

Decision Making AI

John See

20 Dec 2010

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making AI

• Ability of a game character to decide what to do

• Decision Making in Millington’s Model

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making AI

• Decision Trees

• Finite State Machines (FSM)

• Rule-based Systems

• Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks

• Blackboard Architecture

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Trees

• Fast, easy to understand

• Simplest technique to implement, but extensions to the basic algorithm can be sophisticated

• Typically used to control characters, animation or other ingame decision making

• Can be learned, and learning is relatively fast (compared to fuzzy logic/NN)

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Trees – Problem Statement

• Given a set of knowledge, we need to generate a corresponding action from a set of actions

• Map input and output – typically, a same action is used for many different sets of input

• Need a method to easily group lots of inputs together under one particular action , allowing the input values that are significant to control the output

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Trees – Problem Statement

• Example: Grouping a set of inputs under an action

Enemy is visible

Enemy is now < 10m away

Enemy is visible

Enemy is still far (> 10m), but not at flank

Enemy is visible

Enemy is still far (> 10m), at flank

Enemy is not visible, but audible





Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Trees – Algorithm Overview

• Made up of connected decision points

• Tree has starting decision, its root

• For each decision, starting from the root, one of a set of ongoing options is chosen.

• Choice is made based on character’s knowledge

(internal/external)  Fast! No prior representation!

• Continues along the tree, making choices at each decision node until no more decisions to consider

• At each leaf of the tree, an action is attached

• Action is carried out immediately

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Trees

• Check a single value and don’t contain any Boolean logic


• Representative set

• Boolean – Value is true

• Enumeration – Matches one of the given set of values

• Numeric value – Value is within given range

• 3D Vector – Vector has a length within given range

• Examples?

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Trees – Combining Decisions

• AND two decisions – place in series in the tree

• OR two decisions – also use decisions in series, but the two actions are swapped over from the AND

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Complexity

• Number of decisions that need to be considered is usually much smaller than number of decisions in the tree.

• Imagine using IF-ELSE statements to test each decision?

• Method of building DTs : Start with simple tree, as AI is tested in game, additional decisions can be added to trap special cases or add new behaviors

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making - Branching

• So far, we have considered only binary trees – decisions choose between 2 options.

• It is possible to build DT with any number of options, or different decisions with different number of branches

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making - Branching

• Deep DTs may result in a same alert being checked numerous times before a decision is found

• Flat DTs are more efficient, requires less decision checking

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making - Branching

• Still common to find DTs using only binary decisions

• Why?

• Underlying code for multiple branches simplifies down to a series of binary tests (IF-ELSE statements)

• Binary DTs are easier to optimize. Some learning algorithms that work with DTs require them to be binary

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making – Performance

• Takes no memory, performance is linear with number of nodes visited

• Assume each decision takes constant amount of time, and tree is balanced, performance: O(log

2 n), where n is number of decision nodes in tree

• This DOES NOT consider the execution time of the different checks required in the DT, which can vary a lot!

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making – Balancing the Tree

• DTs can run the fastest when a tree is balanced

• A balanced tree keeps the height of its branches approximately equal (within 1 to be considered balanced).

In our context, it will have about the same number of decision making levels on each branch

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making – Balancing the Tree

• 8 behaviors, 7 decisions

• 1 st tree – extremely unbalanced, 2 nd tree – balanced

• To get to H, 1 st tree needs 8 decisions, 2 nd tree needs 3 only

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making – Balancing the Tree

• If all behaviors are equally likely , what is the average number of decisions needed for both trees?

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making – Balancing the Tree

• If we were likely to end up at decision A majority of time, which is more efficient?

• How do we treat decisions that are time-consuming to run?

Let’s say A is the most time-consuming decision…

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Decision Making – Merging Patterns

• DTs can be extended to allow multiple branches to merge into a new decision – efficient, but some care is needed!

• A decision/action can be reached in more than one way

• Avoid causing loops, can never find an action leaf

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Random Decision Trees

• To provide some unpredictability and variation to making decisions in DTs

• Simplest way: Generate a random number and choose a branch based on its value

• DTs are normally intended to run frequently, reacting to the game state, random decisions can be a problem

• What is a potential problem with the following DT?

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Random Decision Trees

Possible considerations…


Allow random decision to keep track of what it did last time.

• When a decision is considered, a choice is made at random, and that choice is stored. Next time the decision is considered, no more randomness, previous choice is maintained.

• If something in the world changes, a different decision was arrived, the stored choice should be removed.


Timing Out: Allow the AI to “time out” after a set time, and a random choice is to be made again. Gives variety and realism.

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

State Machines

• Often, characters in a game act in one of a limited set of ways

• Carry on doing the same thing until some event or influence makes them change

• Can use decision trees, but it is easier to model this behavior using state machines (or finite state machines, FSM)

• State machines take into consideration

• the world around them

• their internal state

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

State Machines – Basics

• Each AI character occupies one state at each instance

• Actions or behaviors are associated with each state

• So long as the character remains in that state, it will continue carrying out the same actions/behavior

• States are connected by transitions

• Each transitions leads from one state to another, the target state, and each has a set of associated conditions

• Changing states: when the game determines that conditions of a transition are met, the conditions trigger and a new state is fired

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

State Machines – Simple Example

• State machine to model a soldier – 3 states

• Each state has its own transitions

• The solid circle (with a transition w/o trigger condition) points to the initial state that will be entered when the state machine is first run

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

State Machines vs. Decision Trees

• Now, name some obvious differences in making decisions using decision trees and state machines ?

