e-PPAP User_Manual Arnaud Mangin Managing Partner Evalidate Inc. E-mail: arnaud@evalidate.com Phone: +1.248.343.2372 (USA) Fax: + (USA) Rev F A.Mangin /J.Robineau Property of Faurecia - duplication prohibited Agenda Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Introduction Starting with ePPAP > inform Supplier at RFQ Portal Entrance Help section contains user manual Principles; entering documents; assigning status ; open issues Administration Basics ; creating Program, Parts, Supplier, User Reports For administrators : retroplanning , tutorials, templates Train yourself Q&A 2 Introduction • e-PPAP = a supplier portal for the APQP interaction « Supplier <-> Faurecia », PPAP documentation and tracking • How it works? ; the user’s manual is in the help section • Starting with e-PPAP > Information to Suppliers • Reporting with the system Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited • How to start a new Program • Slides for Suppliers are identified as S on bottom right 3 Starting with ePPAP > Inform Supplier at RFQ •Web based •Interaction on documents and requirements •Facilitates reporting •User friendly •Need Supplier Agreement to use it/ pay 3rd Party fee (send this file Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited at RFQ and check agreement at SNC (Sourcing Nomination Committee)) 4 Portal Entrance > can use a “demo” program Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited http://supplier.eppap.com Enter “Log In” data for access. Data sent per e-mail to user after he’s account creation on user list. Click “Forgot password” if data lost. A “demo” log in is possible with “demo” password and DEMO parts and suppliers; ensure you don’t upload confidential issues; It shows only Supplier side 5 Help section contains Users Manual 1°) Help 2°) here Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 3°) User manual 6 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Help section contains Users Manual 7 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Folder Tabs (Faurecia view) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Presentation hereafter per these items 8 BASICS > home and APQP « element list » Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Principles Entering documents Assigning Status 9 SUPPLIER view 1°) all Parts & Program 2°) 1 part 3°) each APQP ‘element’ for 1 part Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 4°) possibility to report & excel export 10 1 – Home (Faurecia view) PARTs List / Program / Supplier for access to Element List page Select BG / Division Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Program selection 11 1 – Home > with “ADVANCED view” selection PARTs List / Program / Supplier for access to Element List page Select BG / Division Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Program selection Select project 12 2 – Element List (1 per ‘part’) Click “View Details” to open Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Element Status Management ‘Element list’ = ‘per part’ information display and access to Elements Status Management 13 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited ELEMENT 30: 18 PPAP typical items 14 2 - Element Status Management Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Status colours in Element List Document uploaded by supplier sets yellow status, ASQ to turn it green by approving 15 2 - Element Status Management (alternative method “Advanced View”) 1°) Select Division and Program Status colors in Element List 2°) Swith to Advanced view Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 3°) Select element 16 2 - Element Status Management (Supplier view) 3-Select document type 1-Access to Faurecia tutorials Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited defined by the selected template 5-Attach selected document 2- Template (FAU Division specific) 4-Select document to Visualize status ; possible be uploaded & browse also to ‘view history’ 17 2 - Element Status Management (Faurecia ASQ task) Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Select Part and element (may use « switch to Advanced view » mode ) Then either : - Give status on Uploaded doc by Supplier ; by selecting ‘Update) or - Upload Document 2 ways enter this feature 2 ways toto enter this feature ; 1°) advanced (right at home page) 2°) conventional 18 2 - Element Status Management Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Document uploading Status turns green if uploaded by ASQ. Status turns yellow (“pending”) if uploaded by Supplier then ASQ must “edit” to give status by “edit” 19 2 - Element Status Management (ASQ) (reviewing Supplier submitted documents) If you are an ASQ you view the number of documents uploaded by a Supplier and requiring your review Click on the Nb , then the below Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited window opens The related program is shown with this sign 20 2 - Element Status Management (ASQ) (reviewing Supplier submitted documents) Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited You can directly assign the status 21 2 - Element Status Management (assigning status) Element status setting (ASQ role ) 1-Click “Edit” to change element status 2-Select status Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited & add remarks 22 2 - Element Status Management (setting ‘on hold’ for one document not immediately required) Element status set “On Hold” without document uploading; this allows to turn on the APQP element to the desired “status/color” without having all document uploads ; can then be turned back to “required” 1-Select document 2-Mark field 3-Click Attach document Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 4-Status turns “On Hold” 23 2 - Element Status Management (removing documents required) Element status set “Green” only if all documents required (set by the template selection) are uploaded and declared Green. In some cases, it is possible to remove the request of some document 1-Select remove 2 Decide on application Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 4-Status turns “On Hold” 24 2 - Element Status Management (“advanced view” method for SUPPLIER ) Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 1°) Switch to Advanced view 2°) Select element 3°) they appears details of the element (tutorial not visible yet using this view) 25 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited OPEN ISSUES list 26 Administration