Statistically Quality Design Topics – – – – – – Four perspectives in quality improvement Review DOE topics and terminologies Implementation plan and procedure for experimental design Full factorial design and Yates’ algorithm Full factorial design example: improving wave solder process at TDY company Concepts and examples for conducting Block and Latin square designs Four Perspectives in Quality Improvement 1. Downstream Perspective: Customer’s Quality – such as: fuel consumption, noise, failure rates, pollution, etc. 2. Midstream Perspective: Manufacturing Quality (spec.+ drawings) – important for production or trading. 3. Upstream: Quality of Design (robustness of objective function) – good for design & development after product planning 4. Origin: Quality of Technology (robustness of technology ) – good for technology development prior to product planning – functionality of generic function – example: Hook’s Law for spring Y M Quality Engineering 提供在產品設計及生產過程中對市場可能會發生故障之預測技術/方法 Characteristics of Technology Development 1. Technology Readiness (先行性): 若產品計畫前作技術開發 則設計完後僅須作適當調整 2. Flexibility (汎用性):針對一系列或下一代產品作品質改善 3. Reproducibility (再現性): R & D Manufacturing Market Statistically Quality Design Topics – – – – – – Four perspectives in quality improvement Review DOE topics and terminologies Implementation plan and procedure for experimental design Full factorial design and Yates’ algorithm Full factorial design example: improving wave solder process at TDY company Concepts and examples for conducting Block and Latin square designs Design of Experiments (Topics) CRD - completely randomized design Full Factorial - all possible combinations of factors and levels Fractional Factorial - assume some interaction will not occur, a factor is assigned Latin Square - each level of each factor appears only once with each level of two other factors Yates’ Notation & Algorithm On-line V.S. Off-line Quality Control Design of Experiments (Topics cont.) System Design – the selection of materials, parts, equipment, and process parameters Parameter Design – study the effect of noise factor in DOE Tolerance Design – the specification of appropriate tolerance, product and process parameters Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N Ratio) – a comparison of the influence of control factors (signal) to that of noise factors Orthogonal Array − a design where correlation between factors is zero Outer Array – in parameter design to identify the combination of noise factors Experimental Design Terminology ANOVA – Analysis of Variance Experimental Unit – largest collection of experiment material Treatment – what is done to the experiment materials Sampling Unit – a part of experimental unit Experimental Design Terminology (cont.) Experimental/ Sampling Errors – a measure of variation Randomization – a system of using random number Replication – number of times a specific combination of factor level is run during an experiment Factor – an input to a process produces an effect. controllable factors vs. noise factors Level – a setting or value of a factor Run – number of trials for each condition of an experiment Experimental Design Terminology (cont.) Quality Characteristic – the response variable (output) Interaction – the combination of two factors generates a result that is different from individual factor. – main effect vs. interaction effect DOF – independent piece of information Resolution – number of letters in the shortest length in defining relation – the lower the number, the more saturated the design is ANOVA (變異數分析) The method of analyzing data collected by CRD / RCBD ANOVA equation Yij Y .. Y i. Y .. Yij Y i. Yij Y .. Y i. Y .. Yij Y i. i => 2 j SST i = 2 j i SStrt + 2 j SSE ANOVA Table source of variation d.f. Between Trt. a -1 Error n–a Total N-1 SS Y MS Y Y Y Y i. Y .. ij i. ij .. 