Frequently asked questions

Arctic GPRS/EDGE devices
V. 2.0
Lauri Helenius
Technical Support
This slide set provides information for troubleshooting the
Viola Systems (2G) Arctic devices.
• Troubleshooting overview
• Identifying the Arctic device
• Utilities/Tools for troubleshooting
• Syslog messages
• Frequently asked questions
• Arctic bootup, related erros
• Contacting the Technical Support
Troubleshooting process
• Define the environment – how it should work
• Technologies, products, protocols, network design
• Gather the symptoms – how you see the problem
• What is not working, where you can see it
• Isolate the root cause – analyze, rule out
• Follow good troubleshooting practices *)
• Create a solution – focus for permanent solution
• Permanent solution rather than a quick fix
• Document the solution – store the work for later use
• Follow good documentation practicies
*) E.g. Kepner-Tregoe, Pareto, Fault tree, cause-and-effect, ITIL RPR
Troubleshooting process
Some tips:
• Create a
troubleshooting plan
• Gather as much
information from the
system as you can
• Draw a picture
• Learn technologies
• Test in lab environment
Use flow charts
• Search the Internet
• Try one variable at the
time and track changes
Identifying the Arctic device
The Arctic device can be identified with the following:
• Unique MAC address
• The sticker at the bottom of the device
• In command line: cat /proc/config/ethaddr
• From the Arctic GUI  System
• Product/HW serial number
• The sticker at the bottom of the device
• From the Arctic GUI  System
• IMEI of the device’s cellular modem
• Arctic GUI  Tools  Modem info
• In command line: modeminfo
• Firmware version as additional information
• From the Arctic GUI  System
• In command line: firmware
An open source toolbox for troubleshooting and supporting
the Arctic devices would include e.g. the following
• Network protocol analyzer
• Secure copy for Windows
Notepad ++
• Text editor e.g. for processing log files in PC
• Telnet/SSH/serial client
• Calculating and checking message digests
Open ofice suite
• e.g. "Draw" for drawing network diagrams
Arctic’s connection
Open Arctic Configurator GUI  Network  Summary. Check from “Network
Interface Summary” that you can see the following interfaces:
1. - Ethernet
2. - Loopback
3. - GPRS
4. - VPN
If GPRS interface is missing, check Arctic's GUI  Network  GPRS:
- "GPRS enabled" = Yes
- Access Point Name = <check from your cellular provider>
- PIN code = <the PIN code of SIM, if enabled>
- GPRS username = <check from your cellular provider> or try dummy value
- GPRS password = <check from your cellular provider> or try dummy value
If VPN is missing, check Arctic's GUI  Network  L2TP/SSH-VPN:
- Use (L2TP/SSH)-VPN = yes
- Primary interface = GPRS
- Primary server IP = <public IP address of M2M GW>
- Primary server port = 1701 (L2TP) or 22 (SSH)
Arctic’s connection -II
If you have changed the VPN port from default in M2M GW,
enter the value of the new port.
Check as well that the M2M GW allows the connections from
Internet to the changed VPN port (Firewall’s Input table:
accept UDP (L2TP-VPN) or TCP (SSH-VPN) for new port).
The L2TP-VPN username (if L2TP-VPN is used) must be the
same as Arctic’s hostname and also same name is configured
in M2M GW's L2TP-VPN peer settings
The L2TP-VPN password (if L2TP-VPN is used) = must be
the same than configured in M2M GW's L2TP-VPN peer
The Arctic’s hostname must be the same as the SSH-VPN
peer’s name in M2M GW.
• Arctic device has embedded Linux, which prints
important messages to the syslog.
• The syslog can be read in console/telnet
connection by command cat /var/log/messages
• In order to show ten most recent messages and
constantly the new messages appearing in the
syslog, use command
tail -f /var/log/messages
• Some times it may be difficult to exit from “tail –f”
command output with <ctrl-c>. The following
command can be used repetitively:
tail -15 /var/log/messages
Syslog messages
• Serial port RS1, console or data mode?
<15> Mar 5 21:14:30 serialgw[RS1]: Checking RS1 mode
(console or data)
<15> Mar 5 21:14:30 serialgw[RS1]: RS1 is on data mode
• Is there an accepted connection coming in to serial GW?
<15> Mar 5 21:14:45 serialgw[RS1]: incoming tcp connection
<15> Mar 5 21:14:45 serialgw[RS1]: Incoming TCP connection
• Multiple consecutive connection attempts? Check the “new
connection priority parameter”.
<15> Mar 5 21:20:28 serialgw[RS1]: New connection request
<15> Mar 5 21:20:28 serialgw[RS1]: Already connected,
• How the Modbus GW serial port shows in the log?
<15> Mar 5 20:03:37 modbusgw[RS2]: Network protocol is
Syslog messages - II
• L2TP peer not enabled in M2M GW?
<28> Jul 23 07:14:40 pppd[171]: LCP: timeout
sending Config-Requests
• SSH-VPN not enabled in M2M GW or Wrong SSH
key for Arctic in M2M GW?
<11> Jul 24 06:35:23 syslog: Couldn't set tty
to PPP discipline: Interrupted system call
• Wrong GPRS APN, username and/or password?
