Dr Yulizar D. Sanrego, M.Ec & Team Institute for Research & Community Enpowerment (LPPM) www.tazkia.ac.id PRESENTATION AGENDA 1) 2) 3) 4) Overview Bank & Non-Bank Institution Research Objective Research Methodology Problem Decomposition /Model Construction 5) Finding & Discussion 6) Recommendation SHARIA BANKING & MICRO COVERAGE VS BANK MFI/IMFI Uncompleted Prerequisite The Most Regulated Institution DIFFERENT: Standard/Regulation, GCG, HR Standard DIVERGENCE (Purwandono, 2011 – modified) 3 THE COVERAGE OF SHARIA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY Fatwa DSN - MUI Act No. 17 - 2012 Cooperative & Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT) Ministry of Cooperative & SMEs Sharia Financial Industry Finance Service Authority 1. Islamic Capital Market; 2. Sharia Insurance; 3. Sharia Multifinace; 4. Sharia Pawnshop. 5. Islamic Microfinance Act No. 1 - 2013 Sovereign Sukuk Negara & Tax Cental Bank of Indonesia Ministry of Finance 4 Direktorat Pasar Modal Syariah Macro Policy RESEARCH OBJECTIVES RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research is using Analytic Network Process (ANP). ANP is a new qualitative method approach, which is non-parametric and non-Bayesian, to a decision-making process that provides a general framework in treating decisions without making assumptions about the independence of the elements at a higher level than the elements on the lower level and on the independence of the elements in a level. Priority Scale and Rater Agreement 1. Priority Scale (PS) PS is a scale that shows how important an issue compared to other issues. The higher the priority number, the higher important problem needs to be solved. 2. Rater Agreement (RA) RA is the level of agreement value among respondents in assessing the problem. RESEARCH PHASE (1) Model Construction (2) Model Quantification (3) Result Analysis Decomposition Problem Figure DEVELOPMENT POLICY OF IMFS Problem PROBLEM Supporting Entity Regulation Regulation of Competition Restriction Financing Ceiling Deposit Guarantee Customers’ Turnover Credit Guarantee Service Coverage IMFS Healthy Rating Operational Assistance Operational Standard Financing Analisys and Risk Management Risk Financial Assistance Customer Companion and Capacity Building IT Development Assistance Sharia Compliance Standard Management Capacity Building & HR Development SOLUTION Establishment of Competition Restriction Regulation Establishment of Supporting Entity Regulation Establishment of Operational Standard Operational Assistance IMFS Development Policy (Practitioners) 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 bantuanop rpenunjang 0.25 rpersaingan standarop 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Bantuanop = Operational Assistance: Operational support that alignments of government through government programs that are allocated for development IMFS. Rpenunjang = Supporting Regulation: Supporting regulation is a regulation relating to the establishment and regulation of supporting institutions that are needed to help IMFS to be more established, effective & efficient in their activities. Rpersaingan = Regulation of Competition Restriction: It is legislation governing competition between IMFS with other financial institutions, especially commercial banks and other large financial institutions. Standarop = Operational Standard: It is a wide range of technical and operational standards that are being made to maintain service quality of IMFS. Regulation of Competition Restriction (Practitioners) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 omset 0.4 plafon S-coveage 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Omset = Customers’ Restriction : means that there should be clear limits on competition among financial institutions regulated through the turnover of customers who obtain financing from Financial Institutions. Plafon =Ceiling Financing : It means there should be clear limits on competition among financial institutions regulated through the amount of ceiling financing provided by Financial Institutions to customers. S-coverage =It is the extent of coverage and the number of financial services institutions. Supporting Regulation (Practitioners) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 kesehatan pkredit psimpanan 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Kesehatan = IMFS Healthy : That is the agency that independently and continuously assess the health of IMFS. Pkredit = Credit Guarantee Institution: Namely the existence of institutions that guarantee loans granted by IMFS to customers. Psimpanan = Deposit Guarantee Institution: namely the existence of deposit insurance agency that guarantees deposits of IMFS customers. Operational Standard (Practitioners) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 standarapmr standarks standarppn 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Standarapmr = Financing Analysis Standard & Risk Manajement: required by IMFS because of the general analysis of financing and risk management among a IMFS with other IMFS are still different; some are already have the standards and some are not. Standarks = Sharia Compliance Standard: which is a standard