Chapter 7 and 8 Review


Chapter 7 and 8

Celebration of

Knowledge Review 2014

#1 All of the following were things that Americans expected from their government EXCEPT ?

A monitor the economy and pay off the debt

B monitor and control trade of both imports and exports

C pass fair tax laws, help small businesses and not interfere in daily life

D institute the right to settle western lands

B monitor and control trade of both imports and exports

#2 The new federal government in

America took actions that would set an example for the future. In Washington’s words, these exemplary actions “will serve to establish a

A procedure”

B precursor”

C policy”

D precedent”

D precedent”

#3 All of the following issues divided

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas

Jefferson EXCEPT ?

A how to address the national debt

B how to repay the value of bonds

C whether or not to move the capital

D whether or not to limit the federal government

C whether or not to move the capital

#4 The national debt can best be defined as the amount of money owed

A to the nation by the nation’s citizens and foreign countries

B by the nation to the foreign countries and the nation’s citizens

C to the federal government by individual states

D by the federal government to domestic debtors

B by the nation to the foreign countries and the nation’s citizens

#5 Alexander Hamilton stood for a flexible reading of the Constitution, but Thomas Jefferson stood for

A loose construction

B soft construction

C strict construction

D tight construction

C strict construction

#6 According to Thomas Jefferson and

James Madison, what was the most serious flaw in Alexander Hamilton’s plan for a national bank?

A The federal government lacked the authority to create a national bank making the bank unconstitutional.

B Keeping the nation’s money in one place would create and unnecessary risk endangering the economy in case of foreign attack

C A national bank would put private money lenders out of business giving the federal government a monopoly on granting loans

D A national bank would rob the states of power, leading to friction between the states and the federal government.

A The federal government lacked the authority to create a national bank making the bank unconstitutional.

#7 All of the following were reasons why Alexander Hamilton wanted a national bank for the United States


A to secure the national economy

B to have the money to pay for a national health plan for all its citizens

C to provide for a place for the government to keep its money

D to make loans to businesses and citizens

B to have the money to pay for a national health plan for all its citizens

#8 A “protective tariff” adds a tax to the price of imported goods to protect domestic products from foreign

A contamination

B competition

C theft

D boycott

B competition

#9 Alexander Hamilton changed

Southerners’ minds about paying war debt by convincing northern members of

Congress to move the capital to where?

A Boston

B New York City

C Philadelphia

D Washington D.C.

D Washington D.C.

#10 Alexander Hamilton’s vision of a robust economy depended on the contributions of business people and manufacturers but

Thomas Jefferson's vision put greater emphasis on

A teachers and education

B farmers and agriculture

C merchants and small business

D doctors and healthcare

B farmers and agriculture

#11 George Washington’s statement that America would not take sides in disputes between warring European countries was called?

A the Swiss Pact

B the Neutrality Proclamation

C the Peace Treaty of 1793

D Pinckney’s Treaty

B the Neutrality Proclamation

#12 Why did some members of

Congress criticize George Washington’s pronouncement about staying out of disputes between European Countries?

A They felt the president was overstepping the bounds of his authority and wanted to enforce the separation of powers.

B They felt there was a clear favorite in the disputes between France and Great Britain and wanted to express their sympathies.

C They felt it would be best for national security if the

United States forged clear alliances with foreign countries.

D They felt that the president’s idea was sensible, but that the executive branch should have to answer to the legislative branch.

A They felt the president was overstepping the bounds of his authority and wanted to enforce the separation of powers.

#13 Why did Thomas Jefferson criticize the U.S. policy towards


A He disagreed with George Washington’s stand on foreign alliances because he believed the new U.S. should use its military power whenever it could

B He believed the U.S. owed France support because

France had backed the U.S. during the Revolutionary War.

C He wanted to undermine Alexander Hamilton’s pro-

British stance and reduce his rivals in influence on the president’s foreign policy

D He was eager to quit his position in George

Washington’s cabinet and saw the French issue as a convenient excuse.

B He believed the U.S. owed

France support because France had backed the U.S. during the

Revolutionary War.

#14 Which statement best expresses

George Washington’s attitude toward

Jay’s Treaty?

A He did not like it but believed it was the most that could be done.

B He urged the Senate not to approve it in hopes of a better compromise.

C He felt it was the best possible solution to the

British threat to U.S. neutrality.

D He was glad to pay off the country’s pre-

Revolutionary debts to the British

A He did not like it but believed it was the most that could be done.

#15 Pinckney’s Treaty addressed

American settlers’ disputes over the

Florida border with which country?

A France

B Britain

C Spain

D Mexico

C Spain

#16 The greatest threat to American expansion into the Northwest

Territories was

A diseases, such as smallpox and influenza, spread by American Indians

B American Indian tribes supplied with guns and ammunition by the British

C Americans’ inability to counter attacks on supply lines into the territories

D Americans’ inability to cope with harsh winter conditions and inadequate forts

B American Indian tribes supplied with guns and ammunition by the


#17 On their march to the western frontier to fight the American Indians, many of General Wayne’s troops were unable to fight effectively, because a.

they had been up all night due to a full moon and no clouds to block the bright moonlight b.

they were ill from influenza and smallpox c.

the quality of their weapons was not as good as the Native American alliance d.

it of the heavy snow and blizzard conditions that existed at the time of the fight

b. they were ill from influenza and smallpox

#18 How did the Whiskey Rebellion end?

A Tax collectors tarred and feathered the rebels before Washington’s army arrived

B The rebels hid their stores of whiskey before

Washington’s army arrived.

C Most of the rebels fled before Washington’s army arrived.

D Most of the rebels formed a militia and battled

Washington’s Army.

C Most of the rebels fled before

Washington’s army arrived.

#19 President Washington personally led the militia against the westerners in the Whiskey Rebellion because ?

A he felt individual farmers should have to pay off the national debt trough taxes

B he felt the federal government was owed taxes for providing settlers with protection and opportunities for trade

C he felt people needed to understand the Constitutional right of Congress to institute tax laws

D he felt the rebellion might spark similar incidents of violence

C he felt people needed to understand the Constitutional right of Congress to institute tax laws

#20 During George Washington’s farewell address, he warned Americans against all of the following dangers


A making foreign alliances

B burdening future generations with debt

C increasing political conflicts at home

D maintaining the institution of slavery

D maintaining the institution of slavery

#21 Which of these slogans might a

Federalist have shouted at a party rally?

A Central Government over All!

B States Rule!

C Power to the People!

D Jefferson for President!

A Central Government over All

#22 The presidential election of 1796 differed from prior American elections because there were what?

A conventions.

B debates.

C multiple candidates.

D Democrats and Republicans.

C multiple candidates.

#23 The first political party division in the United States was between who?

A Democrats and Republicans

B Liberal and Conservatives

C Democrat-Republicans and Federalist

D Federalist and Royalist

C Democrat-Republicans and


#24 How was a vice president chosen in 1796?

A He ran alongside the presidential candidate

B He was elected by popular vote

C He was the presidential candidate who came in second

D He was appointed by the president-elect

C He was the presidential candidate who came in second

#25 Who became vice president as a result of the 1796 election?

A Jefferson

B Adams

C Madison

D Hamilton

A Jefferson

#26 Alexander Hamilton helped found the Federalist Party, which wanted to limit what?

A industry

B trade

C federal government power

D state government power

D state government power

#27 The Republicans took control from the

Federalist in 1800 as a result of popular distaste for the Alien and Sedition Acts, which limited all EXECPT which of the following freedom?

A speech

B press

C expression

D religion

D religion

#28 The Alien and Sedition Acts were supported by the Federalist as a way to

A protect the country from Republican critics

B limit the government power over foreigners and criticize the government

C imprison foreigners and journalist

D punish French speakers

A protect the country from

Republican critics

#29 Republicans’ main criticism of the Alien and Seditions Acts was that they

A gave too much power to the national government and interfered with state government

B took too many rights, such as freedom of speech, away from foreigners

C went against the American policy of neutrality

D forced the press to publish falsehoods

A gave too much power to the national government and interfered with state government

#30 During the presidency of John

Adams, three French agents would discuss a treaty with the U.S. only in exchange for a bribe. The incident came to be known as the

A TGIF Talks

B ABC Incident

C RST Event

D XYZ Affair

D XYZ Affair

#31 Which best describes President

John Adams’s attitude toward going to war with France?

A He was eager to go to war despite the cost.

B He wanted war, but would not declare it without congressional approval.

C He thought war might be unavoidable and gave up hope for a treaty.

D He refused to go to war despite protests by members of his own party.

D He refused to go to war despite protests by members of his own party.

