Välkommen till Texas Onshores Road Show!

Välkommen till Texas Onshores
Road Show!
Februari 2009
Kvällens program
Presentation av bolaget – Thord Lernesjö
Projekt – Lowell Lischer & Ulf Lernesjö
Framtid och frågestund – Thord Lernesjö
Samkväm med ost och vin
Texas Onshore i punktform
Avtalspåtecknande gällande mellanöstern beräknas ske inom kort
Oljefälten i Ryssland kräver ytterliggare genomlysning och omarbetning
Under de senaste 12 månaderna har vi lyckats med 75 % av våra borrningar och misslyckats med 2 fördjupnings och återinträdesprojekt
Ca 1 200 aktieägare
Tidpunkten för ansökan om notering av bolaget är avhängigt hur fort
projekten i Mellanöstern och Ryssland kan slutföras. Vi räknar med att
kunna slutföra projekten i slutet av 2012.
Styrelsen & VD
Från vänster:
Jan R. Nilsson, Ledamot y Thord Lernesjö, VD y Jonas Svantesson, Styrelseordförande y Björn Goldman, ledamot
Inklippt: Christel Lernesjö, ledamot
Thord Lernesjö
VD Thord Lernesjö är en av grundarna av Texas Onshore AB (publ). Thord har en magister‐examen i ekonomi från Lunds Universitet och har arbetat med den amerikanska oljeindustrin sedan 1995. Thord har i över tio år varit styrelse‐
ledamot i ett flertal svenska och utländska bolag.
Björn Willysson, CFO Texas Onshore AB (publ)
Björn har en Civilekonomexamen från Handelshögskolan i Göteborg. Han har en gedigen erfarenhet som ekonomichef, ekonomidirektör, administrativ chef och vice VD i medelstora svenska och internationella koncerner inom olika branscher.
De senaste fem åren har Björn Willysson varit engagerad i Texas Onshore AB och dessförinnan Tedcompile AB.
Lowell K. Lischer
President, Texas Onshore Resources Inc.
Lowell har en Bachelor‐examen i agronomi och Master‐examen i geologi från University of Missouri, USA. Hans 30‐åriga erfarenhet inom branschen inkluderar projektframtagning, granskning, borrning samt utvärdering av borrningar och olje‐ och gas‐produktion. Därtill har han över 20 års erfarenhet av ledning inom små och mellanstora privata oljeföretag.
Ron Evans
Controller och finanschef, Texas Onshore Resources
Ron har en Bachelor of Science i redovisning. Han är även auktoriserad revisor (CPA) både i Oklahoma och Texas. Ron har arbetat i olje‐ och gasbranschen i över 30 år
och han har varit chef för redovisning och finans vid Conoco Philips och Trans Texas Gas Corporation.
Texas Onshore WI Projekt 2011 – 2012
Alsen Field, Well Decker nr 1
Casino 1.1, Well Bullpen nr 1
Casino Yegua, Well BLM nr 1
Casino 2, Well Townsite nr 1
Casino 3, Well Five Card Stud nr 1
Hallelujah, Well Lobit nr 1
Old Town Bay, Diamond Development nr 2
Old Town Bay 2, Kraus & Managan nr 1 (Diamond 3)
Outlar, Well Outlar Nr 1
Port Hudson, Well Ann-Fritz nr 4 re-entry
Sheldon, Well State of Texas nr 1
State of Texas Map
State of Louisiana Map
Casino nr 1: Jackpot Prospect, Bullpen #1
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
Gas (mcf)
Oil (bbls)
Old Town Bay
Old Town Bay
Diamond Development #2 Production
May 2012 June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
Oil (bbls)
Outlar, Outlar nr 1
2012, 01‐07
Outlar nr 1 Production
Gas (mcf)
Oil (bbls)
Alsen Field,
Decker #1
Alsen Field
Decker #1
3D proved attic oil at the apex of a million barrel water-drive reservoir
PUD Reserve Potential 216,000 BO
Calculated value of 190,500 BO
Additional possible reserves 416,000 BO (attic potential high to existing wells)
Calculated possible reserves of 229,000 BO, but not included in economics of well
No pipe well on turnkey contract
Locations are a problem in a flood-prone area of Louisiana requiring additional surface work for
drilling and production facilities
$16 premium for Louisiana crude
Calculated “Finding Cost” (FC) for prospect: $16.61/BO . Anticipated average price/bo: $95.00
Casino Yegua,
Crescent Prospect: BLM #1
Casino Yegua
Crescent Prospect: BLM #1
The prospect is the first Yegua sand prospect identified on the newly acquired
proprietary Casino Royale 3D seismic program and is located on a known Yegua
Formation production trend in San Jacinto County, Texas.
