MTRA rules

(Abbreviations & acronyms)
Kill Switch:
Commercial Drivers License
Drawn Over Mandrel
Switch that shuts off the engine
Monster Truck Racing Association
Monster Truck Racing Association Europe
Owner/driver, crewmember
Ride truck
A contest between one or more vehicles
Remote Ignition Interrupt
Safety Foundation, Inc.
EU (European Union) Nomenclature
Aqueous Film Forming Foam
Cold Drawn Steel (same as DOM in the US)
Kilometers per hour
EU pounds
Drug Statement
Section A
Competition Trucks
Drivers License
Driver & Crew
Remote Ignition Interrupter
Drivers Compartment
Seatbelt mounting
Figure 1
Rollcage X Brace
Figure 2
Rollcage Tube Repair
Figure 3
Rollcage Side views
Figure 4/5
Throttle Toe Strap
Figure 6
Mech. Clutch Vehicles
Figure 7
Drive shaft Loops
Figure 8
Loop Gussets
Figure 9
Figure 10
Rule Violations
Section B
MT Ride Trucks
MTRA Drivers License Driver Min. Requirements
Driver & Crew
Ride Truck Driving Rules
Vehicles - Drivers Compartment
OEM Rollcage
Figure 2B
Fiberglass Body Rollcage
Figure 3B
Fiberglass Body Rollcage
Figure 4B
Engine - Transmission
Driveline - Brakes
Rule Violations
Section C
Protest Procedures
Useful information
Vehicle/Driver Specifications Reference check list
Rule revision and suggestion list
Quick Reference inspection check list
Chaindrive Transfercase
Bolt grade spec. – Blower overdrive legal sizes
Blower overdrive legal sizes
The purpose of the Monster Truck Racing Association is to provide consistent safety for
competitors and spectators. MTRA makes no expressed or implied warranties of safety
from publication of or compliance with these rules and regulations. They are intended as
a guideline for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or
death to participants or spectators.
Perfect adherence and application of the rules published by MTRA will not assure that all
vehicles will perform all safety applications. The individual fabricator and driver have the
ultimate control of how the Monster Truck is constructed and operated.
Using MTRA rules does not imply that all safety measures are included. MTRA or its
representatives assume no liability whatsoever.
Any vehicle type or component not included in these rules or any deviation from these
rules will be subject to director's written approval.
It is the responsibility of the participant(s) to familiarize his/herself with all MTRA rules.
The Monster Truck Racing Association (MTRA) strives to create and maintain a healthy
environment for all people involved in monster truck related events.
A healthy environment is one in which the use of alcohol and/or drugs does not interfere
with the safety and performance of MTRA members. Drugs include all illegal drugs and
any and all prescription and/or over-the-counter medications that can affect a person’s
ability to operate machinery.
These uses place the lives and well being of monster truck participants, event staff and
spectators at risk of accidents, injuries, and even death.
It is the duty of all members of the MTRA to take responsibility for preventing the
dangerous use of alcohol and/or other drugs from adversely affecting the monster truck
Section A
Competition Trucks
All MTRA drivers must have a valid MTRA Drivers License. This license must be checked
prior to each event.
A Class “A” driver license is required when driving in a Certified Points or Purse Race
Series and a Class “B” for all other types of performances.
Driver member will submit the normal MTRA dues and a copy of their current CDL or CDL
equivalent physical when applying for their yearly MTRA Driver License or Drivers
License renewal.
Class “B” Drivers must execute 10 performances, in a MTRA Certified Vehicle, witnessed
by at least one MTRA Class “A” driver at each performance. The final application must
have at least 3 different Class “A” Driver signatures, (you cannot have one driver sign all
10 performances). The MTRA Board of Directors will then evaluate the application and
decide whether to issue the license or to require more tests. As a Class “A” driver it will
be your duty to watch Class “B” drivers and evaluate their driving. It would be a good idea
to give constructive criticism.
New drivers will have to perform a prescribed driving test, in an MTRA Certified Vehicle,
with 3 MTRA Class “A” Drivers present. The driving test will consist of an in cab familiarity
test, vehicle parking, stopping and turning demonstration, and then driving over cars
several times at different speeds. The Class “A” Drivers must endorse this performance.
The application must then be sent to the MTRA Board of Directors for their approval or
A current CDL or CDL equivalent [Europe HGV medical required] physical is
required and a copy must accompany each year’s application for an MTRA Driver
License renewal. Current physical means a physical at least every (2) two years.
All MTRA drivers will be subjected to a random Drug testing. If their name is
picked, they will be informed and will be given 48 hours to comply with the drug test
at one of the 2500 test stations across the country. An independent agency will
randomly pick driver names. Non-compliance will be considered an admission of
guilt and their MTRA Drivers License and Membership will be canceled. Drivers can
be called for drug testing more than once a year.
Approved helmets are mandatory. All competitors must use an (new spec.) SFI
31.1 full or open face helmet or (old spec.) SFI 31.2A (Snell SA) rated full-face
helmet or SFI 31.1A (Snell SA) rated open-face helmet. (SA = Special Application
Nomex lining Competition Helmet), SA2000 SNELL rated helmet are also legal. SFI
41.2, SFI 41.1 or SNELL M, motorcycle helmets are not allowed. MTRA
recommends helmet restraints. (Straps from underarms to sides of helmet.) Fullface helmets are highly recommended. Helmets must be sent back to the
manufacturer for re-inspecting after being dropped or hitting any hard object.
(In 2005 the new SFI helmet specs are combining open and closed face helmets to
31.1 for Flame Resistant Motorsports Helmets and 41.1 for Motorsports Helmets (nonflame resistant). The new spec will also have a year of the current specs and it will
change every 5 years. New helmet must be a SFI 31.1; the 41.1 will not be legal for a
Monster Truck Driver.)
Eye protection is required during performances. Goggles and helmet shields that
are approved for motor sports competition are recommended Windshields are
always required.
Approved motorsport neck collars are required unless the driver is wearing a
Hans or similar Device.
A Multi-layer fire retardant safety suits with a SFI rating of 3-2A/15 and shoes and
gloves with a SFI rating of 3.3/5 are required at all times. No tennis shoes allowed.
MTRA recommends the use of a head sock when running on Methanol (Alcohol).
Drivers must operate vehicles in a safe manner at all times. The show or race
director has the right to stop and disqualify any driver not operating his or her
vehicle in a safe manner.
7b) Vehicles should not drive over 5MPH except during performances.
7c) Any time the engine is running a participant should be in the drivers’ seat with
complete control of the vehicle.
