vSphere 4/5 Performance Analysis Boot Camp Part 1

CMG: VMWare vSphere Performance Analysis
John Paul
Managed Services, R&D
February 17, 2012
Copyright © 2012 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Acknowledgments and Presentation Goal
 The material in this presentation was pulled from a variety of sources,
some of which was graciously provided by VMware and Intel staff
members. I acknowledge and thank the VMware and Intel staff for their
permission to use their material in this presentation.
 This presentation is intended to review the basics for performance
analysis for the virtual infrastructure with detailed information on the
tools and counters used. It presents a series of examples of how the
performance counters report different types of resource consumption
with a focus on key counters to observe. The performance counters do
change and we are not going to go over all of the counters.
 ESXTOP and RESXTOP will be used interchangeably since both tools
effectively provide the same counters. The screen shots in this
presentation have the colors inverted for readability purposes.
 The presentation shows screen shots from vSphere 4 and 5 since both
are actively in use.
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Introductory Comments
Trends to Consider - Hardware
 Intel Strategies – Intel necessarily had to move to a horizontal, multicore strategy due to the physical restrictions of what could be done on
the current technology base. This resulted in:
 Increasing number of cores per socket
 Stabilization of processor speed (i.e., processor speeds no longer are
increasing according to Moore’s Law and in fact are slower for newer
 Focus on new architectures that allow for more efficient movement of data
between memory and the processors, external sources and the processors,
and larger and faster caches associated with different components
 OEM Strategies – As Intel moved down this path system OEMs have
assembled the Intel (and AMD) components in different ways (such as
multi-socket) to differentiate their offerings. It is important to
understand the timing of the Intel architectural releases, the OEM
implementation of those releases, and the operating system vendors’
use of those features in their code. They aren’t always aligned.
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Introductory Comments
Trends to Consider – Hardware Assisted Virtualization
 Intel VT-x and AMD-V - This provides two forms of CPU operation
(root and non-root), allowing the virtualization hypervisor to be less
intrusive during workloads. Hardware virtualization with a Virtual
Machine Monitor (VMM) versus binary translation resulted in a
substantial performance improvement.
 Intel EPT and AMD RVI - Memory management virtualization (MMU)
supports extended page tables (EPT) which eliminated the need for
ESX to maintain shadow page tables.
 Vt-d and AMD-Vi – I/O virtualization assist allows the virtual machines
to have direct access to hardware I/O devices, such as network cards
and storage controllers (HBAs).
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Introductory Comments
Trends to Consider – Software
 VMWare/Hypervisor Strategies – Horizontal scalability at the hardware
layer requires comparable scalability for the hypervisor
 NUMA support required hypervisor scheduler changes (Wide NUMA)
 Larger CPU and RAM virtual machines
 Efficiency while running larger, most complex workloads
 Abstraction model versus consolidation model for some workloads
 Performance guarantees for the Core Four
 Federation of management tools and resource pools
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Introductory Comments
 vCPU – The vCPU is an aggregation of the time it allocates to the
workload. It time slices each core based upon the type of configuration.
It constantly is changing which core the vm is on, unless affinity is
 SMP Lazy Scheduling – The scheduler continues to evolve, using lazy
scheduling to launch individual vCPUs and then having others “catch
up” if CPU skewing occurs. Note that this has improved across
 SMP – Note that SMP effectiveness is NOT linear, depending upon
workloads. It is very important to load test your workloads on your
hardware to measure the efficiency of SMP. We have found that the
higher the number of SMP vCPUs, the lower the efficiency.
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Introductory Comments
Introductory Comments
 Resource Pools – These are really a way to group the amount of
resources allocated to a specific workload, or grouping of workloads
across VMs and hosts.
 Single Unit of Work – It is easy to miss the fact that resource “sharing”
really does not affect the single unit of work. Dynamic Resource
Sharing (DRS) moves VMs across ESX hosts where there may be
more resources.
 Perfmon Counters – The inclusion of ESX counters (via VMTools) into
the Windows perfmon counters is helpful for overall analysis, and
higher level performance analysis. Many counters are not exposed yet
in Perfmon.
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Introductory Comments
Introductory Comments
 Hyper-threading – The pre-Nehalem Intel architecture had some
problems with the hyper-threading efficiencies, causing many people to
turn off hyper-threading. The Nehalem architecture seems to have
corrected those problems, and vSphere is now hyper-threading aware.
You need to understand how hyper-threading works so you know how
to interpret the VMware tools (such as ESXTOP, ESXPlot). The
different cores will be shown as equals while they don’t have equal
 Microsoft Hyper-V – While we are not going to be diving into Hyper-V
(or Zen VM) the basic principles of the hypervisors are the same,
though the implementation is quite different. There are good reasons
why VMware leads the market in enterprise virtualization
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Introductory Comments
Introductory Comments – Decision Points
 WHAT should we change? – VMware continues to expose more
performance changing settings. One of the key questions that needs
to be answered is whether you should take the default settings for
operational simplicity or fine tune for the best possible performance.
