Chapter 4
void Functions
Starting Out with
Games & Graphics in C++
Tony Gaddis
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4.1 Modularizing a Program with Functions
A large program can be broken up
into manageable functions that
each performs a major task.
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4.1 Modularizing a Program with Functions
• A function is a group of programming statements
that has a name
• There are two general types of functions:
– Those that return a value
– Known as value-returning functions
• For example
– dbRND
– Those that do not
– Known as void functions
• For example
– dbDot
– dbLine
– dbBox
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4.1 Modularizing a Program with Functions
• Functions can be used
to break a program
down into smaller,
manageable pieces
• This approach is
sometimes called
divide and conquer
Figure 4-1 Using functions to divide
and conquer a large task
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4.1 Modularizing a Program with Functions
Benefits of Using Functions
• Simpler Code
– A program’s code tends to be simpler and easier to understand when it is
broken down into functions
• Code Reuse
– Functions reduce the duplication of code within a program
• Better Testing
– When each task within a program is contained in its own function, testing
and debugging becomes simpler
• Faster Development
– Functions can be written for commonly needed tasks, and those functions
can be incorporated into each program that needs them
• Easier Facilitation of Teamwork
– Different programmers can be assigned the task of writing different
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
The code for a function is known
as a function definition. To
execute a function you write a
statement that calls it.
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Function Names
• When naming a function, C++ requires you follow the
same rules for naming variables, which we recap here:
– Function names must be
• One word
• No spaces
– First character must be
• Letter a – z, A – Z, or underscore (_)
– After first character
• Letters a – z, A – Z, numbers 0 – 9, or underscore(_)
– Uppercase and lowercase characters are distinct
• LineLength is not the same as linelength
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Function Names
• Because functions perform actions, programmers
commonly use verbs in function names
– For example
• drawSmileyFace
• setDrawingColor
• displayCaption
• clearScreen
• Function names should describe what the function
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Defining a void Function
• To create a function you write its definition
• Here is the general format of a void function
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Defining a void Function
• The first line is known as
the function header
– It marks the beginning of
the function
• The header for a void
function begins with the
keyword void
• Followed by the function
• Followed by a set of
– Notice that the function
header does not end with a
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Defining a void Function
• After the function
header, a set of
statements enclosed in
curly braces appears
– This set of statements is
known as the body of
the function
– These are the
statements that execute
when the function is
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Defining a void Function
• Let’s look at an example of a void function definition:
• This code defines a function named displayMessage
• The body of the function contains two statements
• Notice the statements are indented, this is not required, but makes
the code easier for people to read
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Calling a Function
• A function definition specifies what a function does,
but it does not cause the function to execute
• To execute a function, you must call it
• This is how we would call the displayMessage
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Calling a Function
• To call a function, you
– Write its name
– Followed by a set of
– Followed by a semicolon
• Notice that you do not
write the word void in
the function call
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Calling a Function
When a function is called
– the program jumps to that function
– executes the statements inside it
– Programmers commonly say that
control of the program transfers to the
– This simply means that the function
takes control of the programs
Figure 4-3 Calling the
displayMessage function
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Calling a Function
When the end of a function is reached
– the program jumps back to the statement
that called the function
– execution resumes with the very next
– When this happens, we say that the
function returns
Figure 4-4 The displayMessage
function returns
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Function Prototypes
• In C++, a function’s definition must appear in
the file before any statements that call the
function, or a compiler error will occur
• The only exception is when you use function
• A function prototype is a statement that
declares the existence of a function, but does
not define the function
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Function Prototypes
• A function prototype is
– Merely a way of telling the compiler that a particular
function exists in the program, and its definition appears
at a later point
• This is how function prototypes for the
displayMessage and pauseProgram functions
would look:
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Function Prototypes
• Look like function headers, except a
semicolon appears at the end
• Are usually placed near the top of a program
so the compiler will encounter them before
any function calls
• Are used by most C++ programmers
• Allow you to write the DarkGDK function at the
top of your source code file
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4.2 Defining and Calling a void Function
Function Prototypes
Function Prototypes
Function Calls
Function Definitions
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4.3 Designing a Program to Use Functions
Programmers commonly use a
technique known as top-down
design to break down a program
into functions that each perform a
single task.
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4.3 Designing a Program to Use Functions
• Programmers commonly use a technique known as
top-down design to break a program down into
• The process of top-down design is performed in the
following manner:
– Overall task is broken down into a series of subtasks
– Subtasks are examined and are broken down into more
• This step is repeated until no more subtasks can be identified
– Subtasks are written into code
• This process is called top-down design because the
programmer begins by looking at the topmost level of
tasks that must be performed, and then breaks down
those tasks into lower levels of subtasks
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4.3 Designing a Program to Use Functions
Hierarchy Charts
• A hierarchy chart, which is also known as a structure chart,
shows boxes that visually represent each function in a program
Figure 4-8 Hierarchy chart
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4.4 Local Variables
A local variable is declared inside a
function and cannot be accessed by
statements that are outside the
function. Different functions can have
local variables with the same names
because the functions cannot see each
other’s variables.
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4.4 Local Variables
• A variable that is declared inside a function is
called a local variable
• A local variable
– Belongs to the function in which it is declared
– Can only be accessed by statements inside the
function in which it is declared
• The term local is meant to indicate that the
variable can be used only locally, within the
function in which it is declared
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4.4 Local Variables
An error will occur if a statement in
one function tries to access a local
variable that belongs to another
DarkGDK function local variables
not visible to drawBlueBox function
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4.4 Local Variables
Scope and Local Variables
• Programmers commonly use the term scope to describe the
part of a program in which a variable may be accessed
• A variable is visible only to statements inside the variable’s
• A local variable’s scope
– Begins at the variable’s declaration
– Ends at the end of the function in which the variable is declared
• A local variable cannot be accessed by statements that are
– Outside the function
– Inside the function, but before the variable’s declaration
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4.4 Local Variables
Duplicate Variable Names
• You cannot have two variables with the
same name in the same scope
• A function cannot have two local variables
with the same name
• You can have local variables with the same
name declared in separate functions
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
An argument is a piece of data
that is passed into a function when
the function is called. When an
argument is passed into a
function, a special variable in the
function known as a parameter
receives the argument.
