Physical and Financial Review of BGREI Fin:Rs. in lakh Items Unit Programme for 2012-13 Phy Fin. Achievement for 2012-13 Phy Fin Block Demonstration Ha 1,55,000 12203.75 In progress 7835.18 Assets building (Pumpsets) No. 43178 4317.25 490 43.92 Farm-cum fish ponds No. 1000 600.00 15(in 9.00 progress) Creation of community Irrigation Projects No 6 4104.00 Check dam/ Diversion weir No 10 500.00 1016 5204.00 9.00 21725.00 7888.10 Site specific needs Total (site specific needs) Grand total PHYSICAL PROGRESS UNDER BGREI-2012-13 Interventions Unit ECO-SYSTEMS Rainfed Up Land Rainfed Shallow Low Land Irrigated HYV Irrigated HYB Total Clusters formed Nos. 7 65 63 20 155 Farmers involved Nos. 7547 70484 70603 20423 169057 NGOs Nos. 11 77 85 35 208 Progressive Farmers selected Nos. 70 650 630 200 1550 Staff Hand Holding selected Nos. 7 65 63 20 155 Drum Seeder supplied Nos. 70 650 630 200 1550 SRI Power Weeder Nos. 7 65 63 20 155 Seed Supplied Qtl. 4200 39000 37690 3000 83890 Weedicide Lts. 10500 97500 94500 30000 232500 Seedling Treatment Lts. 0 65000 63000 20000 148000 Micronutrient(Zn & B) Qtl. 1750 16250 15750 5000 38750 PHYSICAL PROGRESS UNDER BGREI-2012-13 Interventions Unit ECO-SYSTEMS Rainfed Up Land Rainfed Shallow Low Land Irrigated HYV Irrigated HYB Total Deep Ploughing Completed Ha. 7000 65000 63000 20000 155000 * Direct Seeding completed Ha. 4500 5000 100 0 9600 Transplanting completed Ha. 250 7000 7000 1500 15750 Nursery for Transplanting Ha. 0 5300 5590 1850 12740 ASSET BUILDING Nos. 490 pump sets SITE SPECIFIC NEEDS Nos. 15 Fishcum – Farm Pond Strategic Plans for improving Agril Production and Productivity Crop Demonstration - Rice 155 clusters of each 1000 ha under Rice Demonstration in different agro-ecological zones like : • Rain fed upland eco system – 7 clusters • Irrigated hybrid eco system – 20 clusters • Rain fed shallow low land – 65 clusters • Irrigated hyv rice – 63 clusters Soil test based nutrient application – soil sample analysis of 30 samples for major nutrients and 3 samples for micro nutrients. New varieties released during last 10 years given priority. Demonstration of Naveen, Barshadhan, Ranidhan, Pratikhya, Sahabhagi, RGL 2537, RGL 2538, Geetanjali, Swarna Sub1 given importance for demonstration. Foundation seeds promoted in 25 clusters for seed production programme. Popularisation of hybrids like Ajaya, Rajalaxmi and KRH-2 in 20000 hectare area. 3000 qtls of seeds procured from GoI undertakings like HIL, and SFCI as well as MoU farms of CRRI. Application of weedicides – importance for dose and time of application. Mechanical weeding by using power/ cono/ mandwa weeder. Line sowing/ Transplanting is mandatory for entire demonstration of 155 clusters covering 155000 hectare. Sowing of seeds by using drum seeder. Pest and disease management through procurement of need based pesticides. E-pest surveillance taken up through out the State. Joint supervision and guidance to the farmers by Govt officials and KVK scientists. Asset Building • Providing life saving irrigation through supply of • • • • • • • 23000 pump sets with 50% subsidy limited to Rs.10,000/-. Power tillers – 2000 nos with 40% subsidy limited to Rs.45,000/-. Combine Harvester – 80 nos. with 50% subsidy limited to Rs.400,000/-. Paddy Reaper – 550 nos with 25% subsidy limited to Rs.40,000/-. Paddy Transplanter – 300 nos with 25% subsidy limited to Rs.40,000/-. Power Thresher – 3545 nos with 25% subsidy limited to Rs.5000/Rotavator – 600 with 40% subsidy limited to Rs.20,000/-. Spl. Power Driven Implements – 800 nos with 40% subsidy limited to Rs.20,000/-. (Since other sources of funding are available under life saving irrigation, sanction under Asset Building is proposed to be diverted to Mechanization) Site Specific Needs • Farm-cum-Fish ponds (1000 nos) in coastal area where depth of water rises to 2 ft – unsuitable for crop production. Cost of each unit Rs.70,000/(Farmers’share 10,000/- and Govt. subsidy Rs.60,000/-) • Creation of community irrigation projects – 10 acres of patch –Programme of 684 patches. Cost of each patch is Rs.6,00,000 at 100 % subsidy • Check Dam/ Diversion Weirs- Programme for 10 projects with estimated cost of Rs.50 lakh each. Inter Departmental Policy and Programmatic Convergence Policies Extending Green revolution to area with low irrigation facility Sustained productivity and conservation farming Concurrent attention to soil health, water conservation and preservation of bio-diversity To rejuvenate the farm sector with Technomanagerial advancement to enhance the Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability of the major farming systems Chalking out programme for different Agroclimatic regions Attracting and retaining educated youth in farming and substantially improving the livelihood of the farmers of the state Marketing and Procurement • Procurement of paddy is done by different agencies like State Civil Supplies Corporation, PACS, MARKFED in the mandies created within the reach of the farmers. • The seeds are procured by OSSC under Seed Production Programme. Specific Areas of Strategic Research • Development of suitable rice varieties for saline and deep water eco-systems. • Development of farmer friendly low drudgery manual weeding equipment. Technological Interventions Deep Ploughing by Tractor Drawn M.B Plough / Rotavator Seedling Root Dip/Nursery Treatment Weed Management – Chemical/ Mechanical Line Transplanting / Sowing Use of Plastic drum seeder Use of Transplanter Use of Micro Nutrients based on Soil Test Results ROLE OF CRRI • Director, CRRI is the member of the Central Steering Committee (CSC). • The CSC guides the implementation process, making suggestion for improvement basing on the State Level Monitoring Teams (SLMT). • CCRI, Cuttack is the nodal institute in the monitoring team and acts as the main bridge between the CSC, SLMT and DLMT. • The CRRI and its partner institutes are responsible for scientific supervision and technical guidance and will visit 10% of the districts. ROLE OF OUAT • Identify the priority area to plan right interventions • Close monitoring of implementation – ensure quality technologies and services are extended to farmers. ROLE OF KVK • Provide feedback to SLMT on quality implementation • • of the project. Extend technical backstopping for the demonstrations. Monitor the programme and submit report to CRRI at monthly intervals. Monitoring Structure In addition to State level Monitoring Team (SLMT), the DLMT have been formed at the district level for regular monitoring of the Project. Set up of District Level Monitoring Team (DLMT) • PD, ATMA • Scientists of KVK • Consultant, ATMA • District level Agril Engineer • Representative of District Collector • District representative of WR Deptt The Team will meet once every month (3rd week) and review progress of implementation. Kharif Crop Prospects and Input Supply Position Crop Prospects Kharif-2012 (Area in ‘000 ha) Crop Paddy Total Cereals Total Pulses Total Oilseeds Total Fibres Total Vegetables Total Spices Grand Total Programme 40.00 44.60 7.40 3.87 1.42 3.20 0.81 61.30 Progress 16.82 19.66 2.05 0.89 1.27 3.10 0.71 27.68 Seed Supply Position (Qtl) during Kharif 2012 Seed Programme Supply up to Sale up to 18th July 18th July Paddy 672000 446713 408809 Pulses 5763 23.22 11.50 G.Nut 15634 6087 1120 Jute 310 293 272 Dhanicha 4075 2492 2095 Total (all seeds) 698516 444711 412348 Fertilizer Supply Position (MT) during Kharif 2012 Fertilizer Urea MOP DAP Complex Total (including SSP, A/S) Requirement Allocation by Receipt up to Kharif 2012 GoI up to mid July 2012 July, 2012 450000 160990 98749 110000 175000 205000 966000 54700 97900 119400 432990 28624 36990 42562 213228 GLORY OF BGREI 2011-12 Physical and Financial Review of BGREI Fin.: Rs. in lakh Items Unit Programme for 2011-12 Achievement for 2011-12 Phy Fin. Phy Fin. 52,000 3752.04 52,000 3752.04 1168.96 Block Demonstration Ha Assets building Pumpsets Site specific needs (Godown, threshing floor,check dam) No. 11690 1168.96 14030 Unit 172 1341.00 172 670.00 (in progress) Total 6262.00 5591.00 Outcome Derived Wide acceptance of Line Sowing and Transplanting Use of Drum Seeder in up-Land & Medium Land Created a new hope Role of Micro- Nutrient (Zinc Sulfate) in increasing the Productivity is well understood by the Farmers Support of N.G.Os made the task of other stake holder easier Increase in Yield was significant (up to 50%) Results of BGREI in Rainfed Up- Land District KORAPUT MAYURBHANJ GANJAM BARGARH STATE Max. yield in Qtl./ ha Min. yield in Qtl./ ha Av. yield in Qtl. per ha. Demo. Av. yield in Qtl. per Ha Control 680 38.65 15.13 23.31 13.43 2324 138 48.96 20.40 32.22 24.32 81 2196 81 38.08 23.97 31.28 23.37 3 19 1732 46 30.33 11.56 21.53 15.85 30 289 8103 945 48.96 25.21 15.99 Area in ha. No. of blocks No. of G. P 1000 1 4 112 1851 1000 1 14 77 1000 2 9 1000 1 4000 5 No. of villages No. of farmers involved No of Crop cuttings 11.56 Results of BGREI in Rainfed Shallow low- Land Area in ha. No. of blocks No. of G. P No. of villages No. of farmers involved No of Crop cuttings Max. yield in Qtl./ ha Min. yield in Qtl./ ha District Av. yield in Qtl. per ha. Demo Av. yield in Qtl. per Ha Contr ol. Balasore 2000 3 5 18 1644 129 84.32 42.50 60.89 36.17 Bhadrak 1000 1 2 10 1022 110 86.70 61.20 77.01 55.25 Cuttack 1000 1 6 27 1557 204 77.18 52.02 60.32 32.84 Jagatsingpur 1000 1 4 19 1381 48 75.48 41.31 58.04 42.33 Kendrapada 2000 2 6 29 2562 196 65.62 35.70 56.27 34.89 Koraput 1000 1 2 44 1328 124 65.88 25.07 40.66 31.30 Rayagada 1000 1 3 54 1491 30 51.43 35.07 47.50 33.98 Subarnapur 970.5 1 3 22 806 58 72.25 8.50 35.84 22.09 Mayurbhanj 2000 2 10 37 2501 282 63.58 34.17 46.33 37.91 Ganjam 2000 2 9 35 2497 70 58.23 37.91 50.83 34.17 Gajapati 1000 1 11 88 1572 158 57.12 22.44 35.96 27.54 Puri 1000 5 12 32 1765 64 44.91 39.83 41.97 37.20 Khordha 1000 1 5 16 1435 101 68.96 34.49 54.57 47.77 Baragarh 2000 2 6 22 2767 133 58.48 16.49 33.71 22.25 Sambalpur 1000 1 4 12 1382 33 45.08 28.90 30.94 13.24 19970.5 25 88 465 