 NUMA Awareness and Control – Should the NUMA control be turned
over to the guest operating system?
 ESXTOP versus RESXTOP – Though both work the use of ESXTOP
on the actual host requires SSH to be enabled, which may violate
security guidelines.
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vSphere Architecture
VMware ESX Architecture
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Monitor supports:
BT (Binary Translation)
HW (Hardware assist)
PV (Paravirtualization)
Monitor (BT, HW, PV)
CPU is controlled by
scheduler and virtualized
by monitor
Virtual NIC
Virtual SCSI
Virtual Switch
File System
NIC Drivers
I/O Drivers
Memory is allocated by the
VMkernel and virtualized by
the monitor
Network and I/O devices
are emulated and proxied
though native device
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Analysis Basics
 Key Reference Documents
 vSphere Resource Management (EN-000591-01)
 Performance Best Practices for VMWare vSphere 5.0 (EN-000005-04)
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Performance Analysis Basics
Types of Resources – The Core Four (Plus One)
Though the Core Four resources exist at both the ESX host and virtual machine
levels, they are not the same in how they are instantiated and reported against.
 CPU – processor cycles (vertical), multi-processing (horizontal)
 Memory – allocation and sharing
 Disk (a.k.a. storage) – throughput, size, latencies, queuing
 Network - throughput, latencies, queuing
Though all resources are limited, ESX handles the resources differently. CPU is
more strictly scheduled, memory is adjusted and reclaimed (more fluid) if based
on shares, disk and network are fixed bandwidth (except for queue depths)
The Fifth Core Four resource is virtualization overhead!
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Performance Analysis Basics
vSphere Components in a Context You Are Used To
 World
 The smallest schedulable component for vSphere
 Similar to a process in Windows or thread in other operating systems
 Groups
 A collection of ESX worlds, often associated with a virtual server or common set of
functions, such as
 Idle
 System
 Helper
 Drivers
 Vmotion
 Console
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Performance Analysis Basics
The Five Contexts of Virtualization and Which Tools to Use for Each
Physical Machine
Virtual Machine
Operating System
Operating System
Operating System
ESX Host Machine
Intel Hardware
Operating System
ESX Host Farm/Cluster
Operating System
Intel Hardware
Operating System
Intel Hardware
Operating System
Intel Hardware
Operating System
Virtual Center
Operating System
Intel Hardware
Remember the virtual context
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Intel Hardware
Intel Hardware
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Intel Hardware
Virtual Center
Intel Hardware
Intel Hardware
ESX Host Complex
Intel Hardware
Operating System
Intel Hardware
Intel Hardware
Performance Analysis Basics
Types of Performance Counters (v4)
Static – Counters that don’t change during runtime, for example MEMSZ
(memsize), Adapter queue depth, VM Name. The static counters are
informational and may not be essential during performance problem analysis.
Dynamic – Counters that are computed dynamically, for example CPU load
average, memory over-commitment load average.
Calculated - Some are calculated from the delta between two successive
snapshots. Refresh interval (-d) determines the time between successive
snapshots. For example %CPU used = ( CPU used time at snapshot 2 - CPU used time at snapshot 1 ) / time
elapsed between snapshots
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Performance Analysis Basics
A Review of the Basic Performance Analysis Approach
Identify the virtual context of the reported performance problem
 Where is the problem being seen? (“When I do this here, I get that”)
 How is the problem being quantified? (“My function is 25% slower)
 Apply a reasonability check (“Has something changed from the status quo?”)
Monitor the performance from within that virtual context
 View the performance counters in the same context as the problem
 Look at the ESX cluster level performance counters
 Look for atypical behavior (“Is the amount of resources consumed
characteristic of this particular application or task for the server processing tier?” )
 Look for repeat offenders! This happens often.
Expand the performance monitoring to each virtual context as needed
 Are other workloads influencing the virtual context of this particular
application and causing a shortage of a particular resource?
