Fusion, Rivalry, Suppression Fusion Worth Classification First degree fusion or simultaneous perception Second degree fusion or flat fusion Third degree fusion or stereopsis Theories of Fusion Alternation or suppression theory: Fusion theory Limits of fusion Panum’s fusional area Fixation disparity Panum’s limiting case Panum’s area In the fovea Panum’s area measures 5 to 20 minutes of arc. Panum’s area is larger in the periphery. Factors influencing Panum’s area Vergence eye movements Spatial frequency Temporal frequency Binocular Rivalry What happens when dissimilar images are presented to each eye? Confusion Alternating intermittent suppression occurs when dissimilar images are presented to each eye Binocular Rivalry First degree fusion Allows us to monitor suppression Used in tests of correspondence Characteristics Greatest with separation 90 degrees apart Equal stimulus values Characteristics Stimulus strength determines the ability to induce contralateral suppression in the other eye. The strength of the stimulus is related to the amount of contour per area in the pattern and the contrast of the contours. Stimulus Strength-Reading Brighter Luminance Darker Higher Contrast Lower Clear Focus Blurred Foveal Retinal locus Peripheral Moving Movement Stationary Characteristics Local phenomenon Reduced sensitivity to area suppressed DaVinci Stereopsis Color Fusion and Luster Different luminance values to each eye but contours are the same. Get a glossy appearance Colors can fuse under some conditions Clinical Applications Confusion in strabismus can be thought of as rivalry Similar images fall on non-corresponding points on the retina-leads to diplopia Dissimilar images fall on corresponding points-leads to confusion Confusion can lead to rivalry where foveating eye becomes dominate Development of constant suppression and possible amblyopia Suppression We do not notice physiological diplopia so we must be suppressing most of time. Most strabismic patients do not see double, why? Two processes reduce diplopia Binocular sensory fusion which operates within Panum’s area Suppression which is an interocular inhibitory process that reduces visual information from the suppressed eye below the threshold for conscious perception Adaptations In normal binocular vision the suppression of physiological diplopia is called physiological suppression or suspension. Adaptations When dissimilar images are presented to corresponding retinal points confusion results. Alternating suppression from each results and is called binocular rivalry (see above). Confusion can be eliminated by regional suppression. Adaptations Pathological diplopia occurs when the object of regard is imagined on noncorresponding points. This can be eliminated by regional suppression. Characteristics Effect of orientation and spatial frequency Schor (1977) presented sinusoidal gratings at various orientations and spatial frequencies to normal and strabismic subjects. Characteristics Strabismic subjects showed normal binocular rivalry when targets of different orientation. Size and spatial frequency did not alter result When orientation difference reduced to less than 22 degrees there was constant suppression of the deviating eye. In normals a depth effect of was observed resulting from horizontal disparity created by orientation difference. Suppression in Strabismus Amblyopia Reduction in acuity under binocular condition Suppression in Strabismus Esotropia Forms “D” pattern between the fovea and zero measure point Usually confined to one hemiretina and does not extend beyond the nasotemporal decussation line. Suppression in Strabismus Exotropia Usually occurs across the entire temporal hemiretina Characteristics Suppression is not uniform across the suppression zone Most intense at fovea and zero measure point Can get an inverse suppression when stimulation to the deviating results in suppression of the fixing eye. Actual suppression areas can vary depending on which area of the fixing eye is stimulated. Latency of 75 to 125 msec in normal and longer in some cases of strabismus. Classification of suppression Central < 5 degrees Foveal < 1 degree Parafoveal < 3 degrees (but > 1 degree) Paramacular < 5 degrees (but > 3 degree) Peripheral > 5 degrees What about monovision? Clear vision to one eye and blurred to the other Creating binocular rivalry Clear eye becomes dominate at each distance. Classification of suppression Shallow Most similar to regular viewing conditions Deep Abnormal viewing conditions Red Lens Test Put red filter of fixing eye. Can use neutral density filters to measure the depth of the suppression. Worth 4 Dot Similar to red lens test 1 red, 2 green, and 1 white light Wear red-green glasses Peripheral target at near and central target at distance. Tests of Suppression Worth 4 dot Tests of Suppression AO vecto slide Tests of Suppression 4 base out test Put 4 base prism in front of one eye Displaces image Eyes should make a version and then vergence eye movement to follow the target. No eye movement indicates suppresion Vergence Ranges Positive Fusional vergence Introduce prism in front of each eye What happens if only one eye sees the target. Central