SEPA Session info ERP Banque nationale de Belgique - 15/04/2013 PSD & SEPA Payment Services Directive (PSD) ► Legal framework for payments in the EEA ► Introduced by the EC – transposed into national law ► Purpose: ● ● ● ● raise the level of protection for consumers (right to a refund) guarantee better execution times for payments increase transparency of fees and commission provide a legal framework for SEPA ► Scope: ● new SEPA products ● existing payment schemes, such as DOM80 2 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 PSD & SEPA Single European Payments Area (SEPA) ► Initiative of the European Commission, supported by the ECB and the EPC. ► Applies to the countries of the EEA + Switzerland + Monaco (the SEPA zone) ► Standardisation of payments in EUR ● SEPA Credit Transfer ● SEPA Direct Debit ● SEPA Cards 3 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 SEPA - End date regulation "End Date Regulation” voted by European Parliament & endorsed by EC (Feb 2012) … 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 … Local systems SCT Start SCT SDD Start SDD End Date for domestic tools (Feb 2014) 4 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 SEPA - End date regulation Schemes • End of domestic CT and DD schemes in euro countries as from 01/02/2014 • Mandatory use of ISO XML 20022 format to banks as from 01/02/2014 • IBAN mandatory as from 01/02/2014 Formats • BIC no longer required for domestic transactions as from 01/02/2014 • BIC no longer required for cross-border transactions as from 01/02/2016 Consumer protection 5 / 34 • New protection measures for direct debits consumers (white/black list, limit amount, etc.) as from 01/02/2014 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 SEPA - XML ► FinancialInstituti onIdentification BIC Other Identification XML Tag Occurrence Nom <FinInstnId> [1..1] TAG {Or <BIC> Or} <Othr> <Id> [0..1] [0..1] [1..1] BIC-format TAG Max35Text Ou le BIC, ou Other > Identification doivent être utilisés. Le Bank Identifier Code (BIC) se compose de 8 ou 11 caractères, dont seuls les 8 premiers sont significatifs. Seule la valeur “NOTPROVIDED” est permise pour Other > Identification. 6 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 SEPA - IBAN ► ctory_products/iban_format_registry/ 7 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 SEPA Credit Transfer Graphic 1: Transfers in SEPA format (2008 - February 2012) (% of the total number of bank transfers) 70% 65% 61.59% 62.93% CEC 59.80% 58.03% 60% 55% 50% 44.71% 45% 47.66% 45.09% 38.83% 40% 33.33% 35.57% 35% 29.57% 30.30% 30.58% 34.86% 27.16% 30% 25% 20% 62.63% 52.30% Euro area CSMs 62.97% 20.50% 16.07%13.90% 21.07% 23.71% 16.86% 15% 10% 6.20% 1.91% 5% 0% 1.80% Sources: European Central Bank (ECB) and the Centre for Exchange and Clearing (CEC). 9 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 SCT Migration Project 1. January 2008 : SCT Start – up 2. October 2011 : End of Legacy Paper Acceptance (BE) 3. 2011 – 2012 : Communication campaign Febelfin / NBB 37% to go 4. End Date : 01/02/2014 no domestic payments types can be used 10 10 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 SCT Migration Client Impact ► Clients must use the IBAN ► Clients must provide the BIC ● ● ► Clients must use the ISO20022 payment standards, when initiating payments by file upload ● ► Important change with regards to Domestic Credit Transfer: Beneficiary name is a mandatory field for all SCT payments Reporting: ● ● 11 / 34 Domestic payments: until 01/02/2014 Cross-border payments: until 01/02/2016 Clients should upgrade to CODA v2.3 Clients may request XML reporting as of 01/02/2014 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 SEPA Direct Debit Migration to SDD in Belgium (July 2011 - July 2012) (% of the total number of transactions) 97.56 100 96.70 98.17 97.69 97.34 90 84.71 80.52 80 85.96 87.56 87.08 85.79 83.65 84.04 86.55 81.43 81.18 78.23 72.97 70 76.03 60 50 40 30 26.38 20 18.98 15.32 11.89 10 0 15.66 12.43 13.61 14.72 1.38 1.74 2.10 1.93 23.27 17.85 21.20 18.24 2.65 % SDD CORE 13.30 12.86 0.74 % SDD B2B % national Direct Debit transactions (DOM80) Sources: European Central Bank (ECB) and the Centre for Exchange and Clearing (CEC). 