Verification for Concurrency


Verification for Concurrency

Part 2: Incomplete techniques and bug finding


 Race detection

 Context bounding and Sequentialization

 Odds and ends

Race detection

Data Races

 “Two threads simultaneously access the same memory location, with at least one access being a write ”

 Most concurrent software is written to avoid data-races

 Extremely tricky to write racy code that is correct

 For racy code, correctness on one architecture and complier does not imply correctness for all

 Race-detection is a very efficient light-weight bug detection technique

 Dynamic techniques: Work on actual executions

The Lockset algorithm

 Lockset assumption: Whenever two different threads access a location (with one of them being a write), they will both hold a common lock .

 Possible to write non-racy code violating this assumption

 False positives from code that violates this assumption

Vanilla Lockset algorithm

for each tid: LocksHeld[tid] = ∅ for each v : Cands[v] = set of all locks for each instruction in trace:

// Maintain lockset if (instruction = lock(l))

LocksHeld[tid] = LocksHeld[tid] ∪ { l } if (instruction = unlock(l))

LocksHeld[tid] = LocksHeld[tid] \ { l }

// Update candidate locks if (access to v by thread tid)

Cands[v] := Cands[v] ∩ LocksHeld[tid] if (Cands[v] = ∅ )

Output “Potential race on v”

 Based on a simple locking discipline

 Each variable is protected by some lock

Vanilla Lockset algorithm: Example

Thread 2: Thread 1: lock (l1) x := x + 4 unlock (l1) lock(l1) lock(l2) x := x – y y := y + 4 unlock(l2) unlock(l1) lock (l2) y = y + 5 x := x - 3 unlock (l2) x := x - 3

Vanilla LockSet: False positive

Thread2: Thread3: Thread1:

// Initialize g := 1729

// Share lock(l) published := true unlock(l) lock(l) assume(published) unlock(l) y := g y := f(l, y); output(y) lock(l) assume(published) unlock(l) z := g z := g(l, z) output(z)

More advanced locking disciplines

 Simple locking discipline leads to false positives in many common cases

 Lazy initialization

 Initialize followed by read-only access



Modified write (new thread) write write read (new thread)

Exclusive Shared r/w (first thread)

More advanced locking discipline

for each access to v by thread tid: update State[v] if State[v] = Exclusive

// Do nothing else if State[v] = Shared

// Update lockset, don’t report any races

Cands[v] = Cands[v] ∩ LocksHeld[tid] else if State[v] = Shared-Modified

// Update lockset, report races

Cands[v] := Cands[v] ∩ LocksHeld[tid] if (Cands[v] = ∅ )

Output “Potential race on v”

 Works well for initialize-and-publish, lazy initialization, etc

 Doesn’t work with ownership-transfer, etc

Advanced LockSet: Examples


// Initialize g := 1729

// Share lock(l) published := true unlock(l)

Thread2: lock(l) assume(published) unlock(l) y := g y := f(l, y); output(y)

Thread3: lock(l) assume(published) unlock(l) z := g z := g(l, z) output(z)

Advanced LockSet: False positive

Thread2: Thread1:

… await (Obj.owner == 1); := baz();

Obj.owner := 2

… await (Obj.owner = 2); = baz();

Happens-Before relation

 Proposed by Lamport in 1978 for distributed systems

 Many race detection algorithms try and approximate the happens-before relation

 Basic idea: two events are related if and only if communication allows information-flow between them

 We write e i

 e j

 Informally, if e trace i

 for event-i happens-before event-j e j

, e i happens-before e j in all variations of the

 A race if two events e and neither e i

 e j i and e j accesses the same location, holds, nor e j

 e i holds

Happens-Before Relation: Defintion

 If two events are from the same thread, the earlier one happens-before the later

 thread(e i

) = thread(e j


∧ i < j  e i

 e j

 Happens-before is transitive

 (e i

 e j

) ∧ (e j

 e k

)  (e i

 e k


 Every synchronization gives some happens-befores

 LOCK: if e i

 WAIT/NOTIFY: if e i

 e j

 … is a unlock and e j is a lock later, e i is a notify and e j

 e j is a corresponding wait, e i

Happens-Before: Examples

Thread1: obj := new Foo()


Thread2: data = readFile()

Wait(obj) = data


Wait(obj) lock(l) = + 4 unlock(l) lock(l) = - 4 unlock(l)

Computing the Happens-Before:

Vector Clocks

 The happens-before relation is usually very expensive to compute

 Few dynamic techniques actually compute the full relation

 Classical method proposed by Lamport himself

 Vector clocks : with each event, associate a “vector clock” storing the last event from the other threads that affects it

 e i

 e j if and only if VC[e j

][thread(i)] >= e i

Vector clocks

VC[e] = [ e


, e


, e


, … , e n


Last relevant event from thread 1

Last relevant event from thread 2

VC[e][thread(e)] := e

// regular events

VC[e][tid] := VC[prev(e)][tid]

Can be extended to other synchronization primitives!

