
Pre-listening Task
Micro-listening Task
Audio-Visual & Speaking Course
Summary and Assignment
Spot Dictation
Passage 28
Word Bank
a. 潮汐的, 定时涨落的
typhoon n.台风
1. fear
2. regularly
3. mountainous
4. 1906
5. Alaska
6. recorded
7. 2,000
8. Japan
9. fires
10. worst
11. 1556
12. nature
13. 200,000
14. Pakistan
15. dangerous
16. worry
17. reason
18. warnings
19. predict
20. surprise
Listen to This
Lesson 28
Word Bank
hurdle n.篱笆, 栏, 障碍, 跨栏, 活动篱笆
dread n.恐惧, 恐怖, 可怕的人(或物), 畏惧
sting v.刺, 刺痛, 刺激
jitter vi.<美口>紧张不安, 战战兢兢
secretarial a. 秘书的, 书记的
petrified a.吓呆的
falter v.支吾地说, 结巴地讲出
stammer v.口吃, 结巴着说出, 结结巴巴地
stage fright n. 怯场
ogre n. (民间传说中的)食人魔鬼, 怪物, 象
squirm v.蠕动
revere v.尊敬, 敬畏, 崇敬
mercenary a.唯利是图的
upbringing n.抚育, 教养
irrelevant a.不相关的
sidle v.横着走, 悄悄贴近
fidget vt.使烦乱, 使不安
twiddle vi. 玩弄
Keys A
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. c
Keys B
1. (1) the sting out of the interview
(2) what he calls “job interview jitters”
(3) you can make a good imgression
(4) you can use the interview to your own
(5) to go about it
Keys C
1. They try to find out what you are like and
if you are suitable for the job
2. Someone from the personnel department
3. At the personnel department of a biscuit
Keys D
1. T
2. F
Keys E
1. hesitant; indecisive
2. her appearance
3. delivery; petrified; the whole idea; the
4. stage fright
Keys F
1. The interviewer enjoys making
interviewees squirm in their seats.
2. Nervous actors on the opening night of
a new play.
3. She offers too much information and it
is highly irrelevant.
4. She can’t handle pressure and
responsibility and appears indecisive and
Keys G
1. a. sidled nervously up
 b. wasn’t quite sure
 c. kept looking nervously around her
2. a. fidgeted about
 b. kept twiddling the strap
 c. clutched tightly
3. a. hunched shoulders
 b. a tense look
Keys H
1. a
2. c
3. a
4. a
Keys J
1. a. a question-and-answer routine
 b. a boss-and-servant session
2. a coming together of two personalities
Keys I
1. self-confidence without being too cocky
2. relaxed and friendly way
3. normal manner
4. exchange information with the interviewer;
be interrogated
5. if the company was going to suit her; they
wanted to know; suit them
6. sober; neat; too frumpy
7. read the prospects
Audio-Visual &
Speaking Course
UNIT 8 The Star of Starbucks
Howard Schultz
Howard Schultz is an American
businessman and entrepreneur most
widely known as chief global strategist and
chairman of Starbucks.
Starbucks is the world’s largest
multinational chain of coffee shops.
Its coffee shops in the U.S. and
Canada are especially popular
among students and young urban
professionals. Stores are now
found in China and the United
Kingdom, as well as other
Moby Dick
An 1851 novel by Herman Melville. It describes
the ill-fated voyage of the whaling ship Pequod
to find and destroy the eponymous white whale,
driven by the obsessive Captain Ahab. The
language is highly symbolic and many themes
run throughout the work. Although the book
initially received mostly negative reviews, MobyDick is now considered to be one of the greatest
novels in the English language.
American Dream
The American Dream is a belief that in the
United States of America, hard work and
determination can lead to a better life,
usually through the earning of money. The
American Dream, however, has been
criticized for its emphasis on material
possessions as a way of finding happiness.
Prelistening Questions
 What is a traditional coffee bar like?
 Have you ever been to a Starbucks?
What do you like or dislike about it?
 Make a list of the self-made men you
know both in China and the United
States. Then compare your list with that
of a classmate and hold a brief
discussion about the men involved in
both lists.
Word Bank
anarchist n. 无政府主义者
blowback n. 负面影响
cult n. 邪教,异教
earthiness n. 土味;土性
espresso n. 蒸馏咖啡
fracture v. (使)破碎
grande n. 星巴克中的大杯饮料
homogenize v. 使同质
mockingly ad. 愚弄地, 取笑地
hokey a. (俚语)假的,做作的
hype n. 炒作,大肆宣传
ideation n. 构思;构思过程
peppermint n. 薄荷
pervasive a. 遍布的;渗透的
prestidigitation n. 变戏法,魔术
slurp n. 啧啧吃的声音
splice v. 拼接, 叠接
steep v. 泡(茶);浸泡
wrath n. 愤怒,激怒
conjure up 使用魔术变出
first off 首先(不悦、恼怒的语气)
what the heck 究竟
off base 大错特错的;没有道理的
first hand 第一手的;亲身经历的
kick around 无明确目的地做某事
let sb. in on sth. 向……透露秘密
line up 排队
make a sales call 上门推销
pull off 成功做某事
sleight of hand 在变魔术时蒙蔽观众的手法;
spelling bee 拼字大赛
stock option 股票期权
turn one’s back on背弃, 抛弃
Task I Global Listening
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. D
8. A
Task II Listen for Details
Episode 1
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
Episode 2
1. Coffee masters
2. coined a phrase
3. filling souls
4. filling bellies
5. human connection
6. humanity
7. communities
8. home and work
Episode 3
1. Anarchists smashing Starbucks’
headquarters in Seattle √
3. Criticism that Starbucks has
Americanized Japan and China √
4. Criticism that Starbucks has spliced
itself into the national DNA √
Episode 4
He felt he was home.
Adding an Espresso bar.
Coffee consumption was down.
paper cups; 3 bucks each cup; Italian
Episode 5
1. It’s located in Brooklyn. There are
bullet holes in the door leading to
apartment 7G.
2. He was from a poor neighborhood
and his father was injured on the job.
3. He was a delivery driver who picked
up and delivered cloth diapers.
Episode 5
4. There was no hospitalization, no
health insurance, no workman’s
compensation for his father.
5. He offers his employees health care
and stock options. He also pays
farmers higher than market rate for
In a group of two or four students, discuss
the questions below. During your
discussion, you are encouraged to draw
on information from the program to
support your points. At the end of the
discussion, a spokesperson for the group
should summarize and present the group’s
Topics for Discussion
 How successful is Starbucks? Cite facts and
figures from your notes to illustrate your point.
 Schultz and Starbucks have seen much
criticism from various sources. Suppose you
were Schultz, what would you say in defense
of yourself and your coffee empire?
 What do you think of Schultz’s social agenda?
Topics for Discussion
 Do you think Schultz’s new expansion to
the entertainment business will be
another huge success?
 The influence of Starbucks can be felt
even in the Forbidden City. Do you think
it is a wise move to give Schultz access
to the Forbidden City? What shall we do
about the imminent cultural
Finish the rest tasks of Lesson 28 in Listen
to This/ Book 2.
VOA News: Week 12
Thank you!