System V IPC (InterProcess Communication)

System V IPC
(InterProcess Communication)
Messages Queue, Shared Memory,
and Semaphores
• Four system call
– msgget( ), msgsnd( ), msgrcv( ), and msgctl( )
• msgqid = msgget(key, flag)
– Create a new message queue (entry) or to
retrieve an existing message queue
– key: a name chosen by user, represent a
message queue.
– Flag: such as create flag bit with different
– Return a kernel –chosen descriptor which
points to the message queue
• Each message queue (or IPC entry) has a
permissions structure
– Pointers to the first and last messages on a
linked list
– The number of messages and the total
number of data bytes on the linked list
– The process ID of the last processes to send
and receive messages
– Time stamps of the last msgsnd, msgrc, and
msgctl operation
• msgsnd (msgqid, msg, count, flag)
• count = msgrcv(id, msg, maxcount, type, flag)
– Id: message descriptor
– Msg: the address of a user structure (message)
– Maxcount: the size of the msg
– Type: the message type that user wants to read
– Flag: specifies what the kernel should do if no
message are on the queue
– Count: the number of bytes returned to the user
• Msgctl(id, cmd, mstatbuf)
– Query the status of a message descriptor, set its
status, and remove a message queue
Shared Memory
• Shmget: create a new region of shared memory
or returns an existing one
– Shmid = shmget (key, size, flag)
• Shmat: logically attacheds a shared memory to
the virtual address space of a process
– Virtaddr = shmat (id, addr, flags)
• Shmdt: detaches a shared memory from the
virtual address
– Shmdt(addr)
• Shmctl: manipulate various parameters
associated with the shared memory
– Shmctl9id, cmd, shmstatbuf)
• Id=semget (key, nsems, flag)
– nsems: represent the number of the semaphore element
• Oldval = Semop(id, oplist, nsops)
– Oplist: point to an array of semaphore operation
• include sem_num, operation (positive or negative), flag
– Nsops: indicate the size of operation array
– Oldval: the value of the semaphore before operation
• The kernel change the value of a semaphore
according to the value of the operation
– Operation = 0, if element is 0, continue, else sleep
– Operation is positive: increase the semaphore, awaken all
process that are waiting the semaphore
– Operation is negative:
• if operation + element > 0, element – operation, and continue
• If operation + element < 0, sleep
• If operation + element = 0, wakeup a process which wait the element
to 0
• Semctl(id, number, cmd, arg)
– Number: the number of semaphore elements
required to do the cmd operation
– Cmd: retrieve or set control parameters
(permissions and others)
– Set one or all semaphore values in a set
– Read the semaphore values
– Arg: is interpreted based on the value of cmd.
Union semunion{
int val;
struct semid_ds *semstat;
unsigned short *array;
The program is a.out
User executes it three times
In the following sequence:
a.out &
a.out a &
a.out b &
Undo flag
• Dangerous situations could occur
– If a process does a semaphore
operation, locking some resource,
and then exit without resetting the
semaphore value (ex: program error,
receipt a signal, sudden termination,
core down)
• To avoid such problems
– Process can set the SEM_UNDO
flag in the semop call; when it exits,
the kernel reverses the effect of
every semaphore operation the
process has done.
ptrace(cmd, pid, addr, data)
• Cmd: read/write data, ..
• Addr: a virtual address to be read/written in the
traced process
• Data: an integer value to be written (write to addr)
• P42: how do system calls actually work?
– Use interrupt 0x80 which provides the argument of
sys_call_num and sys_call_args
– If the process which PF_TRACESYS is set (means
traced process), the system call sends a SIGTRAP
signal to the parent process and calls the scheduler. The
traced process is interrupted until the parent process
reactivates it (the ptrace() system call is called again)
• pid = Fork() system call
– Only way for a user to create a new process
– The return of the fork system call
• In the parent process, pid is the child process ID
• In the child process, pid is 0
– Kernel does the following sequence of operations for fork
• Allocate a slot in the process table for the new process
• Assign a unique ID number to the child process
• Make a logical copy of the context of the parent process (text region
is shared between the parent and child process).
• Increment file and inode table counters for files associated with the
• Return the ID number of the child to the parent process, and a 0
value to the child process
Process tracing
• Debugger forks a child process
• Child process invokes the ptrace
system call thus kernel sets a trace bit
in the child process table entry
• The child process execs the traced
• The kernel executes the exec call
– Due to the trace-bit is set, the kernel
sends the “trap” signal to the parent
which wake up the parent from the
wait call.
• The parent call ptrace to do the
read/write operation of the traced
• The traced process wakeup and do
the operation of ptrace call and
continue execution until execute the
system call