#32 The Kentucky and Virginia

Resolutions were put forward by which leaders?

A Hamilton and Madison

B Adams and Jefferson

C Jefferson and Madison

D Adams and Hamilton

C Jefferson and Madison

#33 “Loose construction” is best defined as

A the idea that the parts of the Constitution need not be interpreted in the context of the whole.

B the interpretation that says the federal government can take reasonable actions in special cases as long as they are not specifically forbidden by the Constitution.

C the notion that there is an elasticity to the Constitution that allows politicians to stretch it in order to deal with any new situation.

D the position that says the Constitution allows only necessary means to deal with new situations and should not be stretched merely because politicians find it convenient.

B the interpretation that says the federal government can take reasonable actions in special cases as long as they are not specifically forbidden by the Constitution.

#34 The Judiciary Act of 1789 was passed by

President George Washington to set up a system of federal courts because he believed that

A the stability and success of the national government depends on the interpretation and execution of its laws by an independent judicial branch.

B the problems of crime and violence caused by a growing population could be prevented by extending the reach of the judicial branch.

C with the executive and legislative branches securely in place, the judiciary branch was the last piece needed to complete the puzzle of a new government.

D when cases of constitutional interpretation arose the executive and legislative branches would not have time to make good judgments.

A the stability and success of the national government depends on the interpretation and execution of its laws by an independent judicial branch.

#35 What is the Electoral College?

A a body of delegates from each state that casts the deciding votes for president

B a school for the advanced study of voting practices and political campaigning

C a group of voters hand-picked for cabinet positions by the president-elect

D a name given to all voters who cast ballots in presidential elections


a body of delegates from each state that casts the deciding votes for president

#36 Which statement best answers the question of whether or not there were political divisions in America in 1789?

A The fact that George Washington was selected unanimously showed that there were probably no political divisions.

B Public debates over who would serve in George

Washington’s cabinet showed that tension surrounded political appointments.

C George Washington’s passage of the Judiciary Act of

1789 showed that the greatest struggle was between presidential and legislative authority.

D The splitting of the executive branch into departments showed that social issues divided the country.

A The fact that George Washington was selected unanimously showed that there were probably no political divisions.

#37 What is one way that Abigail Adams and Judith Sargent Murray were different from Martha Washington?

A Martha Washington strongly supported the idea of Republican Motherhood

B They believed that it was up to the men in the family to raise children to be good citizens.

C They wanted women to play a more important role in the new nation than Martha Washington did.

D They believed that the First Lady should just entertain guests and attend social functions.

C They wanted women to play a more important role in the new nation than Martha

Washington did.

#38 In general, Congress created departments in the executive branch to address what type of policy?

A national policy

B foreign policy

C economic policy

D tax policy


national policy

#39 In 1790, how did Americans feel about the future of their new government?

A Their expectations were high because they trusted their leaders to protect their economic and security interests.

B They were uncertain because they had experienced only monarchy and didn’t know whether the democratic experiment would succeed.

C Their expectations were low because they questioned the president’s honesty and disliked the First Lady.

D They worried because they knew the nation was deep in debt from the Revolutionary War.

A Their expectations were high because they trusted their leaders to protect their economic and security interests.

#40 Which statement best characterizes

American farmers in 1790?

A They were independent people who didn’t want government interfering in their daily lives.

B They were civic-minded people who took every opportunity to organize and participate in community events.

C They were hard working and generous people who wanted to have their tax money distributed to those less fortunate.

D They were extremely competitive people and refused to accept any law designed to protect them from foreign rivals.

A They were independent people who didn’t want government interfering in their daily lives.

#41 Why did Alexander Hamilton take measures to limit the national bank’s power?

A He believed in strict construction of the

Constitution and didn't believe in the bank.

B He did not want to create a banking monopoly that lasted indefinitely.

C He was not a Federalist.


He believed in states’ rights, and wanted the states to have banks of their own.


He did not want to create a banking monopoly that lasted indefinitely.

# 42 According to George Washington’s

Farewell Address, all of the following were key’s to national success EXCEPT ?

A political unity

B neutrality in foreign policy

C economic security

D checks and balances

D checks and balances

#43. According to Thomas Jefferson, the primary role of the federal government includes all of the following EXCEPT

A protecting the nation from foreign threats.

B delivering the mail.

C collecting customs duties.

D expanding domestic taxes.


expanding domestic taxes.