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Finite State Machines (FSM)

• In game AI, a state machine with this kind of structure

(as seen earlier) is usually called a finite state machine


• An FSM has a finite number of states and transitions

• It has finite internal memory to store its states and transitions

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

FSM – Generic Implementation

• Use a generic state interface that keeps track of a set of possible states and records the current state it is in

• With each state, a series of transitions are maintained.

Each transition is also a generic interface with conditions

• At each iteration (game loop), an update function is called to check if any of the transitions from the current state is triggered.

• If a transition is triggered, then the transition will be fired

• The separation of triggering and firing of transitions allows the transitions to have their own actions

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

FSM – Generic Implementation

• Refer to textbook or other references for a more indepth code-level implementation of FSMs

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

FSM – Complexity

• State machines only requires memory to hold a triggered transition and the current state

• O(1) in memory and O(m) in time, where m is the

(average) number of transitions per state

• The algorithm calls other supporting functions to perform action and etc. These probably account for most of the time spent in the algorithm.

• Hard-coded FSM – inflexible, does not allow level designers the control over building the FSM logic

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Hard-coded FSM

• Hard-coded FSM –

• Consists of an enumerated value, indicating which state is currently occupied, and a function that checks if a transition is followed

• States are HARD-CODED, and limited to what was HARD-


• Pros – Easy and quick implementation, useful for small


• Cons:

• Inflexible, does not allow level designers the control over building the FSM logic

• Difficult to maintain (alter) – Large FSMs, messy code

• Every character needs to be coded its own AI behaviors…

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Hierarchical State Machines

• One state machine is a powerful tool, but will still face difficulty expressing some behaviors

• Also if you wish to model somewhat different behaviors from more than one state machines for a single AI character

• Example: Modeling alarm behaviors with hierarchical s/m

(using a basic cleaning robot state machine)

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Hierarchical State Machines

• If the robot needs to get power if it runs out of power & resume its original duties after recharging, these transition behaviors must be added to ALL existing states to ensure robot acts correctly

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Hierarchical State Machines

• This is not exactly very efficient. Imagine if you had to add many more concurrent behaviors into your primary state machine?

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Hierarchical State Machines

• A hierarchical state machine for the cleaning robot

• Nested states – could be in more than one state at a time

• States are arranged in a hierarchy  next state machine down is only considered when the higher level state machine is not responding to its alarm

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Hierarchical State Machines

• H* “history state” node

• When the composite state (lower hierarchy) is first entered, the H* node indicates which sub-state should be entered

• If composite state already entered, then previous sub-state is restored using the H* node

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Hierarchical State Machines

• Hierarchical state machine with cross hierarchy transition

• Most hierarchical s/m support transitions between levels of the hierarchy

• Let’s say we want the robot to go back to refuel when it does not find any more trash to collect…

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Hierarchical State Machines

• Refer to textbook for more details on its implementation

• Performance:

• O(n) in memory (n is number of layers in hierarchy)

• O(nt) in time, where t is number is number of transitions per state

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011


• Combining decision trees and state machines

• One approach: Replace transitions from a state with a decision tree

• Leaves of DT (rather than straightforward conditions/actions) are now transitions to other states

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011


• To implement state machine without decision tree transitions…

• We may need to model complex conditions that require more checking per transition

• May be time-consuming as need to check all the time

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Fuzzy Logic

• Founded by Lotfi Zadeh (1965)

• “the essence of fuzzy logic is that everything is a matter of degree”

• Imprecision in data…

• and uncertainty in solving problems

• Fuzzy logic vs. Boolean logic

• 50%-80% less rules than traditional rule-based systems, to accomplish identical tasks

• Examples: Air-conditioner thermostat or washing machine

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Fuzzy Logic in Games

• Example of uses:

• To control movement of bots/NPCs (to smooth out movements based on imprecise target areas)

• To assess threats posed by players (to make further strategic decisions)

• To classify player and NPCs in terms of some useful game information (such as combat or defensive prowess)

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Crisp data & Fuzzy data

• Crisp data (real numbers, value)

• Fuzzy data (a predicate or description, with degree value)

• Fuzzy logic gives a predicate a degree value. Instead of belonging to a set of being excluded (1 or 0, Boolean logic), everything can partially belong to a set , and some things more belong than others

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Fuzzy sets

• Fuzzy sets – the numeric value is called the degree of membership (these values are NOT probability values!)

