weight example Decision Trees – Where should you focus your effort? Force Field Analysis – Aids in understanding the process Shows likely impact of different scenarios The Q-box – Systematically dissecting the issue Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Flow Chart Example: Getting Up Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Delay Hit Snooze For 5 Min. Button No Start Alarm Ready to Rings Get Up? Yes Get Up End Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Example of a Pareto Chart: Lunch Options Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Issue: New boss wants to know why we can’t get faculty to go to Variety lunch together Transportation – Transportation – Cost – Food Choice Problems – Time Cost Time Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Force Field Analysis: Losing Weight Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Driving Forces Restraining Forces Improve Health Lack of time Lack of knowledge Clothes are tight Negative self image Bad habits Upcoming event Great Tool for Identifying Major Forces Acting on the Issue Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Four Square Protocol Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Gather Facts Examine Responses Measure Similarity Analyze Situation Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence 38 Decision Tree – Fixin’ My Old Diesel Truck Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow No $0 Replace Engine $3000 p=0.5 Drive On! $0 p=0.4 Plugs OK $0 p=0.4 Plugs Need Replaced $250 Something Else?!? $1000 Belt Fails? Perform Maintenance? Yes $750 p=0.5 Additional Work? p=0.2 Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Decision Tree – Observations Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow If we choose not to replace the belt… – Average cost = (0.5 x $0) + (0.5 x $3k) = $1,500 – Range of costs = $0 to $3000 If we have the belt replaced… – Up front cost = $750 for belt replacement – Plus (0.4 x $0)+(0.4 x $250)+(0.2 x $1k) = $300 – Average cost = $750 + $300 = $1,050 – Range of costs = $750 to $1,750 What do you recommend? Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Example: Stimulating the Economy Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Situation – Rising fuel costs are eating up my budget – Gas guzzling vehicle – Basic maintenance deferred Economic stimulus dollars to the rescue Issue: What is the best way to leverage recently received funds to reduce my long term fuel costs Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Analyzing the Issue: The “Q” Box™ Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Ask Time People Flexibility what is the opportunity cost of driving? else do I use the vehicle for? is the next major service due? do I use the vehicle? else makes the commute? Who What other options are available? When are the times of my commute? other family members use the vehicle? do I go for fuel, service? Where do I have to drive? Why How Money far/long to get to work? do other people get to work? should I finance this purchase? many miles are on the vehicle? Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Tools for Developing Alternatives Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Identify the Issue Analyze the Issue Capabilities and Competencies aka SWOT Analysis Develop Alternatives Evaluate Alternatives Analogies and Benchmarking Make a Recommendation Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Develop Alternatives Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Identify multiple plausible alternatives Answers: Who, What, When Where, Why and How Characteristics Suitable - accomplish mission and meets guidance Feasible - accomplish mission given constraints Acceptable - balance cost with objectives Distinguishable - significantly different from other COAs Complete - planned out Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Develop Evaluation Criteria & Alternatives Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Juxtapose Attributes 1. Pick pairs of attributes associated with the issue (from previous steps) 2. Place each attribute on one of the axes of a nine unit grid box 3. Consider alternatives that incorporate the various degrees and combinations of the attributes being displayed Example: Technical ability & money Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Develop Evaluation Criteria & Alternatives (continued) Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Ask: • Does it matter? • Can I gather data about this attribute? • Is it distinct enough in the alternatives considered? Technical ability • Is this a good criterion for alternative evaluation? ∞ Develop Evaluation Criteria & Alternatives Take the Subway Repair Current Vehicle Buy a Helicopter Take the Bus Carpool Buy a New Car Ride Bike Obtain a Chauffer Service Walk 0 Cost Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence ∞ Decision Support Tools Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Identify the Issue Analyze the Issue Develop Alternatives Evaluate Alternatives Make a Recommendation Evaluation Matrix Lean 6σ, TOC, BCA, etc. Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Evaluate Alternatives Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Establish evaluation criteria prior to alternative development At least 3 Evaluation Criteria Weighted and Non-Weighted Generally along these dimensions People Money Material Time Risk/Flexibility Prioritize Criteria Based on Decision Maker’s Guidance Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Alternative Matrix Example Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Alternative Up Front Cost Weight 20% Sustained Costs Weight 30% Flexibility Weight 50% Total Weighted Total Buy a New Car 1 .2 8 2.4 8 4 17 6.6 Fix Old Truck 7 1.4 5 1.5 8 4 20 6.9 Carpool 10 2 9 2.7 4 2.0 23 6.7 Ride a Bike 9 1.8 10 3 3 1.5 22 6.3 Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Make a Recommendation Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Communication and briefing skills KISS principle – Be comprehensive, but focus on essentials – Know the personality of the decision maker – Consider what you want to show and what you want to hold in back-up Make sure you ask for a decision!!!! Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Decision Support Model Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Identify the Issue Analyze the Issue Evaluation Decision Support Implementation Decision Made Develop Alternatives Evaluate Alternatives Make a Recommendation Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Observations Regarding Decision Support Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow True decision support is not a panacea – it is hard work Using decision support requires commitment to making a difference Timing is everything – Often the decision maker won’t ask for decision support A good recommendation in a timely fashion is better than a perfect recommendation after-the-fact Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence DS - It Ain’t Always Easy Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Questions? Develop America's Airmen Today ... for Tomorrow The Defense Financial Management & Comptroller School Air University: The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence