Using GEMPACK effectively with GTAP Michael Jerie Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University. Presented at the GTAP 13th annual conference, Penang, Malaysia, June 9-11, 2010. 1 Faster GTAP with GEMPACK 10.0 Example: Solving standard GTAP, 30 regions and 30 sectors, Gragg 3-57 solution method (on a PC with an Intel Q9550 – 2.83 GHz CPU). Using GEMPACK Release 9.0-003 (August 2006) with Lahey Fortran LF95, solution time is 322 seconds. Using GEMPACK Release 10.0-001 (April 2009) with Intel Fortran, solution time is 101 seconds (less than 1/3 of the 2006 time) Time saving improvements come from - more effective pivot reuse - Intel Fortran optimized GP libraries and model exe Using parallelization introduced with GEMPACK 10.0 [servants=1], solution time is 78 seconds (less than 1/4 of the 2006 time). 2 64-bit computing with GEMPACK 64-bit operating systems and cheap memory allow desktop computing with large amounts of available RAM. (Modellers are freed from the old limits: maximum 4 GB memory for 32-bit Windows, and, maximum 2 GB limit for a single program.) Since GEMPACK 10.0 (May 2008), the Intel Visual Fortran compiler can be used with Source-code GP. On 64-bit Windows, using GEMPACK and the Intel Fortran compiler you can • make and run 64-bit models, or, • make and run 32-bit models. Both have greater memory access compared to the 32-bit Windows environment. Note: 64-bit programs are not ‘faster’ than 32-bit programs. 3 64-bit computing with GEMPACK Using 64-bit Windows and GEMPACK 10.0 (May 2008) or later • A 64-bit Tablo-generated program allows use of up to about (24+8) = 32 GB of memory. Fully disaggregated GTAP can be solved (6 GB). Using 64-bit Windows and GEMPACK 10.0-002 (April 2010) • A 32-bit Tablo-generated program allows use of up to 4 GB of memory (using large address aware exe’s). • ViewHAR, ViewSOL and AnalysGE can use up to 4 GB memory. This allows large data or solution files to be opened. 4 LTG Optimization with Intel Fortran Since GEMPACK 10.0 compiling with fast /O1 Intel Fortran optimization has been available during the LTG step (after TABLO code generation). Since GEMPACK 10.0-001 fast /O1 compiler optimization is used by default when you run LTG. The effect of this is • LTG takes longer, but • Model exe runs faster During model development, the LTG – run – debug – LTG cycle can mean frequent LTG’ing. We provide BAT files to change LTG optimization level. Run LTGfigo0.BAT to use no optimization during LTG, then • LTG is faster, but • Model exe runs slower Run LTGfigo1.BAT to use /O1 optimization during LTG, to return to the new default. 5 Condensation ! tms(i,r,s) # source-spec. change in tax on imports of i from r into s #! Set NONAGR = TRAD_COMM - AGRCOM; Equation E_tmsA (all,i,AGRCOM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) tms(i,r,s) = tmA(i,r); E_tmsB (all,i,NONAGR)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) tms(i,r,s) = tmB(r); ! problem: tms can NOT be substituted out ! Coefficient (all,i,TRAD_COMM) ISAGR(i); Formula (all,i,TRAD_COMM) ISAGR(i)=0; Formula (all,i,AGRCOM) ISAGR(i)=1; Equation ! Now tms CAN be substituted out ! E_tms3 (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) tms(i,r,s) = ISAGR(i)*tmA(i,r) + [1-ISAGR(i)]*tmB(r); Equation ! Now tms CAN be substituted out ! E_tms (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) tms(i,r,s) = sum{ii,AGRCOM:ii=i, tmA(ii,r)} + sum{j,NONAGR:j=i, tmB(r)}; Equation ! Coming soon .. GEMPACK 11 ! E_tms2 (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) tms(i,r,s) = if{i in AGRCOM, tmA(i,r)} + if{i in NONAGR, tmB(r)}; 6 Shock from Coefficient New in GEMPACK 10.0-002 (April 2010) TAB (TABLO INPUT) FILE Coefficient (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) TMS0(i,r,s) # initial power #; (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) TMS1(i,r,s) # new power #; (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) shkTMS(i,r,s) # % change in tms #; Zerodivide default 1; Formula (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) TMS0(i,r,s) = VIMS(i,r,s)/VIWS(i,r,s); (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) TMS1(i,r,s) = min[1.5,TMS0(i,r,s)]; ! cap at 50% ad valorem rate ! (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,r,REG)(all,s,REG) shkTMS(i,r,s) = 100*[TMS1(i,r,s)-TMS0(i,r,s)]/TMS0(i,r,s); CMF (SIMULATION COMMAND) FILE ! CMF: shock tms from coefficient shkTMS;! shock tms(AGRCOM,LDCREG,DEVREG) = select from coefficient shkTMS; 7 Set Expressions New in GEMPACK 10.0-002 (April 2010) Set ! From ! SAMAC1 # dummy set # = MCOM union DCOM ; SAMAC2 # dummy set # = SAMAC1 union ACT ; SAMAC3 # dummy set # = SAMAC2 union ENDW_COMM ; SAMAC4 # dummy set # = SAMAC3 union TMM ; SAMAC5 # dummy set # = SAMAC4 union TEE ; SAMAC6 # dummy set # = SAMAC5 union TSSM ; SAMAC7 # dummy set # = SAMAC6 union TSSD ; SAMAC8 # dummy set # = SAMAC7 union TFF ; SAMAC9 # dummy set # = SAMAC8 union TRMM ; SAMAC10 # dummy set # = SAMAC9 union TRXM ; SAMAC11 # dummy set # = SAMAC10 union WW ; SAMAC12 # dummy set # = SAMAC11 union REGHOUS ; SAMAC13 # dummy set # = SAMAC12 union HOUS ; SAMAC14 # dummy set # = SAMAC13 union PRODTAX ; SAMAC15 # dummy set # = SAMAC14 union DIRTAX ; SAMAC16 # dummy set # = SAMAC15 union GOVT ; SAMAC # Social Accounting Matrix Accounts # = SAMAC16 union CGDS_COMM ; ! (GP 10.0-002) Now Set SAMAC # Social + ENDW_COMM + TMM + HOUS + PRODTAX + 8 becomes ! Accounting Matrix Accounts # = MCOM + DCOM + ACT + TEE + TSSM + TSSD + TFF + TRMM + TRXM + WW + REGHOUS "DIRTAX" + GOVT + CGDS_COMM; ViewHAR can display solution (SL4) files • Since Nov 2009, ViewHAR now displays SL4 solution files in a more user-friendly way. Unlike in ViewSOL, you can see values for variables with 4 or more dimensions. • Since Nov 2009, ViewHAR is 'Large-Address-Aware' – it can use up to 4GB of memory, if run under 64-bit Windows. Under 32-bit Windows, it can still use only 2GB. RunDynam Now improved (Feb 2010): “Save ingredients, except Model files, as Zip archive”. RunDynam zip archives need not include model.exe file • reduces Zip file size • easier to email • anyone with Source-code GEMPACK can rebuild the model.exe, and run your simulations 9 Sparse storage in HAR files • By default, GEMPACK programs when writing HAR files now store mainly-zero real arrays in sparse form. This can save considerable hard disk space. All GEMPACK programs released since 2006 can read the sparse format: older programs might complain. • Can dramatically reduce size of very sparse huge arrays. • Not much effect on zipped HAR size. • Programs from GEMPACK version 9.0 (2005) or earlier cannot read sparse format HAR files (see online help for workarounds). 10