• For each set, a degree of membership of 1 given to something completely in the set. Degree membership of

0 given to something completely outside the fuzzy set

• Typical to use integers in implementation instead of floating-point values (between 0 and 1), for fast computation in game

• Note : Anything can be a member of multiple sets at the same time

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Fuzzy Control / Inference Process

• 3 basic steps in a fuzzy control or fuzzy inference process

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Step 1 - Fuzzification

• Mapping process – converts crisp data (real numbers) to fuzzy data (degree of membership)

• E.g.: Given a person’s weight, find the degree to which a person is underweight, overweight or at ideal weight

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Membership Functions

• Membership functions map input variables to a degree of membership, in a fuzzy set between 0 and 1

• Any function can be used, and the shape usually is governed by desired accuracy, the nature of problem, or ease of implementation.

• Boolean logic m/f

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Membership Functions

• Grade m/f

• Reverse grade m/f

• Triangular m/f

• Trapezoid m/f

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Membership Functions

• Earlier example of using a set of membership functions to represent a person’s weight

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Step 2 – Fuzzy rule base

• Once all inputs are expressed in fuzzy set membership, combine them using logical fuzzy rules to determine degree to which each rule is true

• E.g.

• Given a person’s weight and activity level as input, define rules to make a health decision

• If overweight AND NOT active then frequent exercise

• If overweight AND active then moderate diet

• But having a fuzzy output such as “frequency exercise” is not enough – need to quantify the amount of exercise

(e.g. 3 hours per week)

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Fuzzy rules

• Usually uses IF-THEN style rules

• If A then B

• A

 antecedent / premise

• B

 consequent / conclusion

• To apply usual logical operators to fuzzy input, we need the following fuzzy axioms :

• A OR B = MAX(A, B)

• A AND B = MIN(A, B)

• NOT A = 1 – A

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Fuzzy rules

• Earlier example on weight (and now, including height) overweight AND tall = MIN(0.7, 0.3) = 0.3

overweight OR tall = MAX(0.7, 0.3) = 0.7

NOT overweight = 1 – 0.7 = 0.3

NOT tall = 1 – 0.3 = 0.7

NOT (overweight AND tall) = 1 – MIN(0.7, 0.3) = 0.7

• Note that these fuzzy axioms (AND, OR, NOT) are not the only definition of the logical operators. There are other definitions that can be used…

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Complete Rule Base

• With the above m/f for each input variable, common requirement is to construct a complete set of all possible combination of inputs. In this case, we need 18 rules


Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Rule evaluation (Creature example)

• We have an AI fuzzy decision making system, which needs to evaluate whether a creature should attack the player. Input variables: range, health, opponent ranking

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Rule evaluation (Creature example)

• Rule base:

• If (in melee range AND uninjured) AND NOT hard then attack

• If (NOT in melee range) AND uninjured then do nothing

• If (NOT out of range AND NOT uninjured) AND

(NOT wimp) then flee

• Given specific degrees for the input variables, we might get outputs that are like:

• Attack degree: 0.2

• Do nothing degree: 0.4

• Flee degree: 0.7

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Rule evaluation (Creature example)

• So what do we do with those fuzzy membership output values??

• Missing link: We also need to represent the output variable as a fuzzy membership set!

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Step 3 – Defuzzification

• Defuzzification process: Fuzzy output  Crisp output

• From previous step, each rule in rule base results in a degree of membership in some output fuzzy set

• With the numerical output we got earlier (0.2 for attack,

0.4 for do nothing, 0.7 for flee), we shall construct a composite output membership function

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Step 3 – Defuzzification

• Not possible to be exact/accurate, but there are methods that solve the problem as near as possible

• Using Highest Membership Function

• Choose fuzzy set which has highest degree of membership and choose the output value that represents each set.

• 4 common points: min, max, average of min/max, bisector

• Very simple to implement but coarse defuzzification

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Step 3 – Defuzzification

• Blending Based on Membership

• Blend each characteristic point based on its corresponding degree of membership

• E.g. Character with 0.2 attack, 0.4 do nothing, 0.7 flee will produce crisp output given by (0.2 * attack direction) + (0.4 * do nothing direction) + (0.7 flee direction)

• Make sure that the eventual result is normalized (otherwise result may be over-the-bounds or unrealistic)

• Common normalization technique: Divide total blended sum by the sum of fuzzy output values

• Minimum values blended (Smallest of Maximum, SoM)

• Maximum values blended (Largest of Maximum, LoM)

• Average values blended (Mean of Maximum, MoM)

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Step 3 – Defuzzification

• Center of Gravity

• Also known as Centroid of Area method  Takes into account all membership values, rather than specific ones

(largest, smallest, average, etc.)

• First, each m/f is cropped at the membership value of its set

• Center of mass is found by integrating each in turn. This point is chosen as output crisp value

• Unlike bisector of area method, we can’t compute this offline since we do not know in advance the fuzzy membership values, and how the m/f will be cropped

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Misc: Dealing with Complex Rule Base

• We may have multiple rules in our rule base that will results in the same output membership fuzzy set.

• E.g.

• Corner-entry AND going-slow THEN accelerate

• Corner-exit AND going-fast THEN accelerate

• Corner-exit AND going-slow THEN accelerate

• How do we deal with such situations? Which output membership value for accelerate to choose?

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011

Some Good Examples

• 2 Examples: Control Example & Threat Assessment

Example from “AI for Game Developers” ref book

Games Programming III (TGP2281) – T1, 2010/2011