#44 In the hotly contested election of 1800, whose supporters claimed that a Thomas

Jefferson presidency would bring to America the chaos of the French Revolution?


Aaron Burr’s


John Marshall’s


John Adams’


James Madison’s


John Adams’

****#45 What was the significance of the Battle of the Thames River??


It broke both the British and American

Indian power in the Northwest.


It forced the British to withdraw from Lake

Erie and gave the Americans new hope.


It led the way for an American invasion of



It inspired the writing of the national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

a. It broke both the British and

American Indian power in the


#46 Which of the following was a major theme of Thomas Jefferson’s inaugural address?

A uniting Republicans and Federalists

B increasing the size of government

C improving the capital’s infrastructure

D repaying the national debt


uniting Republicans and


#47 All of the following statements reflect the significance of Marbury

v. Madison EXCEPT ?

A It confirmed the Supreme Court’s power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.

B It established the power of judicial review.

C It meant the Supreme Court had to hear every case brought before it.

D It helped make the judicial branch equal to the other two branches.

C It meant the Supreme Court had to hear every case brought before it.

#48 The Louisiana Purchase was significant to the United States because

A it nearly doubled the size of the country.

B it helped the United States challenge British power in North America

C it set a precedent regarding the purchase of territory without congressional approval.

D it took New Orleans out of Spain’s control.

A it nearly doubled the size of the country.

#49 In the early 1800s, the

Mississippi River was crucial to settlers in all but which of the following states?

A Georgia

B Kentucky

C Ohio

D Tennessee

A Georgia

#50 French leader Napoleon Bonaparte was so eager to get rid of his American territories that when

America’s ambassador tried to buy New Orleans, the

French offered to sell all of Louisiana for $15 million.

All of the following statements describes Napoleon's strategic reasoning behind this move EXCEPT ?

A France was at war with the British and thought that an expanded

U.S. would humble England’s pride sooner or later.

B Napoleon needed the $15 million from the sale to reinforce his military in the fight against the British, France’s greatest enemy.

C A slave revolt on the island of Hispaniola had dashed Napoleon’s hopes of rebuilding France’s empire in North America, so he didn’t mind giving up the Louisiana territory.

D Napoleon wanted to show that Jefferson was a hypocrite about

“strict construction” by making an offer he couldn’t refuse, even without congressional approval.

D Napoleon wanted to show that Jefferson was a hypocrite about “strict construction” by making an offer he couldn’t refuse, even without congressional approval.

#51 The Lewis and Clark expedition was undertaken in order to explore the Louisiana

Purchase, learn about the plants and animals of the West, and

A provide Americans with their first accounts of the Northwest.

B establish the Corps of Discovery.

C form alliances with American Indian tribes

D attempt to find a river route to the Pacific


D attempt to find a river route to the Pacific Ocean.

#52 Which mountains presented a major obstacle to the Lewis and

Clarke expedition?

A the Appalachian Mountains

B the Sawtooth Mountains

C the Rocky Mountains

D the Blue Ridge Mountains


the Rocky Mountains

#53 What was the significance of

Zebulon Pike’s exploration?

A It provided many Americans with their first account of the Northwest

B It helped outline the Louisiana Territory’s western border with New Spain

C It provided a full report of Spanish spying activities in the Southwest.

D It inspired mountain climbers to explore the peaks of the Cascade Range.

B It helped outline the

Louisiana Territory’s western border with New Spain

#54 As the result of which activity did the

United States find itself involved in the war between Britain and France when it broke out in 1803?

A patrolling the English Channel with war ships

B shipping goods and war supplies to both countries

C negotiating the Louisiana Purchase

D protecting escaped British sailors from impressment


shipping goods and war supplies to both countries

#55 After a British navy ship targeted an

American navy ship in 1807, Great Britain’s violations of U.S. neutrality resulted in the

Embargo Act, which banned trade with

A Britain.

B France.

C Europe.

D all foreign countries.


all foreign countries.

#56 The Embargo Act failed because

A the Non-Intercourse Act limited its scope.

B the Federalist Party rallied against it.

C it caused American merchants to lose money and had little effect on Britain and France.

D Spain replaced the loss of U.S. trade with increased trade in South America.

C it caused American merchants to lose money and had little effect on Britain and


#57 In 1810, the Governor of the Indiana

Territory urged Tecumseh to follow the Treaty of Greenville, signed in 1795. What was

Tecumseh’s reply?