All contestants and the pit crew must be clean, neat and professionally attired
when appearing before the public.
Drivers must be at least 18 years old.
10. No one is allowed in the performance area during an event, except track officials
and a minimum number of crewmembers.
11. Before an MTRA member can perform, the exhibition area must be cleared of all
spectators and participants.
12. Drivers must, at minimum, have a seatbelt on at all times the vehicle is moving
with 66” tires.
13. The driver has the final decision on whether he or she can perform the race or
exhibition in a safe manner. MTRA will back the driver 100% if he or she cannot
fulfill his or her contractual agreement because of a safety reason.
14. Consumption of intoxicating agents or drugs before or during an event by a
driver or his or her pit crew will be grounds for disqualification of driver. If the driver
is found violating this rule he or she is subject to suspension from MTRA.
MTRA initiated and then required the use of RII’s on all Monster Trucks to
enhance the safety of Spectators and Participants.
RII’s, (Remote Ignition Interrupter), must be tested by a qualified operator prior to the car
crush or exhibition. This makes sure the driver has his receiver on and switched to the
correct channel. This also gives the RII operator a chance to depress the button on the
transmitter and see how easy it is to stop the vehicle. The Monster Truck will not run if
the (RII) is not on. The RII is required first to protect the spectators, second to protect the
participants, and third to protect the driver.
15. RII receivers and transmitters are required on all Monster Trucks. (“RII” denotes
Remote Ignition Interrupt)
16. RII’s must be setup so the engine will not operate unless the RII is on.
17. MTRA members cannot participate in an event unless all vehicles involved,
within the Monster Truck portion of the performance or race, are equipped with
RII’s in working order.
18. RII’s must be tested before the event and each round of a race, or
19. Anytime a vehicle moves above idle speed, a qualified operator must control
the RII transmitter. This includes testing; show introductions, race return -lane
time, parade laps, etc.
20. RII’s must always be switched to the Right channel. Only when performing or
racing in the Left lane can the switch be set to the Left channel. After racing or
performing in the left lane the RII must be switched back to the RIGHT channel.
If you have a Center RII channel, it can only be used when a promoters RII
transmitter is not present and your RII transmitter is used.
21. MTRA recommends one person for each RII; this means one qualified RII
operator controlling each vehicle.
22. Anyone altering or bypassing the RII receiver will be suspended. Resetting of
RII after being stopped, before the RII operator or official gives you permission to
start, is the same as bypassing and is subject to suspension.
23. The RII Light must be on or above the dash and visible to the track official in
front of the vehicle. It must be an Auto Meter Pro Light or an equivalent light,
approved by MTRA Board, with a red lens. When applicable a second light will
be a lane indicator, right is red and left is yellow. The new Audiax RII comes with
both Pro Lights. The lights must be, (two feet apart minimum), mounted at least
one foot to each side of the center of the windshield.
24. Receiver antennas must be vertically mounted.
Note for RII operators: Sometimes it is prudent for the RII operator not to stop (kill)
a vehicle when it is in an awkward situation and let the driver try to power out of that
bad situation. This can only be done when spectators and participants are not in
MTRA® RII Legal Radios
RII Radios LLC. (609) 625-3481
Audiax Radios (216) 392-6800
Motorsport Communications (866) 966-8672
[Europe only accepts]
L. A. Supertrux Ltd. +44 1327 705456
25. Vehicle Certification is required before February 15th [Europe 31st March] of each
calendar year. Vehicle Certification will begin approximately 3 months prior to each
calendar year. Membership dues must be paid before Vehicle Certification decals
and Drivers Licenses will be issued. Inspectors cannot certify their own vehicles.
Vehicles must be re-inspected after sale.
26. Vehicles must be re-inspected by a MTRA Inspector after a major crash or rollover.
27. The current Certification Inspection sheet must be displayed in the vehicle at all
times. The sheet will be visible for all MTRA members and the tech officials. A
plastic sheath is recommended for protection against weather.
28. A kill switch must be mounted in the center rear of the vehicle. Maximum 6’ [2m]
high at rear most part of vehicle, (near bumper). Switch must pull to turn off, with a
2” [50mm] diameter, (.125) 1/8” [3.2mm] minimum wire ring, painted florescent red
or orange. Switch must kill engine, the same as the in-cab kill switch rule #38.
29. All vehicles must be equipped with a commercially made back-up alarm, mounted
at the rear most part of the frame. This alarm must be activated anytime vehicle is in
reverse. The shift gear lever must mechanically activate the alarm. The alarm sound
must face rearward.
30. All vehicles must be equipped with a Bright Light mounted on the rear of the frame.
This light must illuminate anytime vehicle is placed in reverse and must be activated
automatically by the gear shift lever.
31. Dry or gel type batteries are mandatory. Batteries must be secured and covered
with a non-conductive material. Material to be rubber, plastic or Lexan only.
32. An external crossover relief valve is required on all vehicles equipped with orbital
steering. Unit may bolt directly to orbital valve or be remotely mounted.
33. Tires must be 66x43x25 or 66x44x25 (size as marked on tire), unless agreed to by
all participants.
34. Monster Truck minimum weight is 9000 pounds [4883kg]. Weight includes driver,
fuel, water, & oil.
35. All charged gas shock remote cylinders (accumulators) must be mounted
securely in a position to avoid contact with tires. Caps to be threaded on tubes a
minimum of 1/2” SAE fine thread. Remote accumulators to be fastened with metal
clamps, no tape or wire ties.
36. All onboard fuel must be in an anti-spill tank/fuel cells, properly secured with a
minimum of two (2) metal straps, (.125) 1/8” [3.2mm] by 1” [25mm] steel or
aluminum, or the manufacturer’s suggested mounting points. Vent line anti-spill
valves are required. Primer fuel tanks have the same requirements as regular fuel
tanks. Vented caps are not permitted. Grounding all fuel tank cap rings when
fueling, to eliminate static charge, is recommended. MTRA recommends protection
on the bottom of plastic fuel tanks.
37. All tanks/fuel cells and valves must be located in an open area inside the
mainframe rails of the chassis. All fuel lines must be approved steel-braided or highpressure reinforced rubber.
38. A tow bar mount is required on the front and rear of all vehicles. A 2x2” [50 x
50mm] square receiver (trailer hitch type), is recommended.
