David Blau, Erika Camarena, Brittnie Chidsey 1 Business interests US Domestic Industry ▪ Supplied 20% of market in 2001 ▪ By 2004, only 12.4% Chinese Import Industry ▪ 20% of US market and growing Domestic Industry pushing for action 2 USDOC Chinese Shrimp Industry Chinese Saw blade Industry Third party countries EU Japan Thailand 3 Shrimp Initiated by USDOC Jan 27, 2004 Determined that US had calculated dumping margins for shrimp producers claiming that China was “dumping” shrimp on the US market Saw blades Initiated by the USDOC June 21, 2005 US again claims China is “dumping” on the US market and sets “antidumping duties” 4 Shrimp “PRC Wide rate” Saw blades “PRC Wide rate” 112.81% Independent firms 164.09% Industry firms Allied 84.93% AT&M 2.82% Yelin 82.27% Bosun 35.51% Red Garden 27.89% Hebi Jikai 48.5% Zhanjiang Goulian .07% 5 China claims that the USDOC misused zeroing with respect to the Shrimp and Saw blades As China is the complaining party, the burden of proof is on them as they make the prima facie 6 Article 2.4.2 of the Anti-dumping agreement Requires a “weighted average” to be used in calculating anti-dumping duties ▪ Mathematical definition Article 3.8 of the DSU Prima facie Article 19.1 of the DSU Compliance 7 China uses example of US—Softwood Lumber V US Shrimp v Ecuador …to show consistency of WTO findings against zeroing practice 8 Identify types of product Calculate weighted average—US v. Foreign product Zeroing practice: Ignore cases where Foreign price is higher, set as 0 Compare to each other Aggregate data and calculate dumping margin for product 9 WTO Compliant: US Price China Price Dumping Margin Blue Shrimp $3 $5 ($2) Yellow Shrimp $3 $2 $1 Green Shrimp $3 $2 $1 Total Dumping Margin: $0 Zeroing: US Price China Price Dumping Margin Blue Shrimp $3 $5 $0 Yellow Shrimp $3 $2 $1 Green Shrimp $3 $2 $1 Total Dumping Margin: $2 10 US was not compliant with 2.4.2 of Antidumping agreement Practice of zeroing inconsistent with WTO principals US did not contest China’s claims 11 Agree to comply with WTO Reasonable period of time ends March 23, 2013 US has not contested findings, but does not agree to solutions… …Forces other nations to bring cases to WTO Increases legitimacy of WTO process Allows US to save face with domestic industry 12 Sources “US—anti-dumping measures on certain shrimp and diamond saw blades from China: Report of the Panel,” WTO “China’s shrimp industry hurt by anti-dumping case,” The Fish Site “Court of international trade remands USDOC refusal to consider evidence…,” Southern Shrimp Alliance Elliot, Ian. “US loses China shrimp case at WTO,” Feedstuffs.com 13