that can measure and evaluate sharia compliance of IMFS in its operations. Standarppn = Customer Companion and Capacity Building Standard: Mentoring and coaching customers is one of the hallmarks of IMFS. The existence of mentoring and coaching clients become more strategic value. However, there is no standard mentoring and coaching for the clients among IMFS. Operasional Assistance (Practitioners) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 IT 0.4 permodalan Sdm 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 IT = IT Development Assistance: The use of IT in the majority of IMFS still limited. This leads to cost and inefficient management both in terms of time, effort and cost. Permodalan = Financial Assistance: In this case IMFS not have a lender of last resort like banking industry. Sdm = Management Capacity Building & HR Development: HR of LKMS require multi skills, in addition to skills in terms of collecting and distributing funds. Sharia knowledge and skills on coaching clients is also required. If all are covered by IMFS, it will be very expensive. For IMFS which do not have sufficient funds, automatically it will employ HR with modest quality. The Solution of IMFS Development (Practitioners) 0.6 0.5 0.4 pembentukanrp pembentukanrpp 0.3 pembentukanso pemberianbo 0.2 0.1 0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Pembentukanrp = The establishment of Supporting Regulation Pembentukanrpp = The establishment of Regulation of Competition Restriction inter financial institutions. Pembentukanso = The establishment of Operasional standard. Pembentukanbo = The establishment of Operational Assistance. IMFS Development Policy (Academicians) 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 bantuanop rpenunjang 0.25 rpersaingan 0.2 standarop 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 Bantuanop = Operational Assistance : Operational support that alignments of government through government programs that are allocated for development IMFS. Rpenunjang = Supporting Regulations: Supporting regulation is a regulation relating to the establishment and regulation of supporting institutions that are needed to help IMFS more established in their activities. . Rpersaingan = Regulation of Competition Restriction: It is legislation governing competition between IMFS with other financial institutions, especially commercial banks and other large financial institutions. Standarop = Operational Standard: It is a wide range of technical and operational standards are being made to maintain the quality of service of IMFS. Regulation of Competition Restriction (Practitioners) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 omset plafon S-coveage 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 Omset = Customers’ Turn-over: means that there should be clear limits on competition among financial institutions regulated through the turnover of customers who obtain financing from Financial Institutions. Plafon =Ceiling Financing : It means there should be clear limits on competition among financial institutions regulated through the amount of ceiling financing provided by Financial Institutions to customers. S-coverage =It is the extent of coverage and the number of financial services institutions. Supporting Regulation (Academicians) 0.7 0.6 kesehatan 0.5 0.4 pkredit 0.3 0.2 psimpanan 0.1 0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 Kesehatan = IMFS Healthy : That is the agency that independently and continuously assess the health of IMFS. Pkredit = Credit Guarantee Institution: Namely the existence of institutions that guarantee loans granted by IMFS to customers. Psimpanan = Deposit Guarantee Institution: namely the existence of deposit insurance agency that guarantees deposits of IMFS customers. Operational Standard (Academicians) 0.6 0.5 0.4 standarapmr 0.3 standarks standarppn 0.2 0.1 0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 Standarapmr = Financing Analysis Standard & Risk Manajement: required by IMFS because of the general analysis of financing and risk management among a IMFS with other IMFS are still different; some are already have the standards and some are not. Standarks = Sharia Compliance Standard: which is a standard that can measure and evaluate sharia compliance of IMFS in its operations. Standarppn = Customer Companion and Capacity Building Standard: Mentoring and coaching customers is one of the hallmarks of IMFS. The existence of mentoring and coaching clients become more strategic value. However, there is no standard mentoring and coaching for the clients among IMFS. Operational Assistance (Academicians) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 IT permodalan Sdm 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 IT = Bantuan Pengembangan IT : Penggunaan IT pada mayoritas LKMS masih terbatas. Hal ini menyebabkan biaya dan pengelolaan yang tidak efisien baik dari segi waktu, tenaga dan biaya. Permodalan = Bantuan Permodalan : Dalam hal ini LKMS tidak memiliki lender of the last resort layaknya perbankan umum. Sdm = Pembinaan Managerial dan Pengembangan SdM : SdM dari LKMS memerlukan multi skill, selain skill dalam hal menghimpun dan menyalurkan