13 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 2009-11 2009-12 2010-01 2010-02 2010-03 2010-04 2010-05 2010-06 2010-07 2010-08 2010-09 2010-10 2010-11 2010-12 2011-01 2011-02 2011-03 2011-04 2011-05 2011-06 2011-07 2011-08 2011-09 2011-10 2011-11 2011-12 2012-01 2012-02 2012-03 2012-04 2012-05 2012-06 2012-07 2012-08 2012-09 2012-10 2012-11 2012-12 2013-01 SDD transactions in Europe (% of the total number of transactions) 18 14 / 34 3 16 2.5 14 12 2 10 1.5 8 6 1 4 2 0.5 0 0 Volume (millions) Share SDD (%) Source: ECB MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Breakdown of the total direct debit mandates on the total number of creditors registered in Belgium (in percentage) 100% 100% 90% 80% % Mandates 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Number of companies 15 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Mandate management - SDD vs DOM80 New!! 1) Mandate Creditor Debtor Mandate management 2) Prenotification (bill) 6) B2B!! 1) Mandate 1b) mandate confirmation Informs New!! 5) Debit 4) 6) Credit Debtor Debtor bank bank Mandate management 16 / 34 Clearing & settlement mechanism 4) collection 3) XML collection file + MRI 6) Creditor bank MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Mandate management - Migration from DOM80 to SDD ► Possible to keep existing mandates on transition from DOM80 to SDD Core ► Existing mandates are kept at the debtor’s bank ► Once the mandate has been migrated, it is impossible to return to DOM80 ► A creditor can use DOM80 and SDD Core alongside each other (but not for the same mandate) ► New mandates are required on transition to SDD B2B 17 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Mandate management - Migration from DOM80 to SDD ► DOM80 data are uploaded by the debtor banks ► ► ► ► 18 / 34 according to a predefined calendar Those data are enlarged with IBAN and BIC Creditor banks can download DOM80 data as often as they wish Once a creditor begins with its migration code M/S: avoid creation of new DOM80 by debtor banks Once a creditor finished its migration form to NBB: removed from the file MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 End date regulation End date = 01/02/2014 Belgian banks did not ask a waiver on the Member State options 19 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Member State Options Article 16.6 Postponement of the Leading IBAN principle for national Transfers and Direct Debits to 01/02/2016 Article 6.4 End dates for national Credit transfers & Direct Debits 01/02/2014 Member states are allowed to opt for an earlier adoption than the stated end dates Article 16.1 Conversion services for national payment transactions BBAN -> IBAN for consumers - Germany, Spain Non-consumers must provide the correct IBAN to the PSP Article 16.5 Format conversion services local format -> XML (batches converted internally by the PSP into XML) - Spain, Italy Articles 16.3/16.4 Niche products market share less then 10 % postponed to 01/02/2016 ELV Direct debits: in the frame of direct debits linked to the use od debit cards 01/02/2016 - Germany, Spain, France 20 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 XML structure File structure 3 LEVELS Group Header Payment Information 1 Transaction Information 1 Transaction Information 2 « Group header » (FILE) « Payment Information » (BATCH) « Transaction Information » (PAYMENT) Payment Information 2 Transaction Information 3 Transaction Information 4 Transaction Information 5 Payment Information 3 Transaction Information 6 21 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 XML structure XML and only XML For each DD batch Same Due Date Same Sequence Type: First Recurrent Final One-off Same Scheme 22 / 34 (D-5) (D-2) (D-2) (D-5) MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Test your files ! ► Tools are available at banks side to test your XML files ► Your files can be analysed ► Errors are explained ► Validation is proposed 23 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Lifecycle of the sequence types 1. SDD Sequence type sent by the Creditor Type of R -trx Before Due Date: Pacs.002 Reject or Request for Cancellation (RFC) Camt.056 Next collection with same mandate based on Rtransaction received After Due Date: Pacs.004 Return/Refund 24 / 34 First Reject/RFC First First Return/Refund Recurrent Recurrent Reject/RFC/Return/Refund Recurrent Last Reject/RFC Last Last Return/Refund Mandate expired. One OFF Reject/RFC One OFF One OFF Return/Refund Mandate expired MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Reporting ► The management of the files/batches and transactions has an impact on the reporting ► Booking at batch level ► If customer has a “global” parameter, he can also ask for details of the batch (request is made to the banks) 25 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 “R’s” transactions 26 / 34 AC01 Account identifier (IBAN incorrect) AC04 Account closed AG01 DD forbidden on this account for regulatory reasons AG02 Transaction code incorrect, invalid file format AM05 Duplication collection BE04 Identifier of the creditor incorrect FF01 Transaction code incorrect, invalid file format MD01 No valid mandate MD02 Mandate data missing or incorrect MD06 Disputed authorised transaction MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 “R’s” transactions 27 / 34 MD07 Debtor deceased MS02 Refusal by the debtor MS03 Reason not specified RC01 Bank identifier (BIC) incorrect RR01 Regulatory reason RR02 Regulatory reason RR03 Regulatory reason SL01 