Outline • • • • • • Introduction Background Distributed Database Design Database Integration Semantic Data Control Distributed Query Processing ➡ Overview ➡ Query decomposition and localization • • • • • • • • ➡ Distributed query optimization Multidatabase query processing Distributed Transaction Management Data Replication Parallel Database Systems Distributed Object DBMS Peer-to-Peer Data Management Web Data Management Current Issues Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/1 Query Processing in a DDBMS high level user query query processor Low-level data manipulation commands for D-DBMS Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/2 Distributed Query Processing Methodology Calculus Query on Distributed Relations Query Decomposition GLOBAL SCHEMA Algebraic Query on Distributed Relations CONTROL SITE Data Localization FRAGMENT SCHEMA Fragment Query Global Optimization STATS ON FRAGMENTS Optimized Fragment Query with Communication Operations LOCAL SITES Local Optimization LOCAL SCHEMAS Optimized Local Queries Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/3 Step 1 – Query Decomposition Input : Calculus query on global relations • • Normalization ➡ manipulate query quantifiers and qualification Analysis ➡ detect and reject “incorrect” queries • • ➡ possible for only a subset of relational calculus Simplification ➡ eliminate redundant predicates Restructuring ➡ calculus query algebraic query ➡ more than one translation is possible ➡ use transformation rules Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/4 Normalization • Lexical and syntactic analysis ➡ check validity (similar to compilers) ➡ check for attributes and relations ➡ type checking on the qualification • Put into normal form ➡ Conjunctive normal form (p11 p12 … p1n) … (pm1 pm2 … pmn) ➡ Disjunctive normal form (p11 p12 … p1n) … (pm1 pm2 … pmn) ➡ OR's mapped into union ➡ AND's mapped into join or selection Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/5 Analysis • • Refute incorrect queries Type incorrect ➡ If any of its attribute or relation names are not defined in the global schema • ➡ If operations are applied to attributes of the wrong type Semantically incorrect ➡ Components do not contribute in any way to the generation of the result ➡ Only a subset of relational calculus queries can be tested for correctness ✦ Those that do not contain disjunction and negation ➡ To detect connection graph (query graph) ✦ join graph ✦ Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/6 Analysis – Example SELECT FROM WHERE AND AND AND AND ENAME,RESP EMP, ASG, PROJ EMP.ENO = ASG.ENO ASG.PNO = PROJ.PNO PNAME = "CAD/CAM" DUR ≥ 36 TITLE = "Programmer" Query graph Join graph DUR≥36 ASG ASG.PNO=PROJ.PNO EMP.ENO=ASG.ENO TITLE = “Programmer” EMP ENAME Distributed DBMS RESP RESULT EMP.ENO=ASG.ENO PROJ EMP ASG ASG.PNO=PROJ.PNO PROJ PNAME=“CAD/CAM” © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/7 Analysis If the query graph is not connected, the query may be wrong or use Cartesian product SELECT FROM WHERE AND AND AND ENAME,RESP EMP, ASG, PROJ EMP.ENO = ASG.ENO PNAME = "CAD/CAM" DUR > 36 TITLE = "Programmer" ASG EMP ENAME Distributed DBMS RESP RESULT © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez PROJ PNAME=“CAD/CAM” Ch.7/8 Simplification • • Why simplify? ➡ Remember the example How? Use transformation rules ➡ Elimination of redundancy ✦ idempotency rules p1 ¬( p1) false p1 (p1 p2) p1 p1 false p1 … ➡ Application of transitivity ➡ Use of integrity rules Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/9 Simplification – Example SELECT FROM WHERE OR AND OR AND