Ansys-Roxie Interface Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 18/12/2013 Overview Ansys2Roxie Roxie2Ansys ANSYS displacements ROXIE magnetic forces Apply displacement in ROXIE strands Apply forces in the nodes defined in the ANSYS mesh Study impact of the displacements on field quality in ROXIE Study impact of the magnetic forces computed by ROXIE in ANSYS Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 2 Methodology CERN TE-Note-2010-006 : A method to transfer concentrated Lorentz forces to a finite element mechanical model. Attilio Milanese / TE-MSC department. EDMS NO. 1092691 Concentrated Lorentz force f* acting on strand (x*,y*) position Force transferred to the surrounding nodes of the element (Fx, Fy) Shape function of the element, evaluated where the force is applied 1. Find the natural coordinates (s*,t*) of the strand physical coordinates (x*,y*) 2. Compute the Shape Function in the position of the strand N*=N(s*,t*) 3. Compute the force in the nodes coordinates Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 3 Available element types Q4: four node bilinear quadrilateral element T3: three-node linear triangular element Q8: eight node quadrilateral element T6: six-node quadratic triangular element Attilio Milanese EDMS NO. 1092691 Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 4 The GUI interface • • • • ANSYS mesh scale. Defines if the ANSYS mesh coordinates are in m or in mm. For the roxie2ansys interface, the forces are scaled with the mesh, i.e., if the mesh is in mm, forces are in N/mm and if the mesh is in m, forces are in N/m. ANSYS coordinate system for nodal forces. Only relevant for roxie2ansys interface. Indicate if the forces given by ROXIE are in Cartesian coordinates (x-y) or in Polar coordinates (r-θ). Lower and Upper angle of ANSYS mesh. Reflects the displacements computed in ANSYS to the entire coil. This is only relevant for ansys2roxie interface, in the cases where the ANSYS model does not include the entire coil. ANSYS coordinate system for nodal force offset. Only relevant for roxie2ansys interface. Allows to give the force in a coordinate system with a certain offset from the global coordinate system. See examples in these slides to learn how to use these options… Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 5 ansys2roxie: input Input files (standard ANSYS files): 1. ELEMENT information of the mesh: ansys2rx.elem I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, MAT, TYPE, REAL, SECNUM, ESYS, IEL, where MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS are attribute numbers, SECNUM is the beam section number, and IEL is the element number. 2. NODAL information of the mesh: ansys2rx.node Node number, x-y location 3. Computed ANSYS displacements ansys2rx.disp Node number, x-displacement, y-displacement, x-position, y-position Susana Izquierdo Bermudez To generate these files in ANSYS… /PREP7 RSYS,0 cmsel,s,coil alls,below,area NWRITE,ansys2rx,node Just a suggestion! EWRITE,ansys2rx,elem /POST1 RSYS,0 CSYS,0 DSYS,0 *GET,ncnt,NODE,0,COUNT *DIM,ndata,ARRAY,ncnt,5 *DO,i,1,ncnt,1 *GET,curn,NODE,,NUM,MIN *SET,ndata(i,1),curn *GET,ndata(i,2),NODE,curn,LOC,X *GET,ndata(i,3),NODE,curn,LOC,Y *GET,ndata(i,4),NODE,curn,U,X *GET,ndata(i,5),NODE,curn,U,Y NSEL,U,NODE,,curn *ENDDO *CFOPEN,ansys2rx,disp *VWRITE,ndata(1,1),ndata(1,4),ndata(1,5),ndata(1,2),ndata(1,3) (F10.0,TL1,' ',' ',E13.6,' ',E13.6,' ',E13.6,' ',E13.6) *CFCLOS *UILIST,ansys2rx.disp 6 ansys2roxie: interface + output GUI interface: Output: Impact of coil deformation in field quality No coil deformation b6 (units) b10 (units) 0.26 0.22 Deformation due to preload + cool down + Lorentz 1.01 0.2 Δ 0.75 -0.02 ansys2rx.displnode Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 7 roxie2ansys: input Input files (standard ANSYS files): 1. ELEMENT information of the mesh: ansys2rx.elem I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, MAT, TYPE, REAL, SECNUM, ESYS, IEL, where MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS are attribute numbers, SECNUM is the beam section number, and IEL is the element number. 2. NODAL information of the mesh: ansys2rx.node Node number, x-y location Susana Izquierdo Bermudez To generate these files in Ansys: /PREP7 cmsel,s,coil alls,below,area EWRITE,anysys2rx,elem NWRITE,anysys2rx,node 8 roxie2ansys: interface + output case 1 in 1 GUI interface: Output: Nodal Lorentz force to be applied ANSYS model rx2ansys.inp Fy Fx (force in N/m (mesh is in m)) This can be easily read in ANSYS… /solu /input,rx2ansys,inp Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 9 roxie2ansys: interface + output case 2 in 1 Fθ Fr Force in N/mm (scale with ANSYS mesh scale) Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 10 roxie2ansys: interface + output case 2 in 1 Fy Fx Force in N/mm (scale with ANSYS mesh scale) Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 11 Input files available in ROXIE website: Thanks to A. Milanese, B. Auchmann, D. Tsirigkas Ansys2roxie displacements dx={N*} DX dy={N*} DY 1. Finds out if the strand is included in the element 1. Computes the shape function at the position of the strand 2. Compute the displacement on the strand coordinates Susana Izquierdo Bermudez 13