39. All vehicles must be equipped with a system which will restrain each wheel in the
event of a spindle or other axle component failure. Minimum specifications for
known systems are as follows:
Cable Tether Type
3/8” Cable in choker configuration
5/8” Clevis
3/8” Mounting plate on king pins
3/8” Rotor bolted (3/8” Grade 8 bolts minimum – all bolt holes on hub
must be used - 8 bolt minimum) or welded (360 degrees) to hub
Fixed Disk Type
3/8” Rotor plate bolted (3/8” Grade 8 bolts minimum – all bolt holes on
hub must be used – 8 bolt minimum) or welded (360 degrees) to hub
Minimum Two capture points 180 degrees on center with minimum 55
degrees of coverage around perimeter.
Do not refuel while battery is charging.
No smoking while refueling. A fire extinguisher must be within
easy reach.
40. All vehicles must have an In-Cab Kill Switch, within easy reach of the driver that
shuts off power to all electric fuel pumps, other powered accessories and ignition
system (all battery power) with the exception of electrically operated brake systems.
Driver must be able to activate it with his or her eyes closed in his or her seat-belted
driving position. It must be a push/pull type with push to turn off.
41. All vehicles must have an approved SFI 17.1 Onboard Fire Suppression System
[Europe AFFF is mandatory] with a minimum of six (6) properly placed nozzles. A
minimum five (5) lb. [2.25kg] tank can only have two (2) nozzles with three (3) outlet
ports each; a 10 lb. [4.5kg] or larger tank can have two (2) or more nozzles with
three (3) outlet ports. The system must be tested each year. (The lines must be
blown out with a liquid similar to WD40 and the activating cable tested and
lubricated.) The bottle pressure gauge and weight must meet Manufacture Specs.
(A proper onboard fire system will inhibit the fire while the driver clears the vehicle.)
If the content is Halon, keep the outlet spray away from the drivers face as it could
inhibit oxygen supply. Driver must be able to activate the system with his or her
eyes closed in his or her seat-belted position. An onboard fire suppression system is
not required on stock production cabs with sealed Firewalls.
42. Vehicles must have a minimum size 2-1/2 lb. [1.125kg] Halon or ABC type [Europe
AFFF] Fire Extinguisher with a working gauge and an attached current inspection
certificate, (retail extinguishers have date stamped on unit) (2 year limit). The
extinguisher must also be securely mounted with a suitable quick release bracket
within the driver's reach.
43. Firewall & Windshield.
The driver’s compartment must be protected against engine compartment
flash fires. Firewall material must be a minimum (.063) 1/16” [1.5mm] Steel or
Aluminum, (.125) 1/8” [3.2mm] Polycarbonate/Lexan, or Fiberglass. Plexiglas
cannot be used. Floor protection is always required.
Front engine firewall: A firewall is required in front of the driver. Firewalls
must go from the floor to the roof and from the body skin on one side to the
body skin on the other side. A rear Lexan window is not required.
Rear engine firewall: A firewall is required behind the driver. The firewall
must go from the floor to the ceiling. A rear Lexan window is required.
iii) Mid engine firewall: (Under the cab engines). A firewall is required
underneath, behind, and in front of the driver. A rear Lexan window is also
Windshields are required on all vehicles at all times. Windshields can be a
minimum of (.125) 1/8” [3.2mm] Polycarbonate/Lexan. It is recommended that
smoked Polycarbonate/Lexan windshields be used to reduce glare. Glass
windshields are permitted on steel bodied vehicles but drivers must wear eye
44. Drivers must be protected from Tire Debris. There will be no exposed areas that
would allow the front tires to throw objects at driver or allow objects to bounce and
hit driver. Material must be a minimum (.125) 1/8” [3.2mm] Steel or Aluminum (.250)
1/4” [6.4mm] Polycarbonate/Lexan or the Fiberglass body parts. The entire floor of
the cab is also considered a tire debris area and must be protected.
45. All vehicles must have an approved 5-point harness that meets SFI 16.1, mounted
to the frame or frame outrigger. Lap belts must be 3” [75mm]. Shoulder belts may be
2” [50mm] for use with Hans type braces. Driver must wear the harness at all times
(this also includes the crotch strap). It is highly recommended that shoulder
harnesses be mounted at shoulder height to a maximum of 3” [75mm] above
shoulders. All straps must have a manufacturer date stamp on them and they
cannot be over 2 years old. Sternum straps and helmet restraints are highly
Figure # 1
SFI Seatbelt Installation Specifications
45b Ratchet strap seat belt that meet the SFI 16.1 are legal even with 2” [50mm] lower
45c Hans, or similar device, is recommended for all drivers (there is a quick release for
the units) When using the Hans or similar device, the regular strap type head
restraint must be eliminated, the neck collar can also be eliminated.
46. All Seats must be securely mounted with minimum of (4) 3/8” Grade 8 bolts to the
frame or a frame outrigger. MTRA recommends the drivers’ seat is in the middle on
all new vehicles.
47. Driver compartment windows must be removed or down during a performance.
There must be 2 exit points from the driver’s compartment. Doors must be unlocked.
48. No fuel tanks, fuel lines, batteries, radiators or water hoses are allowed in the
Driver’s Compartment. Hydraulic steering lines that are located in the driver’s
compartment must be steel braided and must be shielded to deflect the oil away
from the driver in the event of a line failure. Shielding material must be robust
enough to deflect the oil at full pressure. Mechanical Oil Pressure gauges must use
braided lines.
49. No Nitrous Oxide, Nitro Methane or any Oxygen Carriers or Combustion
Accelerators allowed.
50. No Loose Objects allowed in vehicles.
51. There will be No Riders allowed in a vehicle during a performance.
52. All fuel-injected engines must have a Fuel Shut-off Valve within easy reach of
driver. It must be marked with the direction to shut off. (Push or pull)
53. Vehicles must have operable forward and reverse gears and must be equipped with
reverse gear lockout.
54. All vehicles must be equipped with a Starter Interrupter switch that will allow starter
engagement only in the neutral position on a standard or Lenco transmission or park
and neutral positions on an automatic transmission. Engines cannot start in reverse
or forward gears.
55. All vehicles must be equipped with an approved SFI 42.1 Quick Release Steering
Wheel Disconnect.
56. All newly constructed or reconstructed vehicles (after an accident, a major remodel
job, or being setup for racing), whether steel or fiberglass must have a minimum 2”
[51mm] diameter .120 [3.1mm] wall D.O.M. [CDS], (8) eight point one-piece
rollcage. The frame below the cage must also be a minimum 2” [51mm] diameter
.120 [3.1mm] wall D.O.M. tubing or equivalent. The driver must be protected in all
directions. No pieced, slip together or sectioned rollcages allowed unless it is a
flanged connection with minimum 4 bolts at both connecting points, for removal of
engine, or other components. It is recommended that all stress points be gusseted.