2 2 2 MStrt SStrt a 1 MSE SSE N a F MStrt MSE ANOVA Example: 一個製造紙袋用紙的工廠想改善其紙張強度,若已知紙張強度與紙漿之 濃度有關,今欲調查5種不同之濃度(Hardwood Concentration),5%, 10%,15%,20%及25%,每一濃度取5個觀察值(obs.,tensile strength), 其結果如下表: Obs. 濃度 1 2 3 4 5 Yi. 5% 7 7 15 11 9 49 9.8 10% 12 17 12 18 18 77 15.4 15% 14 18 18 19 19 88 17.6 20% 19 25 22 19 23 108 21.6 25% 7 10 11 15 11 54 10.8 Y.. 376 Y i. ANOVA (cont.) Yij i ij i ij ij ~ N (0, 2 ) H 0 : 1 2 3 4 5 (i.e. 1 2 3 4 5 0) H 0 : 至少有一 i 0 SStrt Y i. Y .. 475.56 2 SSE Yij Y i. 161.20 2 SSTO Yij Y .. 636.96 2 source of variation d.f. SS MS F Between Trt. 5 -1 475.56 118.89 14.75062 Error 25 – 5 161.20 8.06 Total 25 - 1 636.96 Fixed Effect vs. Random Effect Fixed Effect – 一個工廠有三部機器,觀察三者間有無顯著差異(chosen in a nonrandom manner/ a small hand-selected factor level) Radom Effect – 某工廠有30部同類型機器,由其中隨機取出三台,由此三台機器 觀察工廠內30台機器之管理狀態(study the source of variability/ the variation associated with a factor) Fixed Effect Radom Effect Effect A F0 MS A MSE F0 MS A MS AB Effect B F0 MS B MSE F0 MS B MS AB Effect AB F0 MS AB MSE F0 MS AB MSE Statistically Quality Design Topics – – – – – – Four perspectives in quality improvement Review DOE topics and terminologies Implementation plan and procedure for experimental design Full factorial design and Yates’ algorithm Full factorial design example: improving wave solder process at TDY company Concepts and examples for conducting Block and Latin square designs Implementation Plan and Procedure for Experimental Design Basically, a twelve-steps (procedure) approach for conducting any experimental design can be divided into the following three stages: Stage 1 (準備及設計選擇階段) 1. Define the problems and state the objective of the experiment 2. Select quality characteristic (response) and input variables (factors) 3. Determine the desired number of runs and replications 4. Consider the randomization of runs during the selection of the best design type Stage 2 (實驗及分析資料階段) 1. Conduct the experiment and record the data 2. Analyze the data using analyze of mean, analysis of variance 3. Use Yates’ algorithm and normal probability plot to determine the significant main and interaction effects Stage 3 (建立預估模式及確認評估階段) 1. Develop a fitted model using regression analysis 2. Draw conclusion and make prediction 3. Perform confirmatory tests 4. Assess results and make decision Steps for Experimental Design 1. Statement of the problem:_________________________________ (During this step you should estimate your current level of quality by way of Cpk, dpm, or total loss. This estimate will be compared with improvements found after Step 7.) 2. Objective of the experiment:_______________________________ 3. Star Date:_____________ ; End Date:_____________ 4. Select quality characteristics (also known as responses, dependent variables, or output variables). These characteristics should be related to customer needs and expectations. Response 1 2 3 Type Anticipated Range How will you measure the response? Steps for Experimental Design (cont.) 5. Select factors (also know as parameters or input variables) which are anticipated to have an effect on response. Factor Type Controllable or Noise Range of Interest Levels Anticipated Interactions With How Measured 1 2 3 6. Determine the number of resources to be used in the experiment (Consider the desired number, the cost per resource, time per experimental trial, and maximum allowable number of resources.) 7. Which design types and analysis strategies are appropriate? (Discuss advantage and disadvantages of each.) Steps for Experimental Design (cont.) 8. Select the best design type and analysis strategy to suit your needs 9. Can all the runs be randomized?__________________________ Which factors are most difficult to randomize?