CHEST DRAINAGE PRODUCT TRAINING COURSE Richard Švec, M.D. Training overview • Anatomy, physiology and mechanics of breathing • Pneumothorax, Haemothorax • Principles of underwater seal chest drainage • From the bottle system to CDU • Chest drainage products (features and benefits) Anatomy of the Chest Cavity Trachea Left Lung Right Lung Mediastinum Diaphragm Pericardium Intrapleural space Intrapleural space Intrapleural Space Visceral pleura Chest wall Lung Zoom Parietal pleura Intrapleural space Principles of Respiration The pressure of a given quantity of gas is inversely proportional to its volume. Principles of Respiration Increasing volume causes a decrease in pressure, which causes air to rush in as the pressures reach equilibrium. Principles of Respiration Decreasing volume causes an increase in pressure, which causes air to be expelled as pressures reach equilibrium. The Lungs Passive organ (can not make any movements by itself) Needs to be expanded to work Expansion of the lungs is achieved by: • Negative intrapleural pressure • Lung surface tension Air inlet/outlet into/from lungs is achieved by: • Increase/Decrease of the volume of the chest cavity (Boyle´s law) Mechanics of Respiration Inspiration process Air in Contraction of diaphragm and intercostal muscles Increase of the negative intrapleural presure Expansion of the lungs Air inlet to lungs Mechanics of Respiration Expiration process Air out Relaxation of diaphragm and intercostal muscles Decrease of the negative intrapleural presure Relaxation of the lungs Air outlet from lungs Abnormal Conditions • Violation of the closed system of the thoracic cavity • Loss of the negative intrapleural pressure • Accumulation of air in the intrapleural space • Accumulation of fluid in the intrapleural space ! PARTIAL OR FULL LUNG COLLAPSE DIMINISHED RESPIRATION TREATMENT NEEDED ! Terminology Pneumothorax • accumulation of air in the pleural space Haemothorax • accumulation of blood in the pleural space Haemopneumothorax • accumulation of air and blood in the pleural space Fluidothorax • accumulation of any other fluid (matter) in pleural space Haemomediastinum • accumulation of blood in mediastinum Pneumothorax • External pneumothorax Opening in the chest wall. Air directly enters and leaves the intrapleural space - open communication. Loss of negative intrapleural pressure. 0 • Internal pneumothorax Opening in the lung. Air enters and leaves intrapleural space through lung. Loss of negative intrapleural pressure. 0 •Tension pneumothorax (Valve pneumothorax) Opening in the lung or chest wall. Air enters the intrapleural space but can not leave out. Building of possitive intrapleural presure. (+) !!!!!! Pneumothorax Opening in chest wall Trauma, operation AIR Opening in the chest wall Open communication Loss of the negative intrapleural pressure Collapse of the lungs Tension Pneumothorax Trauma One way (valve) Opening in lung Opening in the lung Loss of the negative intrapleural pressure Collapse of the lungs Risk of building of positive intrapleural presure !! AIR Pneumothorax, Haemothorax Objectives of treatment • Removal of air • Removal of fluid • Re-building of negative intrapleural pressure Lung re-expansion Pneumothorax, Haemothorax Method of treatment UNDERWATER SEAL THORACIC DRAINAGE Underwater Seal Chest drainage To the drainage system •Provides means for air and fluid to escape the chest cavity •Prevents air from reentering the pleural space •Re-establishes intrapleural negative pressure •Re-expands the lungs One bottle system From patient Air out For small pneumothorax use only ! Risk of progressive resistance building by haemothorax. Water seal No control of the situation in the chest cavity. Two bottle system From patient Air out Collection bottle Separation of water seal and collection in 2 bottles elliminates the risk of progressive resistance building. No active suction conection recommended. Limited information about the situation in the chest cavity Water seal Three bottle system Active suction From patient Suction control bottle Collection bottle Water seal Three bottle system • Separated collection, underwater seal and suction control bottle • No risk of progressive resistance building • Exact active suction control • Limited information about the situation inside the chest cavity Four bottle system From patient Active suction Patient assesment bottle Collection Water seal bottle bottle Suction control bottle Four bottle system From patient Active suction Patient assesment bottle Collection Water seal bottle bottle Suction control bottle Four bottle system • Separated collection, underwater seal, suction control