Week 12—11/22/11) Advanced Inheritance

Chapter 12 Advanced
Jim Burns
Creating and Using Abstract
Child classes are more specific than their
When you create a child class, it inherits all the
general attributes you need
Thus you must create only the new, more
specific attributes
Superclasses contain the features that are
shared by their subclasses
For example, the members of the Dog class are
shared by the Poodle and Spaniel subclasses
Parent classes…
Are sometimes so general that you never
intend to create any specific instances of
the class
 An abstract class is one from which you
cannot create any concrete instantiations,
but from which you can inherit
 Abstract classes usually have one or more
empty abstract methods
Abstract Classes
You use the keyword ______ when you
declare an abstract class
Abstract methods
Have no body…
No braces, and no method statements.
 When you create an abstract method, you use
the keyword _____
public abstract class Animal
private String nameOfAnimal;
public abstract void speak();
public String getAnimalName()
return nameOfAnimal;
public void setAnimalName(String name)
nameOfAnimal = name;
If you declare any method to be an
abstract method, you must also declare its
class to be _______.
For ____ classes
You cannot place a statement such as
 Animal myPet = new Animal(“Murphy”);
You create an abstract class such as
Animal only so you can extend it.
Example of extending an abstract class
public class Dog extends Animal
public void speak()
The speak() method within the Dog class
is required because the abstract, parent
Animal class contains an abstract speak()
method. You can code any statements
you want within the Dog speak() method.
Public class Cow extends animal
public void speak()
Public class Snake extends animal
public void speak()
public class UseAnimals
public static void main(String[] args)
Dog myDog = new Dog();
Cow myCow = new Cow();
Snake mySnake = new Snake();
myDog.setAnimalName("My dog Murphy");
myCow.setAnimalName("My cow Elsie");
mySnake.setAnimalName("My snake Sammy");
System.out.print(myDog.getAnimalName() + " says ");
System.out.print(myCow.getAnimalName() + " says ");
System.out.print(mySnake.getAnimalName() + " says ");
The above code produces the
following at the command prompt:
C:\Java>java UseAnimals
 My dog Murphy says Woof!
 My cow Elsie says Moo!
 My snake Sammy says Ssss!
Using Dynamic Method Binding
An instantiation of a subclass “is a”
superclass object.
 Every SalariedEmployee “is an” employee;
every Dog “is an” animal
 The opposite is not true—an Animal is not
a Dog
 Because every subclass object “is a”
superclass member, you can convert
subclass objects to superclass objects
More on dynamic method binding
Even though you cannot instantiate any objects
of an abstract class, you can indirectly create a
reference to a superclass abstract object
A reference is not an object, but it points to a
memory address
When you create a reference, you do not use
the keyword new; instead, you create a variable
name in which you can hold the memory
address of a concrete object
Even though a reference to an abstract
superclass object is not concrete, you can store
a reference to a concrete subclass object there
An example of the use of reference
public class AnimalReference
public static void main(String[] args)
Animal ref;
ref = new Cow();
ref = new Dog();
Recall from chapter 11…
That you can use the instanceof keyword
to determine whether an object is an
instance of any class in its hierarchy.
 For example, using the Animal and Dog
classes, both of the following are true if
myPoodle is a dog object:
 myPoodle instanceof Animal
 myPoodle instanceof Dog
Polymorphic behavior
The example above demonstrates
polymorphic behavior
 After the variable ref is assigned an
address, the ref.speak() method calls the
correct speak() method
 An application’s ability to select the correct
subclass method is known as dynamic
method binding
 When the application executes, the correct
method is attached to the application
based on the current changing content
Using a Superclass as a Method
Dynamic method binding is most useful when
you want to create a method that has one or
more parameters that might be one of several
In the following, the header for the
talkingAnimal() method in Figure 12-9 accepts
any type of Animal argument
The talkingAnimal() method can be used in
programs that contain Dog objects, Cow objects
or objects of any class that descends from
public class TalkingAnimalDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
Dog dog = new Dog();
Cow cow = new Cow();
public static void talkingAnimal(Animal animal)
System.out.println("Come one come all");
System.out.println("See the amazing talking animal!");
System.out.println(animal.getAnimalName() + " says");
The above code produces the
following at the command prompt:
C:\Java>java TalkingAnimalDemo
Come one come all
See the amazing talking animal!
Ginger says
Come one come all
See the maxing talking animal!