________________ 10. Conduct the experiment and record the data (Monitor both of these events for accuracy) 11. Analyze the data, draw conclusions, mark predictions, and do confirmatory tests 12. Assess results and make decisions (Evaluate your new state of quality and compare with the quality level prior to the improvement effort. If necessary, conduct more experimentation.) Statistically Quality Design Topics – – – – – – Four perspectives in quality improvement Review DOE topics and terminologies Implementation plan and procedure for experimental design Full factorial design and Yates’ algorithm Full factorial design example: improving wave solder process at TDY company Concepts and examples for conducting Block and Latin square designs Full Factorial Experimental Design Principles: Random Number Table There are 400 digits in this random number table, 3 appears 41 times. 3 Factors, 2 Levels Four dimensional visibility with 2 8 test combinations in a full factorial matrix 3 Label The Cells 8 Test Combinations 23 A- A+ B- (1) a B+ b ab B- c ac bc abc C- C+ B+ Yates’ Notation 2 8 3 Cell A (1) a + b ab + c ac + bc abc + B + + + + Test Combinations AB + + + + C + + + + AC + + + + BC + + + + ABC + + + + Yates’ Notation 2 16 Test Combinations 4 Yates’ Work Session Y = yield strength , PSI A, B and C are concentrations of 3 separate elements A- A+ B- 58 56 36 39 B+ 51 53 34 32 B- 53 48 54 59 B+ 49 49 55 61 C- C+ Determine the size of each contrast using Yates’ algorithm What combination of elements will give the highest yield strength? The Yates’ Algorithm two variables; A, B number of variables, n = 2 number of columns, n = 2 For top ½ of each column: 1st 2nd Yates’ Work Session Yates’ Worksheet, 3 Variables Cell y y (1) a b ab c ac bc abc TOTAL Y 1 2 3 4 RANK Analysis of Variance for a A×B Factorial Experiment ANOVA of factorial experiment: The total sum of squares can be partitioned into : Total SS = SS(A) + SS(B) + SS(AB) + SSE ANOVA Table For AXB Factorial Experiment Source d.f. SS MS Factor A Factor B Interaction AB Error (a-1) (b-1) (a-1)(b-1) (n-ab) SS(A) SS(B) SS(AB) SSE SS(A)/(a-1) SS(B)/(b-1) SS(AB)/((a-1)(b-1) SSE/(n-ab) Total (n-1) Total SS n = rab r = number of times each factorial treatment combination appears in the experiment A×B Factorial Experiment (Cont.) A2 SS ( A) CF rb B2 SS ( B) CF ra ( AB) 2 SS ( AB) CF SS ( A) SS ( B) r SSE TOTAL SS SSA SSB SS ( AB) Test each null hypothesis: MS ( A) MS ( B) MS ( AB) F and F and F MSE MSE MSE Example: A × B Factorial Experiment The evaluation of a flame retardant was conducted at two different laboratories on three different materials with the following results Materials Laboratory 1 2 3 1 4.1 , 3.9 4.3 2.7 , 3.1 2.6 3.1 , 2.8 3.3 1.9 , 2.2 2.3 3.5 , 3.2 3.6 2.7 , 2.3 2.5 2 Example: A×B Factorial Experiment (Cont.) Total For Calculating Sums of Squares Material (B) Laboratory 1 2 3 Total (A) 1 2 12.3 8.4 9.2 6.4 10.3 7.5 31.8 22.3 Total (B) 20.7 15.6 17.8 54.1 There are n = rab = (3)(2)(3) =18 observation (54.1) 2 CF 162.6006 18 Total SS ( 4.12 3.9 2 ... 2.5 2 ) CF 170.53 162.6006 7.9294 (31.8 2 22.32 ) CF SS(A) 9 167.6144 162.6006 5.0139 ( 20.7 2 15.6 2 17.8 2 ) CF SS(B) 6 164.7817 162.6006 2.1811 (12.32 9.2 2 ... 7.5 2 ) SS(AB) CF SS ( A) SS ( B ) 3 169.93 162.6006 5.0139 2.1311 .1344 SSE TOTAL SS SS ( A) SS ( B ) SS ( AB) 7.9294 5.0139 2.1811 .1344 .6000 Example: A×B Factorial Experiment (Cont.) ANOVA Table Source d.f. SS MS F Laboratory (A) Material (B) Interaction (AB) Error 1 2 2 12 5.0139 2.1811 .1344 .6000 5.0139 1.0906 0.672 0.0500 100.28 21.81 1.34 Total 17 7.9294 Testing hypothesis to confirm interaction exists or not MS ( AB) 0.0672 F 1.34 MSE 0.05 Since F0.05 2 ,12 3.89, the interaction is not significant The null hypothesis is not rejected No differences among interaction MS ( B) 1.0906 F 21.81 MSE 0.0500 Since F0.05 2 ,12 3.89, the null hypothesis is rejected. The laboratory and material are important. Main Effect Larger Than Interaction Interaction Larger Than Main Effect Two-way ANOVA Open the two_way.mtw worksheet Stat ANOVA Two-way Analysis of Variance response Materials Materials Enter OK ANOVA Table P-value < 0.05 1. The materials and laboratory are significant (important). 