and patient assesment bottles • No risk of progressive resistance building • Exact active suction control • Exact information about the situation inside the chest cavity •Complicated to assemble and connect to patient •Problem to transport •Made from vulnerable material •Difficult to monitor IMPROVEMENT NEEDED Bottle systems From bottles to CDUs Patient 3Ch.CDU system Active suction Suction control chamber Collection chamber Underwater seal chamber TYCO Healthcare offers complete line of the chest drainage units THORA SEAL I • Analogy of the one bottle concept • For pneumothorax only • Compact, easy to use • Disposable, break resistant • for gravity drainage only • Self contained floor stand • Ready to use THORA SEAL II •Analogy of the two bottle concept •Separated underwater seal chamber and 2,6 litre collection chamber •Easy to read Hi/Low volume graduations (write on) •Integrated floor stand •Strand hanger •Clear PVC connection tubes with anti kink device THORA SEAL III • Analogy of the 3 bottle concept • Compact, break resistant •Removable/Replacable collection chamber with: - Hi/Low volume graduations - White, write-on background • Unique baffle system prevents fluids from spilling and mixing THORA SEAL III •Automatic possitive pressure relief valve •Build-in hanger, floor stand and tube anti-kink device •Muffler in suction control •Self-sealing Kraton patient tube Aqua Seal • 3 bottle system concept • Compact, break resistant • Easy to install and use • Collection chamber: - Paediatric and adult graduations - White, write on background - Kraton self-sealing patient tube - Croppable connector Aqua Seal • Underwater Seal Chamber: - blue coloured water level - Patient assessment graduations - Syrringe for easy filling in - Automatic possitive pressure releif valve - Manual negative pressure relief valve - Water seal access port Aqua Seal • Suction control chamber: - flow control valve on suction port - Suction control bypass adapter - Wide opening for easy filling in • Other: - Wide 90 degree rot. footstand - Steel hangers - Integrated handle - Setup instructions on unit - Double CSR warp Aqua Seal Aqua Seal Sentinel Seal •Modified four bottle concept •Exclusive „dry“ suction control regulator •Quiet operation •Exclusive patient assesment chamber with blue coloured water level •Automatic possitive pressure releif valve •Filtered manual negative pressure relief valve •Easy to setup and use •Crystal clear, compact Double Seal Four bottle system concept Collection chamber - 3 column chamber - Hi/low graduation for paediatric and adult use - White, write on background - self sealing collection tube Underwater Seal chamber - blue coloured water level - patient and/or system air leak control Double Seal Suction control chamber - Bubbling suction controler - blue coloured water level - automatic possitive pressure relief valve Patient assessment chamber - actual negative pressure readout - continuous monitoring of lung reexpansion process - possitive pressure relief - Automatic negative pressure relief Patient Assessment what is the CDU telling me Tidaling* Bubbling** Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No Large pneumothorax or system leak - lung still not re-expanded Check for changes Lung reexpansion (slide tidaling can be observed). Check the collection tube for kinking Connection or system leak Pinch off the catheter. If the same check all connections. Stiff lung desease or patient after pneumonectomy Thoracic catheters For open chest application (peroperative) •Made from thermosensitive PVC or clear silicone •Sentinel Line and Eye for X-ray possition verification •Smooth finish on tip and eyes •Integral bubble connector for easy connection •Rigid pack container Trocar catheters For closed chest drainage Thoracic catheter intimately seated on aluminium trocar rod Trocar caries the catheter with it as it penetrates the chest wall and enters pleural cavity Colour coded trocars for easy indentifiaction Safety Shield Trocar catheters Argyle ....a safety trocar thoracic catheter which: • Minimizes the risk of inadverent lung puncture • Provides safe, quick access to the pleural space Thoracentesis Exclusive Turkel Safety thoracic punture system Minimal risk of lung punture and pneuomothorax Safety canula - withdraws into the shaft during chest wall penetration Automaticaly extends when entering pleural space Safety color change indicator confirmes the position Thoracentesis Pateneted safety valve allows air and fluid to leave the chest cavity, prevents atmospheric air to enter. Soft and flexible polyurethane radiopaque catheter with 1 cm graduations and multiple side holes