TITLE EMP EMP.ENAME = "J. Doe" (NOT(EMP.TITLE = "Programmer") (EMP.TITLE = "Programmer" EMP.TITLE = "Elect. Eng.") NOT(EMP.TITLE = "Elect. Eng.")) SELECT FROM WHERE Distributed DBMS TITLE EMP EMP.ENAME = "J. Doe" © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/10 Restructuring • • • Convert relational calculus to relational algebra Make use of query trees Example ENAME Project σDUR=12 OR DUR=24 Find the names of employees other than σ Select PNAME=“CAD/CAM” J. Doe who worked on the CAD/CAM project for either 1 or 2 years. SELECT ENAME σENAME≠“J. DOE” FROM EMP, ASG, PROJ WHERE EMP.ENO = ASG.ENO ⋈PNO AND ASG.PNO = PROJ.PNO AND ENAME≠ "J. Doe" ⋈ENO Join AND PNAME = "CAD/CAM" AND (DUR = 12 OR DUR = 24) PROJ ASG EMP Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/11 Restructuring –Transformation Rules • Commutativity of binary operations ➡R×SS×R ➡ R ⋈S S ⋈R ➡RSSR • Associativity of binary operations ➡ ( R × S) × T R × (S × T) ➡ (R ⋈S) ⋈T R ⋈ (S ⋈T) • Idempotence of unary operations ➡ A’( A’(R)) A’(R) ➡ p ( (R)) (A ) p (A ) 1 1 2 2 p1(A1)p2(A2)(R) where R[A] and A' A, A" A and A' A" • Commuting selection with projection Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/12 Restructuring – Transformation Rules • Commuting selection with binary operations ➡ p(A)(R × S) (p(A) (R)) × S ➡ p(A )(R ⋈(A ,B )S) (p(A ) (R)) ⋈(A ,B )S i j k i j k ➡ p(A )(R T) p(A ) (R) p(A ) (T) i i i where Ai belongs to R and T • Commuting projection with binary operations ➡ C(R × S) A’(R) × B’(S) ➡ C(R ⋈(A ,B )S) A’(R) ⋈(A ,B ) B’(S) j k j k ➡ C(R S) C(R) C(S) where R[A] and S[B]; C = A' B' where A' A, B' B Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/13 Example ENAME Recall the previous example: Find the names of employees other than J. Doe who worked on the CAD/CAM project for either one or two years. SELECT ENAME FROM DUR=12 DUR=24 PNAME=“CAD/CAM” Select ENAME≠“J. DOE” PROJ, ASG, EMP WHERE ASG.ENO=EMP.ENO ⋈PNO AND ASG.PNO=PROJ.PNO AND ENAME ≠ "J. Doe" AND PROJ.PNAME="CAD/CAM" AND (DUR=12 OR DUR=24) Distributed DBMS Project ⋈ENO PROJ © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez ASG Join EMP Ch.7/14 Equivalent Query ENAME PNAME=“CAD/CAM” (DUR=12 DUR=24) ENAME≠“J. Doe” ⋈PNO,ENO × EMP Distributed DBMS PROJ © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez ASG Ch.7/15 Restructuring ENAME ⋈PNO PNO,ENAME ⋈ENO PNO PNAME = "CAD/CAM" PROJ Distributed DBMS PNO,ENO DUR =12DUR=24 ASG © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez PNO,ENAME ENAME ≠ "J. Doe" EMP Ch.7/16 Step 2 – Data Localization Input: Algebraic query on distributed relations • • Determine which fragments are involved Localization program ➡ substitute for each global query its localized query ✦ A localized query is a relational algebra query whose operands are the fragments of relations instead of the relations themselves ✦ We call these operands that are fragments of relations “localization programs” ✓ ✦ Union for horizontal fragmentation; Join for vertical fragmentation Replication is not taken into account in this chapter ➡ Optimize ✦ For each type of fragmentation, use reduction techniques to generate simpler queries ✦ To do so, use appropriate heuristics Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/17 Example ENAME Assume ➡ EMP is fragmented into EMP1, EMP3 as follows: EMP2, DUR=12 DUR=24 PNAME=“CAD/CAM” ✦ EMP1= ENO≤“E3”(EMP) ✦ EMP2= “E3”<ENO≤“E6”(EMP) ✦ EMP3= ENO≥“E6”(EMP) ENAME≠“J. DOE” ⋈PNO ➡ ASG fragmented into ASG1 and ASG2 as follows: ✦ ASG1= ENO≤“E3”(ASG) ✦ ASG2= ENO>“E3”(ASG) ⋈ENO PROJ Replace EMP by (EMP1 EMP2 EMP3) and ASG by (ASG1 ASG2) in any query Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez EMP1EMP2 EMP3 ASG1 ASG2 Ch.7/18 Reduction for PHF • Reduction with selection ➡ Relation R and FR={R1, R2, …, Rw} where Rj=p (R) j pi(Rj)= if x in R: ¬(pi(x) pj(x)) ➡ Example SELECT FROM WHERE * EMP ENO="E5" ENO=“E5” ENO=“E5” EMP1 Distributed DBMS EMP2 EMP3 © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez EMP2 Ch.7/19 Reduction for PHF • Reduction with join ➡ Possible if fragmentation is done on join attribute, i.e., the selection attribute used for the fragmentation is the same as the join attribute ➡ Algorithm ✦ Distribute joins over unions (R1 R2)⋈S (R1⋈S) (R2⋈S) ✦ Eliminate useless joins as follows: Given Ri =pi(R) and Rj = pj(R) Ri ⋈Rj = if x in Ri, y in Rj: ¬(pi(x) pj(y)) That is, qualifications of the joined fragments are in contradiction Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/20 Reduction for PHF • ⋈ENO Assume EMP is fragmented as before and ➡ ASG1: ENO ≤ "E3"(ASG) ➡ ASG2: ENO > "E3"(ASG) • Consider the query EMP1 EMP2 EMP3 SELECT * FROM EMP,ASG WHERE EMP.ENO=ASG.ENO • • Distribute join over unions Apply the reduction rule ⋈ENO EMP1 Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez ASG1 ⋈ENO ASG1 EMP2 ASG2 ⋈ENO ASG2 EMP3 ASG2 Ch.7/21 Provides Parallellism ⋈ENO EMP1 Distributed DBMS ASG1 EMP2 ⋈ENO ⋈ENO ASG2 EMP3 © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez ASG1 EMP3 ⋈ENO ASG2 Ch.7/22 Eliminates Unnecessary Work ⋈ENO EMP1 Distributed DBMS ⋈ENO ASG1 EMP2 ASG2 EMP3 © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez ⋈ENO ASG2 Ch.7/23 Reduction for VF • Find useless (not empty) intermediate relations Relation R defined over attributes A = {A1, ..., An} vertically fragmented as Ri =A'(R) where A' A: D,K(Ri) is useless if the set of projection attributes D is not in A' Example: EMP1=ENO,ENAME (EMP); EMP2=ENO,TITLE (EMP) SELECT ENAME FROM EMP ENAME ENAME ⋈ENO EMP1 Distributed DBMS EMP2 © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez EMP1 Ch.7/24 Reduction for DHF • Rule : ➡ Distribute joins over unions ➡ Apply the join reduction for horizontal fragmentation (using the • qualification of the primary fragments!) Example ASG1: ASG ⋉ENO EMP1 ASG2: ASG ⋉ENO EMP2 EMP1: TITLE=“Programmer” (EMP) • EMP2: TITLE≠“Programmer” (EMP) Query SELECT * FROM EMP, ASG WHEREASG.ENO = EMP.ENO AND EMP.TITLE = "Mech. Eng." Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/25 Reduction for DHF ⋈ENO Generic query TITLE=“Mech. Eng.” ASG1 ASG2 Selections first EMP1 ⋈ENO TITLE=“Mech. Eng.” ASG1 Distributed DBMS EMP2 ASG2 © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez EMP2 Ch.7/26 Reduction for DHF Joins over unions ⋈ENO ⋈ENO TITLE=“Mech. Eng.” ASG1 EMP2 TITLE=“Mech. Eng.” ASG2 EMP2 Elimination of the empty intermediate relations ⋈ENO (left sub-tree) TITLE=“Mech. Eng.” ASG2 Distributed DBMS EMP2 © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/27 Reduction for Hybrid Fragmentation • Combine the rules already specified: ➡ Remove empty relations generated by contradicting selections on horizontal fragments; ➡ Remove useless relations generated by projections on vertical fragments; ➡ Distribute joins over unions in order to isolate and remove useless joins. Distributed DBMS © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/28 Reduction for HF Example ENAME Consider the following hybrid fragmentation: ENAME EMP1= ENO≤"E4" (ENO,ENAME (EMP)) ENO=“E5” EMP2= ENO>"E4" (ENO,ENAME (EMP)) ⋈ENO EMP3= ENO,TITLE (EMP) and the query SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE ENO="E5" Distributed DBMS ENO=“E5” EMP2 EMP1 EMP2 EMP3 © M. T. Özsu & P. Valduriez Ch.7/29