CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and Policy MACROECONOMICS Introduction In the Solow model of Chapter 7, the production technology is held constant. income per capita is constant in the steady state. Neither point is true in the real world: 1904-2004: U.S. real GDP per person grew by a factor of 7.6, or 2% per year. examples of technological progress abound (see next slide). CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 1 Technological progress in the Solow model A new variable: E = labor efficiency Assume: Technological progress is labor-augmenting: it increases labor efficiency at the exogenous rate g: g CHAPTER 8 E Economic Growth II E slide 2 Technological progress in the Solow model We now write the production function as: Y F (K , L E ) where L E = the number of effective workers. Increases in labor efficiency have the same effect on output as increases in the labor force. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 3 Technological progress in the Solow model Notation: y = Y/LE = output per effective worker k = K/LE = capital per effective worker Production function per effective worker: y = f(k) Saving and investment per effective worker: s y = s f(k) CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 4 Technological progress in the Solow model ( + n + g)k = break-even investment: the amount of investment necessary to keep k constant. Consists of: k to replace depreciating capital n k to provide capital for new workers g k to provide capital for the new “effective” workers created by technological progress CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 5 Technological progress in the Solow model Investment, break-even investment k = s f(k) ( +n +g)k ( +n +g ) k sf(k) k* CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II Capital per worker, k slide 6 Steady-state growth rates in the Solow model with tech. progress Variable Symbol Steady-state growth rate Capital per effective worker k = K/(LE ) 0 Output per effective worker y = Y/(LE ) 0 Output per worker (Y/ L) = yE g Total output Y = yEL n+g CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 7 The Golden Rule To find the Golden Rule capital stock, express c* in terms of k*: In the Golden * * * c = y i Rule steady state, the marginal = f (k* ) ( + n + g) k* product of capital * c is maximized when net of depreciation MPK = + n + g equals the pop. growth rate or equivalently, plus the rate of MPK = n + g tech progress. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 8 Growth empirics: Balanced growth Solow model’s steady state exhibits balanced growth - many variables grow at the same rate. Solow model predicts Y/L and K/L grow at the same rate (g), so K/Y should be constant. This is true in the real world. Solow model predicts real wage grows at same rate as Y/L, while real rental price is constant. This is also true in the real world. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 9 Growth empirics: Convergence Solow model predicts that, other things equal, “poor” countries (with lower Y/L and K/L) should grow faster than “rich” ones. If true, then the income gap between rich & poor countries would shrink over time, causing living standards to “converge.” In real world, many poor countries do NOT grow faster than rich ones. Does this mean the Solow model fails? CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 10 Growth Empirics: Convergence Solow model predicts that, other things equal, “poor” countries (with lower Y/L and K/L) should grow faster than “rich” ones. No, because “other things” aren’t equal. In samples of countries with similar savings & pop. growth rates, income gaps shrink about 2% per year. In larger samples, after controlling for differences in saving, pop. growth, and human capital, incomes converge by about 2% per year. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 11 Growth empirics: Convergence What the Solow model really predicts is conditional convergence - countries converge to their own steady states, which are determined by saving, population growth, and education. This prediction comes true in the real world. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 12 Growth empirics: Factor accumulation vs. production efficiency Differences in income per capita among countries can be due to differences in 1. capital – physical or human – per worker 2. the efficiency of production (the height of the production function) Studies: both factors are important. the two factors are correlated: countries with higher physical or human capital per worker also tend to have higher production efficiency. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 13 Growth empirics: Factor accumulation vs. production efficiency Possible explanations for the correlation between capital per worker and production efficiency: Production efficiency encourages capital accumulation. Capital accumulation has externalities that raise efficiency. A third, unknown variable causes capital accumulation and efficiency to be higher in some countries than others. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 14 Policy issues: Evaluating the rate of saving To estimate (MPK ), use three facts about the U.S. economy: 1. k = 2.5 y The capital stock is about 2.5 times one year’s GDP. 2. k = 0.1 y About 10% of GDP is used to replace depreciating capital. 3. MPK k = 0.3 y Capital income is about 30% of GDP. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 15 Policy issues: Evaluating the rate of saving 1. k = 2.5 y 2. k = 0.1 y 3. MPK k = 0.3 y To determine , divide 2 by 1: k 0.1y k 2.5 y CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II 0.1 0.04 2.5 slide 16 Policy issues: Evaluating the rate of saving 1. k = 2.5 y 2. k = 0.1 y 3. MPK k = 0.3 y To determine MPK, divide 3 by 1: MPK k k 0.3 y 2.5 y 0.3 MPK 0.12 2.5 Hence, MPK = 0.12 0.04 = 0.08 CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 17 Policy issues: Evaluating the rate of saving From the last slide: MPK = 0.08 U.S. real GDP grows an average of 3% per year, so n + g = 0.03 Thus, MPK = 0.08 > 0.03 = n + g Conclusion: The U.S. is below the Golden Rule steady state: Increasing the U.S. saving rate would increase consumption per capita in the long run. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 18 Policy issues: How to increase the saving rate Reduce the government budget deficit (or increase the budget surplus). Increase incentives for private saving: reduce capital gains tax, corporate income tax, estate tax as they discourage saving. replace federal income tax with a consumption tax. expand tax incentives for IRAs (individual retirement accounts) and other retirement savings accounts. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 19 Policy issues: Allocating the economy’s investment In the Solow model, there’s one type of capital. In the real world, there are many types, which we can divide into three categories: private capital stock public infrastructure human capital: the knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education. How should we allocate investment among these types? CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 20 Policy issues: Allocating the economy’s investment Two viewpoints: 1. Equalize tax treatment of all types of capital in all industries, then let the market allocate investment to the type with the highest marginal product. 2. Industrial policy: Govt should actively encourage investment in capital of certain types or in certain industries, because they may have positive externalities that private investors don’t consider. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 21 Policy issues: Establishing the right institutions Creating the right institutions is important for ensuring that resources are allocated to their best use. Examples: Legal institutions, to protect property rights. Capital markets, to help financial capital flow to the best investment projects. A corruption-free government, to promote competition, enforce contracts, etc. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 22 CASE STUDY: The productivity slowdown Growth in output per person (percent per year) 1948-72 1972-95 Canada 2.9 1.8 France 4.3 1.6 Germany 5.7 2.0 Italy 4.9 2.3 Japan 8.2 2.6 U.K. 2.4 1.8 U.S. 2.2 1.5 CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 23 CASE STUDY: I.T. and the “New Economy” Growth in output per person (percent per year) 1948-72 1972-95 1995-2004 Canada 2.9 1.8 2.4 France 4.3 1.6 1.7 Germany 5.7 2.0 1.2 Italy 4.9 2.3 1.5 Japan 8.2 2.6 1.2 U.K. 2.4 1.8 2.5 U.S. 2.2 1.5 2.2 CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 24 CASE STUDY: I.T. and the “New Economy” Apparently, the computer revolution did not affect aggregate productivity until the mid-1990s. Two reasons: 1. Computer industry’s share of GDP much bigger in late 1990s than earlier. 2. Takes time for firms to determine how to utilize new technology most effectively. The big, open question: How long will I.T. remain an engine of growth? CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 25 Endogenous growth theory Solow model: sustained growth in living standards is due to tech progress. the rate of tech progress is exogenous. Endogenous growth theory: a set of models in which the growth rate of productivity and living standards is endogenous. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 26 A basic model Production function: Y = A K where A is the amount of output for each unit of capital (A is exogenous & constant) Key difference between this model & Solow: MPK is constant here, diminishes in Solow Investment: s Y Depreciation: K Equation of motion for total capital: K = s Y K CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 27 A basic model K = s Y K Divide through by K and use Y = A K to get: Y K sA Y K If s A > , then income will grow forever, and investment is the “engine of growth.” Here, the permanent growth rate depends on s. In Solow model, it does not. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 28 Does capital have diminishing returns or not? Depends on definition of “capital.” If “capital” is narrowly defined (only plant & equipment), then yes. Advocates of endogenous growth theory argue that knowledge is a type of capital. If so, then constant returns to capital is more plausible, and this model may be a good description of economic growth. