“Design of Water Supply and Sewer Systems” • Teaching language: English • Main Topics A. Design of Water Supply Systems I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System (Drawing 1) II. Dimensioning of the Water Supply Distribution System (Drawing 2) III. Design of Water Tank (Drawing 3) B. Design of Sewer Systems V. Plan of the Sewer System (Drawing 4) VI. Design Requirements and Dimensioning of the Sewer System “Design of Water Supply and Sewer Systems” Advised Literature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Arsov, R., Lecture Notes (Power Point slides), UACЕG, Sofia, 2003 Ignatova, Sl., Tutorial Notes (Power Point slides), UACG, Sofia, 2008 Бойчев, Ст., Ръководство за упражнения по водоснабдяване, Техника, 1981 Иванов, Сл., Калинков П., Рулев, Д., Ръководство по водоснабдителни мрежи и съоръжения, УАСГ, 1993, 2001 Иванов, Ив., др., Наръчник по водоснабдяване, Техника, 1982 Гиргинов, Т., Ръководство за проектиране по канализация, Техника, 1992 Кузуджийски, К., Ив. Иванов, Наръчник по канализация, Техника 1964, 1977 I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.1 Water Demand of the Settlement Elements of the Water Supply System 1 - intake ( spring ) 2 - external pipelines 3 - pump station 4 - water tank (service reservoir) 5 - feeder 6 - main branches 7 - distribution branches Fig.1 I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.1 Water Demand of the Settlement Consumption of potable water in the settlement A. Distributed consumers: Population Cattle Sheep and Goats B. Localized consumers: Hospital Restaurant Factory: - water for production technology - drinking water for the workers during the shift - water for taking shower after the shift C. Water for fire extinguishing Possible burst of fire somewhere in the settlement. I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.1 Water Demand of the Settlement Calculation of the water demand Average daily demand of a consumer type Q av , d N. q 1000 m d 3 Maximum daily demand of a consumer type Q max, d Kd Q av , d m d 3 Maximum hourly demand of a consumer type Q max, h K h . Q max, d 24 K h .Qav , h m h 3 I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.1 Water Demand of the Settlement N is the number of consumers of a specific type q is the water consumption norm of the consumer Kd is the coefficient of daily variability of consumption Kh is the coefficient of hourly variability of consumption Dimension of q: [dm3/consumer.day] for 1,2,and 3 [dm3/patient.day] for 4, [dm3/person.visit] for 5 [dm3/worker.shift] for 6b and 6c. Water for fire extinguishing requirements: Q f 15 dm3 s Table of settlement demand № Consumer N q Q av , d m / d K d Q max, d m / d 3 Kh 3 Population 180 1.45 1.65 2 Cattle 50 1.8 2.5 3 Goats, sheep 10 1.8 2.5 4 Hospital 180 1.45 2.45 5 Restaurant 25 1.0 1.0 6 Factory 1.0 1.0 6b drinking 35 1.0 2.5 6c shower 50 1.0 ----- Settlement m / h 3 1 6a technology Qmax, h I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.1 Water Demand of the Settlement Additional Information The water for technology production is given directly as a water flowrate. The whole amount of water for taking shower is consumed in the first hour after the end of the shift. The water amount for the restaurant and the workers is included in the norms of the population. I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.1 Water Demand of the Settlement Water demand of the whole settlement Average daily demand Qav,d Q set av , d m 3 d 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 a Maximum daily demand (used for sizing of 1,2,3 and 4 – see Fig.1) Q set max, d Qmax,d Qloss ,d 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 a Qloss ,d 0.2Q set av,d m 3 d m d 3 Maximum hourly demand (used for sizing of 5,6 and 7 – see Fig.1) Q set max, h Qmax,h Qloss ,h 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 a Qloss ,h 0.2Q set av,d 24 m h 3 m h 3 I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.2 Plan of the Distribution System What is a Plan of the Distribution System? It is a drawing (at a scale of 1:2000), made on the cadastral plan of the settlement, showing the route of the main and distribution branches of the water supply network with the desired direction of water movement. Basic requirements to the distribution system Reachability of any consumer Continuous supply of water in case of normal operation or in case of failure of some branches Most economical solution I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.2 Plan of the Distribution System Main factors, influencing the preparation of the plan The regulation plan of the settlement The situation of the localized consumers The relief of the area The availability of natural and artificial obstacles The location of the water sources Plan of the Distribution System (Drawing 1) I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.2 Plan of the Distribution System Contents of the Plan The numeration of the quarters (in the center of the quarters) The numeration of the crossroads (in the