A “The white people have no right to take the land from the Indians, because the Indians had it first.”

B “If we submit, the independence of the Indians is lost.”

C “With the signing of that treaty and the loss of that land, I lost all hope.”

D “The chief who signed the white man’s treaty signed away land that was not his. It cannot be yours.”

A “The white people have no right to take the land from the Indians, because the Indians had it first.”

#58 Why were U.S. officials worried by Tecumseh’s actions?

A Tecumseh's actions broke the Treaty of


B Tecumseh's actions might have created an

Indian confederation.

C Tecumseh's actions may have been supported by the British.

D Tecumseh's actions inflamed Americans.

C Tecumseh's actions may have been supported by the


#59 The first young members of

Congress to call for a trade war against Britain were called

A Battle Axes

B Warlords

C War Hawks

D Redcoats

C War Hawks

#60 Who served as president of the

United States during the War of


A George Washington

B John Adams

C Thomas Jefferson

D James Madison

D James Madison

#61 All of the following help to explain why the U.S. declared war against Britain in 1812 EXCEPT ?

A British trade restrictions hurt southern planters and western farmers

B The British navy had aided the Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean

C British impressments were hurting the U.S. economy.

D The British had encouraged American Indians to attack settlers in the West

B The British navy had aided the Barbary pirates in the


#62 Which of the following explains why the U.S. Navy defeated the

British in the War of 1812?

A The U.S. Navy was larger than the British


B The British Navy was more spread out than the U.S. Navy

C The U.S. Navy had many new warships.

D U.S. sailors were more experienced than

British sailors

B The British Navy was more spread out than the U.S. Navy

#63 Which of the following assertions about the War of 1812 is false ?

A It produced intense feelings of patriotism among Americans.

B It strengthened American Indian resistance to


C It produced a boom in American manufacturing.

D It strengthened Americans’ faith in the democratic experiment.

B It strengthened American

Indian resistance to Americans.

#64 The document that ended the

War of 1812 was called the ?

A Treaty of Fort Jackson.

B Treaty of Ghent.

C Neutrality Proclamation.

D Louisiana Purchase.

B Treaty of Ghent.

#65 The last major conflict of the

War of 1812 was the

A Battle of Baltimore

B Battle of Horseshoe Bend.

C Battle of New Orleans.

D Battle of Tippecanoe.


Battle of New Orleans.

#66 The Treaty of Fort Jackson did which of the following?

A forced the Creek Indians to give up 23 million acres of land

B guaranteed American protection from

American Indians in the Northwest Territories

C gave the U.S. control of American Indian lands along the Tallapoosa River

D forced Tecumseh to give up his plan to unite

American Indian nations

A forced the Creek Indians to give up 23 million acres of land


Why did Britain’s military forces gain strength in April of


A The Queen ended an expedition to South

Africa and ordered the ships to the U.S. coast.

B Britain defeated France and could send more troops to America.

C France released British war prisoners who were soon added to the military ranks.

D There was a major decline in numbers of

American volunteers.

B Britain defeated France and could send more troops to


# 68 The first thing the British did after their ranks were reinforced in

April of 1814 was attack the city of

A New Orleans.

B Baltimore.

C Washington.

D New York.

E San Francisco.



#69 American politicians’ fears that a foreign power might take control of the Mississippi might have come true during the Battle of New Orleans, if not for the leadership of a commander who led a mix of soldiers, free African Americans, and Choctaw

Indians against the British. What was his name?

A Oliver Hazard Perry

B Andrew Jackson

C Francis Scott Key

D Jean Lafitte


Andrew Jackson

# 70 Which statement might a

Federalist have made in arguing against war with Britain? a.

“The U.S. Navy is far too weak in terms of manpower and the size of its fleet to fight the British. Battles at sea would mean certain death. We should avoid war.” b.

“Good relations with the British are essential to the health of

New England’s economy. Better to forge friendly business ties than to fight another war.” c.

“The federal government has yet to pay off the national debt caused by the Revolutionary War. Let’s not increase the debt by fighting another.” d.

“America is a democracy. If the majority of the American people do not want war, we should not fight. And the majority do not want war.”


“Good relations with the

British are essential to the health of New England’s economy. Better to forge friendly business ties than to fight another war.”

#71 Which of the following was a failure of the Lewis and Clark


A collect adequate information about western plants and animals.