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 29 A two-sector model Two sectors: manufacturing firms produce goods. research universities produce knowledge that increases labor efficiency in manufacturing. u = fraction of labor in research (u is exogenous) Mfg prod func: Y = F [K, (1-u )E L] Res prod func: E = g (u )E Cap accumulation: K = s Y K CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 30 A two-sector model In the steady state, mfg output per worker and the standard of living grow at rate E/E = g (u ). Key variables: s: affects the level of income, but not its growth rate (same as in Solow model) u: affects level and growth rate of income Question: Would an increase in u be unambiguously good for the economy? CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 31 Facts about R&D 1. Much research is done by firms seeking profits. 2. Firms profit from research: Patents create a stream of monopoly profits. Extra profit from being first on the market with a new product. 3. Innovation produces externalities that reduce the cost of subsequent innovation. Much of the new endogenous growth theory attempts to incorporate these facts into models to better understand technological progress. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 32 Chapter Summary 1. Key results from Solow model with tech progress steady state growth rate of income per person depends solely on the exogenous rate of tech progress the U.S. has much less capital than the Golden Rule steady state 2. Ways to increase the saving rate increase public saving (reduce budget deficit) tax incentives for private saving CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 33 Chapter Summary 3. Productivity slowdown & “new economy” Early 1970s: productivity growth fell in the U.S. and other countries. Mid 1990s: productivity growth increased, probably because of advances in I.T. 4. Empirical studies Solow model explains balanced growth, conditional convergence Cross-country variation in living standards is due to differences in cap. accumulation and in production efficiency CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 34 Chapter Summary 5. Endogenous growth theory: Models that examine the determinants of the rate of tech. progress, which Solow takes as given. explain decisions that determine the creation of knowledge through R&D. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 35 CHAPTER 9 Introduction to Economic Fluctuations MACROECONOMICS In this chapter, you will learn… facts about the business cycle how the short run differs from the long run an introduction to aggregate demand an introduction to aggregate supply in the short run and long run how the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply can be used to analyze the short-run and long-run effects of “shocks.” CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 37 Facts about the business cycle GDP growth averages 3–3.5 percent per year over the long run with large fluctuations in the short run. Consumption and investment fluctuate with GDP, but consumption tends to be less volatile and investment more volatile than GDP. Unemployment rises during recessions and falls during expansions. Okun’s Law: the negative relationship between GDP and unemployment. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 38 Growth rates of real GDP, consumption Percent 10 change from 4 8 quarters earlier 6 Real GDP growth rate Consumption growth rate Average 4 growth rate 2 0 -2 -4 1975 Growth 1980 1985 CHAPTER1970 8 Economic II 1990 1995 2000 2005 slide 39 Growth rates of real GDP, consumption, investment Percent 40 change from 4 30 quarters earlier 20 10 Investment growth rate Real GDP growth rate 0 Consumption growth rate -10 -20 -30 1975 Growth 1980 1985 CHAPTER1970 8 Economic II 1990 1995 2000 2005 slide 40 Unemployment Percent 12 of labor force 10 8 6 4 2 0 1975 Growth 1980 1985 CHAPTER1970 8 Economic II 1990 1995 2000 2005 slide 41 Okun’s Law Percentage 10 change in real GDP 8 1951 Y 3.5 2 u Y 1966 1984 6 2003 4 1987 2 0 1975 2001 -2 1991 1982 -4 -3 CHAPTER 8 -2 -1 Economic Growth II 0 1 2 3 4 Change in unemploymentslide rate42 Index of Leading Economic Indicators Published monthly by the Conference Board. Aims to forecast changes in economic activity 6-9 months into the future. Used in planning by businesses and govt, despite not being a perfect predictor. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 43 Components of the LEI index Average workweek in manufacturing Initial weekly claims for unemployment insurance New orders for consumer goods and materials New orders, nondefense capital goods Vendor performance New building permits issued Index of stock prices M2 Yield spread (10-year minus 3-month) on Treasuries Index of consumer expectations CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 44 Index of Leading Economic Indicators 160 1996 = 100 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Source: 1970 1975 Conference CHAPTER 8 Economic Board 1980 1985 Growth II 1990 1995 2000 2005 slide 45 Time horizons in macroeconomics Long run: Prices are flexible, respond to changes in supply or demand. Short run: Many prices are “sticky” at some predetermined level. The economy behaves much differently when prices are sticky. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 46 Recap of classical macro theory (Chaps. 3-8) Output is determined by the supply side: supplies of capital, labor technology. Changes in demand for goods & services (C, I, G ) only affect prices, not quantities. Assumes complete price flexibility. Applies to the long run. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 47 When prices are sticky… …output and employment also depend on demand, which is affected by fiscal policy (G and T ) monetary policy (M ) other factors, like exogenous changes in C or I. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 48 The Quantity Equation as Aggregate Demand From Chapter 4, recall the quantity equation MV = PY For given values of M and V, this equation implies an inverse relationship between P and Y : CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 49 The downward-sloping AD curve An increase in the price level causes a fall in real money balances (M/P ), P (v is constant) AD Y CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 50 Shifting the AD curve P An increase in the money supply shifts the AD curve to the right. (since MV=PY, and increase in M, increase PY) Every value of P has associated higher Y. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II AD2 AD1 Y slide 51 Aggregate supply in the long run Recall from Chapter 3: In the long run, output is determined by factor supplies and technology Y F (K , L ) Y is the full-employment or natural level of output, the level of output at which the economy’s resources are fully employed. “Full employment” means that unemployment equals its natural rate (not zero). CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 52 The long-run aggregate supply curve P LRAS Y does not depend on P, so LRAS is vertical. Y F (K , L ) CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II Y slide 53 Long-run effects of an increase in M P In the long run, this raises the price level… LRAS An increase in M shifts AD to the right. P2 P1 AD2 AD1 …but leaves output the same. (money neutrality) CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II Y Y slide 54 Aggregate supply in the short run Many prices are sticky in the short run. For now (and through Chap. 12), we assume all prices are stuck at a predetermined level in the short run. firms are willing to sell as much at that price level as their customers are willing to buy. Therefore, the short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) curve is horizontal: CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 55 EXTREME SHORT RUN: The short-run aggregate supply curve P The SRAS curve is horizontal: The price level is fixed at a predetermined level, and firms sell as much as buyers demand. CHAPTER 8 P Economic Growth II SRAS Y slide 56 Short-run effects of an increase in M In the short run when prices are sticky,… P …an increase in aggregate demand… SRAS AD2 AD1 P …causes output to rise. What about Unemployment? CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II Y1 Y2 Y slide 57 From the short run to the long run Over time, prices gradually become “unstuck.” When they do, will they rise or fall? In the short-run equilibrium, if then over time, P will… Y Y Y Y rise Y Y remain constant fall The adjustment of prices is what moves the economy to its long-run equilibrium. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 58 The SR & LR effects of M > 0 A = initial equilibrium B = new shortrun eq’m after Fed increases M P C P2 P C = long-run equilibrium CHAPTER 8 LRAS Economic Growth II B A Y Y2 SRAS AD2 AD1 Y slide 59 How shocking!!! shocks: exogenous changes in agg. supply or demand Shocks temporarily push the economy away from full employment. Example: exogenous decrease in velocity If the money supply is held constant, a decrease in V means people will be using their money in fewer transactions, causing a decrease in demand for goods and services. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 60 The effects of a negative demand shock AD shifts left, depressing output and employment in the short run. Over time, prices fall and the economy moves down its demand curve toward fullemployment. CHAPTER 8 P P LRAS B P2 Economic Growth II A SRAS C AD1 AD2 Y2 Y Y slide 61 Supply shocks A supply shock alters production costs, affects the prices that firms charge. (also called price shocks) Examples of adverse supply shocks: Bad weather reduces crop yields, pushing up food prices. Workers unionize, negotiate wage increases. New environmental regulations require firms to reduce emissions. Firms charge higher prices to help cover the costs of compliance. Favorable supply shocks lower costs and prices. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 62 CASE STUDY: The 1970s oil shocks Early 1970s: OPEC coordinates a reduction in the supply of oil. Oil prices rose 11% in 1973 68% in 1974 16% in 1975 Such sharp oil price increases are supply shocks because they significantly impact production costs and prices. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 63 CASE STUDY: The 1970s oil shocks The oil price shock shifts SRAS up, causing output and employment to fall. In absence of further price shocks, prices will fall over time and economy moves back toward full employment. CHAPTER 8 P P2 LRAS B SRAS2 A P1 Economic Growth II SRAS1 AD Y2 Y Y slide 64 Stabilization policy def: policy actions aimed at reducing the severity of short-run economic fluctuations. Example: Using monetary policy to combat the effects of adverse supply shocks: CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 65 Stabilizing output with monetary policy P The adverse supply shock moves the economy to point B. P2 LRAS B A P1 Economic Growth II SRAS1 AD1 Y2 CHAPTER 8 SRAS2 Y Y slide 66 Stabilizing output with monetary policy But the Fed accommodates the shock by raising agg. demand. results: P is permanently higher, but Y remains at its fullemployment level. CHAPTER 8 P P2 LRAS B C A P1 Economic Growth II SRAS2 AD1 Y2 Y AD2 Y slide 67 Chapter Summary 1. Long run: prices are flexible, output and employment are always at their natural rates, and the classical theory applies. Short run: prices are sticky, shocks can push output and employment away from their natural rates. 2. Aggregate demand and supply: a framework to analyze economic fluctuations CHAPTER 9 8 Economic Growth Introduction to Economic II Fluctuations slide 68 Chapter Summary 3. The aggregate demand curve slopes downward. 4. The long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical, because output depends on technology and factor supplies, but not prices. 5. The short-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal, because prices are sticky at predetermined levels. CHAPTER 9 8 Economic Growth Introduction to Economic II Fluctuations slide 69 Chapter Summary 6. Shocks to aggregate demand and supply cause fluctuations in GDP and employment in the short run. 7. The Fed can attempt to stabilize the economy with monetary policy. CHAPTER 9 8 Economic Growth Introduction to Economic II Fluctuations slide 70 CHAPTER 10 Aggregate Demand I: Building the IS -LM Model MACROECONOMICS In this chapter, you will learn… the IS curve, and its relation to the Keynesian cross the loanable funds model the LM curve, and its relation to the theory of liquidity preference how the IS-LM model determines income and the interest rate in the short run when P is fixed CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 72 Context Chapter 9 introduced the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Long run prices flexible output determined by factors of production & technology unemployment equals its natural rate Short run prices fixed output determined by aggregate demand unemployment negatively related to output CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 73 Context This chapter develops the IS-LM model, the basis of the aggregate demand curve. We focus on the short run and assume the price level is fixed (so, SRAS curve is horizontal). This chapter (and chapter 11) focus on the closed-economy case. Chapter 12 presents the open-economy case. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 74 The Keynesian Cross A simple closed economy model in which income is determined by expenditure. (due to J.M. Keynes) Notation: I = planned investment E = C + I + G = planned expenditure Y = real GDP = actual expenditure Difference between actual & planned expenditure = unplanned inventory investment CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 75 Elements of the Keynesian Cross consumption function: C C (Y T ) govt policy variables: G G , T T for now, planned investment is exogenous: planned expenditure: I I E C (Y T ) I G equilibrium condition: actual expenditure = planned expenditure Y E CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 76 Graphing planned expenditure E planned expenditure E =C +I +G MPC 1 income, output, Y CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 77 Graphing the equilibrium condition E E =Y planned expenditure 45º income, output, Y CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 78 The equilibrium value of income E E =Y planned expenditure E =C +I +G income, output, Y Equilibrium income CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 79 An increase in government purchases E At Y1, there is now an unplanned drop in inventory… E =C +I +G2 E =C +I +G1 G …so firms increase output, and income rises toward a new equilibrium. CHAPTER 8 Y E1 = Y1 Economic Growth II Y E2 = Y 2 slide 80 Solving for Y Y C I G equilibrium condition Y C I G in changes C G MPC Y G Collect terms with Y on the left side of the equals sign: (1 MPC)Y G CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II because I exogenous because C = MPC Y Solve for Y : 1 Y G 1 MPC slide 81 The government purchases multiplier Definition: the increase in income resulting from a $1 increase in G. In this model, the govt purchases multiplier equals Y 1 G 1 MPC Example: If MPC = 0.8, then Y 1 5 G 1 0.8 CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II An increase in G causes income to increase 5 times as much! slide 82 Why the multiplier is greater than 1 Initially, the increase in G causes an equal increase in Y: Y = G. But Y C further Y further C further Y So the final impact on income is much bigger than the initial G. CHAPTER 8 Economic Growth II slide 83