 Consider how a shortage is instantiated for each of the Core Four
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Performance Analysis Basics
Resource Control Revisited – CPU Example
Reservation (Guarantees)
• Minimum service level guarantee (in MHz)
• When system is overcommitted it is still the target
• Needs to pass admission control for start-up
Total MHZ
Shares (Share the Resources)
• CPU entitlement is directly proportional to VM's
shares and depends on the total number of shares issued
• Abstract number, only ratio matters
• Absolute upper bound on CPU entitlement (in MHz)
• Even when system is not overcommitted
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Key Reference Documents
 vSphere Monitoring and Performance (EN-000620-01)
 Chapter 7 – Performance Monitoring Utilities: resxtop and esxtop
 Esxtop for Advanced Users (VSP1999 VMWorld 2011)
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Load Generators, Data Gatherers, Data Analyzers
 Load Generators
 IOMeter – www.iometer.org
 Consume – windows SDK
 SQLIOSIM - http://support.microsoft.com/?id=231619
 Data Gatherers
 Virtual Center
 Vscsistats
 Data Analyzers
 ESXTOP (interactive or batch mode)
 Windows Perfmon/Systems Monitor
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A Comparison of ESXTOP and the vSphere Client
 vC gives a graphical view of both real-time and trend consumption
 vC combines real-time reporting with short term (1 hour) trending
 vC can report on the virtual machine, ESX host, or ESX cluster
 vC has performance overview charts in vSphere 4 and 5
 vC is limited to 2 unit types at a time for certain views
 ESXTOP allows more concurrent performance counters to be shown
 ESXTOP has a higher system overhead to run
 ESXTOP can sample down to a 2 second sampling period
 ESXTOP gives a detailed view of each of the Core Four
Recommendation – Use vC to get a general view of the system
performance but use ESXTOP for detailed problem analysis.
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An Introduction to ESXTOP/RESXTOP
 Launched through vSphere Management Assistant (VMA) or CLI or via SSH
session (ESXTOP) with ESX host
 Screens (version 5)
c: cpu (default)
d: disk adapter
h: help
i: interrupts
m: memory
n: network
p: power management
u: disk device
v: disk VM
 Can be piped to a file and then imported in System Monitor/ESXPLOT
 Horizontal and vertical screen resolution limits the number of fields and entities
that could be viewed so chose your fields wisely
 Some of the rollups and counters may be confusing to the casual user
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ESXTOP: New Counters in vSphere 5.0
World, VM Count, vCPU count (CPU screen)
%VMWait (%Wait - %Idle, CPU screen)
CPU Clock Frequency in different P-states (Power Management Screen)
Failed Disk IOs (Disk adapter screen)
FCMDs/s – failed commands per second
FReads/s – failed reads per second
FMBRD/s – failed megabyte reads per second
FMBWR/s – failed megabyte writes per second
FRESV/s – failed reservations per second
 VAAI: Block Deletion Operations (Disk adapter screen)
 Same counters as Failed Disk IOs above
 Low-Latency Swap (Host Cache – Disk Screen)
 LLSWR/s – Swap in rate from host cache
 LLSWW/s – Swap out rate to host cache
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ESXTOP: Help Screen (v5)
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ESXTOP: CPU screen (v5)
New Counter
• Worlds = Worlds, VMs, vCPU Totals
• ID = ID
• GID = world group identifier
• NWLD = number of worlds
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fields hidden from the view…
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ESXTOP: CPU screen (v4) expanding groups
press ‘e’ key
• In rolled up view some stats are cumulative of all the worlds in the group
• Expanded view gives breakdown per world
• VM group consists of mks (mouse, keyboard, screen), vcpu, vmx worlds.
SMP VMs have additional vcpu and vmm worlds
• vmm0, vmm1 = Virtual machine monitors for vCPU0 and vCPU1
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ESXTOP CPU Screen (v5): Many New Worlds
New Processes
Using Little/No
CPU resource
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ESXTOP CPU Screen (v5): Virtual Machines Only (using V command)
Value >= 1
means overload
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ESXTOP CPU Screen (v5): Virtual Machines Only, Expanded
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ESXTOP: CPU screen (v4)
PCPU = Physical CPU/core
CCPU = Console CPU (CPU 0)
Press ‘f’ key to choose fields
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ESXTOP: CPU screen (v5)
Core Usage Now Shown
PCPU = Physical CPU
Changed Field
New Field
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Idle State on Test Bed (CPU View v4)
Virtual Machine View
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Idle State on Test Bed – GID 32 Expanded (v4)
Wait includes idle
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Rolled Up GID
Five Worlds
Wait %
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Total Idle %
ESXTOP memory screen (v4)
PCI Hole
Physical Memory (PMEM)
VMKMEM - Memory managed by VMKernel
COSMEM - Memory used by Service Console
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states: High,
Soft, hard and
ESXTOP: memory screen (v5)
NUMA Stats
Changed Field
New Fields
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ESXTOP: memory screen (4.0)
Swapping activity in
Service Console
Swapping activity
SZTGT : determined by reservation, limit and memory shares
SWCUR = 0 : no swapping in the past
SZTGT = Size target
SWTGT = 0 : no swapping pressure
SWTGT = Swap target
SWR/S, SWR/W = 0 : No swapping activity currently
SWCUR = Currently swapped
MEMCTL = Balloon driver
SWR/S = Swap read /sec
SWW/S = Swap write /sec
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ESXTOP: disk adapter screen (v4)
Host bus adapters (HBAs)
- includes SCSI,
Latency stats from the
Device, Kernel and the
DAVG/cmd - Average latency (ms) from the Device (LUN)
KAVG/cmd - Average latency (ms) in the VMKernel
GAVG/cmd - Average latency (ms) in the Guest
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ESXTOP: disk device screen (v4)
LUNs in C:T:L format
(Controller: Target: LUN)
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ESXTOP disk VM screen (v v4)
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ESXTOP: network screen (v4)
PKTTX/s - Packets transmitted /sec
PKTRX/s - Packets received /sec
MbTx/s - Transmit Throughput in Mbits/sec
MbRx/s - Receive throughput in Mbits/sec
Port ID: every entity is attached to a port on the virtual switch
DNAME - switch where the port belongs to
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A Brief Introduction to the vSphere Client
 Screens – CPU, Disk, Management Agent, Memory, Network, System
 vCenter collects performance metrics from the hosts that it manages and aggregates the
data using a consolidation algorithm. The algorithm is optimized to keep the database
size constant over time.