Basics Check list ; how to start And then To create: Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Program ; select Template set Parts / Upload BoM Bill of Materials Suppliers Users 28 6 – Administration > HOW TO START CHECK LIST 1 Program selected SQ D; SQM; Purch Dir; Prog Dir ideally the need for suppliers to pay a 3rd party fee should mentionned in the RFQ package and then the supplier acceptance must be checked as part of the SNC (nomination) criteria OK management Supporting documents - Introduction_and_Agreement_e-PPAP_for_APQP SQ D; VP Purch ; Purch Dir Div ; SQM; Prog Mgr Rules communicated at RFQ, verified at Nomination or Kick-Off (for supplier fees) send 'Introduction_and_Agreement_ePPAP_for_APQP' at each RFQ Check if supplier already agreed at the SNC Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited PROGRAM entry (name + milestones) on Prog Buyer support Commodity & ASQ SQM or SQD (can be delegated to ASQ) care on the dates because these dates will be used to calculate the 'should'dates of the APQP select TEMPLATE for typical documents to be used e-PPAP platform replacing some internal common server storage most of program team have a server to avoid duplication, the suggestion is to give access to e-PPAP to functions needing access to supplier data (PDL, PQL, Log, …) SQM ; Prog Mgr; Qual Mgr 29 6 – Administration > HOW TO START CHECK LIST 2 + Prog Buyer SUPPLIER list : Template upload ; include key UsersASQ e-mails direct in Portal or transmit an Excel file PART entry = BoM in excel template and upload then e-validate ensure that SUPPLIER name is same as in GPS 'Generic' ASQ + SQM then e-validate specify the way you want the 'due date ' calculation (at end of phase, or using retroplanning Define the required APQP elements USER list (ASQ, prog buyer, eng) ASQ + SQM then e-validate ASQ Prog & Regional Eng Prog Buyer PQL … ASQ to make sure e-PPAP use is part of kick off Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Commitment with each Supplier in Kick off meeting meeting ASQ to send e-validate the signed agreement Contact new supplier to obtain fee payment 'Introduction_and_Agreement_e-PPAP_for_APQP' then e-Validate w ill invoice the Supplier Administrator for the division e-validate need 1 er PG or division ex JR,.. 30 In summary : ASQ role Info of Supplier at RFQ ; with Program Buyer (letter to inform the Supplier that a fee to eValidate has to be paid if nominated) Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Check at SNC with Program Buyer Create Program Enter BoM Supplier Supplier User Inform / Teach Supplier Send signed OK to eValidate for direct Supplier invoicing Interface eSTEP (FIS specific) for PRC report 31 ePPAP Letter Process Flow Proposal New Project PB checks in GPS if Letter is signed no Request with ePPAP Letter and information to Commodity Buyer Information to Commodity. yes Request with announcement, that ePPAP will be used in this Project. Supplier Commodity responsible to get signed letter of supplier Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Commodity uploads signed ePPAP letter in GPS. Commodity sends signed ePPAP Letter to eValidate and informs ASQ no ASQ is informed about a New Project ASQ checks in yes Project can be started in ePPAP. GPS If Letter is signed. 32 PROGRAM Recommendations Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Don’t put dates which are too agressive most of the status would then be red Select a template with less requested documents 33 6 – Administration > create PROGRAM Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Program List View programs in division To set and show program dates & data The set of TEMPLATE is shown (for FIS select FIS Preferred simplified list of doc) 34 6 – Administration / create Program Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Create a Program (screen available only to Administrator profile) To set program data selection of TEMPLATE : Refer hereafter for details 35 6 – Administration / create Program Program List Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Click “Select” to manage/edit Program Details To set and show program dates & data 36 PART Recommendations Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Enter less mandatory items at introduction of a part you may add more in a very easy manner afterwards 37 6 – Administration / create Part Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 3 options to create the Part List option 3 recommended 38 6 – Administration / create Part option 1 conventional Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Part List/View Part List 39 6 – Administration / create Part option 1 Part List/View Part List Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Click “Edit” to manage part data 40 6 – Administration / create Part option 1 Part List/View Part List Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Select applicable APQP elements 41 6 – Administration / create Part option 1 MANAGE TEAM Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Part List/View Part List > also define who from Program team should have access Click “Pro. Team” to manage program team names 42 6 – Administration / create Part option 1 EDIT DELIVERABLES AND DATES Part List/View Part List Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Click “Element & Date” to manage APQP elements & dates 43 6 – Administration / create Part option 1 Part List/View Part List Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Click “Add a new part” to create new part 44 6 – Administration / create Part option 1 Part List/Create new part (same as starting from View Part List page) Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited To create new part 45 6 – Administration / create Part option 1 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Copy Existing Part into New Part To create a new part starting from an existing one 46 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Kick Off with Supplier = PART creation • Review part list (1) and details / planning (2) 47 Review Items during Kick Off with Supplier Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited • Detailed review per part 48 6 – Administration / Part List option 2 upload BoM in case of NEW PROGRAM Upload BoM To create BoM on Excel sheet being placed under ePPAP by Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited eValidate (in case of new and long BoM). 