2. The interaction is not significant. Main Effects Plot Stat ANOVA Main Effects Plot Main Effects Plot for response Data Means Materials Laboratory 3.50 Mean 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 1 2 3 1 2 Interactions Plots Stat ANOVA Interactions Plot Interaction Plot for response Data Means Materials 1 2 3 4.0 Mean 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1 2 Laboratory Statistically Quality Design Topics – – – – – – Four perspectives in quality improvement Review DOE topics and terminologies Implementation plan and procedure for experimental design Full factorial design and Yates’ algorithm Full factorial design example: improving wave solder process at TDY company Concepts and examples for conducting Block and Latin square designs Full Factorial Experiment Example: Improving Wave Solder Process at Teledyne • Objective : – To determine the effect of flux type and lead length on the DFDAU wave soldering (WS) defects • Planted steps for statistically designed experiment (1) Select output variables, 2 factors, 2 levels and 8 Runs (2) Randomize the sequence of runs and labels 8 DFDAU boards (3) Select two touchup operators to check the WS defects consistency (4) Iso-plot the major WS defects for top/rear sides to compare one operator against another (5) Analyze the data using ANOVA table with interactions or using Yates' algorithm (6) Plot/interpret the results and draw the conclusions Wave Soldering Process Flow Chart Statistically Designed Experiment Run No. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Flux Type New(OA) Old(RMA) Old(RMA) New(OA) Old(RMA) New(OA) New(OA) Old(RMA) Lead Length Label Trimmed Leads ab Std. Lead Length (1) Std. Lead Length (1) Std. Lead Length b Trimmed Leads a Trimmed Leads ab Std. Lead Length b Trimmed Leads a New Flux = Alpha # 857 Old Flux = RMA Std. Lead Length (IC connect. point not trimmed; IC接點處之引線未被切平) Trimmed Leads ( about .045”) Yates’ Algorithm 2 4 2 Notations ANOVA Table 22 = 4 Combinations Std. Leads A- Trimmed Leads A+ Cell (1) Contrasts A B AB + Old Flux B- (1) a a + - - New B+ Flux b ab b - + - ab + + + Operator #1 Std. Leads Trimmed Leads 12 10.5 Old Flux New Flux 9 7.5 9 6 7 8 8 9 Avg. Operator Std. Leads 7 6 10.5 Old Flux Operator #2 11 9 9.5 Old Flux 7 8 5 7 7 7 New Flux 7 4.5 2 Trm. Leads 7.5 10 7.25 9.5 7 8 7 7.5 New Flux 7 5.75 4.5 ANOVA Analysis For Two Factorial Experiment Two way ANOVA for flux type and lead length Interaction Plot for Flux Type and Lead Length Interaction Plot for response_aver Data Means Flux Type_aver new old 10 Mean 9 8 7 6 Std Trimmed Lead Length_aver 2 Factor Full Factorial Experiment Summary and Conclusions Summary of Findings: • ISPLOT reveals that 2 operators were fairly consistent in calling out VIA defects Conclusions: • The ANOVA/Yates’s Analysis indicates lead length to be the most significant factor • VIA defects consist of 77 % • Interaction between flux and lead length proven to be the least significant factor vs. 93 % of total defects, 1 vs. 2 • Only the rear VIA defects are considered for output measures • Defect level : 2941 ppm (Trimmed leads) • Defect level : 3959 ppm (Std. lead length) • 26 % improvement can be expected if using the “ Trimmed Leads“ • 23 % improvement can be expected if using the “ OA “ Flux • Optimal range for the board temperature needs to be further studied Statistically Quality Design Topics – – – – – – Four perspectives in quality improvement Review DOE topics and terminologies Implementation plan and procedure for experimental design Full factorial design and Yates’ algorithm Full