Software Testing Logic Coverage Logic Coverage Four Structures for Modeling Software Graphs Logic Input Space Syntax Applied to Applied to Source Specs Source Specs Design Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 3) Applied to FSMs DNF Source Models Integ Use cases © Ammann & Offutt Input 2 Logic Predicates • A predicate is an expression that evaluates to a boolean value • Predicates can contain – boolean variables – non-boolean variables that contain >, <, ==, >=, <=, != – boolean function calls • Internal structure is created by logical operators – ¬ – the negation operator – – the and operator – – the or operator – – the implication operator – – the exclusive or operator – – the equivalence operator 3 Predicate Coverage • The first (and simplest) two criteria require that each predicate and each clause be evaluated to both true and false Predicate Coverage (PC) : For each p in P, TR contains two requirements: p evaluates to true, and p evaluates to false. • When predicates come from conditions on edges, this is equivalent to edge coverage 4 Examples (a < b) f (z) D (m >= n*o) • Four clauses: – (a < b) – relational expression – f (z) – Boolean-valued function – D – Boolean variable – (m >= n*o) – relational expression • Sources of predicates – Decisions in programs – Guards in finite state machines – Decisions in UML activity graphs – Requirements, both formal and informal – SQL queries 5 Shortcut for Predicates in Conjunctive Normal Form • Conjunctive clauses are connected only by the and operator – ABC… • Each major clause is made active by making all other clauses true • ACC tests are “all true” and then a “diagonal” of false values: 1 2 3 4 A T F T T B T T F T . . . … C T T T F … . . . 6 Shortcut for Predicates in Disjunctive Normal Form • Disjunctive clauses are connected only by the or operator – ABC… • Each major clause is made active by making all other clauses false • ACC tests are “all false” and then a “diagonal” of true values: 1 2 3 4 A F T F F B F F T F . . . … C F F F T … . . . 7 Predicate Coverage Example ((a < b) D) (m >= n*o) predicate coverage Predicate = true a = 5, b = 10, D = true, m = 1, n = 1, o = 1 = (5 < 10) true (1 >= 1*1) = true true TRUE = true Predicate = false a = 10, b = 5, D = false, m = 1, n = 1, o = 1 = (10 < 5) false (1 >= 1*1) = false false TRUE = false 8 Clause Coverage Example ((a < b) D) (m >= n*o) Clause coverage (a < b) = true (a < b) = false D = true D = false a = 5, b = 10 a = 10, b = 5 D = true m >= n*o = true D = false m >= n*o = false m = 1, n = 1, o = 1 m = 1, n = 2, o = 2 false cases Two tests true cases 1) a = 5, b = 10, D = true, m = 1, n = 1, o = 1 2) a = 10, b = 5, D = false, m = 1, n = 2, o = 2 9 Combinatorial Coverage • CoC requires every possible combination • Sometimes called Multiple Condition Coverage Combinatorial Coverage (CoC) : For each p in P, TR has test requirements for the clauses in Cp to evaluate to each possible combination of truth values. a<b D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T T T T F F F F T T F F T T F F m >= n*o T F T F T F T F ((a < b) D) (m >= n*o) T F T F T F F F 10 Combinatorial Coverage • This is simple, neat, clean, and comprehensive … • But quite expensive! • 2N tests, where N is the number of clauses – Impractical for predicates with more than 3 or 4 clauses • The literature has lots of suggestions – some confusing • The general idea is simple: Test each clause independently from the other clauses Determining Predicates P=A B P=A B if B = true, p is always true. if B = false, p is always false. so if B = false, A determines p. so if B = true, A determines p. if A = false, B determines p. if A = true, B determines p. • Goal : Find tests for each clause when the clause