Chemistry Jeopardy Misc. 100 Scientific Sci. Not. Sig Figs Notation Calcs 100 100 100 Sig Fig Calcs 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Miscellaneous-100 These types of numbers have unlimited significant figures. What are counting numbers and numbers in definitions (12 inches = 1 foot)? Miscellaneous-200 More significant digits means the measurement is more (precise or accurate?). What is precise? Miscellaneous-300 Is the estimated digit significant? YES Miscellaneous-400 When measuring, you include all the measured digits plus _____ estimated digit(s). What is one? Miscellaneous-500 The volume of 25 g of a solid if the density is 3.00 g/ml. What is 8.3 ml? Scientific Notation-100 6200 m = ______ 3 What is 6.2 x 10 m? Scientific Notation-200 0.0023 mm = _______. What is 2.3 x 10-3 mm? Scientific Notation-300 0.0055 kL = ______ -3 What is 5.5 x 10 liters? Scientific Notation-400 x 10-5 = __________ What is 0.000075? 7.5 Scientific Notation-500 x 104 = ____________ What is 40,320? 4.032 Scientific Notation Calcs-100 x 10-3 )(1.7 x 106) What 3.4 x 103? (2.0 Scientific Notation Calcs-200 x 104) / (7.20 x 102) What is 6.25 x 101? (4.50 Scientific Notation Calcs-300 (3.0 4 10 )(4.7 -3 10 ) x x What is 1.4 x 102? Scientific Notation Calcs-400 x 10-3) ÷ (3.0 x 10-8) What is 2.1 x 105? (6.3 Scientific Notation Calcs-500 x 106)(3.4 x 10-7) What is : 2.0 x 100? (5.8 Sig Figs-100 There are this many significant digits in 0.00250 What is three? Sig Figs-200 There are this many significant digits in 0.000025002500 What is eight? Sig Figs-300 There are this many sig figs in 40,000 What is one? Sig Figs-400 There are this many sig figs in 0.05090 What is four? Sig Figs-500 There are this many sig figs in 608,000 What is three? Sig Figs Calcs-100 4.5001 + 6.20 = _________ What is 10.70? Sig Figs Calcs-200 When multiplying 0.25 and 3.2695, there should be this many significant digits in the answer. What is two? Sig Figs Calcs-300 480 + 12.5678 = ___________ What is 490? Sig Figs-400 There are this many significant digits when multiplying 100 and 12.35 What is one? Sig Figs-500 When multiplying 25 and 5.0, how should the answer be written to indicate the correct number of significant digits? What is 130?