(Refer to figure’s #2 to 5)
All Rollcage and frame tubing repairs must be sleeved with a 6” [152mm] internal
57. All vehicles are required to have an “X” brace, [Europe recommends an “A” brace
behind drivers head for center seat trucks] extending from the frame to the upper
rollcage behind the driver. (Refer to figure #2)
58. All grand fathered steel-bodied vehicles are permitted to run a 6-point cage. They
are not allowed to race in a series or point’s race.
59. SFI 45.1 fire retardant padding is required (minimum thickness (.750) ¾” [19mm])
on roll cage tubing which is within 18” [457 mm] of driver’s helmet area above his
shoulders. An exclusion is approved for the area behind the headrest on vehicles
equipped with seats featuring head and shoulder restraints.
60. All vehicles lacking stock production doors (fiberglass doors) must have at least one
side bar no more than 2” [50mm] below the window and one side bar at floor height
to protect the driver from side impact. These bars must be parallel to the ground and
least 2” [50mm] in diameter.
61. All exhaust must discharge within a 10-degree angle of being straight up or
rearward at a 45 degree down angle. Exhaust cannot discharge straight down. No
rain caps. All exhaust pipes and mufflers must be securely attached.
62. All carburetors and fuel injection butterfly shafts must have dual return to idle
springs. A return to idle spring must be located on both butterfly shafts or at both
ends of a single shaft. They cannot be attached at the same location. The spring on
the throttle pedal does not count as one spring but is recommended.
63. Air cleaners are required on all injector hats
64. All throttle linkage from cab to the engine must be cable operated and must be a
positive action push pull type. Cable must not be stretched tight; it must have flex to
allow for the engine-to-cab movement.
65. Throttle toe straps are required. A “Hot Foot” open loop (refer to Fig. #6) or a
complete loop will suffice.
66. All supercharged vehicles are required to use Aluminum Blower Studs and SFI
14.1 Blower Restraints. Blower Belt Shields are required if fuel lines are located
in an area where they could be compromised by a blower belt failure. Maximum
8/71 blowers, 10% overdrive, standard size 2-rotor 3-lobe type only. Rotor angle
not to exceed that of standard GM 71 series. No high helix, screw type rotors or
internal modifications to increase blower size. Blower rotor maximum length 16”
[406.4mm] and a 1 to 1 internal gear ratio with proper rotation.
67. The MTRA acknowledges Single Supercharged and Naturally Aspirated engines
only. Any induction system not specifically covered in this rule book must be
approved by the Board of Directors prior to public performance.
68. All engines must have a deflection shield on both sides of the engine block.
Shields must cover the engine block from the center of crank to the top of the block.
The heads do not have to be covered. Shield must be securely fastened with a
minimum 2 - 3/8” [9.5mm] bolts and made of aluminum or steel minimum (.250) 1/4”
[6.4mm] thick. Frame rails can serve as part of the shielding. “Tube chassis trucks
cannot use the tubes as part of the engine shield”.
69. No engine driven fans, electric fans only.
70. No cast iron or cast steel pulleys allowed on any moving part that runs at or above
the speed of the engine.
71. Harmonic Balancers Not Allowed
72. Aluminum engine blocks will be permitted.
73. Maximum engine size is 575 cubic inches [9.422litres].
74. Automatic transmissions must have a Safety Blanket with proper bellhousing straps
and it must be 18” [457mm] wide (as measured from the bellhousing to the tail
shaft), and it must meet SFI 4.1 certification. No metal shields are allowed. It must
cover from rear of pan forward. (Label sewn on blanket.) Blankets must be in good
condition. If blanket has been in a fire, has burnt straps or has been torn, it must be
replaced. Metal shields are not allowed. Carbon Fiber shields are allowed.
Aftermarket nodular transmission Cases which meet SFI 4.1 and Bellhousings
which meet SFI 30.1 certification standards do not require external safety blankets.
Cases and bellhousings must feature current SFI certification labels.
Manufacturers of SFI approved cases and bellhousings:
ATI Performance Products
Bruno’s Automotive Products
BTE Racing
Hughes Performance
Reid Racing
TCI Automotive
75. An SFI 29.1 certified Flex Plate is required on all automatic transmissions. There is
a 3 year limit on flex plates and then they need to be sent back for re-certification.
76. All transmission bell housings with 8” [203mm]or longer inspection hole opening
must have a 2” [51mm] wide shield covering the exposed transmission flex plate
with a max distance from the flex plate of 2” [51mm]. There must be a minimum of 2
spaced mounting tabs if the opening is under 12” [305mm] and 3 spaced mounting
tabs if over 12” [305mm].
77. Lenco transmissions are required to have an explosion proof blanket. Couplers
must be shielded 360 degrees as per Jackshaft rule #83.
78. Mechanical clutch vehicles must have an SFI Spec. 6.3 approved explosion proof
bellhousing with a current SFI label affixed to it. Any change to the original unit
requires re-certification. Any Bellhousing lacking certification must be sent back to
the manufacturer for certification or disposed of. Bellhousing certification is good for
(2) two years.
79. The inspection/maintenance hole, in the bellhousing, is acceptable if made
precisely to the specifications outlined in the drawings. A clutch inspection &
maintenance hole may be cut on the back face of the housing. The hole may not be
longer than an area covering 90 degrees (no longer than 8 ½” [216mm]) of the
housing rear surface area. No part of the rotating clutch assembly may extend under
the clutch inspection & maintenance hole.
(Refer to fig. #7)
80. Clutch maintenance hole MAY NOT be welded if the original hole in the housing
was over 8½” [216mm] in length or 3½” [89mm] wide. All bellhousing holes must be
flush on the inside surface when cap is installed. (Refer to figure #7)
81. The cover for the inspection & maintenance hole must be at least (.250) 1/4
[6mm] thick steel and be fastened with at least twelve (12) 5/16” [8mm] Grade-8
(Refer to figure #7)
82. An approved steel plate or billet flywheel is required. No cast iron flywheels.
83. All automotive type engines with bellhousing and clutch will run full block saver
plate between the engine and bellhousing, either a commercially available unit, or
3/16” [6mm] steel or (.250) 1/4” [6.4mm] aluminum with 5 - 3/8” [9.5mm] Grade 5 or
better bolts evenly spaced on the bottom of the bell housing.
84. Chain drives are allowed if they meet all of the specifications in the back of this
85. Driveshaft loops are mandatory on all vehicles.
a.) Materials for driveline loops must meet the following minimum specifications:
1.) Side rails must be made of 1” X .156” wall DOM tubing.
