Biostat Didactic Seminar Series Analyzing Binary Outcomes: An Introduction to Logistic Regression Robert Boudreau, PhD Co-Director of Methodology Core PITT-Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Center for Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases Core Director for Biostatistics Center for Aging and Population Health Dept. of Epidemiology, GSPH 10/8/2010 Flow chart for group comparisons Measurements to be compared continuous discrete ( binary, nominal, ordinal with few values) Distribution approx normal or N ≥ 20? No Yes Non-parametrics T-tests Chi-square Fisher’s Exact Flow chart for regression models (includes adjusted group comparisons) Outcome variable continuous or dichotomous? continuous Predictor variable categorical? No Yes (e.g. groups) Dichotomous (binary) Time-to-event available (or relevant)? No Multiple linear ANCOVA Multiple logistic regression (Multiple linear regression regression using dummy variable(s) for categorical var(s) Yes Cox proportional hazards regression Analysis From Last Didactic … In Health, Aging and Body Composition Knee-OA Substudy: Examine Association between SxRxKOA (knee OA) and CRP adjusted for BMI. Motivation: Sowers M, Hochberg M et. al. C-reactive protein as a biomarker of emergent osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2002, Pages 595-601 Conclusion: “CRP is highly associated with Knee OA; however, its high correlation with obesity limits its utility as an exclusive marker for knee OA” Logistic Regression Outline for today Definition and interpretation of odds-ratio for binary outcome Essential equivalence of odds-ratio ↔ testing for group differences in rates (or percentages) when evaluated using 2 x 2 table, chi-square and p-values Logistic regression as “binary outcome” version of multiple linear regression: group (and covariate adjustment) effects are interpreted as odds-ratios affecting the binary outcome Detailed example: relating obesity to odds of knee OA - adjusted for race and gender HABC: Obese x KneeOA Obese: BMI > 30 Chi-square P < 0.0001 Obese=1: Odds of kneeOA = p/(1-p)=0.2444/0.7556 = 0.32345 Obese=0: Odds of kneeOA = p/(1-p)=0.0911/0.9089 = 0.10023 Obesity odds-ratio for kneeOA OR = 0.32345/0.10023=3.225 HABC: Obese x KneeOA proc logistic data=worst_knee_vs_noOA; model kneeOA(event="1")=obese; run; Confidence Interval (C.I.) (2.56,4.04) doesn’t cover 1.0 => stat signif. Note OR and C.I. HABC: Obese x KneeOA Prob[kneeOA│obese=0]= exp(-2.3)/(1+exp(-2.3) = 0.0911 Prob[kneeOA│obese=0]= exp(-2.3+1.17)/(1+exp(-2.3+1.17) = 0.2444 HABC: Obese x KneeOA Obese: BMI > 30 Chi-square P < 0.0001 Prob[kneeOA│obese=0]= exp(-2.3)/(1+exp(-2.3) = 0.0911 Prob[kneeOA│obese=0]= exp(-2.3+1.17)/(1+exp(-2.3+1.17) = 0.2444 General logistic regression form: Prob[kneeOA│obese] = exp(int+obese)/(1+exp(int+obese) Gender x PAD Gender x PAD (referent=female) proc logistic data=pad; model y1ppad(event=“1”)=male; run; Gender x PAD (ref=male) proc logistic data=pad; model y1ppad(event=“1”)=female; run; Gender x PAD (compare models: ref=female vs ref=male) (vs females) Male OR= 1.891 (vs males) Female OR= 0.529 = 1/1.891 CHD x KneeOA CHD Knee OA association not statistically significant C.I.=(0.79,1.34) Self-reported rheumatoid arthritis as binary outcome (or covariate) for analyses ? (NOT ?#!) White Females: Obesity x KneeOA White vs Black Females Obesity x KneeOA: Similar OR’s White Females Black Females Black females have about two times higher rates of kneeOA than white women proc logistic data=worst_knee_vs_noOA; model kneeOA(event="1")= black ; where female; run; Obesity odds-ratio is same for white and black women (interaction term is NS) proc logistic data=worst_knee_vs_noOA; model kneeOA(event="1")=obese black obese_x_black; where female; run; Non-obese black women have OR=1.53 higher rates of knee OA, but obesity is associated with increased OR=3.61 for knee OA that applies within each race Obesity explains some, but not all of the difference in rates of knee OA between black and white females (Note the “black race” OR attenuation from 2.08 to 1.53 after “adjusting” for obesity) model kneeOA= black model kneeOA= black obese White Females: Continuous CRP Knee OA logCRP No (n=752) Yes (n=92) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) 0.43 (0.83) P-value Equal vars Unequal 0.0002 < 0.0001 0.76 (0.58) logCRP SD’s were signif diff (p<0.0001) => Use Satterthwaite unequal variance test Difference in average logCRP: 0.76 – 0.43 = 0.33 All White Females in HABC (N=844) [includes SxRxKOA (n=93); also rest of parent study cohort] N=5N=5 had CRP > 30 (max=63.2) log CRP White Females Continuous CRP as predictor of kneeOA Standardized var: mean-centered, divided by SD logCRP_perSD= (logCRP-0.4728)/0.8625 Units of standardized logCRP is SD’s White Females: Per SD higher logCRP, rates of knee OA increase by OR=1.5 proc logistic data=worst_knee_vs_noOA3; model kneeOA(event="1")=logCRP_perSD ; where female and white; run; Thank you Questions, comments, suggestions or insights? Remaining time: Open consultation …