Successful Transfer of Cycling Innovation in Donostia / San Sebastian TIDE Training and Exchange Workshop Cluster break-out session: Non-Motorised Transport 13th November 2013, Stuttgart, Germany Fermín Echarte, Mobility Technician, Donostia / San Sebastian Outline 1) The city 2) Mobility policy 3) Bicycle parking scheme Problems Objectives Measures Bicycle parking spaces for residents in public car parking Bicycle parking wit ITS Barriers and drivers 1: The city Donostia / San Sebastian is a city located in the Basque Country, in the north of Spain, 20 km from the border with France. The city is the capital of Gipuzkoa province. The city of Donostia / San Sebastián overlooks the sea and, with 185,000 inhabitants, keeps a human scale. The metropolitan area has 435.000 inhabitants. Donostia / San Sebastian overlooks the sea, with 3 beaches and a small port. It is a city surrounded by mountains and therefore some of its land is located in low areas of land, and others at higher altitude. The main public transport systems, pedestrian and cyclist facilities are located in the low and flat areas. 1: The city For about twenty years, the city has been enforcing a strong integrated policy in favour of pedestrians, bicycles and public transport. Considering walking and cycling as modes of transport has led to the building of a nonmotorised transport network for promoting this type of mobility around the city. The 50 % of the population lives in flat areas and the other 50 % lives in hilly areas. 2: Mobility policy MODAL SHARE 2007 - 2011 Types of modes Walking Bicycles Public transport Car* Motorcycles Others ** TOTAL Movements 193.389 12.114 87.290 108.141 21.960 31.623 Modal shift 2007 42,54 % 2,66 % 19,20 % 23,79 % 4,83 % 6,98 % Movements 239.423 18.943 84.882 109.085 18.616 20.779 Modal shift 2011 48,69 % 3,85 % 17,26 % 22,18 % 3,70 % 4,32 % Difference 2011 2007 + 6,15 % + 1,19 % -1,94 % -1,61 % - 1,13 % -2,66 % Meassures • Analysis of occupation of the cycle racks 3: Bicycle parking scheme in the city day and night • Move away abandoned bicycles Problems Change of management 2013 • Buildings before 2010: no bicycle parking , • Analysis of different solutions for parking bicycles. Being finished. no lifts, no space…... • Bicycle parking plan in Donostia San • No space in the flats to store bicycles Sebastian. NEXT • Bicycle underground parking for • Residents bicycles use on-street cycle parking during day and night > less space residents in public underground car parking for other users & abandoned bikes • Increase the security of surface bicycle • Stolen bicycles parking using ITS • Visual impact • Cycle parking take up pedestrian space • Investment municipality more racks • No space for bikes in summer and big events • Creating temporal bicycle parking spaces for big events and beaches. 3: Bicycle parking scheme Objectives •Bicycle parking plan in Donostia / San Sebastian •New buildings: create specific parking spaces for bicycles in new buildings • Create spaces in central areas (Underground Car parking) where residents can park their bikes > More space for the rest in surface. • Increase the use of the bike and the quality of the bikes • Reduce number of stolen bicycles • Reduce the visual impact of the bicycles in the racks • Install the racks in the car parking space in surface (no pedestrian areas) • Increase the bicycle parking security in surface with ITS. • Bicycle parking racks for beaches and big events. 