 vCenter does not display many counters for trend/history screens
 ESXTOP defaults to a 5 second sampling rate while vCenter defaults to a 20 second
 Default statistics collection periods, samples, and how long they are stored
Interval Period
Number of
Per Hour (real-time)
20 seconds
Per day
5 minutes
1 day
Per week
30 minutes
1 week
Per month
2 hours
1 month
1 day
1 year
Per year
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Interval Length
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vSphere Client – CPU Screen (v4)
To Change
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To Change
vSphere Client – Disk Screen (v4)
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vSphere Client - Performance Overview Chart (v4)
Performance overview charts help
to quickly identify bottlenecks and
isolate root causes of issues.
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Analyzing Performance from Inside a VM
VM Performance Counters
Integration into Perfmon
 Access key host statistics
from inside the guest OS
 View “accurate” CPU
utilization along side
observed CPU utilization
 Third-parties can instrument
their agents to access these
counters using WMI
 Integrated with VMware
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Summarized Performance Charts (v4)
Quickly identify bottlenecks and isolate root causes
 Side-by-side performance charts in a single view
 Correlation and drill-down capabilities
 Richer set of performance metrics
Key Metrics
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A Brief Introduction to ESXPlot
 Launched on a Windows workstation
 Imports data from a .csv file
 Allows an in-depth analysis of an ESXTOP batch file session
 Capture data using ESXTOP batch from root using SSH utility
 ESXTOP –a –b >exampleout.csv (for verbose capture)
 Transfer file to Windows workstation using WinSCP
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ESXPlot Field Expansion: CPU
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ESXPlot Field Expansion: Physical Disk
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Top Performance Counters to Use for Initial Problem Determination
Physical/Virtual Machine
CPU (queuing)
• Average physical CPU utilization
• Peak physical CPU utilization
• CPU Time
• Processor Queue Length
Memory (swapping)
• Average Memory Usage
• Peak Memory Usage
• Page Faults
• Page Fault Delta*
Disk (latency)
• Split IO/Sec
• Disk Read Queue Length
• Disk Write Queue Length
• Average Disk Sector Transfer Time
Network (queuing/errors)
• Total Packets/second
• Bytes Received/second
• Bytes Sent/Second
• Output queue length
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ESX Host
CPU (queuing)
• Average physical CPU utilization
• Peak physical CPU utilization
• Physical CPU load average
Memory (swapping)
• State (memory state)
• SWTGT (swap target)
• SWCUR (swap current)
• SWR/s (swap read/sec)
• SWW/s (swap write/sec)
• Consumed
• Active (working set)
• Swapused (instantaneous swap)
• Swapin (cumulative swap in)
• Swapout (cumulative swap out)
• VMmemctl (balloon memory)
Disk (latency, queuing)
• DiskReadLatency
• DiskWriteLatency
• CMDS/s (commands/sec)
• Bytes transferred/received/sec
• Disk bus resets
• ABRTS/s (aborts/sec)
• SPLTCMD/s (I/O split cmds/sec)
Network (queuing/errors)
• %DRPTX (packets dropped - TX)
• %DRPRX (packets dropped – RX)
• MbTX/s (mb transferred/sec – TX)
• MbRX/s (mb transferred/sec – RX)
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Performance Counters in Action
CPU – Understanding PCPU versus VCPU
It is important to separate the physical CPU (PCPU) resources of the
ESX host from the virtual CPU (VCPU) resources that are presented by
ESX to the virtual machine.
 PCPU – The ESX host’s processor resources are exposed only to ESX. The
virtual machines are not aware and cannot report on those physical resources.
 VCPU – ESX effectively assembles a virtual CPU(s) for each virtual machine
from the physical machine’s processors/cores, based upon the type of resource
allocation (ex. shares, guarantees, minimums).
 Scheduling - The virtual machine is scheduled to run inside the VCPU(s), with
the virtual machine’s reporting mechanism (such as W2K’s System Monitor)
reporting on the virtual machine’s allocated VCPU(s) and remaining Core Four
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Performance Counters in Action
CPU – Key Question and Considerations
Is there a lack of CPU resources for the VCPU(s) of the virtual machine
or for the PCPU(s) of the ESX host?
 Allocation – The CPU allocation for a specific workload can be
constrained due to the resource settings or number of CPUs, amount of
shares, or limits. The key field at the virtual machine level is CPU
queuing and at the ESX level it is Ready to Run (%RDY in ESXTOP).
 Capacity - The virtual machine’s CPU can be constrained due to a lack
of sufficient capacity at the ESX host level as evidenced by the
PCPU/LCPU utilization.
 Contention – The specific workload may be constrained by the
consumption of workloads operating outside of their typical patterns
 SMP CPU Skewing – The movement towards lazy scheduling of SMP
CPUs can cause delays if one CPU gets too far “ahead” of the other.
Look for higher %CSTP (co-schedule pending)
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Performance Counters in Action
CPU State Times and Accounting
Accounting: USED = RUN + SYS - OVRLP
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Performance Counters in Action
High CPU within one virtual machine caused by affinity (ESXTOP v4)
CPU Fully
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One Virtual
CPU is
Fully Used
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Performance Counters in Action
High CPU within one virtual machine (affinity) (vCenter v4)
View of the
ESX Host
View of the
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Performance Counters in Action
SMP Implementation WITHOUT CPU Constraints – ESXTOP V4
4 Physical
CPUs Fully
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One - 2 CPU
4 Virtual CPUs
Fully Used
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Ready to Run
Performance Counters in Action
SMP Implementation WITHOUT CPU Constraints – vC V4
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Performance Counters in Action
SMP Implementation with Mild CPU Constraints V4
4 Physical
CPUs Fully
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One - 2 CPU
4 Virtual CPUs
Heavily Used
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Ready to Run
Performance Counters in Action
SMP Implementation with Severe CPU Constraints V4
4 Physical
CPUs Fully
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Two - 2 CPU
(7 NWLD)
4 Virtual CPUs
Fully Used
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Ready to Run
Indicates Severe
Performance Counters in Action
SMP Implementation with Severe CPU Constraints V4
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Performance Counters in Action
CPU Usage – Without Core Sharing
ESX scheduler tries to avoid sharing the same core
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Performance Counters in Action
CPU Usage – With Core Sharing
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Introduction to the Intel® QuickPath Interconnect
Intel® QuickPath interconnect is:
 Cache-coherent, high-speed packet-based, point-to-point
interconnect used in Intel’s next generation microprocessors
(starting in 2H’08)
 Narrow physical link contains 20 lanes
 Two uni-directional links complete QuickPath interconnect
Four-Socket Platform
Intel® QuickPath
interconnect links
Provides high bandwidth, low latency
connections between processors and between
processors and chipset
 Maximum data rate of 6.4GT/s
 2 bytes/T, 2 directions, yields 25.6GB/s per port
Intel® QuickPath
interconnect links
Interconnect performance for Intel’s next generation microarchitectures
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Intel Topologies
Intel® Core™ i7 Nehalem-EP
Intel® Itanium®
No links
1 Full Width Link
2 Full Width Links
4 Full Width Links
4 Full Width Links
2 Half Width Links
Nehalem-EP Example 2S
Nehalem-EX Example 4S
Different Number of Links for Different Platforms
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Intel: QPI Performance Considerations
• Not always a direct correlation between processor performance and
interconnect latency / bandwidth
• What is important is that the interconnect should perform
sufficiently to not limit processor performance
Max theoretical bandwidth
 Max of 16 bits (2 bytes) of “real” data sent
across full width link during one clock edge
 Double pumped bus with max initial frequency of
3.2 GHz
 2 bytes/transfer * 2 transfers/cycle * 3.2 GHz =
12.8 GB/s
 With Intel® QuickPath Interconnect at 6.4 GT/s
 translates to 25.6 GB/s across two
simultaneous unidirectional links
Page 67
Max bandwidth with packet overhead
 Typical data transaction is a 64 byte cache line
 Typical packet has header Flit which requires 4
Phits to transmit across link
 Data payload takes 32 Phits to transfer (64
bytes at 2 bytes/Phit)
 With CRC is sent inline with data, data packet
requires 4 Phits for header + 32 Phits of payload
 With Intel® QuickPath Interconnect at 6.4 GT/s,
64B cache line transfers in 5.6 ns  translates
to 22.8 GB/s across two simultaneous
unidirectional links
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Memory – Separating the machine and guest memory
It is important to note that some statistics refer to guest physical memory while
others refer to machine memory. “ Guest physical memory" is the virtualhardware physical memory presented to the VM. " Machine memory" is actual
physical RAM in the ESX host.