B survey the Louisiana Purchase

C travel over the Cascade Range on horseback

D find an all river route across the West to the

Pacific Ocean

D find an all river route across the West to the Pacific Ocean

# 72 Thomas Jefferson and his treasury secretary,

Albert Gallatin, reduced government spending in order to repay the national debt. Arguably, this policy weakened the United States’ position in relation to the British because it

A abolished domestic taxes that could have funded American troops.

B cut the navy to a very small number of active ships.

C lowered military spending and reduced the size of the Air Force.

D limited the national government to several hundred people

B cut the navy to a very small number of active ships.

#73 The Federalists’ plea to end the War of

1812 caused embarrassment to the party despite the fact that it was never heard in

Washington. Why wasn’t it heard?

A The Federalist delegates elected at the Hartford Convention to meet with Congress missed their appointment.

B When the Federalist delegates got to Washington it was engulfed in fires the British had set, which made it politically unwise to argue against war.

C Slow communications meant the Federalist delegates hadn’t heard about the treaty that ended the war until they got to the capital.

D Republican patriots accused the Federalists of loyalty to the

Queen of England, which caused them to give up and stay in


C Slow communications meant the

Federalist delegates hadn’t heard about the treaty that ended the war until they got to the capital.

#74 Legislators Henry Clay, John C.

Calhoun, and Felix Grundy fought for war against the British because they were

A from the South and West, and wanted to put a stop to

British influence on Indian groups on the frontier.

B War Hawks, and wanted to prove their political strength against the Federalists by opposing Federalist claims

C from the North, and hoped to open more land for settlement by invading Canada.

D Populists, and were angered by British trade restrictions that hurt planters and farmers

A from the South and West, and wanted to put a stop to British influence on Indian groups on the frontier.

#75 How is judicial review best defined?

A the power of Congress to oversee decisions made by the Supreme Court

B the power of Congress to review the appointment of Supreme Court justices

C the power of the judiciary to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

D the power of the judiciary to monitor the conduct of presidential elections


the power of the judiciary to declare an act of

Congress unconstitutional

#76 Which of the following finally determined who would be President of the United States in the Election of


A The Electoral College

B The United States Supreme Court

C The United States House of Representatives

D The United States Senate

C The United States House of


#77 All of the following are true of the Election of 1800 EXCEPT ?

A The Constitution’s system of choosing the president and vice president failed to work properly

B The House of Representatives selected the president and vice president

C The president and vice president were from different political parties

D Alexander Hamilton threw his support behind

Thomas Jefferson and against Aaron Burr

C The president and vice president were from different political parties

#78 Which of the following was a

Shawnee leader that tried to convince

Native American peoples to unite in order to save their remaining land from white settlement?

A Crazy Horse

B Little Turtle

C Tecumseh

D Chief Powhatan



# 79 Who was the Chief Justice that presided over the case that established the principle of judicial review for the Supreme Court?

A John Jay

B John Marshall

C John Roberts

D Thurgood Marshall


John Marshall

# 80 Who wrote a poem that later became the national anthem of the

United States, while watching the battle for Fort McHenry?

A Francis Scott Key

B Oliver Hazard Perry

C Stephen Collins Foster

D George Wilkes Booth


Francis Scott Key

#81 What was the purpose of the

Non-Intercourse Act?

A It kept any new immigrants from moving into America

B It made it illegal to criticize the government either by speech or by writing

C It made it illegal to tax a citizen without first allowing representation

D It banned trade with Britain, France and all of their colonies

D It banned trade with

Britain, France and all of their colonies

#82 What impact did Sacagawea have on American History?

A She helped a U.S. expedition to explore the

Louisiana Territory

B She tried to unite Native Americans against westward expansion

C She led a slave revolt against white settlers in


D She led Native Americans against white settlers in the Ohio Valley over fur trade

A She helped a U.S. expedition to explore the Louisiana


#83 What battle in 1794, basically ended the ability of the tribes in the Northwest

Territory to continue to wage war?

A Battle of Gettysburg

B Battle of Fallen Timbers

C Battle of Yorktown

D Battle of New Orleans


Battle of Fallen Timbers

# 84 All of the following would have been a beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and other

Democratic-Republicans during the

Election of 1800 EXCEPT ?