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
• Pieces of data that are sent into a function are
known as arguments
– The function can use its arguments in calculations or
other operations
• If you want a function to receive arguments when it
is called
– you must equip the function with one or more
parameter variables
• A parameter variable is a special variable that is
assigned the value of an argument when a function
is called
– A parameter variable is often simply called a
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
• Let’s look at an example of a function that uses a parameter
variable to accept an argument:
– When you call the function, you pass an argument indicating the
circle’s radius
Parameter variable declaration
• The parameter variable’s
– Declaration is inside the
parentheses of the
function header
– Purpose is to receive an
integer argument when
the function is called
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Function prototype
Function call
Function definition
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
• Notice the function prototype for the drawCircle
function does not list the name of the parameter
• It is not necessary to list the name of the parameter
variable inside the parentheses
• Only the data type is required
• Listing a parameter name will not cause an error
• The compiler merely ignores parameter name
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
• When the drawCircle
function is called
– The number 100 appears
inside the parentheses
• 100 is the argument that
is being passed to the
– When the function
executes, 100 will be
assigned to radius
Figure 4-10 the argument 100 is assigned to the
radius function
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Parameter Variable Scope
• Earlier in this section, you learned
– A variable’s scope is the part of the program in which
the variable may be accessed
– A variable is visible only to statements inside the
variable’s scope
• A parameter variable’s scope is the entire function
in which the parameter is declared
• It is visible only to statements inside the function
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Multiple Arguments
If a function needs multiple
You can equip it with multiple
parameter variables
Notice, two parameter variables,
num1 and num2 are declared
inside the parentheses
This is often referred to as a
parameter list
Also notice a comma separates
the declarations
Figure 4-13 Two arguments passed
into two parameters
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Value
• All of the programs we have looked at so far pass
arguments by value
• Arguments and parameter variables are separate items
in memory
• Passing an argument by value means that only a copy
of the argument’s value is passed into the parameter
• If the parameter variable is changed inside the function
– It has no effect on the argument in the calling part of the
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Value
Program 4-10 (PassByValue.cpp) partial listing
The changeMe function can only modify a copy of the number
variable, not the number variable itself
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Value
• Passing an argument is a way
that one function can
communicate with another
• When the argument is passed
by value:
– The communication works in one
– The calling function can use the
argument to communicate with
the called function
– The called function cannot use
the argument to communicate
with the calling function
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Figure 4-15 Example output of
Program 4-10
4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Reference
• Passing an argument by reference means that the
argument is passed into a special type of
parameter known as a reference variable
• A reference variable allows the argument to be
modified in the calling function
• A reference variable acts as an alias for the
variable that was passed as an argument
• A reference variable references the other variable
• Anything you do to a reference variable is actually
done to the variable it references
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Reference
• Reference variables are useful for establishing two-way
communication between functions
• Communication can take place in the following ways:
– The calling function can communicate with the called function
• by passing an argument
– The called function can communicate with the calling function
• by modifying the value of the argument via the reference variable
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Reference
• In C++, you declare a reference variable by placing an
ampersand (&) before the variable’s name
• For example, look at the following function:
Inside the parentheses, the & indicates that value is a reference variable
The function assigns 0 to the value parameter
Because value is a reference variable, this action is actually performed on
the variable that was passed to the function as an argument
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Reference
• When using a reference parameter variable
– Include the ampersand (&) after the data type in the
function prototype
• Here is the prototype for the setToZero function:
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Reference
Function prototype
Variable declarations
Function Calls
Function Definition
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4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Reference
• Variables a, b, and c
are initialized with the
value 99
• Those variables are
passed as arguments to
the setToZero function
• Each time the function is
called, the variable that
is passed as an
argument is set to 0
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Figure 4-16 Output of Program 4-11
4.5 Passing Arguments to Functions
Passing Arguments by Reference
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4.6 Global Variables and Constants
A global variable is accessible to all
the functions in a program.
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4.6 Global Variables and Constants
• A global variable is declared outside of all
the functions in a program
• A global variable’s scope
– Begins at the variable’s declaration
– Ends at the end of the program
• A global variable can be accessed by all
functions that are defined after the variable
is declared
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4.6 Global Variables and Constants
Global variable declaration
Accessed by all functions
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4.6 Global Variables and Constants
• You should be careful when using global variables
• Global variables can:
– Make debugging difficult
• Any statement can change the value
• Programs can contain thousands of statements
– Limit code reusability
• Functions that use global variables are dependent on those
values and must be redesigned before they can be used in
another program
– Make a program hard to understand
• You must be aware of all the parts that access the variable
• With global variables, this can be the entire program
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4.6 Global Variables and Constants
Global Constants
• A global constant is a named constant that is
available to every function in the program
• A global constant:
– Contains a value that cannot be changed during
the program’s execution
– Reduces many of the potential hazards that are
associated with global variables
– Can be used to represent unchanging values that
are needed throughout the program
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4.6 Global Variables and Constants
Global Constants
Global constant declarations
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4.6 Global Variables and Constants
Global Constants
Used in a function
And in another function
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Chapter 4
void Functions
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