Based upon the estimated size and thickness of the Yegua seismic anomaly, the
reserves potential is calculated to be 2.7 BCFG + 40,320 BO.
Converting the potential reserves to Barrels Oil Equivalent (BOE) using 5,800 CFG
equal 1 BOE yields a potential of 505,837 BOE
The calculated “Finding Cost” (FC) is $2.85/BOE
The total value of the potential reserves ($4/MCFG & 95/BO) at a 75% Net Revenue
Interest (NRI) calculated to be $10,821,600
Well failed most probably due to a mixture of natural gas in formation water which the
seismic sees as a “Bright Spot” (all gas)
Casino nr 2
Blackjack Prospect: Townsite #1
Casino nr 2
Blackjack Prospect: Townsite #1
This well offers to deepen the million BO Cleveland Townsite oil field
• Up-dip to 1952 well with multiple logged oil shows
• Test of additional deeper sands on crest of structure that produce
in the area but not penetrated in field
Going to be drilled at the heliport for the local police station.
NCE Reserve potential: 1,338,875 BO + 6.7 BCF = USD 145 million
Calculated Finding Cost (FC):
[Based on possibly two wells and using calculated potential oil only;
gas and gas liquids not included]
Casino nr 3
Five Card Stud Prospect
Casino nr 3
Five Card Stud Prospect
This well will test a fault trap structure Northwest of South Shepherd
• South Shepherd Field is productive from both the Upper and
Middle Wilcox Formation
NCE Reserve potential: 1,338,875 BO + 6.7 BCF = USD 145 million
Calculated Finding Cost (FC):
[Based on possibly two wells and using calculated potential oil only;
gas and gas liquids not included]
Lobit #1
Lobit #1
Attic oil high to producing well - multiple objectives
PUD Reserves 821,700 BO + 5.5 BCFG
Calculated PUD Reserves = 486,290 BO + 4.4 BCFG
Probable Reserves 399,000 BO + 0.8 BCFG
Calculated Probable Reserves = 359,710 BO + 0.5 BCFG
Eastern fault-block of 25 million barrel + 139 BCF field producing
since 1950’s
Calculated Finding Cost (PUD Oil only): $8.02/BO
Old Town Bay 2
Krause & Managan #1
Old Town Bay 2
Krause & Managan #1(Diamond nr3)
Eastward extension of the shallow oil development at Gillis-English
Bayou Field (cum prod 38,492,760 BO + 272 BCF)
Original prospect proposal calculated reserve potential at 680,000
BO (2 wells: 320,000 BO for well #1& 360,000 BO for well #2)
We gave lower potential to both until after the Diamond
Development #2 well was drilled.
Calculated Finding Cost (FC) for this well:
The economics do not consider a potential second oil reservoir in
the well since it has not been tested and appears tight in the
Diamond Development #2 well
Port Hudson
Ann-Fritz #4
Port Hudson
Ann-Fritz #4
Well already drilled and ready to test 2 potential oil sands
Log and core shows: 30º API oil in the Marg Vag sandstone
Total Reserve Potential 103,250 BO (Marg Vag & Sparta
Calculated Reserve Potential to be 82,500 BO
$16 premium for Louisiana crude
Calculated Finding Cost (FC):
Both the Marg Vag & Sparta sandstones proved to be limited in
extent and too tight to produce economic quantities of oil.
State of Texas #1
State of Texas #1
Deepening of producing well to test 5 Yegua sands, 3 with proved
undeveloped (PUD) reserves
PUD for 3 sands only = 474,800 BO + 2.3 BCF, with additional 267,600 BO
+ 2.7 BCF from 2 deeper sands in up-thrown position
Calculated PUD Reserves = 203,800 BO + 0.9745 BCFG and
additional deep reserves = 74,700 BO + 0.699 BCFG for a total potential of
278,500 BO + 1.6735 BCFG
Converting natural gas (PUD Reserves only) to Barrels Oil Equivalent
(BOE) = 168,000 BOE and a total BOE Reserve potential of 371,800 BOE
Calculated Finding Cost (FC) for PUD Reserves: $4.68/BOE
Well failed due to seismic bust on the prospect fault alignment
One potential productive sand showed to be tight
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