vs. peripheral Shallow vs. deep Vision Therapy First degree targets can take advantage of rivalry Change target parameters to alter suppression patterns Use physiological diplopia to create awareness. Fechner’s Paradox This occurs when placing a neutral density filter over one eye. When you close the eye with the filter the object looks brighter. The visual system does not add the brightness from the 2 eyes. Fechner’s Paradox If summation occurs then the binocular perception should be greater than the monocular perception. Instead of summation the brightness levels are averaged. Fechner’s Paradox For example, if the brightness in the right eye is 4 units and the left eye is two units then with both eyes we get 4+2/2 = 3 units. However, the right eye only would see 4 units and left eye only would see 2 units. Do we get a true average of the two eyes? What actually happens varies by individual and was researched by Levelt Law of Complementary Shares Formula: Eb = wlE + wrtE t is the transmission of the filter w is the weight of each eye (the dominate eye receives more weight) E is the apparent brightness Law of Complementary Shares If no eye dominance then Wl = Wr = 0.5 If right eye dominant the Wl < 0.5 and if left eye dominant the Wr < 0.5. Summation Are two eyes better at detecting targets? Summation Binocular summation is the additivity of the information from each eye to yield binocular visual performance that exceeds monocular performance Complete Summation (a=b=0.25) B’ = a(R) + b(L) = 0.25 (1) + 0.25 (1) = 0.50 Partial Summation (0.50 > a > 0.25); (0.50 > b > 0.25) B’ = a(R) + b(L) = 0.35 (1) + 0.35 (1) = 0.70 No Summation (a=b=0.5) B’ = a(R) + b(L) = 0.50 (1) + 0.50 (1) = 1.00 Temporal Functions Independence Theory The advantage occurs because you have two sources of information Probability Summation Pou = (Pod + Pos) – ((Pod)(Pos)) Neural Summation Improves detection under binocular conditions Signal to noise ratio Testing the two theories Stimulus can be separated by time or space Independence theory would not show any difference among conditions Neural theory would show a difference Aftereffects Aftereffects are visual illusions that result from the fatiguing of tuned visual neurons. The fatigue biases our responses and creates the illusion. http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/mot_adapt/i ndex.html Interocular Transfer Motion after effect Interocular Transfer Tilt after effect Clinical Implications Can use summation and interocular transfer as a measure of binocularity. Summation reduced in early onset strabismus especially for high spatial frequency targets Interocular transfer reduced in early onset strabismus especially for high spatial frequency targets. Neurological Correlates of BV Visual Pathway Partial decussation Optic Chiasm Corpus Collosum Fibers in that interconnect the two hemispheres. Lesion at Optic Chiasm What happens to stereopsis Loss of information from nasal retina and temporal field. Lesion at Corpus Collosum Loss of stereopsis along the midline Detection of Disparity Four types of cells Tuned excitatory Tuned inhibitory Near Cells Far cells Role of detectors Tuned excitatory and inhibitory are good detection of fine stereopsis. Near and Far cells good for coarse stereopsis. Development of Binocular Vision Critical periods Different vision skills develop at different times When does the disruption take place Development of Binocular Vision When do children start to appreciate depth? http://vimeo.com/77934 How do we measure this? Visual cliff experiment (Gibson and Walk, 1960) Monocular Cues When does stereopsis develop? Use dynamic random dot targets Watch to see if infant tracked the motion Occurs at 3.5 months Correlated with accuracy in the accommodation and vergence motor systems Teller Acuity Cards When does stereopsis develop? Stereoacuity develops rapidly Crossed disparity develops slightly faster than uncrossed disparity. Abnormalities in Binocular Vision Amblyopia is defined as the condition of reduced visual acuity not correctable by refractive means and not attributable to ophthalmoscopically apparent structural or pathologic anomalies or proven afferent pathway disorders What causes amblyopia? Abnormal visual experience during the critical period of development The abnormal visual experience disrupts spatial vision and binocularity. Amblyogenic factors Strabismus Anisometropia Refractive Stimulus deprivation amblyopia Meridional amblyopia Severity of amblyopia Disruptions to the binocular system cause greater reduction in acuity. Bilateral high refractive vs anisometropia Problems in binocular vision Limited stereopsis Suppression Animal models Induce amblyopia in animals by disrupting visual input during a critical period. What is the effect on binocular development? Reduces responses to cells in the striate that respond to binocular input. Binocular competition The inputs from the two eyes compete for synapses. If both inputs are strong and equal then you get the binocular cell. In asymmetrical inputs the weaker input can lose its connection. Importance of early intervention Need to remove any factor that causes disruption to the binocular system. Infant see