
Fuzzy Arithmetic
Theory and
1. Fuzzy numbers
2. Linguistic variables
3. Operations on intervals
4. Operations on fuzzy numbers
5. Lattice of fuzzy numbers
6. Fuzzy equations
Fuzzy numbers
Three properties
1) A must be a normal fuzzy set;
2) αA must be a closed interval for every
  (0, 1];
3) the support of A, 0+A, must be bounded.
A is a fuzzy set on R.
Fuzzy numbers
Fuzzy numbers
• Theorem 4.1
Let A  F(R ). Then, A is a fuzzy number if and
only if there exists a closed interval
[a, b]   such that
1 for x  [a, b]
A( x)  l ( x) for x  (, a )
r ( x) for x  (b, ),
Fuzzy numbers
• Theorem 4.1 (cont.)
where l is a function from (, a) to [0,1] that is
monotonic increasing, continuous from the right,
and such that l ( x)  0 for x  (, 1 ) ; r is a
function from (b, ) to [0,1] that is monotonic
decreasing, continuous from the left, and such
that r ( x)  0 for x  (2 , )
Fuzzy numbers
Fuzzy numbers
Fuzzy numbers
• Fuzzy cardinality
Given a fuzzy set A defined on a finite universal
set X, its fuzzy cardinality, | A | , is a fuzzy number
defined on N by the formula
~ 
| A | (| A |)  
for all
  (A).
Linguistic variables
• The concept of a fuzzy number plays a
fundamental role in formulating quantitative
fuzzy variables.
• The fuzzy numbers represent linguistic
concepts, such as very small, small, medium,
and so on, as interpreted in a particular context,
the resulting constructs are usually called
linguistic variables.
Linguistic variables
• base variable
Each linguistic variable the states of which are
expressed by linguistic terms interpreted as
specific fuzzy numbers is defined in terms of a
base variable, the values of which are real
numbers within a specific range.
A base variable is a variable in the classical
sense, exemplified by any physical variable
(e.g., temperature, etc.) as well as any other
numerical variable, (e.g., age, probability, etc.).
Linguistic variables
• Each linguistic variable is fully characterized by a
quintuple (v, T, X, g, m).
– v : the name of the variable.
– T : the set of linguistic terms of v that refer to
a base variable whose values range over a
universal set X.
– g : a syntactic rule (a grammar) for generating
linguistic terms.
– m : a semantic rule that assigns to each
linguistic term t T.
Linguistic variables
Operations on intervals
• Let * denote any of the four arithmetic
operations on closed intervals: addition + ,
subtraction —, multiplication • , and division /.
[a, b]  [d , e]  { f  g | a  f  b, d  g  e},
[a, b]  [d , e]  [a  d , b  e],
[a, b]  [d , e]  [a  e, b  d ],
[a, b]  [d , e]  [min(ad, ae, bd, be), max(ad, ae, bd, be)],
[a, b] /[d , e]  [a, b]  [1 e , 1 d ]
 [min(a / d , a / e, b / d , b / e),
max(a / d , a / e, b / d , b / e)].
Operations on intervals
• Properties
Let A  [a1 , a2 ], B  [b1 , b2 ], C  [c1 , c2 ], 0  [0, 0],1  [1, 1].
1. A  B  B  A,
A  B  B  A (com m utativity ).
2. ( A  B )  C  A  ( B  C ),
( A  B )  C  A  ( B  C ) (associativity ).
3. A  0  A  A  0 ,
A  1 A  A  1 (identity).
4. A  ( B  C )  A  B  A  C ( subdistributivity).
Operations on intervals
5. If b  c  0 for everyb  B and c  C , then A  ( B  C )  A  B  A  C
(distributivity). Furthermore, if A  [a, a], thena  ( B  C )  a  B  a  C.
6. 0  A-A and1 A/A.
7. If A  E and B  F , then:
A  B  E  F,
A  B  E  F,
A B  E  F,
A / B  E / F (inclusionm onotonici
ty ).
Operations on fuzzy numbers
• First method
Let A and B denote fuzzy numbers. * denote
any of the four basic arithmetic operations.