factorial design example: improving wave solder process at TDY company Concepts and examples for conducting Block and Latin square designs Latin Square (拉丁方格 ) Operators Processes 1 2 3 Model I II III A B C B C A C A B Yijk i j k ijk i, j, k 1..., r Operators Processes Material Source I, II, III 1, 2, 3 A, B, C Greco-Latin Square I II III 1 A B C 2 B C A 3 C A B Operators Processes Material # 1 Source Material # 2 Source I, II, III 1, 2, 3 A, B, C , , Latin Square Design By using a Latin square design, three sources of variation, A, B and C, can be investigated simultaneously, providing there is no interaction between the three factors and also that each of them has the same number of levels r. For example, suppose each factor has four levels denoted by A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 and C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 . If factor A is associated with the rows of the table and B with the columns of the table then each levels of factor C must appear once in each row and once in each column. In order to achieve this a systematic cyclic pattern, it can be set down for the C’s as shown in the table. To randomize the design, the allocation of the A’s and B’s to the rows and columns is then carried out at random. Ai Bj A2 A4 A3 A1 B4 B2 B1 B3 C1 C4 C2 C1 C3 C2 C4 C3 C3 C4 C1 C2 C2 C3 C4 C1 Latin Square Models Latin Square Model: Yijk i j k ijk i, j, k 1..., r The α’s, β’s, γ’s and ε’s are mutually independent. Analysis of variance for a Latin Square design The total sum of squares is divided into four component parts, one for each source of variation and one for the residual. 2 Y ... yijk , N r2, C.F . Y ... N SST y 2 ijk C.F . 1 SSA Y 2 i .. C.F . r 1 SSB Y 2 .J . C.F . r 1 SSC Y 2 ..k C.F . r SSE SST SSA SSB SSC Here Yi… is the sum of over the r observations in which factor A is at level i, with similar interpretation for Y.j. and Y..k and Y… is the sum of all the r2 observations. The analysis and test statistics are summarized in the following ANOVA table. ANOVA Table for Latin Square Source d.f S.S M.S Factor A r-1 SSA 2 ˆ 2 ˆ 2 2 ˆ12 Factor B r-1 SSB 2 ˆ 3 ˆ 32 ˆ12 Factor C r-1 SSC ˆ 4 2 ˆ 4 2 ˆ12 r2 - 3r + 2 SSE ˆ12 r2 - 1 SST Residual Total F Example The following 4 X 4 Latin Square in which the effects of three factors, farm, type of fertilizer applied, and method of application (C1, C2, C3 or C4) on the yield crop are being investigated. Fertilizer B1 B2 Farm A1 A2 A3 A4 B3 B4 33C4 33C3 33C1 35C2 38C2 33C1 37C3 32C4 33C1 36C2 35C4 32C3 32C3 32C4 37C2 29C1 To ease the calculations, the data can be coded by subtracting 33 from each observation. Then the row and column totals and the totals for each method of application are calculated. (扣除33, 不致影響ANOVA分析) Farm Total Method Total 1 2 3 4 1 2 0C4 5C2 0C1 0C3 0C1 3C2 1C3 4 Fertilizer 3 4 0C1 4C3 2C4 2C2 1C4 1C3 1C4 4C2 4C1 2 10 -4 C1 C2 C4 -4 14 C3 2 10 Total 2 8 4 -2 12 12 Y ... 12 C.F . 12 N r 2 16 2 9.0 16 SST 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 ...(4) 2 C.F . 94 9 85 2 2 2 2 [ 2 8 4 ( 2 ) ] SSA C.F . 22 9 13 4 2 2 2 2 SSB [4 2 10 (4) ] C.F . 34 9 25 4 2 2 2 2 [( 4 ) 14 2 0 ] C.F . 54 9 45 SSC 4 SSE SST SSA SSB SSC 2 The calculations necessary for testing the significant of the three factors are summarized in the following ANOVA table. Source Farm Fertilizer Method Residual Total d.f 3 3 3 6 15 S.S 13 25 45 2 85 M.S 4.33 8.33 15.00 0.333 F 13.0 25.0 45.0 Since the critical value are F0.99(3, 6) = 9.78 and F0.999(3, 6) = 23.70, the farm effect is significant at 1 % level. The type of fertilizer used and the method of application are both significant at the 0.1 % level. Latin Square Models Open the Latin Square.mtw worksheet Stat ANOVA General Linear Model P-value < 0.05 The farm effect, the type of fertilizer used and the method of application are significant at α= 0.05