FUZZY SETS AND FUZZY LOGIC PART 4 Fuzzy Arithmetic Theory and Applications 1. Fuzzy numbers 2. Linguistic variables 3. Operations on intervals 4. Operations on fuzzy numbers 5. Lattice of fuzzy numbers 6. Fuzzy equations Fuzzy numbers • Three properties 1) A must be a normal fuzzy set; 2) αA must be a closed interval for every (0, 1]; 3) the support of A, 0+A, must be bounded. A is a fuzzy set on R. Fuzzy numbers Fuzzy numbers • Theorem 4.1 Let A F(R ). Then, A is a fuzzy number if and only if there exists a closed interval [a, b] such that 1 for x [a, b] A( x) l ( x) for x (, a ) r ( x) for x (b, ), Fuzzy numbers • Theorem 4.1 (cont.) where l is a function from (, a) to [0,1] that is monotonic increasing, continuous from the right, and such that l ( x) 0 for x (, 1 ) ; r is a function from (b, ) to [0,1] that is monotonic decreasing, continuous from the left, and such that r ( x) 0 for x (2 , ) Fuzzy numbers Fuzzy numbers Fuzzy numbers • Fuzzy cardinality Given a fuzzy set A defined on a finite universal ~ set X, its fuzzy cardinality, | A | , is a fuzzy number defined on N by the formula ~ | A | (| A |) for all (A). Linguistic variables • The concept of a fuzzy number plays a fundamental role in formulating quantitative fuzzy variables. • The fuzzy numbers represent linguistic concepts, such as very small, small, medium, and so on, as interpreted in a particular context, the resulting constructs are usually called linguistic variables. Linguistic variables • base variable Each linguistic variable the states of which are expressed by linguistic terms interpreted as specific fuzzy numbers is defined in terms of a base variable, the values of which are real numbers within a specific range. A base variable is a variable in the classical sense, exemplified by any physical variable (e.g., temperature, etc.) as well as any other numerical variable, (e.g., age, probability, etc.). Linguistic variables • Each linguistic variable is fully characterized by a quintuple (v, T, X, g, m). – v : the name of the variable. – T : the set of linguistic terms of v that refer to a base variable whose values range over a universal set X. – g : a syntactic rule (a grammar) for generating linguistic terms. – m : a semantic rule that assigns to each linguistic term t T. Linguistic variables Operations on intervals • Let * denote any of the four arithmetic operations on closed intervals: addition + , subtraction —, multiplication • , and division /. Then, [a, b] [d , e] { f g | a f b, d g e}, [a, b] [d , e] [a d , b e], [a, b] [d , e] [a e, b d ], [a, b] [d , e] [min(ad, ae, bd, be), max(ad, ae, bd, be)], [a, b] /[d , e] [a, b] [1 e , 1 d ] [min(a / d , a / e, b / d , b / e), max(a / d , a / e, b / d , b / e)]. Operations on intervals • Properties Let A [a1 , a2 ], B [b1 , b2 ], C [c1 , c2 ], 0 [0, 0],1 [1, 1]. 1. A B B A, A B B A (com m utativity ). 2. ( A B ) C A ( B C ), ( A B ) C A ( B C ) (associativity ). 3. A 0 A A 0 , A 1 A A 1 (identity). 4. A ( B C ) A B A C ( subdistributivity). Operations on intervals 5. If b c 0 for everyb B and c C , then A ( B C ) A B A C (distributivity). Furthermore, if A [a, a], thena ( B C ) a B a C. 6. 0 A-A and1 A/A. 7. If A E and B F , then: A B E F, A B E F, A B E F, A / B E / F (inclusionm onotonici ty ). Operations on fuzzy numbers • First method Let A and B denote fuzzy numbers. * denote any of the four basic arithmetic operations. ( A B) A B for any (0, 1]. A B Since α α[0, 1] ( A B). ( A B) is a closed interval for each (0, 1]. and A, B are fuzzy numbers, A B is also a fuzzy number. Operations on fuzzy numbers • Second method for all z R (A B)(z ) sup min[A( x), B( y )], z x y (A B)(z ) sup min[A( x), B( y )], z x y (A B)(z ) sup min[A( x), B( y )], z x y (A B)(z ) sup min[A( x), B( y )], z x y (A / B)(z ) sup min[A( x), B( y )]. zx / y Operations on fuzzy numbers Operations on fuzzy numbers Operations on fuzzy numbers • Theorem 4.2 Let * {+, -, •, / }, and let A, B denote continuous fuzzy numbers. Then, the fuzzy set A*B defined by (A B)(z ) sup min[A( x), B( y)] z x y is a continuous fuzzy number. Lattice of fuzzy numbers • MIN and MAX MIN( A, B)(z ) sup min[A( x), B( y )], z min( x , y ) MAX( A, B)(z ) sup z max( x , y ) min[A( x), B( y )]. Lattice of fuzzy numbers Lattice of fuzzy numbers Lattice of fuzzy numbers • Theorem 4.3 Let MIN and MAX be binary operations on R. Then, for any A, B, C R , the following properties hold: Lattice of fuzzy numbers Lattice of fuzzy numbers • Lattice R, MIN, MAX It also can be expressed as the pair R, , where is a partial ordering defined as: A B iff MIN ( A, B) A or, alternatively, A B iff MAX( A, B) B for any A, B R and all α (0, 1], we can also define the partialorderingin termsof therelevant - cuts : A B iff min( A, B) A, A B iff max( A, B) B, where A, B are closed intervals. Lattice of fuzzy numbers T hen, min( α A, α B) [min(a1, b1 ), min(a2 , b2 )], max( α A, α B) [max(a1, b1 ), max(a2 , b2 )]. If we define thepart ialorderingof closed intervalsin theusual way, thatis, [a1, a2 ] [b1, b2 ] iff a1 b1 and a2 b2 , thenfor any A, B R , we have A B iff A B for all (0 , 1]. Fuzzy equations • A+X=B The difficulty of solving this fuzzy equation is caused by the fact that X = B-A is not the solution. Let A = [a1, a2] and B = [b1, b2] be two closed intervals, which may be viewed as special fuzzy numbers. B-A = [b1- a2 , b2 -a1], then Fuzzy equations Let X = [x1, x2]. T hen,[a1 x1 , a2 x2 ] [b1 , b2 ]. a1 x1 b1 , x1 b1 a1. a2 x2 b2 , x2 b2 a2 . X must be an interval,it's required that x1 x2 . theequation has a solutioniff b1 a1 b2 a2 . X [b1 a1 , b2 a2 ]. Fuzzy equations Let αA = [αa1, αa2], αB = [αb1, αb2], and αX = [αx , αx ] for any (0,.1] 1 2 A X B has a solutioniff : (i) b1 a1 b2 a2 for everyα (0, 1], and (ii) α β implies α b1 α a1 β b1 β a1 β b2 β a2 α b2 α a2 . thesolution X of thefuzzy equationis given by X X. α( 0 , 1] Fuzzy equations • A.X = B A, B are fuzzy numbers on R+. It’s easy to show that X = B / A is not a solution of the equation. A X B has a solutioniff : (i) b1 / a1 b2 / a2 for everyα (0, 1], and (ii) α β implies α b1 / α a1 β b1 / β a1 β b2 / β a2 α b2 / α a2 . thesolution X of thefuzzy equationis given by X X. α( 0 , 1] Exercise 4 • • • • • 4.1 4.2 4.5 4.6 4.9