Molly says
Creating Arrays of Sublcass
It can be convenient to create an array of generic Animal
An Animal array might contain individual elements that
are Dog, Cow, or Snake objects
The following statement creates an array of three Animal
Animal[] ref = new Animal[3];
This statement reserves enough computer memory for
three Animal objects named ref[0], ref[1], and ref[2]
The statement does not actually instantiate Animals as
Animals are abstract
public class AnimalArrayDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
Animal[] ref = new Animal[3];
ref[0] = new Dog();
ref[1] = new Cow();
ref[2] = new Snake();
for(int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
The above code produces the
following at the command prompt:
C:\Java>java AnimalArrayDemo
Using the Object Class and Its
The toString() Method
 The equals() Method
Using the Object Class and Its
Every class in Java is actually a subclass,
except one
 When you define a class, if you do not
explicitly extend another class, your class
is an extension of the Object class
 The Object class is defined in the
java.lang package, which is imported
automatically every time you write a
program; it includes methods that you can
use or override as you see fit
Using the toString() Method
The Object class toString() method
converts an Object into a string that
contains information about the Object
 If you do not create a toString() method for
a class, you can use the superclass
version of the toString() method
public abstract class Animal
private String nameOfAnimal;
public abstract void speak();
public String getAnimalName()
return nameOfAnimal;
public void setAnimalName(String name)
nameOfAnimal = name;
public class Dog extends Animal
public void speak()
Public class DisplayDog
public static void main(String[ ] args)
Dog myDog = new Dog();
string dogString = myDog.toString();
Public class DisplayDog
public static void main(String[ ] args)
Dog myDog = new Dog();
string dogString = myDog.toString();
The above produces the following
output at the command Prompt
C:\Java>java DisplayDog
The output is the word Dog ‘at’ 19821f,
which is a hexadecimal number
representing the reference
It is better to write your…
own toString() method to override the one
supplied so you can, among other
purposes, debug a program
 The following example shows a
BankAccount class that contains a mistake
in the pink line
public class BankAccount
private int acctNum;
private double balance;
public BankAccount(int num, double bal)
acctNum = num;
balance = num; // Mistake! Should be balance = bal
public String toString()
String info = "BankAccount acctNum = " + acctNum +
" Balance = $" + balance;
return info;
public boolean equals(BankAccount secondAcct)
boolean result;
if(acctNum == secondAcct.acctNum &&
balance == secondAcct.balance)
result = true;
result = false;
return result;
public class TestBankAccount
public static void main(String[] args)
BankAccount myAccount = new
BankAccount(123, 4567.89);
The above produces the following
output at the Command Prompt
C:\Java>java TestBankAccount
BankAccount accNum = 123
Balance = $123.00
The advantage of using the
toString() is Java’s universal name for a
method that converts an object’s relevant
details into String format
 As you use other programmers classes,
you can hope that they have provided a
toString() method that provides output that
you would want to see.
Using the equals() Method
The Object class equals() method returns
a boolean value indicating whether the
objects are equal
eSameType)) system.out.println( “The
objects are equal”);
 Two objects are equal only if they have the
same memory address
public class CompareAccounts
public static void main(String[] args)
BankAccount acct1 = new BankAccount(1234,
BankAccount acct2 = new BankAccount(1234,
System.out.println("Accounts are equal");
System.out.println("Accounts are not equal");
Command Prompt output
C:\Java>java CompareAccounts
Accounts are not equal
If you want two bank accounts…
To be equal if they have the same account
number and balance, then you must write
your own equals() method…
public class BankAccount
private int acctNum;
private double balance;
public BankAccount(int num, double bal)
acctNum = num;
balance = num; // Mistake! Should be balance = bal
public String toString()
String info = "BankAccount acctNum = " + acctNum +
" Balance = $" + balance;
return info;
public boolean equals(BankAccount secondAcct)
boolean result;
if(acctNum == secondAcct.acctNum &&
balance == secondAcct.balance)
result = true;
result = false;
return result;
Example of your own equals()
public boolean equals(BankAccount secondAcct)
boolean result;
if(acctNum == secondAcct.acctNum &&
balance == secondAcct.balance)
result = true;
result = false;
return result;
Command Prompt output
C:\Java>java CompareAccounts
Accounts are equal
Using Inheritance to Achieve Good
Software Design
When new car models are created, not
every feature and function is redesigned
from scratch
 With inheritance, you can reuse existing
superclasses to create good designs
Advantages of Inheritance
Subclass creators save development time
because much of the code needed for the
class has already been written
 Subclass creators save testing time
because the superclass code has already
been tested and used in a variety of
More advantages…
Programmers who create or use new
subclasses already understand how the
superclass works, so the time it takes to
learn the new class features is reduced
 When you create a new subclass in Java,
neither the superclass source code nor the
superclass bytecode is changed
Creating and Using Interfaces
Some programming languages like C++
allow for a subclass to inherit from more
than one superclass
 The ability to inherit from more than one
class is called multiple inheritance
 Multiple inheritance is a difficult concept—
to which superclass should super refer to?
