Supervisory Systems
What’s a supervisory system?
A supervisory system is used to control a complex implants, where different devices are installed in the same implants. The data acquired are huge and are downloaded in real time.
After that their management, interpretation and presentation are necessary and mandatory for a tipical Building Management System. In fact all the decisions about data, information, alarms and so on, must be taken automatically without the help of a person.
Which are the requests made to a BMS?
• Acquire the temperature and humidity values, pressure probes, etc.
• Modify the set point values for every controller;
• Acquire all the units events;
• Acquire all the alarms of each unit, with the alarm description, time and date;
• Sends a remote signalling to one or more users, in a different manners according the preferred method, for example using faxes, sms, e-mail, prints, etc.
Differences between Monitoring, Telemanagement and Supervisory?
It is a software program created to maintain monitored a group of values and parameters, for example the statuses of the units which are relevant for the system correct functioning.
In this way it is only possible to verify the present status of the monitored system: it is not possible to interfere through the software to modify or manually override any value.
It is an element that permits to have a better costs and time management is the possibility to access in a remote way to the monitored system. From the control center it is possible to set the regulating parameters and to manage the implants for example setting the functioning hours, set point, alarms threeshold.
In more complex control systems, it is possible to set more detailed and advanced functions.
In this way according to what’s happening, the system will take decisions to assure a correct functioning, the problem solving and the costs management.
Thse systems can be defined “intelligent” because they are programmed to manage a huge number of combinations of data and variations.
The standard transmission and the protocol
A supervisory system can be though as composed of two main families: i. What is defined as “STANDARD TRANSMISSION” ii. The “COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL”
Tipically only the protocol is considered, but often it is not sufficient!!
The standard transmission can be defined as the route the signal uses to flow
The commucation protocol is the language the system speaks, and the rules that must be respected to have a correct information transmission
The standard transmission and the protocol
The transmission can happen on a lot of types of channels. The more used are:
RS 485
It is a phisic level specification of a serial 2 wires connection, half duplex. The signal is specified on a differential mode. In this way the difference of voltage between the 2 wires, represents the transmitted information.
One polarity indicates to level n. 1, the inversal, the level n. 0. The minimum difference must be at least
0.2 V to be valid, but every voltage between +12 and –7 volt permits the correct transmission.
The EIA RS485 only describes the electrical specifics, no protocol is recommended. And it’s for this reason that a lot of languages use this kind of phisical transmission.
The standard transmission and the protocol
Here an example of how the information is sent and transmitted through the RS485 line.
The signal is only a sequence of differences between cable 1 and 2.
The standard transmission and the protocol
It is another standard that defines a serial interface with two wires, at low speed for the data exchange bwtween digital devices.
So connecting two units with RS 232 connectors, it is possible to have their communication.
It’s old and no more used
The distances I reach are not like RS485 ones
The standard transmission and the protocol
Ethernet cable
An ethernet cross cable, or crossover is a type of cable used to connect different computers together (instead using
Router, hub, switch). For example, to connect two computers I only need a cross cable and the ethernet adaptors installed on the computers.
The reasons of the success:
• It is a cheap technology and easy to use;
• It works very well and creates very few problems;
• It can be used with TCP/IP;
• It is not so fast, but his diffusion is in coninuous growth
The standard transmission and the protocol
1° case : Control and BMS speak the same language:
A translating gateway is not necessary
Very few needed configuration settings
Quite no limitations
Example: control: pCO1 – protocol: Modbus
The standard transmission and the protocol
2° case: Control and BMS speak different languages:
A gateway is needed to translate the Carel variable in another language (modbus for example of the control isn’t pCO1)
The needed configuration will have to consider the gateway (address, baud rate, etc)
Strong limitations on the quantitites of connected units
Example: control: pCO1 – protocol: BACnet
The standard transmission and the protocol
Proprietary Uniflair protocol
NETVISOR is the Supervisory system produced from Uniflair. Through NETVISOR it’s possible to monitor the Uniflair units (air conditioners and chiller) using the characteristics of the microprocessors of the controllers. These controllers are ready to be connected to a
RS485 net, through that, they can transfer signals and information based on the proprietaty Uniflair protocol.
• Proprietary protocol
The control and the BMS speak the same language
• Communication: Master/Slave (no multimaster)
Master: PC with NetVisor. Slaves: all the controllers that are connected
• The used net is RS485 con bus half duplex
As first the Master makes the request, and after the Slave answers
• Integrated in all Uniflair devices
All the controllers, old and new, can be connected to Netvisor
• Up to 200 devices, addressable in the net
200 for every line
6 lines as total
• Configurable Baud rate
RS485 line with baud rate 19200
• Visualisation of all the operative parameters
Temperatures, pressures, working hours, etc.
