Social Safety Nets and Productive Outcomes: Evidence and Implications for Bangladesh Principal Investigator Ismat Ara Begum, PhD Department of Agricultural Economics BAU, Mymensingh-2202 Interim Report Prepared for Presentation at NFPCSP-FAO Workshop 28-29 November, 2012; Dhaka 1 Research Team Prof. Dr. Shaheen Akter Co-Investigator Prof. Noor Md. Rahmatullah Co-Investigator Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam Co-Investigator Dr. M. Sayeedul Haque Research Assistant Md. Mojammel Haque Research Assistant Ferdoushi Begum Research Assistant 2 Introduction Social safety net programs (SSNPs) are non-contributory transfer programs designed & implemented for the poor & the vulnerable groups These groups are always a concern to the Bangladesh govt. One of the main agenda of govt. is reduction of poverty. Like many other developing countries, SSNPs can play a vital role to reduce poverty in Bangladesh. Safety net spending is around 15% of the Bangladesh govt. expenditure & 24.57 % HHs received benefit from SSNPs (in 2010) 3 31.5 % of households in the country live in poverty So, it remains unclear whether SSNPs only prevent entry into poverty or promoting exit from poverty or both Studies investigated ONLY targeting, delivery mechanism, operational performance, alternative design etc. However, evidence about the productive outcome impacts at household and community levels is scarce This research will contribute to understand – Whether selected SSNPs are generating productive outcomes & are contributing to households’ exit from poverty and food insecurity What constraints or enabling factors are mediating these 4 outcomes Objectives To document potential productive impacts of selected public safety nets at the household and community levels and the possible incentive framework behind those results at the two levels To identify successful examples of government and NGO safety net interventions which foster productive outcomes To draw implications for the design and implementation of SSN in Bangladesh and for complementarities among government agencies interventions 5 Conceptual Framework Goal Food Security Poverty reduction Credit accessibility Risk coping Preventing school drop-out Community Level Household Level • Labor allocation (farm vs off farm, adults vs children) • Asset accumulation/protection • Change in use of inputs and techniques in crop production • Consumption/food security • Human capital accumulation • Investments • Risk coping strategies M ec ha ni s m Income effect Productivity effect Purchasing power effect • Goods and labour markets • Multiplier effects in local economy • Creation of community level assets/ infrastructure • Gender inequalities I m p a ct Alleviation of liquidity constraints Certainty & predictability of income Promoting child education Optimal intrahousehold resource allocation P at h w a y s Poor and Vulnerable People Inter venti on Social Safety net Programs Cash/Kind /Training 6 Hypothesis (Household level) Hypothesis: SSN interventions either cash or kind (conditional, unconditional, public works) may facilitate significant changes in income generating activities, labour allocation, accumulation of productive assets and productive investments of beneficiary household than non-beneficiary households. Research Questions What are the productive outcomes of selected public safety nets at the household level? Methodology For estimating impact we used propensity score matching (PSM) We used HIES 2010 as a single cross section for identifying the treatment & control groups 7 Hypothesis (Local Economy Level) The community will benefit economically from social safety nets interventions through local goods & labour markets and multiplier effects Research Questions What are the productive outcomes of selected public safety nets at the community level? Local