SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS ARMY G 1 MAR 2011 INFORMATION BRIEF OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF, G-1 DIRECTORATE OF MILITARY PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ENLISTED CAREER SYSTEMS DIVISION ENLISTED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT BRANCH Mar 2011 1 DAPE-MPE-PD PURPOSE ARMY G 1 To inform Army leaders and Soldiers of approved modification to the Semi-Centralized Promotion System (SSG/SGT) effective 1 June 2011 Key Take-Away Points Modification of the Semi-Centralized Promotion System: • Identifies best-qualified Soldiers for promotion • Supports an expeditionary Army engaged in conflict • Improves Personnel/Training data accuracy 2 DAPE-MPE-PD WHAT WE ARE DOING ARMY G 1 A REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE TO SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTION SYSTEM DESIGNED TO… IMPROVE OUR ABILITY TO SELECT THE BEST QUALIFIED SOLDIERS FOR PROMOTION EMPHASIZE “SOLDIER SKILLS ARE IMPORTANT” REDUCE PERCEPTIONS OF UNFAIRNESS BY INSTILLING MORE OBJECTIVITY REFINE THE PROCESS TO ACCOMMODATE ALL OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS – SUPPORTING AN EXPEDITIONARY ARMY REDUCE PERSONNEL SERVICE SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS BY LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY 3 DAPE-MPE-PD WHAT WE RETAIN ARMY G 1 THE COMPANY COMMANDER’S ROLE – RECOMMENDS SOLDIERS WHEN THEY ARE READY – DENIES COMMAND INTEGRATION TO SERGEANT & STAFF SERGEANTS WHEN THEY ARE NOT READY THE COMMAND SERGEANT’S MAJOR ROLE (Board) – VALIDATES COMPANY COMMANDER’S RECOMMENDATION (GO or NO GO) THE BATTALION COMMANDER’S ROLE – RESPONSIBILITIES REMAINS UNCHANGED HQDA/RSC (USAR) RESPONSIBILITIES – MAINTAINS RECOMMENDED LIST (OML – BY MOS, ESTABLISHES CUTOFF SCORES, AND DETERMINES MONTHLY PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS 4 DAPE-MPE-PD HOW WE ARE CHANGING IT ARMY G 1 MEASUREMENT COMMANDER’S POINTS BOARD POINTS AWARDS MILITARY EDUCATION CIVILIAN EDUCATION PROPOSED CURRENT (SSG & SGT) SGT SSG RECOMMENDS SOLDIER RECOMMENDS SOLDIER 18.75% of score GO / NO-GO (VALIDATION) GO / NO-GO (VALIDATION) 100 125 165 12.5% of score 15.625% of score 20.625% of score 200 260 280 25% of score 32.5% of score 35% of score 100 75 100 12.5% of score 9.375% of score 12.5% of score 150 18.75% of score 150 MILITARY TRAINING 100 340 255 12.5% of score 42.5% of score 31.875% of score TOTAL 800 800 800 5 DAPE-MPE-PD MONTHLY PROMOTION CYCLE ARMY G 1 DATA PROCESSING TIME-LAG UNIT/SOLIDER PROCESSING IDENTIFY AND RECOMMEND SOLDIERS FOR PROMOTION CONDUCT PROMOTION BOARDS (NLT 4TH DAY OF MONTH) APPROVE BOARD RESULTS (NLT 8TH DAY OF MONTH) ESTABLISH RECOMMENDATION WITH AUTOMATED SYSTEM (NLT 8TH DAY OF MONTH) ENSURE PERSONNEL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ACCURACY (NLT 10TH DAY OF MONTH) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DATA PROCESSING OML PULL (11TH DAY, 0400 EST) APPLICATION OF MODEL APPROVAL OF PROMOTION ALLOCATIONS TAG-D PROCESSING POST CUTOFF SCORES (21ST DAY) BY-NAME LIST ON WEB (24TH DAY) UNIT ARRANGE APPRPRIATE CEREMONY PROMOTION EFFECTIVE FOR THOSE SELECTED BY NAME, BASED ON CUTOFF SCORES 1st of 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 following month DAY OF THE MONTH • The promotion score adjusts automatically when something in the record changes. • On the 11th day of each month, HQDA “captures” all promotion scores & produces order of merit lists for all MOS to determine promotions for the 1st day of the following month. 