BGREI In Eastern UP (Meeting Central Steering Committee 20 Dec 2013) Agenda-(a) Achievement in 2012-13 Sl no Item 1 Unit Target as approved by SLSC Physical (ha./No.) Financial Achivement Made Physical (ha./No.) Financial Rice Block Demo (i) (ii) Upland Rice Unit 10000 791.200 8801.1 365.699 Shallow Water Rice Unit 8000 632.960 7365 290.777 (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Medium Water Rice Unit 8000 631.760 10000 352.483 Deep Water Rice Unit 5000 362.850 2000 74.154 HYV Rice Unit 30000 2055.600 29296.95 934.710 Hybrid Rice Unit 10000 781.700 9739 488.955 71000 5256.070 67202.30 2506.779 Unit 65000 2600.000 62000 2265.737 Boring No 23766 1663.620 24835 1663.630 Pumpset No 7479 747.900 6316 682.759 Distribution of zero till/seed drill No 2067 310.050 709 114.750 Total 2 3 (i) (ii) (iii) Wheat (Block Demo) Asset Building Total 2721.570 2461.139 Achievement in 2012-13 Sl no 4 Item Unit Target as approved by SLSC Physical (ha./No.) Financial Achivement Made Physical (ha./No.) Financial Site Specific Activities No 23766 594.150 24835 594.140 Gypsum @ 2MT/ha Tonne 4500 270.000 515 34.860 (iii) Drum Seeder/Marker No 525 21.000 64 2.173 (iv) Hand holding of last year Demonstration ha 27000 715.500 23901 299.543 (v) Line sowing (Including monitoring charges) ha 72672 508.704 70874.5 464.020 (i) HDPE/ PVC pipe (ii) Total Payment against time barred cheque 2109.354 1394.736 Rs 23.600 Grand Total Department 12686.994 Allotment Expenditure 8651.990 % Expense Agriculture Department 6397.958 6394.220 99.94 Minor Irrigation 2257.770 2257.770 100.00 8655.728 8651.990 99.96 Total Agenda-(a) Impact of project on productivity Base Year productivity Scenario Area (Lakh ha) Production (Lakh MT) Productivity (Q/ha) Eastern UP 29.86 59.77 20.02 Other than Eastern UP Eastern UP 26.19 57.67 22.02 34.61 88.37 25.53 Other than Eastern UP 62.71 189.40 30.20 Rice Wheat 2009-10 2010-11 Project Year productivity Scenario Rice Wheat Area (Lakh ha) Production (Lakh MT) Producti vity (Q/ha) % enhance ment in Pvty Eastern UP 31.31 67.31 21.50 7.39 Other than Eastern UP Eastern UP 26.58 55.51 20.88 (-)5.18 35.33 100.01 28.31 10.89 Other than Eastern UP 62.68 204.85 32.68 8.21 Agenda-(a) Impact of project on productivity 2011-12 Project Year productivity Scenario Area (Lakh ha) Production (Lakh MT) Productivit y (Q/ha) Percent enhancement in Productivity Over base year Eastern UP 31.81 74.36 23.38 16.78 Other than Eastern UP 27.42 65.26 23.80 8.08 Eastern UP 35.32 105.47 29.86 16.96 Other than Eastern UP 67.99 213.45 34.43 14.01 Rice Wheat 2012-13 Project Year productivity Scenario Area (Lakh ha) Production (Lakh MT) Productivit y (Q/ha) Percent enhancement in Productivity Over base year Eastern UP 31.23 75.34 24.12 20.47 Other than Eastern UP 27.14 68.20 25.12 14.08 Eastern UP 35.33 104.67 29.63 16.06 Other than Eastern UP 62.01 211.83 34.16 13.11 Rice Wheat Agenda-(b) Strategies adopted for Site specific activities Included activities are: • Distribution of Drum seeder • Tractor Driven Paddy Thresher • Mini combined harvester • Line Sowing Agenda-(b) Strategies adopted for Site specific activities Distribution of Drum seeder- Total Drum Seeder distributedUnder Demonstration - 161 Out of Demonstrations – 369 (includes 99 demonstration out of BGREI districts but in Eastern UP which was distributed before finalization of project by GoI) Agenda-(b) Strategies adopted for Site specific activities Tractor Driven Paddy Thresher and Mini combined harvester Agenda-(b) Demonstration of Line Sowing of Wheat • An area of 156020 has been covered under the target of 156020 ha. • Photography and video graphy of the activity is being