49 6 – Administration / create Part option 3 (preferred) 1. create 1 part manually in the program (option 1 above) 2. go to the “advanced view “ of the program and export to an excel file 3. select the tab 2 (the one with dates ) and add the other parts + Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited the other dates enter only minimum items per suggested file hereafter 4. send file to e-validate for upload 50 Administration > create PART More details: Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Possibility to add more information by direct entry into the « advanced view » 51 6 – Administration / Part List possible to adjust Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited the list of requested items by removing element in PPAP list for ex. 52 SUPPLIER Look Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited at the list > Export Excel If needed, Enter exact name as in GPS Generic Enter user names 53 6 – Administration / Supplier list Supplier List Click “Edit” to update supplier data Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Click “View Users” to show company users To create new supplier from To show and manage supplier list. supplier list page 54 6 – Administration / Supplier list Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Supplier List/Add New Supplier (same as starting from Supplier List page); use GPS name To create new supplier 55 USER Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Ensure correct Division and Access level for Faurecia users 56 6 – Administration / User List User List To show and manage user list. Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Click “Edit” to update user data Click “Inactivate” to inactivate user 57 6 – Administration / User list Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited User List To export data on Excel sheet To create new user from user list page 58 6 – Administration / User list Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited User List/Add New User(same as starting from User List page) To create new user. After creation, e-mail with password is sent automatically to new created user. Note to the ASQ : use Remark field to give a message to the supplier 59 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Kick Off with Supplier = PART creation • Review part list (1) and details / planning (2) 60 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited REPORTS Creating the PRC (Program Review Committee) workbook from ePPAP data entering into eSTEP /PS Next (specific FIS) PPAP and Run at Rate ASQ manager cockpit 61 Reports Management Prepare PRC WORKBOOK 2°) open the estep tap of the excel file which you obtain Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 3° edit if needed the values 63 Once filled, report has to be uploaded on e-step portal 1 Select the program in the Portal portfolio 3 Select the function repository for Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited the template you want to capture 2 Select « Data Input » on the Portal 4 Upload the template like in any shareplace 64 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited REPORTS: PPAP and Run @ Rate status 65 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited REPORTS: PPAP and Run @ Rate status 66 Reports Management ASQ Report Shows data about ASQ Engineer activity for Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited suppliers documents validation 68 Reports Management Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Executive Report Shows missing documents for selected program and supplier 69 Reports Management Fulfillment Chart Is the APQP status Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited report 70 Reports Management Fulfillment Chart = the APQP status report 1°)Possible zoom on various Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited phases 71 Reports Management 2°) Possibility to export data on an Fulfillment Chart Excel sheet containing all detailed Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited info APQP & PPAP 72 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Reports Management Cockpit ASQ Mgr Cockpit Detailed overview of connections and nb of parts /suppliers per program 73 5 – Supplier Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Multi Doc Download Shows all submitted documents for : a selected program and a selected required document 74 for Administrators Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Retroplanning Tutorials management Templates 75 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 6 – Administration / Retroplanning From Program milestone defined, tool typical lead time and supplier expertise define typical due dates of APQP elements (optional use) 76 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited 6 – Administration > 77 6 – Administration / Tutorials Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Tutorial Management (Faurecia Group common) Management of tutorial documents for APQP elements 78 6 – Administration / Templates Template Management (tuned by each PG/ division) A Key step in the preparation of e-PPAP use: define required documents provide templates to Suppliers (in addition to what Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited is in Tutorials) Can be done by copy of existing template set 79 6 – Administration / Templates Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Template Management (tuned by each PG/ division) ‘False’ supplier does not see Indicate a template available Name of required document (mandatory if not put “on-hold” 80 6 – Administration / Templates Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Template Management (tuned by each BG/ division) Possible modify 81 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Train yourself Demo program 82 Train yourself as Faurecia Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Using this program DEMO under any division, trial possible on 1st parts in the list Examples on last parts in list (you may copy when creating new part) Don’t put confidential files in these « parts » as the supplier also may have access 83 Train yourself as a Supplier Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited If you have already an account or not : ACCESS DEMO supplier Login: demo Password: demo Don’t put confidential files in these « parts » as the supplier also may have access 84 Property of Faurecia - Duplication prohibited Conclusion Conclusion Q& A 85