How to make a quote sandwich

How To Make a Quotation
A quotation sandwich has 3 main parts
An example of a quote sandwich
When Davy shoots the goose, Reuben
describes his brother’s intense expression.
Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is
nothing at all but the knowledge that the
goose is his” (Enger 16). This scene, and
Reuben’s description of it, foreshadows the
scene where, with equal calmness and
confidence, Davy shoots and kills Tommy
Basca and Israel Finch. Etc.
1. Context
Where in the story the quote is from
 Which character said or thought it
 What is happening at that moment
When Davy shoots the goose, Reuben describes his
brother’s expression. Reuben finds it striking that “on
his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the
goose is his” (Enger 16). This scene, and Reuben’s
description of it, foreshadows the scene where, with
equal calmness and confidence, Davy shoots and
kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. Etc.
1.5 Smooth Quote Introductions
The quotation should always be part of the context
sentence’s grammatical pattern.
Yes: Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at
all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).
No: Davy’s expression worries Reuben “on his face is
nothing at all…” (Enger 16).
No: Reuben finds Davy’s expression striking. “On his
face…” (Enger 16).
If you can’t work a quote into the context sentence
smoothly, introduce it with a colon.
Davy’s intense expression puzzles Reuben: “on his face is
nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his”
(Enger 16).
2. Quote
Should not be too long
 Should not merely state a fact
 Must be punctuated correctly
 Must be followed by the correct citation
When Davy shoots the goose, Reuben describes his brother’s
expression. Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing
at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). This
scene, and Reuben’s description of it, foreshadows the scene
where, with equal calmness and confidence, Davy shoots and
kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. Etc.
2.5 Punctuating the quotation
The quote will start with a lower case letter if you
start in mid-sentence
Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but
the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).
The quote will start with a capital letter if it is the
beginning of a sentence
Reuben recalls clearly Davy’s shooting of the goose,
emphasizing how “His right index finger is just whitening on
the trigger, and on his face is nothing at all but the
knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).
2.5 Punctuating the Quote (cont.)
The author and page number will be in parentheses
after the quote.
Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all
but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).
There is no comma between the author’s name and page
The page number is not introduced with “page” or “pg.”
If you mention the author’s name in the sentence, it
does not need to be repeated in the parentheses.
Enger emphasizes how Reuben finds it striking that “on
his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the
goose is his” (16).
2.5 Punctuating the Quote (cont.)
The period goes after the parenthesis.
….striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the
knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).
• When a quotation ends with a question mark
or an exclamation point, leave the end
punctuation inside the quotation mark and
add a period after the parenthesis.
• In the opening of the novel, Reuben points out to
the reader that most babies cry at birth: “How you
yowled!" (Enger 8).
3. Analysis
Your interpretation
 Explain how it proves your point
 Describe what the quote reveals
When Davy shoots the goose, Reuben describes
his brother’s expression. Reuben finds it striking that
“on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that
the goose is his” (Enger 16). This scene, and
Reuben’s description of it, foreshadows the scene
where, with equal calmness and confidence, Davy
shoots and kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. Etc.
Quote Sandwich…mmm…delicious!
When Davy shoots the goose,
Reuben describes his brother’s
expression. Reuben finds it
striking that “on his face is nothing
at all but the knowledge that the
goose is his” (Enger 16). This
scene, and Reuben’s description
of it, foreshadows the scene
where, with equal calmness and
confidence, Davy shoots and kills
Tommy Basca and Israel Finch.
Some notes
This example was a very simple version of a
quote sandwich.
The context, quote, and analysis can, and
often will be, more than one sentence each.
The main purpose of quoting is to support
your analysis.