What is reliability? What is validity? Can you have one without the other? Why or why not? X = True score + random error + systematic error. Explain. Why is this important? How can you decrease these errors? What does a reliability estimate of .85 tell you? What do we want our reliability estimates to be? What are each, how do you calculate them, when would you use them, and how can you increase them? Inter-rater reliability Test-retest reliability Parallel-forms reliability What are each, how do you calculate them, what do they tell you, where do you want values to be, and how can you increase them? Average inter-item correlation Average item-total Split-half reliability Cronbach’s alpha Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) SPSS printout How does construct validity relate to internal and external validity? What are each of these, how would you calculate them, and what do they tell you? Face validity Content validity Criterion-related validity Predictive validity Concurrent validity (aka known groups) Convergent validity Discriminant validity/Divergent validity How high/low should your correlations be? Nomological network Multitrait-multimethod matrix (MTMM) Look at example p. 70 What information does this give you? Pattern matching Advantages/disadvantages How can SEM be used to show this? What are these, and how can the problem be decreased? Inadequate preoperational explication of constructs Mono-operation bias Mono-method bias Interaction of different treatments Interaction of testing and treatment Restricted generalizability across constructs Confounding constructs and levels of constructs What are these, and how can the problem be decreased? Hypothesis guessing Evaluation apprehension Experimenter expectancies Other threats Social desirability Response styles Demand characteristics Podsakoff, What MacKenzie, Podsakoff, 2012 is it? Is it a problem? What causes it? What effects does it have? Use more than one method—get predictor and criterion from different sources Separate measures temporally, proximally, or psychologically Use different types and points on scales Make items less ambiguous Decrease tendencies for socially desirable responses Reverse score items Try to increase motivation and ability of participants Make questions simple and easy to follow Control for bias statistically (several options) Why do they matter? What are the four types? Examples? Stats that can be run on them? Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio What types of scales do we typically use in psychology? Is that a problem? Conceptualize the index Operationalize and measure the components Develop the rules for calculating the index score (weighting?) Validate it! What are unidimensional vs. multidimensional scales? When should you use one vs. the other? Scaling vs. response scales (every set of questions is not a scale) What is a semantic differential? What would be good items? Thurstone (method of equally appearing intervals) Generate items Have judges rate them Choose ones that represent the whole scale Guttman (cumulative scale) Coefficient of reproducibility Likert (summative rating scale) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? How do you score each? I believe the church is the greatest institution in America today. (.2) I believe in religion, but I seldom go to church. (5.4) I believe in sincerity and goodness without any church ceremonies. (6.7) I believe the church is a hindrance to religion for it still depends on magic, superstition, and myth. (9.6) I think the church is a parasite on society. (11.0) I I I I I I I am am am am am am am more more more more more more more than than than than than than than 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 inches inches inches inches inches inches inches tall. tall. tall. tall. tall. tall. tall. SD D U A SA 1. The federal government has no business supporting child care. SD D U A SA 2. Day care is an issue that the government should fully support SD D U A SA 3. Tax money should be used to fund day care programs. Standardization Norms Find an article that describe the development of a scale related to your thesis topic (should include multiple studies, assessing reliability and validity). Evaluate the article and scale (and include a brief description of the scale, including the APA style citation). How did they show the various types of reliability and validity? Do you agree? What type of scaling is the measure? What type of scale? Are there similar concepts that still need a scale developed? How would you go about creating a scale? What would you correlate it with to test reliability and validity? What other comments or questions do you have on reliability/validity/scaling? To choosing a scale to use? To creating a scale? Comments on 3 articles and the chapter PLUS Find examples of “bad” survey questions. Think about any issues that you might need to deal with in terms of how you ask questions on your thesis. What types of issues (e.g., population, sampling) might come up and how would those affect what method you choose? What are the advantages and disadvantages of survey methodology for your topic? What other comments or questions do you have based on these readings? Outlines of intro for paper due today