6 DAPE-MPE-PD OVERARCHING ACHIEVEMENTS ARMY G 1 • RE-WEIGH & CHANGE CEILINGS – SOLDIER SKILL SPECIFIC FOR PROMOTION TO SGT – EVOLVING TO MORE BROADER, LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOR PROMOTION TO SSG • FULLY AUTOMATE (AC) – e-MILPO CALCULATES SCORES – “REAL-TIME” SCORES BASED ON PERSONNEL & TRAINING DATA – CAPTURED AT SET TIME MONTHLY TO PRODUCE ARMY OML’S (BY MOS) • ELIMINATES ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS (AC) – – – – RE-COMPUTATIONS RE-EVALUATIONS RE-VERIFICATION OF SCORES WHEN SELECTED NO MINIMUM SCORES (MUST HAVE MINIMUM PASSING APFT) HR SUPPORT CRITICAL FUNCTION OF MAINTAINING PERSONNEL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT REMAINS UNCHANGED 7 DAPE-MPE-PD ADMINISTRATIVE POINTS ARMY G 1 37.5% of overall score CURRENT Commander’s Points (150) & Board Points (150) o On average, commanders award 149.2 and boards award 144.7 • Little /no value added when Soldiers receives 289 of 300 points (96.3%) • 89.7% of Soldiers receive 150 Cdr points & 66.7% receive at least 145 board points o Administrative processes of capturing scores does not support an expeditionary Army o Fails to differentiate who is more or less qualified FUTURE Eliminate administrative points o Retain specific roles of each • Commanders remain recommending (or denial) official • Boards validates Commander’s recommendation (yes/no) 8 DAPE-MPE-PD AWARDS ARMY G 1 12.5% of overall score CURRENT Awards & Badges (100) o Point values inconsistent across Components o Includes NCOES achievements and Tab-producing courses o Not all badges included FUTURE 15.6% of overall score 125 Points 165 Points 20.6% of overall score o Values slightly increased as awards are proven indicator of future potential performance o All awards/badges: equal values for all Components o Shifted NCOES achievements and Tab-courses to Military Education 9 DAPE-MPE-PD AWARDS/DECORATIONS ARMY G 1 AWARD OR DECORATION Soldier’s Medal or higher award/decoration Bronze Star Medal with “V” Device Bronze Star Medal Purple Heart Defense Meritorious Service Medal Meritorious Service Medal Air Medal with “V” Device Army Commendation Medal with “V” Device Air Medal Joint Service Commendation Medal Army Commendation Medal Joint Service Achievement Medal Army Achievement Medal Good Conduct Medal Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal Armed Forces Reserve Medal (with or without “M” Device) Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal 10 PROMOTION POINTS 40 35 30 30 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 DAPE-MPE-PD BADGES ARMY G 1 Table 3-12 Badges BADGE Combat Infantry Badge Combat Medical Badge Combat Action Badge Expert Infantry Badge Expert Field Medical Badge Master Parachute Badge Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge Master Recruiter Badge Gold Recruiter Badge