Aaron`s Blessing 1/4 from Numbers 6:4, adapted by Joe Romeo

Aaron’s Blessing 1/4
from Numbers 6:4, adapted by Joe Romeo
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make face shine upon you,
And the Lord be gracious unto you. (repeat)
Aaron’s Blessing 2/4
The Lord lift his countenance upon you,
And give to you His peace.
The Lord lift up his countenance
Upon you,
And give to you His peace.
Aaron’s Blessing 3/4
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make face shine upon you,
And the Lord be gracious unto you. (repeat)
Aaron’s Blessing 4/4
The Lord lift his countenance upon you,
And give to you His peace.
The Lord lift up his countenance
Upon you,
And give to you His peace.
Come Thou Everlasting Spirit
Charles Wesley, 1707–88.
music: Joe Romeo
Come, Thou everlasting Spirit,
Bring to every thankful mind
All the Saviour’s dying merit,
All His sufferings for mankind!
Come, Thou Witness of His dying;
Come, Remembrancer divine,
Let us feel Thy power, applying
Christ to every soul, and mine.
Come Thou Everlasting Spirit
True Recorder of His passion,
Now the living faith impart,
Now reveal His great salvation,
Preach His gospel to our heart.
Come Thou Everlasting Spirit
Come, Thou Witness of His dying;
Come, Remembrancer divine,
Let us feel Thy power, applying
Christ to every soul, and mine.
Come, Thou everlasting Spirit,
Bring to every thankful mind
All the Saviour’s dying merit,
All His sufferings for mankind!
Come To Me 1/4
Matthew 11:28, adapted by Joe Romeo
Come to me all you who are weary,
Come to me all you who are burdened,
Come to me all you who labour,
Come to me all you heavy laden,
Come To Me 2/4
And I will give you rest,
O I will give you rest,
Yes I will give you rest,
Come to me.
Come To Me 3/4
Come to me all you who are weary,
Come to me all you who are burdened,
Come to me all you who labour,
Come to me all you heavy laden,
Come To Me 4/4
And I will give you rest,
O I will give you rest,
Yes, I will give you rest,
Come to me. (repeat)
God Is All Loving 1/6
Words: Geoffrey Bingham,
Music: Joe Romeo
1. God is all-loving, He is our Father,
He who loves all men, He who
loves you,
He who demands that we should
love all men,
Who loves this Father, must love
them too.
God Is All Loving 3/6
3. There on Christ’s Calv’ry He bore
our sorrows,
Our hurts and hatreds were on Him
There all the anger, sore wounds
and anguish
Were cleansed by suffering, each
debt was paid.
God Is All Loving 2/6
2. Who loves the Father should love
his brother,
Who loves the Father must love
His son,
And so we love them—call them all
Love them through Father—great
God of love!
God Is All Loving 4/6
4. Gone is the anger, gone the
Gone is the hatred, gone is the
Come is the wonder of a new spirit
As love comes coursing through
every vein.
God Is All Loving 5/6
5. We are forgiven: His love has
reached us,
We are forgiven, so we forgive.
Love we as brothers, love we as
Love we as family—for this we
God Is All Loving 6/6
6. Praise to the Father, who gives us
Praise to the Spirit, who keeps us
Praise to the Saviour, who makes
us brethren,
Praise be for ever—for Family!
Jesus Is The King
Joe Romeo
Jesus is the King
He’s in charge of everything
He takes care of us
Knows we’re only made of dust
We belong to Him
He took away our sin,
He took away our sin.
Jesus Is The King
Jesus is the King,
He’s in charge of everything.
He takes care of us,
Knows we’re only made of dust.
His love isn’t dumb,
He died for everyone,
He died for everyone.
Jesus Is The King
And when you’re down
And there’s no-one around,
He’s there, taking care,
Bringing blessing to bear.
Jesus Is The King
And when you’re gone,
And you’ve sung this life’s song,
You’ll be there,
You know where;
In heaven! Oh yeah!
Jesus Is The King
Jesus is the King,
He’s in charge of everything.
He takes care of us,
Knows we’re only made of dust.
His love isn’t dumb,
He died for everyone,
He died for everyone.
Jesus Is The King
And when you’re down
And there’s no-one around,
He’s there, taking care,
Bringing blessing to bear.
Jesus Is The King
And when you’re gone,
And you’ve sung this life’s song,
You’ll be there,
You know where;
In heaven! Oh yeah!
Jesus Is The King
Jesus is the King
He’s in charge of everything
He takes care of us
Knows we’re only made of dust
We belong to Him
He took away our sin, he took away our sin,
He took away our sin, he took away our sin,
Jesus is the King.
Miracle of Bethlehem
Joe Romeo
Peace from above,
Baby boy born to love.
Joy to all men,
Miracle of Bethlehem.
Light of the world;
Every boy, every girl,
With angels sing;
“Blessed be the newborn King.”
Miracle of Bethlehem 2/4
O, worship Him,
Come now and worship Him,
He’s the Saviour of the world.
O, worship Him,
Come now and worship Him,
Christ the Lord, Immanuel.
Miracle of Bethlehem 3/4
Cross glowing red,
Twisted thorns, gentle head.
Life-giving lamb,
Dies for sin, for every man.
Stone rolls away.
Over death and decay
Love the victory wins;
Jesus lives, O Jesus lives!