// Acquire locks e i

 e j if and only if VC[e j

][thread(i)] >= e i

// Release locks

VC[e][tid] := VC[prev(e)][tid]

LVC[tid] := max(VC[e][tid], LVC[tid])

Vector clocks: Examples


T1_0: obj := new Foo()

T1_1: Notify(obj)


T2_0: data = readFile()

T2_1: Wait(obj)

T2_2: = data

T2_3: Notify(obj)

T1_2: Wait(obj)

T1_3: lock(l)

T1_4: = + 4

T1_5: unlock(l)

T2_4: lock(l)

T2_5: = - 4

T2_6: unlock(l)

What does HB miss?

 Every race or false race reported by happens-before based methods are also reported by LockSet based methods

 Fewer false positives, Potential false negatives

 Why? Every happens-before relation is not really a true synchronization

Thread2: Thread1: y = y + 1 lock(l) x = x + 1 unlock(l) lock(l) x = x + 1 unlock(l) y = y + 1

Race detection: summary

 First line of defence for most concurrent programs

 Many bugs just show up as race conditions

 Lockset is fast

 Lots of false positives

 Happens-before is slow

 Reports only true data races

 Potential false negatives

 There are hybrid techniques

 Compute approximations of LockSet and HB

Context bounding and


Context bounding

 Folk knowledge : Most concurrency bugs are shallow in terms of required context-switches

 Most bugs require very few bug fixes

 Most concurrency bugs are atomicity violations or order violations

 For an empirical study, see Shan Lu et al. 2006…2008

 Why not check concurrent programs only up to a few context switches?

 Much more efficient

CHESS: Systematic exploration

 Culmination of techniques proposed by Qadeer et al in


 Correctness primarily given by assertions in the code

 Can also use monitors

 Can detect data-races, deadlocks, etc

 Main idea: Use a scheduler that explores traces of the program deterministically , prioritizing traces having few context-switches

CHESS: Controlling scheduler

 Non-determinism source:

 Input

 Scheduling

 Timing and library

 Input non-determinism controlled by specifying fixed inputs

 Scheduling non-determinism controlled by writing deterministic scheduler

 Library non-determinism: model library code

State-space explosion

Thread1: x = 1

… y = k

Threadn: x = 1

… y = k

Additionally, scheduler can use polynomial amount of space

• Remember c spots for context switches

• Permutations of the n+c atomic blocks

 Exploring k steps in each of the n threads

 Number of executions is

O(n nk )

 Exploring k steps in each thread, but only c context-switches

 Number of executions is

O((n 2 k) c .n!)

 Not exponential in k

Scheduling: Picking pre-emption points

void Deposit100() {


EnterCriticalSection(&cs); balance += 100;



} void Withdraw100() { int t;


EnterCriticalSection(&cs); t = balance;




EnterCriticalSection(&cs); balance = t -100;




 Heuristics: More pre-emption points in critical code, etc

 Coverage guarantee: When 2 context-switches are explored, every remaining bug requires at least 3 context-switches

CHESS: Summary

 Build a deterministic scheduler

 Complications: Fairness and Live locks, weak memory models

 Advantages:

 Runs real code on real systems

 Only scheduler has been replaced

 Disadvantages:

 Is mostly program agnostic

 Exhaustive testing


 CHESS approach: Concurrent program + bound on context switches  explore all interleavings

 General sequentialization approach: Concurrent program + bound on context switches  Sequential program

 Then, verify sequential program using your favourite verification technique

 Many flavours of context-bounded analysis:

 PDS based (Qadeer et al.)

 Transformation based sequentialization: Eager, Lazy (Lal et al.)

 BMC based (Parlato et al.)

Sequentialization: Basic idea

 What is hard about sequentialization?