Senior Parachute Badge Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge Presidential Service Badge Vice President Service Badge Drill Sergeant Badge Basic US Army Recruiter Badge Parachute Badge Parachute Combat Badge w/BSS (Basic, Senior) Parachute Rigger Badge Divers badge (Master, First-Class, Salvage, Second-Class, Scuba) Basic Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge Pathfinder Badge Air Assault Badge Aviation Badge (Basic, Senior, Master) Secretary of Defense Service Badge Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge Army Staff Identification Badge Space Badge Military Free Fall Parachutist Badge (Basic, Master) Special Operations Diver Badge (Basic, Supv) Tomb Guard Identification Badge Driver and Mechanic Badge 11 PROMOTION POINTS 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 DAPE-MPE-PD MILITARY AWARDS POINTS ARMY G 1 Certificates of Achievement. (DA Form 2442). This is awarded by commanders/deputy commanders serving in positions authorized the grade of LTC or higher or any general officer. CSMs at the brigade level may award certificates of achievement. – 5 each award. (maximum 20 points). Airborne Advantage. In addition to points awarded for attainment of the airborne qualification badge, Soldiers possessing airborne qualifications, assigned to an authorized airborne position while receiving Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (Parachute Duty Pay) associated with that position, receive an additional number of promotion points, without regard to the maximum point rules for the awards category as follows: SCENARIO Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position Senior Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position Master Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position 12 ADDITIONAL POINTS 20 25 30 DAPE-MPE-PD MILITARY TRAINING ARMY G 1 12.5% of overall score CURRENT APFT & WPNS QUALIFICATION (100) o Objective measurements of Warrior Skills FUTURE 42.5% of overall score 340 Points 255 Points 31.8% of overall score o 2 Points per month for deployment experiences o 15 months maximum for promotion to SGT (30 pts) o 30 months maximum for promotion to SSG (60 pts) o Soldier directly impacts performance – very objective o Different Scales on APFT & Wpns Qual o More value to SGT than SSG 13 DAPE-MPE-PD APFT SCALE ARMY G 1 TO SSG TO SGT Score = Points 300 = 160 299 = 159 298 = 158 297 = 157 296 = 156 295 = 155 294 = 154 293 = 153 292 = 152 291 = 151 290 = 150 289 = 149 288 = 148 287 = 147 286 = 146 285 = 145 284 = 144 283 = 143 282 = 142 281 = 141 280 = 140 279 = 139 278 = 138 277 = 137 276 = 136 275 = 135 274 = 134 273 = 133 272 = 132 271 = 131 Score = Points 270 = 130 269 = 129 268 = 128 267 = 127 266 = 126 265 = 125 264 = 124 263 = 123 262 = 122 261 = 121 260 = 120 259 = 119 258 = 118 257 = 117 256 = 116 255 = 115 254 = 114 253 = 113 252 = 112 251 = 111 250 = 110 249 = 109 248 = 108 247 = 107 246 = 106 245 = 105 244 = 104 243 = 103 242 = 102 241 = 101 Score = Points 240 = 100 239 = 99 238 = 98 237 = 97 236 = 96 235 = 95 234 = 94 233 = 93 232 = 92 231 = 91 230 = 90 229 = 89 228 = 88 227 = 87 226 = 86 225 = 85 224 = 84 223 = 83 222 = 82 221 = 81 220 = 80 219 = 