In the figure below, two VMs are running on an ESX host, where each block
represents 4 KB of memory and each color represents a different set of data on
a block.
Inside each VM, the guest OS maps the virtual memory to its physical memory.
ESX Kernel maps the guest physical memory to machine memory. Due to ESX
Page Sharing technology, guest physical pages with the same content can
be mapped to the same machine page.
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A Brief Look at Ballooning
 The W2K balloon driver is located in VMtools
 ESX sets a balloon target for each workload at start-up and as
workloads are introduced/removed
 The balloon driver expands memory consumption, requiring the Virtual
Machine operating system to reclaim memory based on its algorithms
 Ballooning routinely takes 10-20 minutes to reach the target
 The returned memory is now available for ESX to use
 Key ballooning fields:
SZTGT: determined by reservation, limit and memory shares
SWCUR = 0 : no swapping in the past
SWTGT = 0 : no swapping pressure
SWR/S, SWR/W = 0 : No swapping activity currently
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Memory Interleaving Basics
Ch 0
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 0
Ch 1
Ch 2
System Memory Map
What is it?
It is a process where memory is
stored in a non contiguous form to
optimize access performance and
Interleaving usually done in cache
line granularity
Why do it?
Increase bandwidth by allowing
multiple memory accesses at once
Reduce hot spots since memory is
spread out over a wider location
To support NUMA (Non Uniform
Memory Access) based
Memory organization where there is
different access times for different
sections of memory, due to memory
located in different locations
Concentrate the data for the
application on the memory of the
same socket
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 Uniform Memory Access (UMA)
 Addresses interleaved across memory nodes by cache line.
 Accesses may or may not have to cross QPI link
Socket 0 Memory
Socket 1 Memory
System Memory Map
Uniform Memory Access lacks tuning for optimal performance
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 Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)
 Addresses not interleaved across memory nodes by cache line.
 Each CPU has direct access to contiguous block of memory.
Socket 0 Memory
Socket 1 Memory
System Memory Map
Thread affinity benefits from memory attached locally
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ESX Memory Sharing - The “Water Bed Effect”
ESX handles memory shares on an ESX host and across an ESX cluster with a
result similar to a single water bed, or room full of water beds, depending upon the
action and the memory allocation type:
 Initial ESX boot (i.e., “lying down on the water bed”) – ESX sets a target working size
for each virtual machine, based upon the memory allocations or shares, and uses
ballooning to pare back the initial allocations until those targets are reached (if possible).
 Steady State (i.e., “minor position changes”) - The host gets into a steady state with
small adjustments made to memory allocation targets. Memory “ripples” occur during
steady state, with the amplitude dependent upon the workload characteristics and
consumption by the virtual machines.
 New Event (i.e., “second person on the bed”) – The host receives additional workload
via a newly started virtual machine or VMotion moves a virtual machine to the host
through a manual step, maintenance mode, or DRS. ESX pares back the target
working size of that virtual machine while the other virtual machines lose CPU cycles
that are directed to the new workload.
 Large Event (i.e., “jumping across water beds”) – The cluster has a major event that
causes a substantial movement of workloads to or between multiple hosts. Each of the
hosts has to reach a steady state, or to have DRS determine that the workload is not a
current candidate for the existing host, moving to another host that has reached a
steady state with available capacity. Maintenance mode is another major event.
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Memory – Key Question and Considerations
Is the memory allocation for each workload optimum to prevent swapping
at the Virtual Machine level, yet low enough not to constrain other
workloads or the ESX host?
 HA/DRS/Maintenance Mode Regularity – How often do the workloads in the
cluster get moved between hosts? Each movement causes an impact on the
receiving (negative) and sending (positive) hosts with maintenance mode
causing a rolling wave of impact across the cluster, depending upon the timing.
 Allocation Type – Each of the allocation types have their drawbacks so tread
carefully when choosing the allocation type. One size seldom is right for all
 Capacity/Swapping - The virtual machine’s CPU can be constrained due to a
lack of sufficient capacity at the ESX host level. Look for regular swapping at
the ESX host level as an indicator of a memory capacity issue but be sure to
notice memory leaks that artificially force a memory shortage situation.