25710 1740 8.50 50.27 35.05 State 86.70 Results of BGREI in Irrigated HYV Area in ha. No. of blocks No. of G. P District No. of villages No. of farmers involved No of Crop cuttings Max. yield in Qtl./ ha Min. yield in Qtl./ ha Av. yield in Qtl. per ha. Demo Av. yield in Qtl. per Ha Control. Balasore 2000 3 7 30 1703 96 78.20 34.00 53.81 35.28 Bhadrak 2000 2 5 19 2463 189 95.20 46.75 63.68 52.70 Cuttack 2000 2 6 31 2902 140 82.08 51.95 63.10 42.48 Jagatsingpur 1000 1 4 18 1613 40 76.69 49.18 62.61 45.63 Kendrapada 2000 2 7 22 3244 265 76.33 46.04 58.38 38.97 Koraput 2000 2 8 55 2720 252 62.90 24.82 47.17 34.46 Rayagada 1000 1 4 31 1061 40 68.06 43.45 52.43 37.38 Subarnapur 865.5 1 2 8 551 50 58.82 40.73 51.13 37.66 Mayurbhanj 2000 2 8 38 2633 300 83.30 31.28 48.92 36.73 Ganjam 2000 3 9 19 2860 38 71.57 44.20 56.10 40.97 Gajapati 1000 1 5 40 1481 148 71.74 23.46 43.69 31.93 Puri 2000 6 21 66 2444 160 53.77 43.81 51.10 43.37 Khordha 2000 2 17 50 2637 136 102.16 31.11 60.87 37.49 Baragarh 2000 2 6 15 1937 189 82.96 29.92 52.17 35.05 Sambalpur 2000 2 6 40 1231 75 96.70 41.21 55.08 39.84 25865.5 32 115 482 31480 2118 102.16 23.46 53.95 39.03 State Results of BGREI in Irrigated Hybrid Paddy No. of farmers involved Max. yield in Qtl./ ha Min. yield in Qtl./ ha Av. yield in Qtl. per ha. Demo Av. yield in Qtl. per Ha Control. Area in ha. No. of blocks No. of G. P 1000 2 12 50 1989 85 58.41 46.10 56.40 47.36 Sambalpur 1000 1 5 16 664 20 93.5 49.64 67.14 39.83 State 2000 3 17 66 2653 105 93.50 46.10 61.72 45.92 No. of villages No of Crop cuttings District Puri Yield Comparison in Rainfed Up-Land Normal Yield Avg Yield of Demn Plot Yield in Qtl. Per ha. 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Koraput Mayurbhanj Ganjam Baragarh Rainfed Shallow Low Land Normal Yield Avg Yield of Demn Plot Yield in Qtl. Per ha. Rayagada Baragarh Sambalpur Kendrapara Bhadrak Ganjam Puri Mayurbhanj Balesore Khordha Sonepur Cuttack Jagatsinghpur Gajapati Koraput 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Irrigated High Yielding Variety Normal Yield Avg Yield of Demn Plot Yield in Qtl. Per ha. 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Rayagada Baragarh Sambalpur Kendrapara Bhadrak Ganjam Puri Mayurbhanj Balesore Khordha Sonepur Cuttack Jagatsinghpur Gajapati Koraput 0.00 Irrigated Hybrid Normal Yield Avg Yield of Demn Plot Yield in Qtl. Per ha. 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Puri Sambalpur % Yield Increase in Rainfed Up-Land Normal Yield Avg Yield of Demn Plot % increase 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 Koraput Mayurbhanj Ganjam Baragarh % Yield Increase in Rainfed Shallow Low Land Normal Yield Avg Yield of Demn Plot % increase Rayagada Baragarh Sambalpur Kendrapara Bhadrak Ganjam Puri Mayurbhanj Balesore Khordha Sonepur Cuttack Jagatsinghpur Gajapati Koraput 200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 % Yield Increase in Irrigated High Yielding Variety Normal Yield Avg Yield of Demn Plot % increase Rayagada Baragarh Sambalpur Kendrapara Bhadrak Ganjam Puri Mayurbhanj Balesore Khordha Sonepur Cuttack Jagatsinghpur Gajapati Koraput 200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 % Yield Increase in Irrigated Hybrid Normal Yield Avg Yield of Demn Plot % increase 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 Puri Sambalpur Thank You