79 218 = 78 217 = 77 216 = 76 215 = 75 214 = 74 213 = 73 212 = 72 211 = 71 Score = Points 300 = 100 299 = 99 298 = 99 297 = 98 296 = 98 295 = 97 294 = 97 293 = 96 292 = 96 291 = 95 290 = 95 289 = 94 288 = 93 287 = 92 286 = 91 285 = 90 284 = 89 283 = 88 282 = 87 281 = 86 280 = 85 279 = 84 278 = 83 277 = 82 276 = 81 275 = 80 274 = 79 273 = 78 272 = 77 271 = 76 Score = Points 210 = 70 209 = 69 208 = 68 207 = 67 206 = 66 205 = 65 204 = 64 203 = 63 202 = 62 201 = 61 200 = 60 199 = 59 198 = 58 197 = 57 196 = 56 195 = 55 194 = 54 193 = 53 192 = 52 191 = 51 190 = 50 189 = 49 188 = 48 187 = 47 186 = 46 185 = 45 184 =44 183 = 43 182 = 42 181 = 41 180 = 40 MAXIMUM VALUE – 160 MINIMUM VALUE – 40 Score = Points 270 = 75 269 = 74 268 = 73 267 = 72 266 = 71 265 = 70 264 = 69 263 = 68 262 = 67 261 = 66 260 = 65 259 = 64 258 = 63 257 = 62 256 = 61 255 = 60 254 = 59 253 = 58 252 = 57 251 = 56 250 = 55 249 = 54 248 = 53 247 = 52 246 = 51 245 = 50 244 = 49 243 = 48 242 = 47 241 = 46 Score = Points 240 = 45 239 = 44 238 = 43 237 = 42 236 = 41 235 = 41 234 = 40 233 = 40 232 = 39 231 = 39 230 = 38 229 = 38 228 = 37 227 = 37 226 = 36 225 = 36 224 = 35 223 = 35 222 = 34 221 = 34 220 = 33 219 = 33 218 = 32 217 = 32 216 = 31 215 = 31 214 = 30 213 = 30 212 = 29 211 = 29 Score = Points 210 = 28 209 = 28 208 = 27 207 = 27 206 = 26 205 = 26 204 = 25 203 = 25 202 = 24 201 = 24 200 = 23 199 = 23 198 = 22 197 = 22 196 = 21 195 = 21 194 = 20 193 = 20 192 = 19 191 = 19 190 = 18 189 = 18 188 = 17 187 = 17 186 = 16 185 = 16 184 = 16 183 = 15 182 = 15 181 = 15 180 = 15 MAXIMUM VALUE – 100 MINIMUM VALUE – 15 14 DAPE-MPE-PD WEAPONS QUALIFICATION SCALE ARMY G 1 TO SGT MAXIMUM VALUE – 160 MINIMUM VALUE – 33 DA Form 3595-R & 5790-R (SEP 08) (M16) 40 = 160 39 = 153 38 = 145 37 = 138 36 = 130 35 = 123 34 = 115 33 = 108 32 = 100 31 = 93 30 = 85 29 = 78 28 = 70 27 = 63 26 = 55 25 = 48 24 = 40 23 = 33 DA Form 85-R (AUG 06) M240B, M60,M249 212 = 160 208-211 = 153 204-207= 146 200-203 = 139 196-199 = 132 192-195 = 125 189-191 = 119 186-188 = 112 182-185 = 105 178-181 = 98 174-177 = 91 170-173 = 85 166-169 = 78 162-165 = 71 157-161 = 64 153-156 = 57 149-152 = 50 145-148 = 44 141-144 = 38 139-140 = 33 DA Form 5704/ DA Form 5705-R 88 (MAR (MAY 08) 07) (Pistol) Alternate Pistol 30 = 160 40 = 160 29 = 151 39 = 152 28 = 142 38 = 144 27 = 133 37 = 136 26 = 124 36 = 128 25 = 115 35 = 120 24 = 106 34 = 112 23 = 97 33 = 104 22 = 88 32 = 96 21 = 79 31 = 88 20 = 70 30 = 80 19 = 61 29 = 72 18 = 52 28 = 64 17 = 43 27 = 56 16 = 33 26 = 48 25 = 40 24 = 33 15 DA Form 7304R(AUG 06) (M249 AR) 106 = 105 = 104 = 102 = 100 = 96 = 94 = 90 = 89 = 87 = 85 = 83 = 81 = 80 = 79 = 77 = 75 = 73 = 70 = 160 153 146 139 132 125 118 111 104 97 90 83 76 69 62 55 48 41 33 CID Form (Practical Pistol) 300 = 294 = 290 = 286 = 284 = 280 = 278 = 276 = 274 = 270 = 266 = 262 = 258 = 256 = 254 = 252 = 248 = 244 = 241 = 237 = 233 = 229 = 225 = 221 = 217 = 213 = 211 = 160 155 150 145 141 136 131 126 122 117 112 107 103 98 93 88 84 79 74 69 65 60 55 50 46 40 33 FLVA FORM 19-10 (AUG 08) (MP Firearm Qualification Course) 50 = 160 49 = 152 48 = 144 47 = 135 46 = 127 45 = 119 44 = 110 43 = 102 42 = 94 41 = 85 40 = 77 39 = 69 38 = 60 37 = 52 36 = 43 35 = 