under taken. • Wide publicity of the programme is ensured through visit of near by farmer. Agenda-(b) Marketing support- Community farm storage building • The groups organized under ATMA and by others will take care of additional funds, storage of grains and disposal in time of demand. • Joint Director Agriculture Engineering has been instructed to ensure the quality of construction of these storage building. Agenda-(b) Marketing supportContd…. • Seed dryer • Seed grader • Portable bag closer • Weigher with compressor Physical and Financial achievement during As on 10 Dec. 2013 the year 2013-14 Agenda-(c) Sl no 1 Main compone nt Block Demonst rations Item Target Approved Physi Financ Achievement Physical Financial A- Rice Upland Rice ha 7912 12000 949.440 10668.0 420.1 Shallow water Rice Medium water Rice ha ha 7912 7897 12000 12000 949.440 947.640 12316.0 12180.0 528.1 407.7 HYVRice ha 6852 26000 1781.520 27407.8 961.8 Hybrid Rice Total ha ha 7817 33000 2579.610 95000 7207.650 29992.4 92564.1 1479.8 3797.516 ha ha no. no. 4000 16000 640.000 111000 7847.650 30019 2101.330 4200 1050.000 3151.330 13827 108564.1 0 0 280.70 3975.186 0.000 0.000 0.000 B-Wheat Timely/late Sown 2 Unit Rs /ha/ no. Total Demonstrations Boring Asset building Paddy Transplanter Total 7000 25000 Physical and Financial achievement during the year 2013-14 Sl no Main compone nt Item Unit Rs /ha/ no. Target Approved Phys. 3 Site Specific Activities Drum seeder other than rice demo Tractor DrivenPaddy Thresher Mini combined harvester Line Sowing 4 Grand Total Phys. Fin. no. 3500 1000 35.000 109 3.575 no. 12000 312 37.440 0 0.000 no. 150000 1645 2467.500 0 0.000 ha 400 156020 624.080 156020 0.000 Total Community Farm Storage Building Seed Dryer Marketing Seed Grader Support Portable bag closer Weigher with compressor Total Fin. Achievement 3164.020 3.575 no. 350000 26 91.000 0 0.000 no. no. no. 600000 275000 5000 120 120 120 720.000 330.000 6.000 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 no. 350000 120 420.000 0 0.000 ` 1567.000 0 0.000 ` 15730.000 3978.761 Agenda-(c) Efforts in increasing procurement and storage especially for Eastern UP • Food and civil supply department of UP is fully geared to procure all arrivals of paddy in view of increasing production by way of arranging required gunny bags, weighing equipments coupled with sufficient liquidity. • Involvement of commission agent to cope up higher arrivals. • Payment to beneficiaries through RTGS. Agenda (d) Procurement (Paddy) Scenario in retrospect and prospect Target/ level State BGREI (12 Districts) Year Procurement target (in MT) 2012-13 22.5 2013-14 25.0 2012-13 6.61 2013-14 5.65 Agenda (d) Hybrid Rice being distributed in Uttar Pradesh 2013-14 Sl. No Hybrids 1 PHB-71 2 JKRH-401 3 PRH-122 4 Arize-6444 5 Arize-6201 6 GK-5003 7 DRH-775 8 NDRH-2 All notified hybrids were distributed Scenario of Hybrid and General seed Distribution 2013-14 Additional Agenda S.No Districts Hybrid General (Qtl) Total 1 ALLAHABAD 6890 14366 21256 2 KAUSHAMBI 3670 5649 9319 3 PRATAPGARH 5459 9791 15250 4 VARANASI 2522 9211 11733 5 CHANDAULI 2691 15392 18083 6 JAUNPUR 4720 14756 19476 8 S. RAVI DAS NGR 1620 6380 8000 9 MAHRAJGANJ 6126 28319 34445 10 KUSHI NAGAR 4737 19140 23877 11 SANT KABIR NGR 5364 11495 16859 12 FAIZABAD 3044 7604 10648 13 AMBEDKAR NAGAR 1678 4485 6163 Total 48521 146588 195109 Uttar Pradesh 201495 639981 841476 Coverage under Hybrid and other varieties Additional Agenda 17-12-13 S.No Districts Area in ha. Hybrid Other including Scented Total 1 ALLAHABAD 53415 105818 159233 2 KAUSHAMBI 12770 104827 117597 3 PRATAPGARH 27614 105042 132656 4 VARANASI 1890 105129 107019 