goods (buying-selling activities, prices etc.) Labour markets (new employment, employment diversification, wages etc.) Multiplier effects (investment, employment, economic growth) Methodology HIES community dataset, FGD (30) and KII(20) 8 Study Phasing The study is designed to conduct into three phases Phase 1 → Reviewing Literature, assess the productive impacts of selected SSNs at household level in Bangladesh (literature review and HIES data) Phase 2 → presents the impact at community level and recent evidence and documents on the productive outcomes of the safety nets in Bangladesh & other countries (Field survey, HIES data & literature review) Phase 3 → Deals with the issues of enhancing the productive outcomes of the SSNPs (Impact results, SSN-IMPACT matrix, FGDs & KIIs) 9 Phase 1: Literature review, estimating productive outcomes at household level For estimating productive outcomes we considered Interventions with an explicit income-generation component Old age allowance Allowances for the widowed, destitute and deserted women Agriculture rehabilitation A combination of Cash for work, VGD, food for work & 100 days scheme Interventions with no explicit income-generation component Stipend for primary students Stipend for secondary and higher secondary/female students 10 Table 1 : Number of beneficiary households of the selected SSNPs in HIES 2010 No. Selected SSNPs 1 2 3 4 5 6 Old Age Allowance (OAA) Allowance for the Widowed, Deserted and Destitute (AWDD) Combined program (CFW, VGD, FFW, EGP 100 days) Agriculture Rehabilitation Stipend for Primary Students Stipend for Secondary & Higher Secondary/ Female Student Total Programs % of beneficiary beneficiary HHs households 485 27.0 203 11.3 41 446 444 2.3 24.9 24.7 176 1795 9.8 100 11 Table 2: Measurable productive outcome indicators at household level Outcomes Indicator Labour allocation Relative ( farm , non-farm, male, female, self) employment Income generating activities Total no. of activities involved, Total (farm, non-farm)income, Measurable indicator Average working hours per day per worker Number of total activities per household per active member Imputed from 2010 HIES Calculating daily male and female hours in farm , non-farm activities Calculate total number of activities, Calculating total income (farm, non-farm) Investments Own land per person, Real per person/ expenditure on tools, animals, family household enterprises, durable goods & housing improvement per household Calculate own land , hhs expenditure Shock and Asset sold , Dummy variable: 1 coping Insurance, migration, school drop-out and 0 mechanism Shock and coping mechanism Consumption Per capita Calculating Sum of per capita value of food and non-food expenditure. 12 Table 3 : Observable characteristics included as independent variables in the PSM Variables Dependent variable AgeH AgeH2 EduH Description Treatment=1 Age of household head (years) Age of household head (years) square Education of household head (years of schooling EduHD Land FamS Chl514 Male65 Female62 Disable DayL mstatF Household head is illiterate=1 Owned land (decimal) Total household size Children 5-14 years Male 65+ year old=1 Female 62+ year old=1 Member disable=1 At least a member work as day labor=1 Women currently separated, divorced etc. =1 Elect Electricity connection=1 Room Room per person in household Region 1 Regional dummy R2 Regional dummy R3 Regional dummy R4 Regional dummy Sample Size (n)=5635 including treatment group (T=1795) Mean 0.32 46.14 2332.25 SD 0.47 14.26 1453.23 2.78 0.62 35.87 4.48 52.03 1.12 0.15 0.12 0.03 3.96 0.49 92.66 1.83 19.28 1.08 0.36 0.33 0.18 1.31 0.24 0.48 0.52 0.22 0.05 0.08 0.80 0.43 0.50 0.32 0.42 0.21 0.27 13 Conditional Independence Assumption Table 4: Average bias and test statistics, PSM Analysis Overall tests OAA Raw sample Matched AWDD Raw Matched AR Raw