Miracle of Bethlehem 4/4
O worship Him,
Come now and worship Him,
He’s the Saviour of the world.
O, worship Him,
Come now and worship Him,
Christ the Lord, Immanuel. (repeat)
Name Above Every Name
Joe Romeo & Rebecca Pettigrew May 2006
1.We have so much to thank you for,
Great joy to make us sing,
A living faith, a lasting hope,
Your Spirit deep within
We lift our hands to worship you,
And glorify your name.
We offer now our broken lives
And thank you for this day,
Name Above Every Name 2/4
King of all Kings,
Lord of all Lords,
Heavenly Lamb,
Creator of all.
True Prince of peace, Blessed Son of God,
Name above every name, Jesus our Lord.
You came to call the lost to you,
You taught us how to pray,
You died our death at Calvary
And washed our sins away.
Name Above Every Name 3/4
2.Seed of woman, Son of Man,
Great David’s greater son.
Jacob’s ladder, Israel’s rock,
Melchizedek lives on!
True Prince of peace,
Blessed Son of God,
Name above every name,
Jesus our Lord.
Name Above Every Name 4/4
King of all Kings,
Lord of all Lords,
Heavenly Lamb,
Creator of all.
The Message of the Cross
Joe Romeo 7-1-07
The message of the cross
Is powerful, powerful.
The message of the cross
Is powerful, powerful.
The message of the cross
No-one can resist.
The Message of the Cross 2/7
The Spirit of the Lord
Is powerful, powerful.
The Spirit of the Lord
Is powerful, powerful.
The Spirit of the Lord
No-one can resist.
The Message of the Cross 3/7
So come, come to the Father,
Come to the Son,
Come to the Spirit,
Come everyone,
Come everyone.
The Message of the Cross 4/7
The blood of Jesus Christ
Is powerful, powerful.
The blood of Jesus Christ
Is powerful, powerful.
The blood of Jesus Christ
Washes every sin.
The Message of the Cross 5/7
The righteous man’s prayer
Is powerful, powerful.
The righteous man’s prayer
Is powerful, powerful.
The righteous man’s prayer;
God will answer him.
The Message of the Cross 6/7
So come, come all who hunger,
Come all who thirst,
Come to forgiveness,
Come to new birth.
The Message of the Cross 7/7
Come to the Spirit,
Come to the Son,
Come to the Father,
Come everyone,
Come everyone
The Way of Joy
Joe Romeo Oct 06
1.How can a young man keep his way pure?
By living according to the Lord’s word.
The way of a man is not in himself;
Only the Lord can show him the way.
The Way of Joy 2/6
The way of joy, the way of peace,
The way of finding sweet release,
The way of love;
“Take up your cross and follow me.”
A-la-la-la-la-lle-lu-ia, a-la-lle-lu-ia
A-la-la-la-la-lle-lu-ia, a-la-lle-lu-ia
The Way of Joy 3/6
I am the way, the truth and the life,
Come to the Father only through me.
The way of a man is not in himself,
I am the life, the truth and the way.
The Way of Joy 4/6
The way of joy, the way of peace,
The way of finding sweet release,
The way of love;
“Take up your cross and follow me.”
The Way of Joy 5/6
Pray in the Spirit without ceasing,
Present your needs before our God,
The Lord is faithful, He will do it.
Come and taste His good and perfect will,
Come and taste His good and perfect will.
The Way of Joy 6/6
The way of joy, the way of peace,
The way of finding sweet release,
The way of love;
“Take up your cross and follow me.”
A-la-la-la-la-lle-lu-ia, a-la-lle-lu-ia
A-la-la-la-la-lle-lu-ia, a-la-lle-lu-ia
To Him Who Is Able 1/4
Jude 24-25, adapted by Joe Romeo
To him who is able
To keep you from falling
And present you without fault
And with great joy
Before his glorious presence—
To Him Who Is Able 2/4
To the only God Our Savior be glory, majesty,
Power and authority,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Before all ages,
Now and forevermore!
To Him Who Is Able 3/4
To him who is able
To keep you from falling
And present you without fault
And with great joy
Before his glorious presence—
To Him Who Is Able 4/4
To the only God Our Savior be glory, majesty,
Power and authority,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Before all ages,
Now and forevermore! Amen.
What A Wonderful Feeling
Psalm 133, adapted by Joe Romeo
What a wonderful feeling
When we’re living in unity.
Like precious oil poured
Full on our heads
Running down old Aaron’s beard,
Down the collar of his robe;
That’s the blessing of the Lord,
Life forever more. (repeat)
Whatever our Worries
Joe Romeo
Whatever our worries,
whatever our pain,
Whatever we suffer,
no matter what
No matter how angry,
or bitter within,
Confess it to Jesus,
Confess it to Him.
Whatever our Worries 2
Only He can bring comfort,
Only He can bring peace.
Only He can cause suffering
and sorrow to cease.
He calms the dark conscience
and purges our past,
To those he forgives,
His forgiveness holds fast.
Whatever our Worries 3
Come to the Lord Jesus,
there’s no other place.
Come rest in His sorrows
and feed on His grace.
Our Father has given
His wonderful Son!,
The Spirit has called us,
so let us all come!
Whatever our Worries 4
Only He can bring comfort,
Only He can bring peace.
Only He can cause suffering
and sorrow to cease.
He calms the dark conscience
and purges our past,
To those he forgives,
His forgiveness holds fast.