• Main parameters modify
Set point, threeshold, various configurations
• Remote ON/OFF
It is possible to swithc on/off the unit with a simple click
• The reports are sent based on the time, and the data can contain values as temperature and humidity
Configurable reports (alarms, events)
• It is possible to print the events reports
Printing, sending faxes, using excel
• It is possible to have graphs of a lot of variables
These variable are configurable, without any limit
• The alarms are sent and stored
• The alarms can be resetted (if possible)
• The events can be transmitted in different ways
GSM modem for SMS
• WEB-SERVER function
It means that I can see the local computer can be seen remotely
Netvisor can be installed in 2 connection modes
1. Local supervision with computer
2. Remote monitoring
PC installed locally:
- UNIFLAIR NETVISOR configured for the local supervision;
- USB dongle;
- Internet browser Explorer 5.0 (or later);
-One of the following :
Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Workstation)
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP
Serial converter RS232/RS485 or USB RS485 converter
Serial cable RS232 to connect the pc to the converter RS232/RS485
RS485 card in every unit
Cable for the serial line: AWG24, twisted cable, double couple, with shield
120 Ω final resistor
The Uniflair controllers are fully compatible with a lot of existing protocols:
The main protocols are:
Modbus RTU
Modbus is a communication protocol very famous and used all over the world. It’s quite easy and not so structured.
• It has been developped at the end of ’70 from Modicom
• The communication is multidrop, with Master and Slaves
• It is not used only with industrial application
• Serial communication: RS232 or RS485 half duplex
• Protocol type: Modbus RTU (1 byte = 2 exadecimal words) and Modbus ASCII (1 byte = 2 ASCII words).
• Configurable Baud rate (max 19200)
1° Case: All the units are fitted with all types of controller (old and new)
The units, all fitted with the serial card, are connected:
• each unit with the RS485 cable;
• last unit with the final resistor;
• first unit with the Gateway.
To realize a local net to be connected to a BMS working with
Modbus, it’s necessary:
• 1 gateway LBM every 16 units;
• 1 serial card RS485 for every controller;
• 1 terminal line (120 Ω);
• PC for the gateway configuration.
2° Case: Unites fitted with pCO1, upCOxs
To realize a local net to be connected to a BMS working with
Modbus, it’s necessary:
• 1 RS485 serial card for every controller;
• 1 terminal line (120 Ω);
• PC for the gateway configuration.
It’s a technology coming from Echelon Coroporation, Palo Alto, California
All the units must be fitted with a serial card which uses a transceiver Echelon FTT-10. It permits the interconnection with a phisical channel TP/FT-10.
All the units must be fitted with a RS485 card, trough that they are connected to the RS485 serial cable.
On one side there will be the 120 ohm resistor, on the other, the gateway which will translate the variables from Uniflair language, to LON language.
To realize a local net to be connected to a BMS with protocol BACnet, it’s necessary:
• n°1 gateway LBM every 8 units; (not necessary with pCOnet - pCOWeb)
• n°1 RS485 serial card for every controller;
• n°1 120Ω resistor;
• PC for the gateway configuration
BACnet is a supervisory system created from AHRAE:
“American society of Heating, refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineers”
These are the ways how the information under BACnet can be sent to Uniflair controllers:
BACnet IP/Ethernet pCOnet: connessione RS485
Carel :
Protocol Carel
Connection RS485 or RS422
Max 8 units
No software modification needed
BACnet :
Connection RS232
The control board used in the Uniflair units permit their connection into systems working with software based on Metasys protocol. All the units are fitted with RS485 serial cards, and their installation is managed from Johnson Controls, who will also supply the variables lists, necessary for the correct configurations.
Metasys Integrator (by Johnson Control)
To realize a local net to be connected to a BMS working with Metasys, it’s necessary:
• 1 RS485 serial card for every control;
• Installation managed from Johnson Controls
pCO3, pCO2, pCO1, pCOxs e pCOc are compatible with Trend using a serial interfacing card, who will translate the variables from Carel to Trend language.
Trend manages the configuration and the providing of the Trend cards
The card must be configured using the Trend tools, according the applicative files
The connection takes place using the Trend serial card (it must be configured), one card on each unit, that will be connected directly to the net.
Necessary materials:
• 1 configured card, according the controller installed software (you must contact TREND
Net Switch
Ethernet10BaseT pCO-WEB
Net Switch
The units, all equipped with an apposite RS485 card, are connected with each other using a serial cable RS485. The last unit is connected to the resistor, the first unit is connected to the Webgate, which is the interface to the ethernet company line, where there is the supervisory software (SNMP manager).
Necessary Material:
• 1 webgate every 16 units
• 1 RS485 serial card for every control;
• 1 resistor (120 Ω).
pCOWeb is a device that permits to connect the units directly to the Ethernet line.
This card can be used only on the new units, like Leonardo Evolution or Amico with pCO1. pCOWeb transform the unit in a computer, with its IP number.
The operations to follow are the following:
• realize the RS485 net;
• configure each unit (address and speed and protocol);
• configure and install the Webgate; avoid connecting the Webgate to the ethernet net. Before having set correctly the IP address;
• configure the supervisory software according to the MIB table (list of available variables and addresses).