Matched PEdu Raw Matched Second Edu Raw Matched All SSNP Raw Matched Probit Pseudo R2 LR χ2 p> χ2 0.244 0.012 740.25 16.24 0 0.507 45.1 3.4 30.3 2.9 0.243 0.009 391.46 4.82 0 0.988 40.6 3 31 1.9 0.137 0.019 393.50 23.96 0.000 0.156 19.4 3.8 17.5 3.5 0.163 0.005 464.81 6.34 0.000 0.999 22.8 2.2 14.5 2.1 0.177 0.015 256.42 7.36 0.000 0.987 30.8 3.8 34.4 2.8 0.087 0.003 613.39 17.39 0.000 0.563 18.4 3.4 20.4 14 3.1 Mean Bias Median Bias Common Support or overlap region Figure 1 : Common supports (Stipend for Primary Education Program) 0 .2 .4 .6 Propensity Score Untreated 0 .2 .4 Propensity Score Untreated .6 Treated .8 1 Treated .8 Figure 2 : Common supports (Agriculture Rehabilitation Program) 15 Table 5 : Impact of Old Age Allowance on productive outcomes Indicators Treatment Control ATT t value Working hour per day Number of non-farm activities Self-employed at non-farm (av. number) Annual salary received from non-farm sector (TK) 11.00 1.54 0.34 12585.39 11.05 1.50 0.31 17965.65 -0.04 0.04 0.03 -5380.26 -0.06 0.29 0.57 -1.11 Value of agricultural assets Total credit 5315.67 5787.84 2132.21 5621.65 3183.46 166.19 0.82 0.07 Land_purchased 0.01 0.01 0.00 -0.46 Purchase of agril tools 3732.19 49.32 3682.87 1.09 Non_food_expenditure 39998.82 40378.83 -380.01 -0.07 Annual expenses on durable goods (TK) 6076.52 3082.35 1.3 Annual income from crop production (TK) 9266.94 12111.51 -2844.56 Annual food expenditure (TK) 364806.02 391234.07 -26428.05 -1.25 2994.18 -0.81 16 Table 6 : Impact of AWDD on productive outcomes Indicators Treatment Control ATT t value 10.53 1.46 0.29 10.98 1.26 0.27 -0.45 0.20 0.02 -0.54 1.19 0.26 9384.93 2208.19 705.02 773.06 15255.58 4612.41 4141.13 1024.82 -5870.66 -2404.23 -3436.11 -251.76 -1.17 -2.32 -2.72 -1.02 4936.21 4534.48 401.72 0.27 Land purchased (yes=1) 0.00 0.03 -0.02 -1.9 Non-food expenses (TK) 33468.16 36404.03 -2935.87 -1.21 Annual expenses on durable goods (TK) 2416.01 3541.38 -1125.37 -1.05 4723.13 0.23 246.7 1.58 Working hour per day Number of non-farm activities Self-employed at non-farm (av. number) Annual salary received from non-farm sector (TK) Annual income from livestock (TK) Value of agricultural assets Spending in fertilizer (Tk/farm) Total credit Annual Food Expenditure (TK) Annual Health Expenditure (TK) 346637.13 341914.00 600.4 353.8 17 Table 7 : Impact of Agriculture Rehabilitation Program on productive outcomes Treatment Control ATT t value Number of farm activities 0.94 0.57 0.37 7.75 Number of non-farm activities 1.16 1.71 -0.56 -4.27 Day_labourer at non-farm activities 0.12 0.22 -0.10 -3.35 Self employment in farm activities 1.46 0.78 0.68 9.74 Self-employed at non-farm (av. number) 0.34 0.47 -0.13 -2.04 Income from livestock products 8213.77 5988.32 2225.45 1.86 Value of agricultural assets (TK) 15969.10 6195.55 9773.56 3.37 Spending in fertilizer (Tk/farm) 4135.11 1911.02 2224.08 5.02 Total credit 8911.43 10648.65 -1737.22 -0.42 Asset sold 0.06 0.03 0.02 1.64 Purchase of agril tools 1049.13 553.39 495.73 0.68 Annual income from crop production (TK) 54771.11 26231.54 28539.58 5.85 Annual food expenditure (TK) 510080.11 494596.49 15483.62 0.77 Indicators ARP is a promising means of safety net for the marginal & small farmers 18 This type of safety net for farming communities could contribute more to productive outcomes Table 8 : Impact of Stipend for Primary Education Program on productive outcomes Indicators Treatment Control ATT t value Number of non-farm activities 1.74 1.46 0.28 2.19 Day labourer in non-farm activities 0.31 0.19 0.12 3.81 Self-employed at non-farm (av. number) 0.55 0.55 0.00 0.07 Annual salary received from non-farm sector (TK) 11100.54 9085.60 2014.94 0.83 Value of agricultural assets (TK) 6053.90 5101.76 952.14 0.39 Spending in fertilizer (Tk/farm) 962.22 1493.66 -531.44 -0.87 Purchase of agril tools 1046.58 809.03 237.55 