determines the value of the predicate • This is formalized in several criteria that have subtle, but very important, differences 12 Active Clause Coverage Active Clause Coverage (ACC) : For each p in P and each major clause ci in Cp, choose minor clauses cj, j != i, so that ci determines p. TR has two requirements for each ci : ci evaluates to true and ci evaluates to false. p=ab 1) a = true, b = false a is major clause 2) a = false, b = false b is major clause 3) a = false, b = true 4) a = false, b = false Duplicate • Ambiguity : Do the minor clauses have to have the same values when the major clause is true and false? 13 A More Subtle Example p = ( a b ) ( a ¬ b) pa = pa=true pa=false = ((true b) (true ¬ b)) ((false b) (false ¬ b)) = (b ¬ b) false = true false = true p = ( a b ) ( a ¬ b) pb = pb=true pb=false = ((a true) (a ¬ true)) ((a false) (a ¬ false)) = (a false) (false a) =aa = false • a always determines the value of this predicate • b never determines the value – b is irrelevant ! 14 Condition Coverage (cont’d) if A or B then s1 else s2 end_if_then_el se A B Branch test 1 T F true test 2 F F false Compound Condition Coverage (cont’d) Combinations of condition values: TT, TF, FT, FF input(X,Y) if (Y<=0) or (X=0) then Y := -Y end_if Thermostat (pg 1 of 2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 // Jeff Offutt--October 2010 // Programmable Thermostat import*; class thermostat { private Heater myHeater; // Decide whether to turn the heater on, and for how long. public boolean turnHeaterOn ( int curTemp, /* Current temperature reading */ int thresholdDiff, /* Temp difference until we turn heater on */ Minutes timeSinceLastRun, /* Time since heater stopped */ Minutes minLag, /* How long I need to wait */ Time timeOfDay, /* current time (Hours and minutes) */ Day dayOfWeek, /* Monday, Tuesday, ... */ Settings programmedSettings [], /* User's program, by day */ boolean Override, /* Has user overridden the program */ int overTemp /* OverridingTemp */ ) 17 Thermostat (pg 2 of 2) 19 { 20 int desiredTemp; 21 // getPeriod() translates time into Morning, Day, Evening, Night 22 desiredTemp = programmedSettings [dayOfWeek].getDesiredTemp 23 (getPeriod [TimeOfDay]); 24 if (((curTemp < desiredTemp - thresholdDiff) || 25 (Override && curTemp < overTemp - thresholdDiff)) && 26 timeSinceLastRun.greaterThan (minLag)) 27 { // Turn on the heater 28 // How long? Assume 1 minute per degree (Fahrenheit) 29 int timeNeeded = curTemp - desiredTemp; 30 if (Override) 31 timeNeeded = curTemp - overTemp; 32 myHeater.setRunTime (timeNeeded); 33 return (true); 33 } 34 else 35 return (false); 36 } // End turnHeaterOn 37 } // End class 18 Two Thermostat Predicates 24-26: (((curTemp < desiredTemp - thresholdDiff) || (Override && curTemp < overTemp - thresholdDiff)) && timeSinceLastRun.greaterThan (minLag)) 30: (Override) Simplify a : curTemp < desiredTemp - thresholdDiff b : Override c : curTemp < overTemp - thresholdDiff d : timeSinceLastRun.greaterThan (minLag) 24-26: (a || (b && c)) && d 30: b 19 Predicate Coverage (true) (a || (b && c)) && d a : true b : true c : true d : true curTemp < desiredTemp – thresholdDiff : true Override : true curTemp < overTemp – thresholdDiff : true timeSinceLastRun.greaterThan (minLag) : true programmedSettings [Monday].setDesiredTemp (Morning, 69) // dayOfWeek = Monday // timeOfDay = 8:00 curTemp = 63 63 < 69 – 5 Override : true overTemp = 70 63 < 70 – 5 timeSinceLastRun.setValue (12) minLag = 10 20 Predicate Coverage (false) (a || (b && c)) && d a : false b : false c : false d : false curTemp < desiredTemp – thresholdDiff : false Override : false curTemp < overTemp – thresholdDiff : false timeSinceLastRun.greaterThan (minLag) : false programmedSettings [Monday].setDesiredTemp (Morning, 69) // dayOfWeek = Monday // timeOfDay = 8:00 curTemp = 66 66 < 69 – 5 Override : false overTemp = 70 66 < 70 – 5 timeSinceLastRun.setValue (8) minLag = 10 21 Correlated Active Clause Coverage (1 of 5) Pa = ((a || (b && c)) && d) ((a || (b && c)) && d) ((T || (b && c)) && d) ((F || (b && c)) && d) (T && d) ((b && c) && d) d ((b && c) && d) !