The following messages repeated five times with
<15> Jul 16 11:25:07 syslog: sent [IPCP ConfReq
id=0x1 <addr> <ms-dns1> <msdns3>]
Frequently asked questions
Q: The IP-address and netmask are missing in Arctic’s GUI
(they cannot be read) and I cannot set them.
A: You have probably set them in arctic> command line
with command setenv ipaddr=<IP address>,
setenv netmask=<netmask> and saveenv.
The problem is that those parameters should be given
with space as a separator for parameter and value.
Using equal sign (=) as a separator will cause an error
in parsing the value.
Correct with going to the arctic> command line in
console connection by hitting any key within three
seconds from device start, then re-enter the values
without equal sign, e.g. as to following:
setenv ipaddr
setenv netmask
Frequently asked questions
Q: How to restore the Arctic to the factory defaults?
A: There are two methods:
• From the Arctic GUI  Tools  Default settings
• In command line: /etc/defaults/
Note that the IP address and netmask are not reverted back
to defaults. You can change them by the following
commands in arctic> command line (via console):
setenv ipaddr
setenv netmask
Frequently asked questions
Q: There is a wrong PIN number entered in Arctic, how to
change it?
A: The wrong PIN number can be seen in syslog:
<15> Mar 10 05:15:04 setpin: PIN status:Requires PIN1
<15> Mar 10 05:15:04 setpin: PIN attempts left:1
(Arctic requires >=2 for PIN1)
<15> Mar 10 05:15:04 setpin: Please check SIM manually
• PIN can be changed as follows:
Put the SIM card to a mobile phone, enter the correct
PIN number, change the Arctic’s PIN number to the
correct one and re-insert the SIM card to Arctic.
Frequently asked questions
Q: Why the GPRS connection is ended after approximately
two minutes?
A: 1) You have enabled connection checking from
Network/Monitor menu but not set the correct
(available) IP address to GPRS “ICMP Echo settings”.
2) The “PPP idle timeout” is set to two minutes and the
connection is idle for that time.
Frequently asked questions
Q: How to check current DNS servers used by Arctic?
A: There are three methods:
• From the Arctic GUI  Network  Ethernet
• In command line: cat /var/run/ppp_resolv.conf
(file exists if the DNS servers are received from the
• From syslog:
<13> Mar 9 21:10:14 syslog: primary
address <IP_address>
<13> Mar 9 21:10:14 syslog: secondary DNS
address <IP_address>
Note: The DNS services are usually not needed in
Arctic. In such case, use manual configuration for
DNS, but leave fields empty.
Frequently asked questions
• Q: What is the console mode in RS1 interface of Arctic?
• A: In Arctic GPRS gateway, there is a switch that
controls the RS1 serial port’s mode. There are two
operating modes;
• Console for connecting to Arctic’s command line interface
• RS1 for using the port with RS-232 applications
• The following picture illustrates the correct orientation
with the switch for either console mode or RS1 mode.
• When toggling the console switch, the power of the
Arctic must be switched off.
RS1 port
Frequently asked questions
The correct switch position
for Duplex setting.
Some manuals may
have had incorrect
switch orientation for it.
Q: How to set the DIPs for RS2?
A: In Arctic GPRS gateway, there is
a DIP switch that controls the RS2
serial port’s settings. The following
picture illustrates the orientation of
the DIP switch, correct settings and
The silk print for positions “0” and
“1” may be missing in some Arctic
devices, note that the print “0”
denotes the OFF position and print
“1” denotes the ON position.
Switch nr.
Full duplex
Half duplex
RXD + (in)
TXD - (out)
TXD/RXD - (out/in)
TXD + (out)
TXD/RXD + (out/in)
RXD - (in)
Interface specification
0=RS-232, 1=RS485
Interface's operation mode
0=Full, 1=Half duplex
Full duplex (4-wire) or half duplex (2-wire)
0=OFF, 1=ON
RS-485 biasing
0=OFF, 1=ON
RS-485 termination
Arctic bootup
• The LEDs will indicate whether the Arctic is able to boot
up properly or not.
• LEDs will act according to the following scheme at
• If the LEDs other than
power LED are not lit, it
would indicate a problem
with CPU module or power
Arctic bootup
Bootup errors:
• Root file system is corrupted or erased:
JFFS: Failed to build tree.
JFFS: Failed to mount device 2a:02.
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 2a:02
• The system can’t load kernel:
arctic> boot
Enabling watchdog
## Booting image at ff820000 ...
Bad Magic Number
Contacting Technical Support
Before contacting Viola Systems Technical Support, make
sure that the following pre-requisites are met:
• The allegedly faulty device has been tested with good
troubleshooting practicies
• There is a list of the problems/findings/faults available
• If the problem is network related, a detailed network
diagram is available
When sending a device back to Viola systems, follow these
1. Ask the VR (RMA) number beforehand via mailbox
2. Enclose sender information (return address) and fault
3. Send the item back to address
Viola Systems Ltd.
Technical Support / <VR number>
Lemminkaisenkatu 14-18 A
20520 Turku