Salary Recoveries & Overview of Adjustments November 2013 Agenda Online Resources – UPK Overview Setting up a Recovery transaction -examples Review of Workflow Salary and Benefit Adjustments Review Queries in progress Questions 2 Module Overview Salary Recoveries Online Training UPK: Create ongoing recovery Create a one time recovery 4 Salary Recoveries Module Changes Redirect of Department Credit Date/Time Stamp on Recovery page Initiate One-time Adjustment for Terminated EE Auto terminate recoveries Sort order on one time page (most recent first) 5 Salary Recoveries Ongoing Salary Recoveries One-Time Adjustment 7 Setting up a Salary Recovery transaction Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations General Guidelines: HRR Journal: semi-monthly processing per pay calendar Mid period changes will stop the recovery for the entire semi-monthly period Mass updates for salary increases or benefit rate changes are processed centrally When combined with other salary components, Market Supplements and Research Stipends will generally be recorded as Flat or Max. When a multiple component recovery has a percent-balance of the compensation being recovered, set the base-salary as being the last priority that pays the percent-balance. 9 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations A. 100% Salary Recovery Example: 100% of salary and market supplement to one project. First priority is the market supplement @ 11.60% – FLAT Amt Second priority is balance of recovery, from base salary – PERCENT This setup will ensure that the recovery is automatically increased when the base-salary increases when merit or across-the-board is given. 10 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations 11 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations B. 100% Salary Recovery Example: 100% of salary and market supplement. Maximum $50,000.00 to project, balance to AHS. First priority is the market supplement @ 11.60% – MAX Amt Second priority is the remainder of the $50,000.00 recovered from base-salary – MAX Amt Third priority is the balance of recovery, which is the BASE-SALARY @ 20%. This setup will ensure that the recovery is automatically increased when the basesalary increases when merit or across-the-board is given. 12 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations 13 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations C. <100% Salary Recovery -funding is less than the 100% compensation (i.e. a balance is remaining) and is entirely a Flat or a Max, the setup would require a separate line for each salary component. Example #1: Maximum $177,600.00 to one project (Salary and Market Supplement) First priority is the market supplement @ 11.60% – MAX Amt Second priority is base-salary @20% - MAX Amt 14 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations 15 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations C. <100% Salary Recovery Example #2: Maximum $88,800.00 to Project 1 and Maximum $73,950.00 to Project 2 First priority is the full market supplement @ 11.60% – MAX Amt Second priority the remainder of the $88,800.00 recovered from base salary – MAX Amt Third priority is the $73,950.00 recovered from base salary – MAX Amt 16 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations 17 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations D. <100% Salary Recovery -funding is less than the 100% compensation (i.e. a balance is remaining) and the recovery is a percentage of the total salary, the recovery should be setup on multiple recovery ids. Example #1: 50% recovery of Salary and Market Supplement. Formerly, this would have been setup under Recovery ID 02. Salary/MarkSup Now, setup under two recovery ids: Recovery ID Salary for 50% of salary Recovery ID Market Supp for 50% of market supplement 18 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations 19 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations 20 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations E. 100% Salary Recovery - funding is greater than the 100% compensation and is entirely a Flat or a Max, the setup would require a separate line for each salary component Example : Maximum $200,00.00 funding, and employee makes less than funding. First priority is the salary entered up to the max of employee’s compensation. Check the ‘Under-Max’ box, so that recoveries requiring manual updates at ATB and merit can be identified. 21 Salary Recoveries Set-up Considerations 22 Workflow Overview Salary Recoveries Work Flow Ongoing Recoveries: Project type - RSRCH (Fund 60) -Compliance and Eligibility Project type <> RSRCH (Funds 70, etc.) -no workflow – automatic system approval Third party billings (Account 12226) -Department owner (CR) Salary Recoveries Work Flow One-Time Recoveries: Project type - RSRCH (Fund 60) -Compliance and Eligibility Project type <> RSRCH (Funds 70, etc.) -no workflow – automatic system approval Third party billings (Account 12226) -Department owner (CR) Fund 10 (no Project) -Department owner (DR & CR) Salary Adjustments Matrix Salary Adjustments Decision Matrix Step 1: Salary Adjustments Decision Matrix Step 2: Salary Recoveries Decision Matrix Step 3: Queries Salary Recoveries Query Development CURRENT: UC_FP_QA_ACTUALS_BY_EE UC_FP_QA_ACTUALS_BY_EE_RET (actuals –HCM retro accounting) UC_FP_QA_EARNINGS_BY_EE ** (HCM – actuals) UC_PA_REC_ACTIVE (active recoveries) 31 Salary Recoveries Query Development UNDER DEVELOPMENT: (Current, Retro, Future Dated) 1. 2. 3. 4. Full Listing (from module) Duplicate salary components Comparison: recovery to actual earnings Retro or mid-period actions: 1. Terminations 2. Department change 5. Leaves: 1. LTD 2. Maternity, etc. 32 Salary Recoveries Query Development CURRENT, RETRO, FUTURE DATED: 1. Market Supplements and Research stipends 1. Terminations 2. Changes in $ 2. Job changes: 1. 2. 3. 4. EE: UCALG to UCALT (change of appointment) Compensation % change in duties (ie) reduced duties Auto-terminations – listing of 33 Resources Questions