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Idle State on Test Bed – Memory View V4
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Memory View at Steady State of 3 Virtual Machines – Memory Shares V4
Most memory is
not reserved
Machine Just
Powered On
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These VMs are at
memory steady state
No VM Swapping or
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Ballooning and Swapping in Progress – Memory View V4
states: High,
Soft, hard and
Different Size Targets
Due to Different
Amount of Up Time
Page 78
Ballooning In
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Mild swapping
Memory Reservations – Effect on New Loads V4
What Size Virtual Machine with Reserved Memory Can Be Started?
6GB of “free”
physical memory
due to memory
sharing over 20
666MB of
Three VMs, each with 2GB
reserved memory
Can’t start fourth virtual machine of >512MB of reserved memory
Fourth virtual machine of 512MB of reserved memory started
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Memory Shares – Effect on New Loads V4
Three VMs with 2GB allocation
5.9 GB of
6GB of
Fourth virtual machine of 2GB of memory allocation started successfully
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Virtual Machine with Memory Greater Then On A Single NUMA Node V5
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% Local
Wide-NUMA Support in V5 – 1 vCPU 1 NUMA Node
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Wide-NUMA Support in V5 – 8 vCPU 2 NUMA Nodes
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Power Management
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Power Management
Power Management Screen V5
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Power Management
Impact of Power States on CPU
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Power Management
Power Management Impact on CPU V5
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Storage Considerations
Storage – Key Question and Considerations
Is the bandwidth and configuration of the storage subsystem sufficient to
meet the desired latency (a.k.a. response time) for the target workloads?
If the latency target is not being met then further analysis may be very
time consuming.
Storage Frames specifications refer to the aggregate bandwidth of the
frame or components, not the single path capacity of those components.
 Queuing - Queuing can happen at any point along the storage path, but is not
necessarily a bad thing if the latency meets requirements.
 Storage Path Configuration and Capacity – It is critical to know the
configuration of the storage path and the capacity of each component along that
path. The number of active vmkernel commands must be less then or equal to
the queue depth max of any of the storage path components while processing
the target storage workload.
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Storage Considerations
Storage – Aggregate versus Single Paths
Storage Frames specifications refer to the aggregate bandwidth of the
frame or components, not the single path capacity of those components*
 DMX Message Bandwidth: 4-6.4 GB/s
 DMX Data Bandwidth: 32-128 GB/s
 Global Memory: 32-512 GB
 Concurrent Memory Transfers: 16-32 (4 per Global Memory Director)
Performance Measurement for storage is all about individual paths and the
performance of the components contained in that path
(* Source – EMC Symmetrix DMX-4 Specification Sheet c1166-dmx4-ss.pdf)
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Storage Considerations
Storage – More Questions
 Virtual Machines per LUN - The number of outstanding active vmkernel
commands per virtual machine times the number of virtual machines on
a specific LUN must be less then the queue depth of that adapter
 How fast can the individual disk drive process a request?
 Based upon the block-size and type of I/O (sequential read, sequential
write, random read, random write) what type of configuration (RAID,
number of physical spindles, cache) is required to match the I/O
characteristics and workload demands for average and peak throughput?
 Does the network storage (SAN frame) handle the I/O rate down each
path and aggregated across the internal bus, frame adaptors, and front
end processors?
In order to answer these questions we need to better understand the
underlying design, considerations, and basics of the storage subsystem
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Storage Considerations
Back-end Storage Design Considerations
Capacity - What is the storage capacity needed for this workload/cluster?
 Disk drive size (ex., 144GB, 300GB)
 Number of disk drives needed within a single logical unit (ex., LUN)
IOPS Rate – How many I/Os per second are required with the needed latency?
 Number of physical spindles per LUN
 Impact of sharing of physical disk drives between LUNs
 Configuration (ex., cache) and speed of the disk drive
Availability – How many disk drives, storage components can fail at one time?
 Type of RAID chosen, number of parity drives per grouping
 Amount of redundancy built into the storage solution
Cost – Delivered cost per byte at the required speed and availability
 Many options are available for each design consideration
 Final decisions on the choice for each component
 The cumulative amount of capacity, IOPS rate, and availability often dictate
the overall solution
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Storage Considerations
Storage from the Ground Up – Basic Definitions: Mechanical Drives
 Disk Latency – The average time it takes for the requested sector to rotate
under the read/write head after a completed seek
 5400 (5.5ms), 7200 (4.2ms), 10,000 (3ms) , 15,000 (2ms) RPM
 Ave. disk latency = 1/2 * rotation
 Throughput (MB/sec) = (Outstanding IOs/ latency (msec)) * Block size (KB)
 Seek Time – The time it takes for the read/write head to find the physical location
of the requested data on the disk
 Average Seek time: 8-10 ms
 Access Time – The total time it takes to locate the data on the drive(s). This
includes seek time, latency, settle time, and command processing overhead time.