5 CHANDAULI 8125 106007 114132 6 JAUNPUR 24978 105894 130872 8 S. RAVI DAS NGR 3200 104882 108082 9 MAHRAJGANJ 30520 106107 136627 10 KUSHI NAGAR 32204 105712 137916 11 SANT KABIR NGR 22944 107220 130164 12 FAIZABAD 29600 106307 135907 13 AMBEDKAR NAGAR 61602 105648 167250 Total 308862 1279502 1588364 Uttar Pradesh 1273171 4691067 5964238 Problem Faced in procurement of Hybrid paddy Additional Agenda 17-12-13 • Most of the millers complain about the less recovery in hybrids. • Government of India has informed that Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology Tanjaure, Tamilnadu has been authorized to take study on this issue. Government of UP is fully geared to participate in the study. District wise Rice procurement Target Additional Agenda 17-12-13 S.No Districts (MT) Procurement target 2012-13 Procurement target 2013-14 1 ALLAHABAD 87200 75000 2 KAUSHAMBI 27000 25000 3 PRATAPGARH 45100 45000 4 VARANASI 2700 3000 5 CHANDAULI 45500 45000 6 JAUNPUR 49250 47000 7 S. RAVI DAS NGR 76500 10000 8 MAHRAJGANJ 117030 85000 9 KUSHI NAGAR 60600 65000 10 SANT KABIR NGR 50200 45000 11 FAIZABAD 40000 46000 12 AMBEDKAR NAGAR 60300 74000 Total BGREI District 661380 565000 Uttar Pradesh 2450000 2500000 District wise Rice procurement scenario Additional Agenda 17-12-13 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (in retrospect of prospects) Districts ALLAHABAD KAUSHAMBI PRATAPGARH VARANASI CHANDAULI JAUNPUR S. RAVI DAS NGR MAHRAJGANJ KUSHI NAGAR SANT KABIR NGR FAIZABAD AMBEDKAR NAG. Total Uttar Pradesh Achievement 2012-13 1402.30 462.08 855.10 130.40 960.76 1005.13 555.92 4611.85 547.90 227.22 4651.85 2601.18 18011.69 237907.75 (MT) Achievement for 2013-14 (Up to 16 Dec 2013) 6723.13 2829.09 6711.87 287.98 687.96 4361.29 1561.75 13970.58 5998.98 9039.23 7795.43 6581.37 66548.66 471942.26 Agenda (e)Results of crop cutting of different Eco system of BGREI demonstrations of plots conducted during Kharif 2013 • The crop cutting results from different districts under different eco system are being analyzed. However, overall scenario is summarized. Yield in (Q/ha) Demo plot (Q/ha) Neighboring Control % Enhancement over control Upland Rice 38.5 30.6 25.81 Shallow water Rice 42.8 32.3 32.50 Medium water Rice 45.6 36.4 25.27 HYV Rice 48.3 40.4 19.55 Hybrid Rice 95.8 75.7 26.55 Eco System Statement of Financial progress under BGREI vs Utilization certification issues in different years Sl No. Year 1 2010-11* 2 3 2011-12 2012-13 Total Total Allotmnent including Prev year balance 5726.810 7850.980 Total Expenditure Made Total Financial progress reported alongwith physical progress Balance 4815.127 5726.422 911.683 7324.473 6413.176 526.507 Amount of ` 911.42 Lakh released by Govermnet of UP is included in total allotment for the year 2011-12 Amount of ` 526.5073 is included in total allotment for the year 2012-13 8831.440 8651.998 8651.990 179.442 22409.230 20791.598 20791.588 1617.632 Additional (e) page -2 Remark Contd… Statement of Financial progress under BGREI vs Utilization certificate issued in different years Additional (e) page -2 Continued from previous slide The final (revised) physical and financial progress for the year 2010-11 submitted to GoI also includes achievement made during 2011-12 against the target for 2010-11. As such the financial progress reported along with physical progress is higher as compared to utilization certificate. Similarly, the amount shown in utilization certificate during 2011-12 is more than the amount shown in physical and financial report because the amount spent against physical and financial target for 2010-11 has been booked in the year 2010-11 in stead of 2011-12