( A  B)  A  B
for any   (0, 1].
A B 
α[0, 1]
( A  B).
( A B) is a closed interval for each
  (0, 1]. and A, B are fuzzy numbers, A  B is
also a fuzzy number.
Operations on fuzzy numbers
• Second method
for all z  R
(A  B)(z )  sup min[A( x), B( y )],
z  x y
(A  B)(z )  sup min[A( x), B( y )],
z  x y
(A  B)(z )  sup min[A( x), B( y )],
z  x y
(A  B)(z )  sup min[A( x), B( y )],
z  x y
(A / B)(z )  sup min[A( x), B( y )].
zx / y
Operations on fuzzy numbers
Operations on fuzzy numbers
Operations on fuzzy numbers
• Theorem 4.2
Let *
{+, -, •, / }, and let A, B denote
continuous fuzzy numbers. Then, the fuzzy set
A*B defined by
(A  B)(z )  sup min[A( x), B( y)]
z  x y
is a continuous fuzzy number.
Lattice of fuzzy numbers
• MIN and MAX
MIN( A, B)(z )  sup min[A( x), B( y )],
z  min( x , y )
MAX( A, B)(z ) 
z  max( x , y )
min[A( x), B( y )].
Lattice of fuzzy numbers
Lattice of fuzzy numbers
Lattice of fuzzy numbers
• Theorem 4.3
Let MIN and MAX be binary operations on R.
Then, for any A, B, C  R , the following
properties hold:
Lattice of fuzzy numbers
Lattice of fuzzy numbers
• Lattice R, MIN, MAX
It also can be expressed as the pair R,  ,
where  is a partial ordering defined as:
A  B iff MIN ( A, B)  A or, alternatively,
A  B iff MAX( A, B)  B
for any A, B R and all α  (0, 1], we can also define the
partialorderingin termsof therelevant - cuts :
A  B iff min( A,  B)  A,
A  B iff max( A,  B)  B,
where  A,  B are closed intervals.
Lattice of fuzzy numbers
T hen,
min( α A, α B)  [min(a1, b1 ), min(a2 , b2 )],
max( α A, α B)  [max(a1, b1 ), max(a2 , b2 )].
If we define thepart ialorderingof closed intervalsin theusual
way, thatis,
[a1, a2 ]  [b1, b2 ] iff a1  b1 and a2  b2 ,
thenfor any A, B R , we have
A  B iff  A  B
for all   (0 , 1].
Fuzzy equations
• A+X=B
The difficulty of solving this fuzzy equation is
caused by the fact that X = B-A is not the
Let A = [a1, a2] and B = [b1, b2] be two closed
intervals, which may be viewed as special fuzzy
numbers. B-A = [b1- a2 , b2 -a1], then
Fuzzy equations
Let X = [x1, x2].
T hen,[a1  x1 , a2  x2 ]  [b1 , b2 ].
a1  x1  b1 , x1  b1  a1.
a2  x2  b2 , x2  b2  a2 .
 X must be an interval,it's required that x1  x2 .
 theequation has a solutioniff b1  a1  b2  a2 .
X  [b1  a1 , b2  a2 ].
Fuzzy equations
Let αA = [αa1, αa2], αB = [αb1, αb2], and
αX = [αx , αx ] for any
  (0,.1]
A  X  B has a solutioniff :
(i)  b1  a1  b2  a2 for everyα  (0, 1], and
(ii) α  β implies α b1  α a1  β b1  β a1  β b2  β a2  α b2  α a2 .
thesolution X of thefuzzy equationis given by
  X.
α( 0 , 1]
Fuzzy equations
• A.X = B
A, B are fuzzy numbers on R+. It’s easy to show
that X = B / A is not a solution of the equation.
A  X  B has a solutioniff :
(i)  b1 /  a1  b2 /  a2 for everyα  (0, 1], and
(ii) α  β implies α b1 / α a1  β b1 / β a1  β b2 / β a2  α b2 / α a2 .
thesolution X of thefuzzy equationis given by
  X.
α( 0 , 1]
Exercise 4