There is no single “recipe” for competitiveness. Various policies can be benchmarked, and then each individual country needs to adapt them to their own environment. Competitiveness strategies succeed when they balance the economic imperatives imposed by world markets with the social requirements of a nation formed by history, value systems, and tradition. Self Educ. SC. Educ. Research Environ Econ. Social McNamara: former Secretary of Defense, USA “National Security is Development” I prefer: National Security is Competitiveness Global Competitiveness Index 118 107 94 81 81 70 Egypt Malaysia 21 24 26 21 25 24 Y08 - Y09 - Y10 - Y11 - Y12 - Y13 Y09 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 GC Report Global Competiveness Index 107 118 94 81 81 70 Egypt 26 24 21 21 25 24 Y08 - Y09 Y09 - Y10 Y10 - Y11 Y11 - Y12 Y12 - Y13 Y13 - Y14 Ranking Based on Collaboration Between Universities and Industry Malaysia: 16 - 18 Ranking Based on Innovation Pillar109 120 103 Egypt 83 74 67 Malysia 22 24 24 24 25 25 Y08 - Y09 Y09 - Y10 Y10 - Y11 Y11 - Y12 Y12 - Y13 Y13 - Y14 Egypt: 128 - 133