 Host Transfer Rate – The speed at which the host can transfer the data across
the disk interface.
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Storage Considerations
Network Storage Components That Can Affect Performance/Availability
 Size and use of cache (i.e., % dedicated to reads versus writes)
 Number of independent internal data paths and buses
 Number of front-end interfaces and processors
 Types of interfaces supported (ex. Fiber channel and iSCSI)
 Number and type of physical disk drives available
 MetaLUN Expansion
 MetaLUNs allow for the aggregation of LUNs
 System typically re-stripes data when MetaLUN is changed
 Some performance degradation during re-striping
 Storage Virtualization
 Aggregation of storage arrays behind a presented mount point/LUN
 Movements between disk drives and tiers control by storage management
 Change of physical drives and configuration may be transient and severe
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Case Studies - Storage
Test Bed Idle State– Device Adapter View V4
Average Device Latency,
Per Command
Queue Length
World Maximum
Queue Length
LUN Maximum
Queue Length
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Case Studies - Storage
Moderate load on two virtual machines V4
Commands are
Page 96
latency from the
disk subsystem
Copyright © 2012 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Case Studies - Storage
Heavier load on two virtual machines
Commands are queued
and are exceeding
maximum queue lengths
Page 97
Virtual machine latency
is consistently above
performance could start
to be an issue
Copyright © 2012 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Case Studies - Storage
Heavy load on four virtual machines
Commands are queued
and are exceeding
maximum queue lengths
Page 98
Virtual machine latency
is consistently above 60
ms/second for some
VMs, performance will
be an issue
Copyright © 2012 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Case Studies - Storage
Artificial Constraints on Storage
 Problem with the disk subsystem
Low device
Bad throughput
Device Latency is high
- cache disabled
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Understanding the Disk Counters and Latencies
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Understanding Disk I/O Queuing
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Storage Considerations
SAN Storage Infrastructure – Areas to Watch/Consider
HBA Speed Fiber Bandwidth
FA CPU Speed
Disk Response
RAID Configuration
Number of Spindles
in LUN/array
Block Size
FC switch
Disk Speeds
World Queue Length
Page 102
LUN Queue Length
Storage Adapter Queue Length
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Cache Size/Type
Storage Considerations
Storage Queuing – The Key Throttle Points
ESX Host
Length (WQLEN)
VM 3
World Queue
Length (WQLEN)
VM 4
World Queue
Length (WQLEN)
Page 103
Execution Throttle
World Queue
Execution Throttle
VM 2
LUN Queue Length (LQLEN)
VM 1
World Queue
Length (WQLEN)
Storage Area
Copyright © 2012 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Storage Considerations
Storage I/O – The Key Throttle Point Definitions
 Storage Adapter Queue Length (AQLEN)
 The number of outstanding vmkernel active commands that the adapter is configured
to support.
 This is not settable. It is a parameter passed from the adapter to the kernel.
 LUN Queue Length (LQLEN)
 The maximum number of permitted outstanding vmkernel active commands to a LUN.
(This would be the HBA queue depth setting for an HBA.)
 This is set in the storage adapter configuration via the command line.
 World Queue Length (WQLEN) VMware Recommends Not to Change This!!!!
 The maximum number of permitted outstanding vmkernel active requests to a LUN
from any singular virtual machine (min:1, max:256: default: 32)
 Configuration->Advanced Settings->Disk-> Disk.SchedNumReqOutstanding
 Execution Throttle (this is not a displayed counter)
 The maximum number of permitted outstanding vmkernel active commands that can
be executed on any one HBA port (min:1, max:256: default: ~16, depending on vendor)
 This is set in the HBA driver configuration.
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Storage Considerations
Queue Length Rules of Thumb
 For a lightly-loaded system, average queue length should be less than
1 per spindle with occasional spikes up to 10. If the workload is writeheavy, the average queue length above a mirrored controller should be
less than 0.6 per spindle and less than 0.3 per spindle above a RAID-5
 For a heavily-loaded system that isn’t saturated, average queue length
should be less than 2.5 per spindle with infrequent spikes up to 20. If
the workload is write-heavy, the average queue length above a
mirrored controller should be less than 1.5 per spindle and less than 1
above a RAID-5 controller.
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Closing Thoughts
 Know the key counters to look at for each type of resource
 Be careful on what type of resource allocation technique you use for CPU
and RAM. One size may NOT fit all.
 Consider the impact of events such as maintenance on the performance
of a cluster
 Set up a simple test bed where you can create simple loads to become
familiar with the various performance counters and tools
 Compare your test bed analysis and performance counters with the
development and production clusters
 Know your storage subsystem components and configuration due to the
large impact this can have on overall performance
 Take the time to learn how the various components of the virtual
infrastructure work together
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John Paul – johnathan.paul@siemens.com
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