3: Bicycle parking scheme Measures Bicycle underground parking for residents in public underground car parking Crisis New Underground car parking Free spaces 3: Bicycle parking scheme Measures Bicycle underground parking for residents in public underground car parking PLAZA CATALUÑA Floor: - 3 Num. car spaces taken: 11 Acces: lift INGRESOS Abonos Tarjetas Parking Rotación 0,50 TOTAL INGRESOS 2.013 100% 12.000,00 12.607,20 2.014 100% 12.360,00 12.985,42 2.015 100% 12.730,80 13.374,98 2.016 100% 13.112,72 13.776,23 2.017 100% 13.506,11 14.189,51 2.018 2.019 100% 13.911,29 14.615,20 100% 14.328,63 15.053,66 24.607,20 25.345,42 26.105,78 26.888,95 27.695,62 28.526,49 29.382,28 2.013 24.607,20 24.755,10 147,90 147,90 2.014 25.345,42 25.131,69 213,73 65,83 2.015 26.105,78 25.519,57 586,21 652,03 2.016 26.888,95 25.919,09 969,86 1.621,89 2.017 27.695,62 26.330,60 1.365,02 2.986,91 2.018 28.526,49 26.754,45 1.772,04 4.758,94 2.019 29.382,28 27.191,02 2.191,26 6.950,21 2.013 Nº Bicis 100,00 Cuota €/Mes 10,00 Meses 12,00 % Ayuda 1,00 BALANCE INGRESOS Y GASTOS INGRESOS GASTOS BALANCE INGRESOS Y GASTOS ACUMULADO - AMORTICACIÓN DE LA INVERSIÓN MUNICIPAL AMORTIZACIÓN INVERSIÓN MUNICIPAL P. CATALUÑA Concesión hasta el 7/01/2059 Periodo Rest. Concesión: 45 Años desde 1/01/2013 PLAZAS 11,00 €/Plaza 20.467,60 €/Total 225.143,63 Gastos Amortización €/Año 6.975,18 Canon €/Año Cat 3.480,00 Ingreso Ayuntamiento Canon €/Año Cerv 3.480,00 Canon €/Año Total 6.960,00 Abono 24H? Meses/Año 12,00 €/Mes 120,00 €/Año 1.440,00 Nº Tarjetas 17,00 €/Año Total 24.480,00 SERVICIO APARCAMIENTO BICICLETAS EN P. CATALUÑA GASTOS INVERSION Gastos de Amortización Amortización (Años) Intereses Suma G Amortización 8 5% Gastos de Personal Personal - Vigilancia Gastos de Explotación Cuota Mensual Sum/Vigil/Manto x Plaza Reposición Seguro RC Suma G Explotación Otros Gastos Canon Municipal 3% 11,00 5% 1% 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.017 2.018 2.019 5.547,11 2.533,56 8.080,67 5.830,92 2.249,75 8.080,67 6.129,24 1.951,43 8.080,67 6.442,82 1.637,85 8.080,67 6.772,45 1.308,22 8.080,67 7.118,94 961,73 8.080,67 7.483,16 597,51 8.080,67 - - - - - 5.871,83 404,03 439,59 6.715,45 6.047,98 404,03 439,59 6.891,61 6.229,42 404,03 439,59 7.073,05 6.416,30 404,03 439,59 7.259,93 6.608,79 404,03 439,59 7.452,42 6.807,06 404,03 439,59 7.650,68 3.480,00 3.480,00 3.584,40 3.584,40 3.691,93 3.691,93 3.802,69 3.802,69 3.916,77 3.916,77 4.034,27 4.034,27 4.155,30 4.155,30 18.105,10 18.380,52 18.664,21 18.956,41 19.257,37 19.567,36 19.886,65 13% 2.353,66 20.458,76 2.389,47 20.769,99 2.426,35 21.090,56 2.464,33 21.420,74 2.503,46 21.760,83 2.543,76 22.111,12 2.585,27 22.471,92 21% 4.296,34 4.361,70 4.429,02 4.498,36 4.569,77 4.643,33 4.719,10 24.755,10 25.131,69 25.519,57 25.919,09 26.330,60 26.754,45 27.191,02 29,00% Total Gastos GG y BI - € 10.000,00 1.300,00 1.200,00 1.459,20 30.000,00 43.959,20 5.700,80 404,03 439,59 6.544,43 Suma Otros Gastos Suma TOTAL GASTOS €/UD 10.000,00 1.300,00 1.200,00 1.459,20 300,00 - Suma G Personal IVA 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 100,00 UD Instalación de jaula Instalación electrica Instalación camara seguridad Instalación sistema control acceso Aparcabicis dos alturas Total Inversión 3: Bicycle parking scheme Meassures Bicycle underground parking for residents in public underground car parking PLAZA CATALUÑA NOW: legal changes on the contracts with the management company make bicycle parking possible - Economical analysis. PILOT IN FLOOR -1 Define Users conditions Define the needs of residents Know the demand/Price THEN up scaling to the other parking 3: Bicycle parking scheme Measures Increase the security of surface bicycle parking using ITS Creating a bicycle group alarm It is linked to the Parking payment machines to reduce cost of the system and to registered bicycles. Technical and economical dificulties Looking to other solution: lock8 8-the-worlds-first-smart-bike-lock 3: Bicycle parking scheme Barriers and drivers • Barriers Economical situation Legal problems Investment Technical difficulties • Drivers Political support Citizens needs for bicycle parking European project THANK YOU Fermín Echarte Donostia / San Sebastián