dana, skill tentang pengetahuan syariah dan pmbinaan nasabah juga diperlukan. Jika semua itu dibebankan pada LKMS maka akan memakan biaya yang tidak sedikit, sedangkan bagi LKMS yang tidak mempunyai cukup dana maka akan mempekerjakan SdM dengan kualitas sekedarnya. The Solution of IMFS Development (Academicians) 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 pembentukanrp pembentukanrpp 0.25 pembentukanso 0.2 pemberianbo 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 Pembentukanrp = The establishment of Supporting Regulation Pembentukanrpp = The establishment of Regulation of Competition Restriction inter financial institutions. Pembentukanso = The establishment of Operasional standard. Pembentukanbo = The establishment of Operational Assistance. Priority Values & Rater Agreement Analysis Priority & Rater Agreement Value Analysis (IMFS Development Policy Problem) Supporting Institution Regulation (Rater Agreement) ITEMS PRACTITIONERS ACADEMICIANS TOTAL AV R AV R AV R Health Assessor 0,39 1 0,5 1 0,45 1 Credit Guarantee 0,29 3 0,23 3 0,26 3 Deposit Guarantee 0,32 2 0,27 2 0,29 2 Rater agreement 0,25 ASPECT 0,31 0,12 Regulation of Competition Restriction (Rater Agreement) ITEMS PRACTITIONERS ACADEMICIANS TOTAL AV R AV R AV R Customers’ Turn-over 0,28 3 0,47 1 0,37 2 Financing Ceiling 0,38 1 0,39 2 0,39 1 Service-coverage 0,34 2 0,14 3 0,24 3 Rater agreement 0,03 ASPECT 0,73 0,053 Operational Standard (Rater Agreement) ITEMS PRACTITIONERS ACADEMICIANS TOTAL AV R AV R AV R Financing Analysis & Risk Management Standard 0,33 2 0,36 2 0,35 2 Sharia Compliance Standard 0,41 1 0,37 1 0,39 1 Mentoring & Coaching Standard 0,26 3 0,27 3 0,26 3 Rater agreement 0,09 ASPECT 0,60 0,063 Operational Assistance (RA) ITEMS PRACTITIONERS ACADEMICIANS TOTAL AV R AV R AV R Management Capacity Building & HR Development 0,46 1 0,46 1 0,46 1 IT Development Assistance 0,32 2 0,22 3 0,27 2 Financial Assistance 0,22 3 0,32 2 0,27 3 Rater agreement 0,25 ASPECT 0,60 0,043 Problem Solutions Analysis…. ITEMS PRACTITIONERS ACADEMICIANS TOTAL AV R AV R AV R Operational Assistance 0,23 3 0,21 3 0,22 4 Establishment of Supporting Regulation 0,22 4 0,24 2 0,23 3 Establishment of Competition Restriction Regulation Establishment of Operational Standard 0,27 2 0,20 4 0,24 2 0,28 1 0,35 1 0,31 1 Rater agreement 0,14 ASPECT 0,33 0,09 CONCLUDING REMARKS Problem decomposition shows that the problem of IMFS Development from regulation and institution perspective are consist of four main clusters: No Regulation of Competition Restriction among financial institutions, No Regulation on Supporting Institution, No Operational standard & lack Operasional Assistance. The PROBLEM of No Regulation on Supporting Institution becomes the main problem with its priority value 0,31, followed by No Operational standard (0,28), No Regulation of Competition Restriction among financial institutions (0,27) and last but not least lack Operasional Assistance(0,14) In the cluster of No Regulation of Competition Restriction among financial institutions, competition restriction through financing ceiling is the main priority with its priority value 0,39, followed by the restriction through the turn-over with 0,37 and finally service coverage with 0,24. Continue….. In the cluster whereby supporting regulation is absence, Supporting regulation in the form of health assessments become the top priority with its priority value 0.45. The second one in this cluster with considerable difference is deposit guarantee regulations with 0.29 and finally is credit guarantee regulation with its priority value 0.26. In the cluster whereby operation standard is absence, the absence of sharia compliance standard issue is at the top priority with its priority value of 0.39. The second priority with slightly difference is the absence of financial analysis and risk management with 0.35 and finally is credit guarantee regulation with 0.26. In the cluster whereby operation assistance is minimum, minimum assistance for human resources empowerment is at the top priority with its priority value 0.39. In the second and third priority level with a slightly different, that is sequence minimum assistance of IT with its priority value 0.27 and limited funding assistance with 0.27. THE SOLUTION…. The research results in the solution cluster suggests that the formation of operational standards become the first priority with its priority value 0.31, followed by the establishment of competition regulation with 0.24, supporting regulation with 0.23 and finally providing operational assistance. In general, it can be seen that the average priority values are slightly different which indicates that the all mentioned solutions have relatively the similar priority value to be further executed. RECOMMENDATION…. ◦ The government should immediately establish operational standards (particularly sharia compliance issue) since it is urgent to be implemented as a reference for IMFS. Both respondent practitioners and academicians are agreed upon that the establishment of operational standards is the first priority followed by other solutions that have been mentioned above. وهللا أعلم بالصواب جزاكم هللا على حسن إهتمامكم