33 WEAPONS QUALIFICATION SCALE ARMY G 1 TO SSG MAXIMUM VALUE – 100 MINIMUM VALUE – 28 DA Form 3595-R & 5790-R (SEP 08) (M16) 40 = 100 39 = 98 38 = 96 37 = 94 36 = 92 35 = 86 34 = 80 33 = 74 32 = 68 31 = 62 30 = 56 29 = 52 28 = 48 27 = 44 26 = 40 25 = 36 24 = 32 23 = 28 DA Form 85-R (AUG 06) M240B, M60,M249 DA Form 88 (MAR 07) (Pistol) 212 = 100 208-211 = 98 204-207 = 94 200-203 = 90 196-199 = 86 192-195 = 82 189-191 = 78 186-188 = 74 182-185 = 70 178-181 = 66 174-177 = 62 170-173 = 58 166-169 = 54 162-165 = 50 157-161 = 46 153-156 = 42 149-152 = 38 145-148 = 34 141-144 = 30 139-140 = 28 30 = 100 29 = 98 28 = 96 27 = 88 26 = 80 25 = 74 24 = 68 23 = 60 22 = 52 21 = 48 20 = 44 19 = 40 18 = 36 17 = 32 16 = 28 16 DA Form 5704/ 5705-R (MAY 08) Alternate Pistol 40 = 100 39 = 95 38 = 91 37 = 86 36 = 82 35 = 77 34 = 73 33 = 68 32 = 64 31 = 59 30 = 55 29 = 50 28 = 46 27 = 41 26 = 37 25 = 32 24 = 28 DA Form 7304R(AUG 06) (M249 AR) 106 = 100 105 = 96 104 = 92 102 = 88 100 = 84 96 = 80 94 = 76 90 = 72 89 = 68 87 = 64 85 = 60 83 = 56 81 = 52 80 = 48 79 = 44 77 = 40 75 = 36 73 = 32 70 = 28 CID Form (Practical Pistol) 300 = 100 294 = 98 290 = 96 286 = 94 284 = 92 280 = 90 278 = 88 276 = 86 274 = 83 270 = 80 266 = 77 262 = 74 258 = 71 256 = 68 254 = 65 252 = 62 248 = 59 244 = 56 241 = 53 237 = 50 233 = 47 229 = 44 225 = 41 221 = 38 217 = 35 213 = 32 211 = 28 FLVA FORM 19-10 (AUG 08) (MP Firearm Qualification Course) 50 = 100 49 = 96 48 = 92 47 = 88 46 = 82 45 = 78 44 = 72 43 = 68 42 = 62 41 = 58 40 = 52 39 = 48 38 = 42 37 = 38 36 = 32 35 = 28 MILITARY EDUCATION ARMY G 1 25% of overall score CURRENT Resident Courses & ACCP (200) o NCOES (16 pts for WLC & 30 pts for ALC) o Resident military courses (4 pts per week) o Correspondence Courses (e-Army) (1 pt for 5 hours) FUTURE 32.5% of overall score 260 Points 280 Points 35% of overall score o NCOES – Significant Emphasis o 80 points for WLC when competing for SGT o 80 points for ALC when competing for SSG o Commandant’s List, Honor Grads = more points o Must graduate ACCP before points are earned o DA FORM 87 limited to AR 350-1 training 17 DAPE-MPE-PD NCOES ARMY G 1 WARRIOR LEADERS COURSE POINTS AWARDED TO CPL/SPC COMPETING FOR SGT • WLC graduate awarded 80 promotion points • Commandant’s List awarded 85 points • Distinguished Honor Graduate awarded 90 points • Distinguished Leadership Graduate awarded 90 points ADVANCED LEADERS COURSE POINTS AWARDED TO SGT COMPETING FOR SSG • ALC graduate awarded 80 promotion points • Commandant’s List awarded 85 points • Distinguished Honor Graduate awarded 90 points • Distinguished Leadership Graduate awarded 90 points 18 DAPE-MPE-PD MILITARY EDUCATION ARMY G 1 • ATRRS (Army Training Requirements and Reservation System) is the official record of training for all Soldiers • Soldiers receive 4 promotion points per week for completion of military training course (captured in ATRRS) • In instances where Soldiers have completed more than one ALC/BNCOC course, an additional 20 points are awarded for completion of the earlier course (an additional 5 points are authorized if the Soldier’s DA Form 1059 reflects Commandant’s List, or Distinguished Leader or Honor Graduate) •Ranger, Special Forces, and