2.) 4” diameter ring shielding the slip yoke of the driveshaft must be 4” schedule
40 steel pipe 3 ½” wide.
3.) 6” diameter rings shielding the drive shaft tube must be 6” schedule 40 steel
pipe 1 ½” wide.
4.) Ring gussets must be made of 3/16” mild steel.
5.) Slide rods must be 5/8” SAE, Grade 8 material - 12” long
6.) The spherical bearing rod ends must be 5/8” female thread with a minimum
radial static load capacity of 17,959 lbs.
Rod Ends which meet this minimum requirement are:
FK Rod Ends
Rod End Supply
Aurora Bearing Company
b.) Fabrication of driveline loops must meet the following minimum specifications:
1.) The maximum distance between all driveshaft loop rings cannot be greater
than 7” with a minimum of (2) loops per shaft.
2.) The maximum distance between all driveshaft loop rings and the driveshaft is
3.) Loop rings must be 360 degree and welded securely to both 1” x .156” side
rails and must not float.
4.) Loop 4” & 6” rings must feature gussets welded vertically to the rings, but not
to the side rails.
5.) At the differential, the maximum distance from the face of the last loop ring to
the face of the u-joint shield must not exceed 10”.
6.) Driveshaft loops must incorporate (1) fixed corner which must be oriented to
the chassis end and bolted to the u-joint shield utilizing a 5/8” female
spherical rod end and 5/8” Grade 8 bolt.
7.) The 5/8 x 12” Grade 8 threaded rod material for the fixed corner must only be
welded into the 1” x .156” side rail tubing with four (4) rosette welds
8.) Driveshaft loops must incorporate (3) non-fixed 5/8 x 12” Grade 8 threaded
slide rods which must slide within the 1” x .156” side rail tubing and be
mounted to the u-joint shields utilizing 5/8” female spherical rod ends and 5/8”
Grade 8 bolts.
9.) Driveshaft loops must be bolted at each end to u-joint shields one which must
be fixed and one which must feature a rotator which allows for suspension
articulation without binding the loops. (Ref. Rule #87)
c.) Driveshaft loops must be painted or coated in a high visibility contrasting color.
Figure # 8
Figure # 9
86. All driveline u-joints must be enclosed within U-Joint Shields. These must be a
minimum of 5” wide, 4” diameter schedule 40 pipe or equivalent (1/4” steel) and
cover u-joints a full 360 degrees. Aluminum shields are not allowed. U-joint shields
must be attached by a minimum of two tubes per side with each tube a minimum of
1” x .120, or (3) three 1” wide 1/4” steel mounting straps. U-Joints should not be
visible from side, top or bottom and be completely contained within the shield.
87. One U-joint Shield attached on each driveshaft loop assembly must feature a
Rotator Device which allows for articulation of the suspension without binding the
driveline loops.
The driveshaft loop rotator ring must be a minimum of 1/4” steel. It must be retained
by a minimum of four 1/4” thick tabs welded to the u-joint shield. The u-joint shield
must be a minimum of 5” long, 4” diameter schedule 40 pipe or equivalent (1/4”
steel), covering the yoke 360 degrees. The u-joint shield must be attached by a
minimum of two tubes per side with each tube a minimum of 1” x .120 or (3) three 1”
wide 1/4” steel mounting straps.
Any variations to this design must have written approval from the MTRA Board of
88. Maximum distance between a U-joint and U-joint shield is 2”.
89. U-joint shields cannot be attached to driveline yokes or rotate 360 degrees.
90. Jackshafts (shafts shorter than 12” [305mm]) and couplers (whether on a Lenco or
automatic transmission) must have 360-degree enclosures covering both u-joints
and the shaft. Shields may be 2 pieces bolted together. The material size, thickness
and mounting must be similar to the regular driveshaft loop specifications, rule #80,
81 & 82. No blankets allowed.
91. When a coupler is completely contained (360 degrees) the distance between the
coupler and the enclosure can be up to 2” [51mm].
92. Driveshaft slip yoke must have a minimum penetration in any axle configuration,
equal to half the length of the spline in the most extended position, approximately 2”
93. Non Planetary steering axles are required to have a shield covering the axle flange
or lockout hub. Minimum (.250) 1/4” [6.4mm] steel.
94. Split Ring type wheels not allowed.
95. All vehicles must be equipped with foot operated hydraulic brakes in good working
order. The brakes must be able to stop the vehicle in its own length at 10 MPH
[16KPH]. If your vehicle does not have lockers, wheel brakes are recommended.
96. All rubber tired vehicles must be equipped with dual braking systems consisting of
two master cylinders with one brake pedal and individual lines running to the front
and rear brakes.
97. All track vehicles must be equipped with dual braking systems. You must have a
foot or hand operated hydraulic brake system as a backup to the normal track lever
steering and brake system.
98. Driveline brake rotors must be steel billet only. A minimum of three tabs 120
degrees apart, are required to keep the rotor from moving. Tabs are not required if
rotor is mounted on the driveshaft side of the pinion. (Steel billet rotors are solid with
no webbing or fins in center.)
(Refer to figure #9)
99. Vehicles equipped with driveline brakes are required to have the front brake
assembly mounted on the front differential. The rear can be mounted on the transfer
100. If an owner, driver or member breaks a rule, he or she will be subject to a fine or
101. If an owner, driver or member repeatedly breaks a rule or rules, (3 or more times)
he or she will be subject to a fine, suspension and or the loss of his or her MTRA
Membership and License.
102. The inspection sheets are legal rule violation reports and members will be fined
103. MTRA fines and suspensions will be issued by the Board of Directors after a
hearing with a 75% Director majority required for ratification. Hearings can be
carried out by mail or fax.
104. Minor rules affect the safety of the driver only. A minimum fine of $25.00 [£15.00]
for the first time violator and $50.00 [£30.00] for the repeat offender.
105. Major rules affect the safety of spectators and participants. A major rule violation is
subject to a maximum fine of $5000.00 [£2,800.00], up to a year suspension and or
termination of MTRA Membership and License. The amount of the fine and/or
suspension would depend on the severity of the violation and would be determined
by a majority vote of the current MTRA directors.
106. Non-safety rules do not affect the safety of the driver, spectator or participant. A
fine of $25.00 [£15.00] for first time violators and $75.00 [£45.00] for the repeat
107. All fines must be paid within 45 days or MTRA Membership and License will be
revoked. Written protest will be accepted only after the fines are paid. Membership
and License cannot be renewed unless all fines are paid.