0.29 Annual non-food expenses (TK) 42798.61 50449.31 -7650.71 -2.11 Annual expenses on durable goods (TK) 3397.31 5119.98 -1722.67 -1.54 Annual income from crop production (TK) 15712.61 15688.14 24.47 0.01 Annual food expenditure (TK) 451680.60 479105.19 -27424.59 -1.53 -0.76 Annual education expenditure (TK) 4509.41 4981.19 -471.79 Annual health expenditure (TK) 824.58 556.24 268.35 1.7 19 Table 9 : Impact of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Program Indicators Treatment Control ATT t value Number of non-farm activities 1.99 1.76 0.23 1.07 Self-employed at non-farm (av. number) 0.68 0.34 0.34 3.59 Ann. salary received from non-farm (TK) 42445.60 32772.68 9672.92 0.99 Value of agricultural assets (TK) 4621.59 11844.66 -7223.07 -2.28 Total credit 25295.45 57354.55 -32059.09 -1.53 108.41 105.63 2.78 0.04 Annual expenses on durable goods (TK) 11901.73 6063.86 5837.86 0.98 Income from vegetable production 4679.35 4084.61 594.73 0.31 Annual food expenditure (TK) 580628.93 565582.52 15046.41 0.34 Annual education expenditure (TK) 13472.40 10671.86 2800.54 1.41 981.98 458.84 523.15 1.95 Purchase of agril tools Annual health expenditure (TK) 20 Phase 2: Outcomes at community level, evidence and documents on the productive outcomes RQ 1) What are the productive outcomes of selected safety nets at the community level ? 2) Is there any difference between the productive outcomes of male and female at community level? FGD & KII HIES community survey data collected 21 Phase 3: Enhancing the productive outcomes of the SSN Research Questions 1) What are the successful examples of government & NGOs safety nets interventions which foster productive outcomes? 2) What are the recommendations for adjustment and actions? 3) What would be the alternative coordination/ integration mechanism at the local and central level? For RQ (1) International as well as regional programs similar to interventions has been reviewed Particularly we aim to identify productive roles of widely cited safety net programs. Program-impact matrix will be developed 22 Phase 3: Research question 2 & 3 Based on the results in phase-I & 2, recommendations will be provided for adjustments & actions to be taken to maximize the productive outcomes Recommendations will consider whether existing institutional & operational arrangements as well as policy frameworks can foster the changes recommended Alternative coordination/integration mechanisms will also be explored 23 Major activities and progress made Work Plan Desk research: working on research problem, organizing literature review, formulating conceptual framework etc. Update/Progress made Completed (Literature review could be modified & improved) Draft inception report Preparation and submission of final inception report Inception workshop at BAU Developing qualitative check list for FGDs/KIIs, pre-testing and finalizing checklists Collecting secondary documents including the HIES 2010 data Preparation of methodological note which will incorporate qualitative check list, sample design, detailed fieldwork plan etc. Sampling, selection of data enumerators and organizing training Conducting complementary field survey at the community village level/FGD/KII Data cleaning/preparation of HIES data Data cleaning/preparation of complementary field survey data Preparation and submission of draft interim report Data analysis and model estimation Preparation & submission of (a) draft report (b) dataset, codebooks & documentations (in electronic format) Completed Completed Completed Completed Final workshop with results Preparation and submission of final report (with dataset) /publications/writing articles To be done To be done Completed Completed Completed, Training will be organized before going to complementary field survey To be done Completed To be done Submitted Going-on To be done 24 25