 Have to remember local variables across phases (though they don’t change)

 If exploring T1  T2  T1, have to remember locals of T1 across phase of T2

 Lal-Reps 2008: Instead, do a source to source transformation

 Copy each statement and global variable c times

 Now, we can explore T1  T1  T2 instead of T1  T2  T1

 Only one threads local variables relevant at each stage

Sequentialization: Basic idea

 Replace each global variable X by X[tid][0..K]

 X[tid][i] represents the value of the global variable X the i th time thread tid is scheduled

X := X + 1 if (phase = 0)

X[tid][0] := X[tid][0] + 1 else if (phase = 1)

X[tid][1] := X[tid][1] + 1

… else if (phase = K)

X[tid][K] = X[tid][K] + 1 if (phase < K && *) phase++; if phase == K + 1 phase = 1


Sequentialization: Basic idea

 A program (T1||T2) is rewritten into Seq(T1); Seq(T2); check() for phase = 0 to K if (phase > 0) assume (X[0][phase] == X[N][phase – 1] for tid = 1 to N assume (X[tid][phase] == X[tid-1][phase])

 Roughly,

 Execute each thread sequentially

 But, at random points, guess new values for global variables

 In the end, check the guessed new values are consistent


Each green arrow is one part of the check!

Thread 0:

X[0][0] := X[0][0] + 1

X[0][1] := X[0][1] + 1

X[0][2] := X[0][2] + 1

Thread 1:

X[1][0] := X[1][0] + 1

X[1][1] := X[1][1] + 1

X[1][2] := X[1][2] + 1


 The original Lal/Reps technique uses summarization for verification of the sequential program

 Compute summaries for the relation of initial and final values of global variables

 Extremely powerful idea

 Advantage: Reduces the need to reason about locals of different threads

 No need to reason explicitly about interleavings

 Interleavings encoded into data (variables)

 Scales linearly with number of threads

Sequentialization and BMC

 Currently, the best tools in the concurrency verification competitions use “sequentialization + BMC”

 The previous sequentialization technique is better suited for analysis techniques, not model checking

 No additional advantage using additional globals and then checking for consistency

 Instead, just explicitly use non-determinism

BMC for concurrency

 First, rewrite threads by unrolling loops and inlining function calls

 No loops

 No function calls

 Forward only control flow

 Write a driver “main” function to schedule the threads one by one

Naïve sequentialization for BMC

Main driver: pc0 = 0, … , pcn = 0 main() { for (r = 0; r < K, r++) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) threadi();


• The resume mechanism jumps into “right” spot in the thread

• There is a potential CS before each statement

• What’s the problem? Lots of jumps in the control flow

• Bad for SMT encoding threadi(): switch(pci) { case 0: goto 0; case 1: goto 1;


0: CS(0); stmt0;

1: CS(1); stmt1;

M: CS(M); stmtm;

CS(j) := if(*) { pci = j; return


Better sequentialization for BMC

Main driver: pc0 = 0, … , pcn = 0 main() { for (r = 0; r < K, r++) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) nextCS = * assume (nextCS >= pci) threadi(); pci = nextCS


• Avoid the multiple control flow breaking jumps

• Restricted non-determinism to one spot threadi():

0: CS(0); stmt0;

1: CS(1); stmt1;

M: CS(M); stmtm;

CS(j) := if(j < pci || j >= nextCS)

{ goto j+1;


Context bounding and

Sequentialization: Summary

 Host of related techniques

 Can be adapted for analysis, model checking, testing, etc

 Different techniques need different kinds of tuning

 Basic idea: Most bugs require few context switches to turn up

 Can leverage standard sequential program analysis techniques

Odds and Ends

Things we didn’t cover

Specification-free correctness

Seq. Exec

 In many cases we don’t want to write assertions

 Just want concurrent program to do the same thing as a sequential program is doing

E x c

. e

C o n c

 Standard correctness conditions

 Linearizability [Herlihy/Wing 91]

 Serializability [Papadimitrou and others 70s]

Method 0 Method 2

Method 1

Method 3

Method 0 Method 3 Method 1 Method 2

Testing for concurrency

 Root cause of bugs

 Ordering violations

 Atomicity violations

 Data races

 Coverage metrics and coverage guided search

 Define use pairs [Tasirin et al]

 Find ordering violations based on define use orderings

 HaPSet [ Wang et al]

 Find interesting interleavings by trying to cover all

“immediate histories” of events

 Cute/JCute [Sen et al]

 Concolic testing: Accumulate constraints along test run to guide future test runs

(Symbolic) Predictive Analysis

 Analyze variations of the given concurrent trace

 Run a test and record information

 Build a predictive model by relaxing scheduling constraints

 Analyze predictive model for alternate interleavings

 Can flag false bugs

 Symbolic predictive analysis

 From a trace, build precise predictive model (as SMT formula)

 No false bugs

This is the End

 Brief overview of concurrent verification techniques

 Lecture 1: Full proof techniques

 Lecture 2: Incomplete techniques / Bug finding

 What did we learn?

 Full verification is hard, not many techniques for weakmemory architectures

 Use light-weight and incomplete techniques to detect shallow bugs

 Code using a strict concurrency discipline is more likely to be correct, easier to verify