108. Promoter Members will be notified of all Major rule violations.
109. Tech Inspectors have the authority to fail a vehicle inspection should they deem that
a feature/component or the quality of its manufacturing is not consistent with the
spirit of the applicable rule.
Section B
Ride Trucks
 Copyright 2011 MTRA®
The purpose of the Monster Truck Racing Association is to provide consistent safety for competitors
and spectators. No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of or
compliance with these rules and regulations. They are intended as a guideline for the conduct of
the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants or spectators.
Perfect adherence and application of the rules published by MTRA will not assure that all vehicles
will perform safely in all applications. The individual fabricator and driver have the ultimate
control of how the Monster Truck is constructed and operated.
Using MTRA rules does not imply that all safety measures are included. MTRA or its
representatives assume no liability whatsoever.
Any vehicle component not included in these rules or any deviation from these rules will be subject
to director's written approval.
All MTRA drivers must have a valid MTRA Drivers License. This license must be on your
person when driving a Monster Truck.
A Class “A” driver license is required when driving in a Certified Points or Purse Race
Series and a Class “B” for all other types of performances including Ride Trucks.
Driver member will submit the normal MTRA dues and a copy of their current CDL or CDL
equivalent physical when applying for their yearly MTRA Driver License or Drivers
License renewal.
New drivers will have to perform a prescribed driving test, in an MTRA Certified Vehicle,
with 3 MTRA Class “A” Drivers present. The driving test will consist of an in cab familiarity
test, vehicle parking, stopping and turning demonstration, and then driving over cars
several times at different speeds. The Class “A” Drivers must endorse this performance.
The application must then be sent to the MTRA Board of Directors for their approval or
A current CDL or CDL equivalent physical is required and a copy must accompany
each year’s application for an MTRA Driver License renewal. Current physical means
a physical at least every (2) two years.
All MTRA drivers will be subjected to a random Drug testing. If their name is picked,
they will be informed and will be given 48 hours to comply with the drug test at one of
the 2500 test stations across the country. An independent agency will randomly pick
driver names. Non-compliance will be considered an admission of guilt and their MTRA
Drivers License and Membership will be canceled. Drivers can be called for drug testing
more than once a year.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs before or during an event by a driver
or his or her pit crew will be grounds for suspension from MTRA.
Drivers must be at least 18 years old, or be approved by the MTRA Board and have
parental or guardian written permission.
The driver and pit crew must be clean, neat and professionally attired.
Ride Vehicles must not be operated over 25 MPH [40KPH].
Engines must not be run over 3000 RPM. A rev limiter must be installed.
The Driver and all Passengers must wear their seatbelts at all times the vehicle is
Before the Ride Truck can move, the ride area must be cleared of all personnel.
10.B Vehicle must come to a complete stop before loading or unloading passengers.
11.B When engine is running the driver must remain in his seat unless a manual parking
brake is set and the automatic transmission is in park. Otherwise, engine must be shut
off each time the driver leaves his seat.
12.B No Donuts (spins), no jumping (air), or other dangerous maneuvers allowed with
passengers onboard.
13.B Drivers must operate vehicles in a safe manner at all times. The show, race director
or promoter has the right to stop any driver not operating his or her vehicle in a safe
14.B Wheel lug nuts must be re-torqued periodically. (Minimum once a day)
15.B Engines must not operate & vehicle must not move unless the RII receiver is on and
a qualified operator controls the transmitter.
16.B The RII must be tested at least once a day.
17.B No smoking in vehicle.
18.B Vehicle Certification is required before February 15th of each calendar year. Vehicle
Certification will begin 3 months prior to each calendar year. Membership dues must
be paid before Vehicle Certification decals and Drivers Licenses will be issued.
Inspectors cannot certify their own vehicles.
19.B The current Certification Inspection Sheet must be displayed in the vehicle at all
times. The sheet will be visible for all MTRA members and the tech officials. A plastic
sheath is recommended for protection against weather.
20.B All vehicles must be equipped with a commercially made back-up alarm, mounted at
the rear most part of the frame. This alarm must be activated anytime vehicle is in
reverse. The shift lever must mechanically activate it. The alarm sound must face
21.B Batteries must be secured and covered with a non-conductive material. Material to be
rubber, plastic or Lexan only. If under bed, (passenger area), they must be sealed
22.B All vehicles must be painted and lettered with name of vehicle.
23.B An external crossover relief valve is required on all vehicles equipped with orbital
steering. Unit may bolt directly to orbital valve or be remotely mounted.
24.B All charged gas shock remote cylinders (accumulators) must be mounted securely
in a position to avoid contact with tires. Caps to be threaded on tubes a minimum of
1/2” [13mm] SAE fine thread. Remote accumulators to be fastened with metal clamps,
no tape or wire ties.
25.B All onboard fuel must be in an anti-spill tank, properly secured with a minimum of two
(2) metal straps, (.125) 1/8” [3.2mm] by 1” [25mm] steel or aluminum, or the
manufacturer’s suggested mounting points. OEM vehicles with stock configured fuel
tanks are legal. Grounding all fuel tank cap rings when fueling, to eliminate static
charge, is recommended.
26.B All ride trucks must have an adequate passenger loading ladder.
27.B All vehicles must have an in-cab kill switch, within easy reach of the driver that shuts
off power to all electric fuel pumps, other powered accessories and ignition system (all
battery power) with the exception of electrically operated brake systems. Driver must
be able to activate it with his or her eyes closed in his or her seat-belted driving position.
It must be a push/pull type with push to turn off.
28.B Vehicles must have a minimum size 2-1/2 lb. [1.25kg] Halon or ABC type fire
extinguisher within the driver’s reach, with a working gauge.
29.B All Ride Truck Seats must have approved seatbelts, mounted to the frame or frame
30.B No fuel tanks, fuel lines, batteries, radiators or water hoses are allowed in the driver’s
compartment or in the passenger ride areas. Hydraulic steering lines that are located
in the driver’s compartment or passenger area must be steel braided lines and must be
shielded to deflect the oil, from a line rupture, away from the driver and passengers.
Shielding material must be strong enough to deflect the oil at the full pressure. A
mechanical oil pressure gauge must use braided lines.
31.B No Blowers (superchargers), Nitrous Oxide, Nitro Methane or any Oxygen Carriers or
Combustion Accelerators allowed.
32.B Vehicles must have operable forward and reverse gears and must be equipped with
reverse gear lockout.