Sapper Qualification Courses – Soldiers earn 40 promotion points for successful completion of each course 19 DAPE-MPE-PD Army Correspondence Courses ARMY G 1 Military correspondence courses and computer-based training are provided through ATRRS Self-development or Army e-Learning ( Soldiers will be granted promotion points based on 1 point per 5 hours of completed ACCP training – restricted to courses completed in their entirety. The Soldier must have record of full course completion and the total credit hours for the entire course will be dived by 5 to determine promotion points. No points will be awarded for sub-course completion. The goal is to finish, in its entirety, a formal course of instruction, at which time the Soldier will be granted promotion points. MUST FINISH COMPLETE COURSE TO RECEIVE POINTS 20 DAPE-MPE-PD SOLDIER TRAINING COURSES ARMY G 1 FORMALLY ESTABLISHED IN AR 350-1 1) The Army Maintenance Management System Clerk Course (2) Prescribed Load List Clerk Course (3) Motor Pool Operations/Management Course. (4) Generator Operator Course (5) Fuel Handlers Course (6) Basic Welding Course (7) Forklift Operator Course (8) Bus Driver Course (9) Unit Supply Clerk Course (10) Unit Supply Operations/Management Course (11) Unit Armorer Course (12) CBRN Defense Course (13) Unit Postal Clerk Course (14) Disk Operating System Course (15) Word Processing Course (16) Database Management Course (17) Unit Level Logistics System Course DA FORM 87 - NO PROMOTION POINTS UNLESS THE COURSE IS FORMALLY LISTED IN ATRRS OR ESTABLISHED IN AR 350-1 21 DAPE-MPE-PD CIVILIAN EDUCATION ARMY G 1 12.5% of overall score CURRENT Accredited Colleges/Universities (100) o 1.5 points per Semester Hour o Degree Completion (10 points) o Technical Certification (10 points) FUTURE 9.4% of overall score 75 Points 100 Points 12.5% of overall score o Reduced to 1 point per Semester Hour o Requires same amount of schooling o Less impact on overall score o Foreign Language proficiency (1/1 on DLPT) recieves 10 points – regardless of language o No changes to degree completion of technical certifications 22 DAPE-MPE-PD PROMOTION BOARD ARMY G 1 BATTALION CSM (WITH NCO SUPPORT CHANNEL INPUT) – VALIDATES COMPANY COMMANDER’S RECOMMENDATION TO THE PROMOTION AUTHORITY (GO/NO-GO). BOARDS WILL BE CONDUCTED – EXCEPTIONS MAY BE AUTHORIZED AT THE REQUEST OF THE PROMOTION AUTHORITY WHEN COMBAT/ SECURITY REQUIREMENTS WARRANT. NO HANDS-ON TESTING – BUT GREATER LATITUDE/FLEXIBILITY TO ACCOMPLISH MISSION REGARDLESS OF OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. 23 DAPE-MPE-PD COMMAND LIST INTEGRATION ARMY G 1 • Formerly referred to as Automatic List Integration (ALI) • Soldiers integrated onto the recommended list as a result of this process receive: – 39 points when competing for SGT – 14 points when competing for SSG • Commander’s role is unchanged – Retains authority to deny integration if Soldier is not trained and ready • These scores are one point less than the minimum qualifying APFT score. • Points assure these Soldiers will not be selected for promotion until all others, properly recommended and boarded, are promoted • Inclusion of other points are not authorized 24 DAPE-MPE-PD