 Sooo, multiple inheritance is disallowed in
Java provides an alternative to multiple
inheritance—an Interface
An interface looks much like a class, except that
all of its methods are implicitly public and
abstract, and all of its data items are implicitly
public, static and final
When you create a class that uses an interface,
you include the keyword implements and the
interface name in the class header
This notation requires class objects to include
code for every method in the interface that has
been implemented
More on Interfaces
Whereas using extends allows a subclass
to use nonprivate, nonoverriden members
of its parent’s class, implements requires
the subclass to implement its own version
of each method in the interface
 In the following, a worker interface is
defined that contains the single method
called work()
 When any class implements worker, it
must also include a work() method
Public abstract class animal
private String nameOfAnimal;
public abstract void speak();
public String getAnimalName()
return nameOfanimal;
public void setAnimalName(String name)
nameOfanimal = name;
Public class Dog extends Animal
public void speak()
Public interface Worker
public void work();
public class WorkingDog extends Dog implements Worker
private int hoursOfTraining;
public void setHoursOfTraining(int hrs)
hoursOfTraining = hrs;
public int getHoursOfTraining()
return hoursOfTraining;
public void work()
System.out.println("I am a dog who works");
System.out.println("I have " + hoursOfTraining +
" hours of professional training!");
public class DemoWorkingDogs
public static void main(String[] args)
WorkingDog aSheepHerder = new WorkingDog();
WorkingDog aSeeingEyeDog = new WorkingDog();
aSheepHerder.setAnimalName("Simon, the Border Collie");
aSeeingEyeDog.setAnimalName("Sophie, the German Shepherd");
System.out.println(aSheepHerder.getAnimalName() + " says ");
System.out.println(aSeeingEyeDog.getAnimalName() + " says ");
Command Prompt output
C:\Java>java demoWorkingDogs
Simon, the Border Collie says
I am a dog who works
I have 40 hours of professional training!
Sophie, the German Shepherd says
I am a dog who works
I have 300 hours of professional training!
More on Interfaces
Abstract classes and interfaces are similar in
that you cannot instantiate concrete objects from
either one
Abstract classes differe from interfaces because
abstract classes can contain nonabstract
methods, but all methods within and interface
must be abstract.
A class can inherit from only one abstract
superclass, but it can implement any number of
Creating Interfaces to Store
Related Constants
Interfaces can contain data fields, but the
must be public, static and final
 The purpose in creating an interface
containing constants is to provide a set of
data that a number of classes can use
without having to re-declare the values
 An example follows
public interface PizzaConstants
public static final int SMALL_DIAMETER = 12;
public static final int LARGE_DIAMETER = 16;
public static final double TAX_RATE = 0.07;
public static final String COMPANY =
"Antonio's Pizzeria";
public class PizzaDemo implements PizzaConstants
public static void main(String[] args)
double specialPrice = 11.25;
System.out.println("Welcome to " + COMPANY);
System.out.println("We are having a special offer:\na
SMALL_DIAMETER + " inch pizza with four
ingredients\nor a " +
LARGE_DIAMETER + " inch pizza with one
ingredient\nfor only $" +
System.out.println("With tax, that is only $" +
(specialPrice + specialPrice * TAX_RATE));
Command Prompt output
Welcome to Antonio’s Pizzeria
We are having a special offer:
A 12 inch pizza with four ingredients
Or a 16 inch pizza with one ingredient
For only $11.25
With tax, that is only $12.0375
Creating and Using Packages
You know how to import packages into your
Java.lang package is automatically imported into
every program your write
A package is a named collection of classes
When you create your own classes, you can
place them in packages so that you can easily
import related classes into new programs
More on packages
Creating packages encourages others to
reuse software because it makes it
convenient to import many related classes
at once
 When you create classes for others to use,
you do not want to provide the users with
your source code in the files with .java
So you compile your classes
You are creating compiled classes with the
.class extensions
 The .class files are the files you place in a
package so other programmers can import
 You include a package statement at the
beginning of your class file to place the
compiled code into the indicated folder
The package statement
package com.course.animals;
Indicates that the compiled file should be placed in
a folder named com.course.animals
The compiled program goes into an animals folder
within the course folder within the com folder
The package statement should be the first such
statement and should be outside the class