33.B All vehicles must be equipped with a starter interrupter switch that will allow starter
engagement only in the neutral position on a standard transmission or park and neutral
positions on an automatic transmission. Engines cannot start in reverse or forward
34.B All Fiberglass Cab Ride Trucks must have a minimum 2” [51mm] diameter .120
[3.0mm] wall D.O.M., (6) six point one piece rollcage with a rear (X) brace behind the
driver. The (passenger area) must have a rollcage mounted to the frame or frame
outriggers sufficient to protect the passengers. This includes a rollbar, with an “X”
brace, on each end of the passenger seating area.(Refer to figure’s #2b to #4b)
35.B Roll bar Padding is required on all the rollcage within 18” [457mm] of driver and
passengers head areas above his shoulders. It is recommended padding be fireproof
material. The new SFI 45.1 fire retardant padding, ¾” [19mm] minimum is preferred.
36.B All exhaust pipes and mufflers must be securely attached. It is suggested the exhaust
discharge forward of the passenger area.
37.B All carburetors and fuel injection butterfly shafts must have dual return to idle springs.
A return to idle spring must be located on both butterfly shafts or at both ends of a
single shaft. They cannot be attached at the same location. The spring on the throttle
pedal does not count as one spring but is also recommended, unless it is a stock, steel
cab, factory configuration.
38.B All throttle linkage from cab to the engine must be cable operated and must be a
positive action push pull type unless it is a stock OEM, steel cab, factory configuration.
Throttle toe straps are required and they must be open on the brake side unless it is
a stock, steel cab, factory configuration.
39.B No Mechanical clutch vehicles unless it is a stock OEM, steel cab, factory
40.B All chain-drives must be shrouded in all directions with a minimum of (.250) 1/4” [6mm]
aluminum or steel. This shroud must restrain all internal moving parts.
41.B All pieced wheels must have the split ring to the inside when mounted on truck or must
have four bolts 90 degrees apart and corresponding tabs on the wheels for attaching
the ring to the wheel.
42.B All vehicles must be equipped with foot operated hydraulic brakes in good working
order. The brakes must be able to stop the vehicle in its own length at 10 MPH [16KPH].
If your vehicle does not have lockers, wheel brakes are recommended.
43.B All rubber tired vehicles must be equipped with dual braking systems consisting of
two master cylinders or a dual cylinder master cylinder with one brake pedal and
individual lines running to the front and rear brakes.
44.B Driveline brake rotors must be steel billet only. A minimum of three tabs, 120 degrees
apart, are required to keep the rotor from moving. Tabs are not required if rotor is
mounted on the driveshaft side of the pinion. (Steel billet rotors are solid with no
webbing or fins in center.)
45.B Vehicles equipped with driveline brakes are required to have the front brake assembly
mounted on the front differential. The rear can be mounted on the transfer case.
46.B A manually operated parking brake is highly recommended.
47.B If an owner, driver or member breaks a rule, he or she will be subject to a fine or
48.B If an owner, driver or member repeatedly breaks a rule or rules, (3 or more times) he
or she will be subject to a fine, suspension and or the loss of his or her MTRA
Membership and License.
49.B The inspection sheets are legal rule violation reports and members will be fined
50.B MTRA fines and suspensions will be issued by the Board of Directors after a hearing
with a 75% Director majority required for ratification. Hearings can be carried out by
mail or fax.
51.B Minor rules affect the safety of the driver only. A minimum fine of $25.00 [£15.00] for
the first time violator and $50.00 [£30.00] for the repeat offender.
52.B Major rules affect the safety of spectators and participants. A major rule violation is
subject to a maximum fine of $5000.00, [£2,800.00] up to one year suspension and
or termination of MTRA Membership and License. The amount or the fine and or
suspension would depend on the severity of the violation and would be determined by
a majority vote of the current MTRA directors.
53.B Non-safety rules do not affect the safety of the driver, spectator or participant. A fine
of $25.00 [£15.00] for first time violators and $75.00 [£45.00] for the repeat offender.
54.B All fines must be paid within 45 days or MTRA Membership and License will be
revoked. Written protest will be accepted only after the fines are paid. Membership and
License cannot be renewed unless all fines are paid.
55.B Promoter Members will be notified of all Major rule violations.
Section C
Cubic inch tear down
Fuel test
Blower size
$250.00 [£140.00]
$100.00 [£56.00]
$150.00 [£85.00]
$50.00 [£30.00]
MTRA will treat all protest infractions as a major rule violation and penalties
will be issued accordingly.
Vice President
Promoter Director
Technical Director
Membership Director
Sponsorship Director
Communication Director
Useful Information
Oil 1 gallon = 7.0 Lbs. 1 qt. = 1.75 [3.78 litres]
Gas 1 gallon = 6.2 Lbs. 1 qt. = 1.55 [3.78 litres]
Water 1 gallon = 8.4 Lbs. 1 qt. = 2.10 [3.78 litres]
Tubing Weights:
2” x .120 wall D.O.M. tubing = 2.409 Lbs. per foot.
[50mm x 3.1mm CDS =3.49KG per Metre]
1-1/4” .095 wall D.O.M. tubing = 1.172 Lbs. per foot.
[31.75mm x 24.13 CDS =1.69KG per Metre]
Metric and Standard Conversion
1 Kilometer = 1000 meters = 3280.83 ft. = .625 miles
1 Meter = 100 centimeters = 39.37 in. = 1.09 yds.
1 Centimeter = .3937 inch
1 Mile = 1.609 kilometers = 5280 ft.
1 Inch = 2.54 centimeters = 25.4 millimeters
1 Yard = .91 meters
1 Cubic inch = 16.387 cubic centimeters
1Cubic centimeter = .061024 cubic inches
1 Kilogram = 1,000 grams = 2.2045855 Lbs.
1 LB = 453.6 grams ~ 1 Ounce = 28.35 grams
Kilograms divided by 2.20 = Lbs. ~ Lbs. x 2.20 = kilos
1 Liter = 100 cubic centimeters or 61.025 cubic inches
Circumference = pi x diameter = D
Area of circle = pi x (radius x radius) = r²
Volume of cylinder = area x height
r² = radius squared = radius x radius
 = “pi” = 3.141592 = squared
ci = cubic inch cc = cubic centimeter
bore² x 12.87 deck clearance = cc of deck clearance.
bore² x .7854 x deck clearance = ci of deck clearance.
bore² x 12.87 x thickness of gasket = cc of head gasket.
bore² x .7854 x thickness of gasket = ci of head gasket.
bore x bore x stroke x .7854 x # of cyl. = Displacement
Vehicle/Driver Specifications Reference List
Flywheel SFI_____ Mfg.______________________
Serial #______________
Exp. Date______________
Bellhousing SFI 6.3 Mfg.______________________ Serial #_______________ Exp.