numerator) The elevations of the crossroads (in the denominator, in m) The main and distribution branches with the desired direction of flow The length of the branches between the crossroads (in m) The numeration of the branches (of the main branches in Roman numbers; of the distribution branches in Arabic numbers, according to the order of their origin from the mains) The fire hydrants The stop valves I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.2 Plan of the Distribution System Rules for drawing of the main branches The direction of the water movement in the main branches must follow the general direction from the source to the settlement The main branches must cover uniformly the area of the settlement The main branches must have looped outline The number of main branches is determined according to the requirement: the loops must be elongated following the general direction of water flow; the longer size of the loops must vary from 400 to 800 m, and the shorter one from 300 to 600 m The main branches should be traced through the areas of the highest population density and pass just next to the localized consumers When possible, they must be traced along the higher level streets I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.2 Plan of the Distribution System Rules for drawing of the distribution branches The distribution branches must form loops, just like the mains. The direction of water movement in them must follow the general direction from the source to the settlement. Some exceptions are possible for meeting the requirement of the closest crossroads. The branches must have minimal length; it means that the water must be supplied to each consumer from the nearest crossroads where the main branch passes. No water should be returned from the distribution branches to the mains. I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.2 Plan of the Distribution System Rules for situating of the fire hydrants The fire hydrants have to be situated mainly on the distribution branches. Some exceptions are allowed for long distance sections of the main branches. Maximum distance between two fire hydrants – 150 m (optimal distance 100 – 120 m). Recommended position of the hydrants – close to the crossroads (to be easily found by the fire brigades in case of fire). I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.2 Plan of the Distribution System Rules for situating of the stop valves The valves operate at two positions: completely open and completely closed. Usually they are used to disconnect failed branches from the rest of the distribution system and allow for repairs. Stop valves on the main branches: At the entrance of the feeder in the settlement At the points of main branches deviations At a distance of 300 to 400 m from each other I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Topic I.2 Plan of the Distribution System Stop valves on the distribution branches: At all deviations from the main branches Placed in such a way, that in case of fire a group of several distribution branches could be isolated, but in this group no more than five fire hydrants must be situated end beginning Symbols, used for the branches and appurtenances Branch Stop Valve Fire Hydrant I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Vocabulary of the Terms appurtenance арматура average daily demand среден денонощен разход branch клон cadastral plan кадастрален план coefficient of daily variability of коефициент consumption на денонощна неравномерност coefficient of hourly variability of коефициент на consumption неравномерност design проект dimensioning оразмеряване distributed consumers разпръснати консуматори часова I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Vocabulary of the Terms distribution branch разпределителен клон distribution system водопроводна мрежа external pipeline външен водопровод failure of a branch авария на клон feeder главен водопровод fire hydrant пожарен хидрант flowrate водно количество intake водовземане, каптаж localized consumers концентрирани консуматори loop пръстен I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Vocabulary of the Terms main branch главен клон maximum daily demand максимален денонощен разход maximum hourly demand максимален часов разход normal operation нормална работа plan of the distribution system идейно решение на водопроводната мрежа potable (drinking) water питейна вода pump station помпена станция repair of a branch отстраняване на авария на клон sewer system канализационна система sewerage канализация I. Water Demand and Plan of the Distribution System Vocabulary of the Terms spring извор stop valve спирателен кран wastewater treatment пречистване на отпадъчни води water consumption norm водоснабдителна норма water demand водопотребление (разход) water for fire extinguishing противопожарен разход water source водоизточник water supply водоснабдяване water supply system водоснабдителна система water tank (service reservoir) изравнителен резервоар water treatment пречистване на природни води