A Believed in rule by the common man or citizen

B Favored alliances to the French over the


C Wanted the economy to be based on agriculture

D Believed that the Federal Government should be more powerful than State Governments

D Believed that the Federal

Government should be more powerful than State Governments

# 85 All of the following would have been a beliefs of John Adams and other

Federalists during the Election of 1800


A Believed in rule by the wealthy, well-educated class

B Favored alliances to the British over the French

C Wanted an economy that put an emphasis on manufacturing

D Believed that State Governments should have more power than the Federal Government

E Believed in a loose or broad interpretation of the

United States Constitution

D Believed that State

Governments should have more power than the Federal


# 86 Which of the following Supreme

Court cases set the precedent of allowing for judicial review?

A McCullough v. Maryland

B Marbury v. Madison

C Brown v. the Board of Education of

Topeka Kansas

D Roe v. Wade

B Marbury v. Madison

#87. All of the following contributed to the rise of political parties


A. Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s differing goals for the future of America

B. The war between Great Britain and France

C. Hamilton’s and Jefferson’s opposing views on the Constitution

D. Jefferson’s and Madison’s differing opinions about the Marbury v. Madison case

D. Jefferson’s and Madison’s differing opinions about the

Marbury v. Madison case

#88. Who were the Federalists trying to silence by instituting the Alien and

Sedition Acts?

A. The Whig Party

B. The Constitutional Union Party

C. The Democratic-Republican Party

D. The Communist Party

E. The American Reform Party

C. The Democratic-Republican


#89. Which of the following was the condition of the U.S. military at the end of the War of 1812?

A. The army had a surplus of soldiers, they were well trained and had a stockpile of weapons.

B. They had French and Prussian officers leading the U.S. military

C. The army was small, not well trained and lacked supplies

D. The army had new uniforms, rifles and large cannons.

C. The army was small, not well trained and lacked supplies

#90. Which amendment changed the way the president and vice president would be elected to avoid what happened to the election of 1800?

A. 11 th Amendment

B. 12 th Amendment

C. 13 th Amendment

D. 14 th Amendment

E. 15 th Amendment


91. What was the approximate population of the United States in the


A. 2 million

B. 4 million

C. 6 million

D. 8 million

E. 10 million

B. 4 million

92. All of the following people were in

President Washington’s first cabinet


A. Secretary of State – Thomas Jefferson

B. Secretary of Diplomacy – Benjamin Franklin

C. Attorney General – Edmund Randolph

D. Secretary of War – Henry Knox

E. Secretary of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton

B. Secretary of Diplomacy –

Benjamin Franklin

93. What set up the Federal Court


A. The U.S. Constitution

B. The Bill of Rights

C. The Federal Judiciary Act of 1789

D. The United States Supreme Court

C. The Federal Judiciary Act of


94. All of the following were reasons why farmers made their grain into whiskey EXCEPT ?

A. Grain was very bulky to take to market

B. It was easier to make whiskey than to remove the husks from the corn

C. They could get more money from customers for whiskey than for corn

D. A farmer could trade whiskey for other products

B. It was easier to make whiskey than to remove the husks from the corn

95. Which of the following terms is used to explain a person who buys an item at a very low price in the hopes that the value will rise so they can make a large profit?


Visionary d.

Speculator b.

Entrepreneur e.

Broker c.


d. Speculator

96. Who was the Miami chief that led many victories in the Northwest

Territory, and tried to convince the other chiefs to negotiate once Anthony

Wayne took over the American troops in the area?


Tecumseh d.

Sitting Bull b.

Pocahontas c.

Crazy Horse e.

Little Turtle


Little Turtle

97. Much of our nation’s economic activity takes place at the New York

Stock Exchange which is found on which of the following streets?


Wall Street c.

Money Street b.

Front Street d.

Boardwalk Street

a. Wall Street

98. Most of the fighting in the War of

1812 took place a.

in Europe b.

in Canada c.

in the United States d.

at Sea

c. in the United States

99. Why did President Jefferson agree to buy Louisiana from France?


He wanted to learn more about the lands and peoples east of the Mississippi River b.

He believed that the United States would benefit from the purchase c.

He wanted to end the French threat in

North America d.

He hoped to increase the president’s constitutional power

b. He believed that the United

States would benefit from the purchase

100. In the 1790s, most Americans a. lived in the countryside and worked on family farms b. lived in cities and worked as laborers, craftspeople or merchants c. lived in small towns and worked as laborers or craftspeople d. lived west of the Appalachian Mountains or wanted to move West

a. lived in the countryside and worked on family farms