Date______(2yr max)
Flex plate SFI 29.1 Mfg._______________________ Serial #_______________ Exp.
Trans Blanket SFI 4.1 Mfg._____________________ Serial#________________Exp.
Harness SFI 16.1
Mfg._ ______________(2yr max) Serial# _______________
Exp. Date____________
Firesuit SFI 3-2A/15 Mfg._____________________
Gloves/Shoes SFI 3.3 Mfg.____________________
Neck Collar SFI 3.3 Mfg.______________________
Helmet SFI 31.1 or 31.2 or SA2000 Date__________
Fire Extinguisher
Type______ Date_____________
Fire System Lbs._____ Date tested_____________
Date__________(2yr max)
RII Radio Mfr.______________________________
Certification Date________________________
Vehicle Weight______________________
Rollcage Size/Thickness_____________________
Rollcage Padding
SFI 45.1 Size______________
Supercharger Size________________________
% Overdrive___________ Rotor length_________
Engine Make___________ Cubic Inch__________
Rule Revisions
Page #_____
Page #_____
Page #_____
Rule change or update suggestions
Use this section to inspect your vehicle before contacting a MTRA® certified
Helmet Snell SA2000/SFI 31.1 or 2 & Firesuit
RII Trans & Rec, Eng will not start with RII off
RII lights 12” from center
Rear kill switch, pull type, must kill battery power
Rear back-up alarm & light
Battery secure & covered, Dry or Gel type only
External Crossover Relief Valve on front steering
9,000 lbs min weight
Shock accumulators securely mounted
Fuel tanks anti-spill securely mounted
Firewall & windshield required
Seat mounted to frame or frame outriggers
Wheel restraint system
Exhaust must discharge vertical or 45 deg down
Carb or Inject butterfly shafts dual return springs
Throttle linkage must be push/pull type cable
Deflection shield on both sides of engine
Blower; max 10% overdrive, 871, 16” rotors, etc
Elect fans only, no cast iron or cast steel pulleys
575 Cubic inch engine maximum
No combustion accelerators
Transmission & Clutch
SFI 4.1 Trans blanket not torn or burnt
Approved SFI flex plate
Lenco blanket & 360 deg enclosure
Approved explosion proof bellhousing, not welded, approved hole cover
Clutch; approved steel plate or billet flywheel
Clutch; full block-saver plate
Driveline loops, max 12” OC, min 2 loops
Driveshaft loops, 360 deg & round
Jack shafts & couplers 360 deg enclosure
Slip yoke min penetration 2” in all config
U-Joint enclosed 360 deg, guard dist. 2”
Chain drives, meet MTRA specifications
Dual brake system, 2 master cyl, one brake pedal
Steel billet rotors 3 tabs
RII receiver antenna mounted vertical
Current Vehicle Cert Check sheet displayed
Commercial back-up alarm, mechanically activated
In-cab kill switch shuts off battery, push type
Fire retardant system, 6 nozzles
2½ lb Halon or ABC fire extinguisher with gauge 2 yr
Driver protected from tire debris
5 pt harness, 3” lap belt, 2” shoulder harness, mounted to frame/outriggers 2 yr
No fuel or fuel lines, batteries, radiators or water hoses in the driver’s compartment
In-cab fuel shutoff
Forward/reverse gear lockout
Starter interrupter – park/neutral start only
Rollcage & frame repairs require 6” internal sleeve 8 point, one piece, 2”OD, .120 wall
DOM tubing, driver “X” brace from frame to top
Padding; ¾” SFI 45.1, by drivers head
2 rollcage sidebars
Throttle toe strap
Can the driver operate the kill switch & fire system with his eyes closed
Test kill switch and RII with engine running
Foot operated Hydraulic brakes
Max stopping distance, vehicle length at 10 mph
CHAIN SIZE: Triple 60, Minimum. Though there are double chains that are as strong or stronger,
a triple chain is recommended.
CHAIN TYPE: Chain must be full roller type and riveted construction. No spring clip master links
allowed. Master link must be riveted or cotter pin type. Only one master link is allowed in the
chain. Riveted master link or continuous loop chain is recommended.
SPROCKETS: All drive sprockets must be nineteen (19) tooth (Approximately six inches in
diameter) minimum.
CONSTRUCTION: ¼” steel minimum must be used for the outer frame case. It must cover all
four sides (top to bottom) for 360 degree coverage (The entire circumference). The case must be
wide enough to cover the chain completely as viewed from the side. The case must be securely
attached to the chassis. The case can be welded to the frame or part of the chassis structure
providing the minimum material requirements are met. Chain cannot be more then three (3)
inches from outer frame on the sides and top of the case. The case must have enough room for
the chain to gather in the bottom in the event of a chain failure. Suggested minimum distance from
the bottom of the case to the lowest point of the chain is four (4) inches. Inspection Covers must
give Inspectors access to see and measure size of the chain, sprockets, and distance between the
chain and case. The case frame and inspection covers must prevent any part of the chain,
sprockets, or shafts from escaping. No part of the chain or internals should be seen from outside
the case once all inspection covers are secured. Any part of the case where adjusters, tensioners,
or shaft bearings are attached must be ¼” steel, minimum. Inspection covers can be ¼” steel or
aluminum, minimum. Any removable part of the case must be secured with a minimum of 4 (One
at each corner) 3/8” Grade 8 bolts. Maximum center to center distance between any bolt along
any edge of an inspection cover (I.E. horizontal and vertical edges) is 10”. See illustration.
TENSIONERS AND ADJUSTERS: The chain drive must incorporate tensioners or adjusters.
Both must have locking bolts or nuts to prevent unloosening of the chain.
CHAIN LIFE: Maximum allowable chain life is two (2) years. The entire chain and its master link
must be replaced after two years of service.
SHAFT SIZE: Minimum shaft size is 1-1/4” inches.
Approval of the chain drive transfer case will be granted based on complete following of these
specifications. No exceptions allowed.
Copyright 2014 MTRA®
Copyright 2014 MTRA®
69 68 67 66 65
68 67 66 65 64 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54
67 66 65 64 63 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 53 52 51 50 49 48 47
66 65 64 63 62 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 52 51 50 49 48 47 46
65 64 63 62 61 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 51 50 49 48 47 46 45
64 63 62 61 60 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 50 49 48 47 46 45 44
70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
46 45 44 43
45 44 43 42 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
44 43 42 41 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 31 30 29 28 27 26
43 42 41 40 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 28 27 26 25 25
47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
M T R A®