(b && c) && d ( !b || !c ) && d 22 Correlated Active Clause Coverage (2 of 5) a: b: c: d: (a || (b && c)) && d T t f t F t f t f T t t f F t t f t T t f t F f t t t T t t t F (row 3) (row 13) (row 9) (row 13) (row 9) (row 11) (row 1) (row 2) duplicates Six tests needed for CACC on Thermostat 23 Correlated Active Clause Coverage (3 of 5) curTemp desiredTemp thresholdDiff curTemp < desiredTemp - thresholdDiff 63 69 5 !(curTemp < desiredTemp - thresholdDiff) 66 69 5 desiredTemp = programmedSettings [Monday].setDesiredTemp (Morning, 69) dayOfWeek = Monday timeOfDay = 8:00 Override Override T !Override F These values then need to be placed into calls to turnHeaterOn() to satisfy the 6 tests for CACC curTemp overTemp thresholdDiff curTemp < overTemp - thresholdDiff 63 70 5 !(curTemp < overTemp - thresholdDiff) 66 70 5 timeSinceLastRun minLag timeSinceLastRun.greaterThan (minLag) 12 10 !(timeSinceLastRun.greaterThan (minLag)) 8 10 24 Correlated Active Clause Coverage (4 of 5) desiredTemp = programmedSettings [Monday].setDesiredTemp (Morning, 69) 1. T t f t a = T : curTemp = 63; c = f : curTemp = 66 turnHeaterOn ( 63/66, 5, 12, 10, 8:00, Monday, programmedSettings, true, 70 ) 2. F t f t turnHeaterOn ( 66, 5, 12, 10, 8:00, Monday, programmedSettings, true, 70 ) 3. f T t t a = f : curTemp = 66; c = t : curTemp = 63 turnHeaterOn ( 63/66, 5, 12, 10, 8:00, Monday, programmedSettings, true, 70 ) 4. f t F f turnHeaterOn ( 66, 5, 8, 10, 8:00, Monday, programmedSettings, true, 70 ) 5. t t t T turnHeaterOn ( 63, 5, 12, 10, 8:00, Monday, programmedSettings, true, 70 ) 6. t t t F turnHeaterOn ( 63, 5, 8, 10, 8:00, Monday, programmedSettings, true, 70 ) 25 Correlated Active Clause Coverage (5 of 5) • curTemp is fixed by the solution to clause a • thresholdDiff is also fixed by the solution to clause a • So we choose different values for overtemp ... 1. T t f t turnHeaterOn ( 63, 5, 12, 10, 8:00, Monday, programmedSettings, true, 62 ) 3. f T t t turnHeaterOn ( 66, 5, 12, 10, 8:00, Monday, programmedSettings, true, 66 ) 26 Program Transformation Issues if ((a && b) || c) { S1; } else { S2; } Transform (2)? d = a && b; e = d || c; if (e) { S1; } else { S2; } Transform (1)? if (a) { if (b) S1; else { if (c) S1; else S2; } } else { if (c) S1; else S2; } 27 Problems with Transformed Programs • Maintenance is certainly harder with Transform (1) – Not recommended! • Coverage on Transform (1) – PC on transform does not imply CACC on original – CACC on original does not imply PC on transform • Coverage on Transform (2) – Structure used by logic criteria is “lost” – Hence CACC on transform 2 only requires 3 tests – Note: Mutation analysis (Chapter 5) addresses this problem a b c (ab)c T T T T T T T F F F F T F F T T F F F T F T F T F T T F T F T F CACC PC CACC (2) X X X X X X X X X X X X • Bottom Line: Logic coverage criteria are there to help you! 28 float exam, course, average; char trailer[20]; cin>>exam; cin>>course; if ( (exam<0.0) || (exam>100.0) || (course<0.0) || (course>100.00) ) cout<<"Marks out of range - program terminating"; else { if ( (exam<50.0) || (course<50.0)) cout<<"Fail"; else if (exam < 60) cout<<"Pass - Grade C"; else if ( ((exam+course)/2.0) >= 70.0) { average = (exam+course)/2.0; printf("Pass - Grade A with an average mark of %5.2f\n", average); cout<<"Pass - Grade A with an average mark of "<< average <<endl;} else cout<<"Pass - Grade B"; } 29