Specific service offered by the debtor bank MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 The Pre-Notification Pre-notification mandatory if amount and/or debit date changes The provider sends to the debtor a preadvice at least 14 days before the due date. Pre-notification The creditor can send the pre-notification separately or can consider the invoice as a pre-notification. The creditor & the debtor can agree about another timing for the pre-notification. Paper, e-mail, sms… 28 / 34 Mandate reference : 123456789 Name of the supplier : Subscription Magazine ABC Amount : 57,23 euros Payment date : every year 15th of January First payment : 15th of January 2009 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 The mandate The mandate reference must be allocated by the creditor and is limited to 35 positions. It is advisable to keep the reference short and simple. This will make it easier for debtors to confirm mandates. 29 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 DOM 80 >< SEPA Direct debits SEPA DD: Reimbursements are not possible In the DOM 80 system, you could as creditor collect the money (credit of your account) but also reimburse your customers for any amount (debit of your account). In the SEPA Direct Debit system, reimbursements are possible via “Reversal” if same amount as for debit and same transaction reference. Otherwise, a Credit transfer will be needed. 30 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Non-target days New Year's Day Good Friday Easter Monday 1 May (Labour Day), Christmas Day and 26 December 31 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 DOM 80 number and SEPA unique reference ► Dom 80 number can be: Unique 3/7/2 positions: most of the banks 3/7/2 is the account number of the debtor: ING, Bank Van Breda, others ? SEPA unique reference provided by the creditor needs to be different of the account number 32 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 DOM 80 number & SEPA unique reference ► 1 contract = 1 mandate reference following the SEPA Rulebooks ► 1 DOM 80 number = 1 unique mandate reference ► Quid if different contracts with the same DOM 80 number ? ► National Bank file has foreseen 6 positions beside the 3/7/2 33 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 DOM 80 number & SEPA unique reference ► Example If 1 DOM 80 number covers different contracts, the 6 positions next to the 3/7/2 can be used 3/7/2 …..1 -> 1 SEPA reference for the contract 1 3/7/2 …..2 -> 1 SEPA reference for the contract 2 3/7/2 …..3 … 34 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Latest status SEPA 1. E-mandates 2. Survey in Q4, 2012 at National level ► Task force at EPC level ► Task force at Febelfin level 1. ► 2. Fixed amount scheme ( or non refund SDD scheme ) ► Code of conduct ? Scope ? ► 3. Core 1 ► Austria, Germany, Spain 35 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Conclusion ► Go for it ! Less than 200 days left ► There is no option, mandatory by law, the creditors need to be migrated for the 1st Feb, 2014 ► A lot of opportunities for your customers ► Banks and the National Bank are ready to support you in providing more information ► Please, put the SEPA module in a current version of the software 36 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Communication Communication: Regulation, considérant 15 ► 38 / 34 "Il est indispensable que tous les acteurs, notamment les citoyens de l'Union, soient informés de façon appropriée et dans un délai raisonnable, de manière à être pleinement préparés aux changements que le SEPA apportera. Par conséquent, les principales parties prenantes, telles que les prestataires de services de paiement, les administrations publiques et les banques centrales nationales, ainsi que les personnes effectuant régulièrement des paiements devraient mener de larges campagnes d'information spécialisées, proportionnelles aux besoins et adaptées à leur public si nécessaire, afin de sensibiliser le public et de préparer les citoyens à la migration vers le SEPA. Il y a lieu notamment de familiariser les citoyens à la migration du code BBAN au code IBAN. Les comités de coordination nationaux sont les mieux placés pour coordonner ces campagnes d'information." MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Communication plan NBB (March 2012 – February 2014) 39 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Communication - Support NBB ► Toolkit ● One pager ● Videos ● PPT Presentations ● Links: ECB, EPC, Febelfin,... ► Other ● Presentations ● Documentation ● Op demand... 40 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Communicatie - Support NBB 41 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013 Useful SEPA links ► SEPA Belgium ( ► Febelfin ( ► NBB ( Payment systems - SEPA ► European Payments Council (EPC) ( ► ISO 20022 standard ( 42 / 34 MOB ERP/IT - 15/04/2013