Sendoline introduces a new rotary file system Fast, Safe and Efficient 23 mm 18 mm 8/30 6/30 4/30 4/25 4/20 S5 Rotary Files S5 Endo Motor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Only 5 files and all with the unique S-profile Shorter shanks (13 mm) for better accessibility Long progressive flutes to prevent the “screw-in-effect”, and Enhanced debris transportation Developed and intended to be used with the S5 Endo Motor • • • Perfect match: S5 Endo Motor + S5 Rotary files = S5 Rotary System Uses only 5 settings with 5 files (S5 Rotary Files) Complete versatility, works with most rotary file systems Cordless freedom: no cables Localize all the root canals with a manual K or S-file no. 15. Localization S-file shown Prepare the coronal and middle sections of the canal with S5 file no. 1, motor setting 1. 8/30 File 1 8/30 1 2 3 4 5 Motor Setting 1 Continue with file no. 2, motor setting 2, for as long as the instrument moves toward the apical section. You often reach a depth of at least 2/3 of the root canal. 6/30 File 2 8/30 1 2 3 4 5 6/30 Motor Setting 2 Continue with file no. 3, motor setting 3 working toward the apical section of the canal. 4/30 File 3 8/30 1 2 3 4 5 6/30 4/30 Motor Setting 3 Using file no. 4, motor setting 4, the working length is normally reached. 4/25 File 4 8/30 1 2 3 4 5 6/30 4/30 Motor Setting 4 4/25 If needed, continue with file no. 5, using motor setting 5. 4/20 File 5 8/30 1 2 3 4 5 6/30 4/30 4/25 Motor Setting 5 4/20 Pending on the desired apical width, follow a reverse sequence using files no. 5-4-3-2, to enlarge the apical depth. Use corresponding motor settings. Apical Preparation File 5 1 2 3 4 5 Motor Setting 5 4/20 Apical Preparation File 4 1 2 3 4 5 Motor Setting 4 4/25 Apical Preparation File 3 1 2 3 4 5 Motor Setting 3 4/30 Apical Preparation File 2 1 2 3 4 5 Motor Setting 2 6/30 8/30 6/30 4/30 4/25 4/20 S5 Rotary Files S5 Endo Motor PERFECT MATCH!