HIT First look at RAW data distributions Explorer @ HIT (22-26/02/2014) Meeting INSIDE Ilaria Mattei 25 Marzo 2014 lunedì 24 marzo 2014 1 SC = plastic scintillator; used as trigger for the DAQ PMMA = phantom Rn* = 2 pixelated LYSO, side by side, 1.6 x 5 x 5 cm3 each Rs* = 2 pixelated LYSO, side by side, 1.6 x 5 x 5 cm3 each Rn,s used for PET gamma’s measurements LTS = plastic scintillator; used for TOF calculations DCH = Drift Chamber; used for charged particles tracking LYSO = matrix of four LYSO crystals; used to detect prompt photons and charged particles STS1a,b,c = plastic scintillators STS2a,b,c = plastic scintillators STS1,2 used for TOF calculation BGOa,b,c = BGO crystals; used to detect charged fragments *Rn and Rs were not positioned as reported in the scheme Experimental Setup ϑ = 30º BGO c STS2 c STS2 b BGO b ϑ = 10º Rn beam SC STS1 c STS1 b PMMA STS2 a STS1 a LTS BGO a ϑ = 0º Rs DCH ϑ = 60º LYSO ϑ = 90º lunedì 24 marzo 2014 2 BE AM Experimental Setup lunedì 24 marzo 2014 3 Experimental Setup lunedì 24 marzo 2014 4 Experimental Setup lunedì 24 marzo 2014 5 4He Secondary Fragments from 102 MeV/u detected with BGO crystal at 0 degrees raw QDC (pC) The protons, deuterons and tritons bands are visible. (no slewing effect correction) PRE L 1200 1000 800 x beam SC PMMA STS1a STS2a BGOa y z (not to scale) QDCcucito_vs_TOFsc_zm Entries Mean x Mean y RMS x RMS y IMI NA 499596 43.53 427.1 17.22 273.9 RY 10 600 TOF computed using BGOa and SC 400 1 200 10-1 0 20 lunedì 24 marzo 2014 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOF (ns) 6 4He Prompt Photons from 102 MeV/u detected with LYSO crystal at 90 degrees x Charged Particles Prompt Photons (protons) (slewing effect not (slewing effect not corrected yet) corrected yet) 4000 beam raw QDC (pC) 3000 QDCcucito_vs_TOFlts Entries Mean x Mean y RMS x RMS y 334599 18.36 403.2 13.63 603.5 IMI NA LYSO RY 2000 1500 TOF computed using LYSO and LTS 1000 500 lunedì 24 marzo 2014 LTS DCH 2500 0-10 z PMMA (not to scale) PRE L 3500 SC y 0 10 20 30 40 50 TOF (ns) 7 Secondary Charged Particles from 16O Emission profile of secondary charged particles, reconstructed tracing back charged particles to the beam line. Tracks are detected with the drift chamber (DCH) [1]. 210 MeV/u hx_0 X projected at PMMA PMMA: zmin = -6.65cm 100 zmax = 1 cm Entries Mean -3.321 RMS 1.979 PRE L Prob p0 80 p1 60 45.34 / 66 PMMA: 160 zmin = -9.65cm zmax140= 1 cm NA RY p2 1.326 ! 0.063 p3 -4.203 ! 0.082 p4 0.4538 ! 0.0192 p5 0.8462 ! 0.2375 -4.095 RMS 2.423 PRE L 79.41 / 75 Prob 2118 ! 1174.2 -7.379 ! 0.850 Mean p0 120 p1 p2 100 p3 80 0.6909 ! 0.0440 p5 0.5916 ! 0.3605 100 4971 -5.102 RMS 2.738 r 2 / ndf 172.4 / 74 Prob 8.037e-10 p2 120 LYSO Mean p1 -6.283 ! 0.180 p4 Entries p0 140 -3.333 ! 0.402 1.383 ! 0.097 LTS hx_2 PRE L 0.3418 211.9 ! 31.9 z DCH PMMA: 180 zmin = -11.65cm zmax 160 = 1 cm IMI NA RY y PMMA (not to scale) X projected at PMMA 3493 r 2 / ndf 0.9756 IMI Entries SC beam 300 MeV/u hx_1 X projected at PMMA 1563 r 2 / ndf 260 MeV/u x IMI NA 141 ! 3.6 -2.325 ! 0.105 1.282 ! 0.062 p3 -8.952 ! 0.046 p4 0.2167 ! 0.0289 p5 1.11 ! 0.37 RY 80 60 40 60 40 40 20 20 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 cm 0 -20 20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 cm 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 cm 20 [1] C. Agodi et al. - Charged particle’s flux measurement from PMMA irradiated by 80 MeV/u carbon ion beam, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 57, no. 18, p. 5667, (2012) lunedì 24 marzo 2014 8 22Na PET Photons calibration with two sources using four “PET heads” (pixelated LYSO) Pixelated LYSO dimensions (i.e. each ‘head’): 1.6 x 5 x 5 cm3 Rn Y (cm) From a preliminary reconstruction of the back-to-back photons direction, it’s possible to see the position of the 22Na sources x y z (not to scale) 22Na 22Na Rs 2.5 16000 PMMA_YZprofile Entries 4928902 Mean x 0.742 Mean y -0.1546 RMS x 2.889 RMS y 0.4817 2 1.5 1 14000 12000 10000 0.5 0 8000 -0.5 6000 -1 4000 -1.5 2000 -2 -2.5 -5 lunedì 24 marzo 2014 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Z (cm) 0 9 4He PET Photons from 125 MeV/u detected with pixelated LYSO crystals x + Preliminary reconstruction of the β decay point in the YZ plane (Z = beam axis,Y=vertical direction). N.b.: no corrections for detector efficiency nor geometry acceptance. z Rn beam SC PMMA Y (cm) (not to scale) PMMA_YZprofile Entries 41791 Mean x 0.3844 Mean y 0.1689 2.344 RMS x RMS y 0.8379 2.5 Int r 2 a- 1.5 1 0.5 Rs 10 sp1 i ll 0 -0.5 10-1 -1 y me asu re me nt -1.5 -2 -2.5-5 lunedì 24 marzo 2014 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Z (cm) 10 About the Beam... Example of spill structure of the 125 MeV/u Helium Beam in one run: s i p s m a e b e . h n T u r r e p n ru lunedì 24 marzo 2014 e g n ll cha 11 DAQ efficiency evaluation Epsilon_DAQ = (Number of acquired ions) / (Number of traversing ions) measured with the SC Entries 100009 Mean 0.684 RMS 0.1162 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 00 lunedì 24 marzo 2014 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Epsilon_DAQ 12 ...MEN at WORK... lunedì 24 marzo 2014 13