ANNUS, Paul Analog - to – Digital conversion in measurement and data acquisition systems A / D muundamine mõõte- ja andmehõivesüsteemides Analog versus Digital Mõõtmine on ? Object Sensor Converter MITTEELEKTRILISED SIGNAALID Positsioonid skaalal Numbrilised MUUNDAMINE t3 t4 t5 547 547 57 656 457 857 932 181 34 437 Signal processor ANALOOG SENSOR t2 ELEKTRILISED SIGNAALID АNALOOG Füüsikalised Keemilised t1 Vool Pinge DIGITAAL MUUNDAMINE Võimsus Paralleelne Järjestik kodeerimine Seeriate loendamine SÜSTEEMIS ANDMETE SORTIMISE SAAVUTAMNE Signal processing chain ? Fenomena under investigation või PROTSESS Sagedus Aeg Faas ANDUR ANALÜÜS Analog to digital conversion ? Measurement results A “bit” of history The earliest recorded binary DAC known is not electronic at all, but hydraulic. Turkey, under the Ottoman Empire, had problems with its public water supply, and sophisticated systems were built to meter water. One of these dates to the 18th Century. An example of an actual dam using this metering system was the Mahmud II dam built in the early 19th century near Istambul. HS-810, 8-bit, 10-MSPS ADC Released by Computer Labs, Inc. in 1966 1954 "DATRAC" 11-bit, 50-kSPS Vacuum Tube ADC Designed by Bernard M. Gordon at EPSCO ADC-12U 12-Bit, 10-μs SAR ADC from Pastoriza Division of Analog Devices, 1969 Kuidas muundame? •SAMPLING – diskreetimine ajas •KVANTIMINE – diskreetimine nivoos •KODEERIMINE 1) Sampling 2) Kvantimine 3) Kodeerimine 2n q Analoog Signaal Fs=1/T 0 ajas T 2T 3T nivoos Digitaalne Väljund Ajast ja sagedusest NYQUISTI KRITEERIUM: DISKREETIMISSAGEDUS > 2* KÕRGEM KUI KÕRGEIM SAGEDUSSIGNAAL Gabor-Heisenberg uncertainty principle: Mida rohkem on bitte seda väiksem on kvantimise viga. KVANTIMISE VIGA +-q/2 V DAC – digitaalmaailmast analoogsignaaliks ? GAP/R's K2-W: a vacuum-tube op-amp (1953) 1941: First (vacuum tube) op-amp U.S. Patent 2,401,779 "Summing Amplifier" filed by Karl D. Swartzel Jr. of Bell labs in 1941. This design used three vacuum tubes to achieve a gain of 90 dB and operated on voltage rails of ±350 V. It had a single inverting input rather than differential inverting and non-inverting inputs, as are common in today's op-amps. Throughout World War II, Swartzel's design proved its value by being liberally used in the M9 artillery director designed at Bell Labs. This artillery director worked with the SCR584 radar system to achieve extraordinary hit rates (near 90%) that would not have been possible otherwise. 1947: First op-amp with an explicit noninverting input 1963: First monolithic IC op-amp Pre op-amp -> feedback amplifier by Harold S. Black in 1927 Flash analoog-digital muundur n=3 bits, 23-1=7 komparaatorit ja 23 = 8 resistori Flash analoog-digital muundur n=3 bits, 23-1=7 komparaatorit ja 23 = 8 resistori Muundurite tüübid KÕIGE LIHTSAM 1-bit muundur SUCCESSIVE APROXIMATION Järkhaaval (järjestikune) lähendamine, Vanimast nooremani Kõrge eraldusvõime Suur kiirus Kergelt multiplekseeritav sisend Tavaliselt kasutatakse andmehõive kvartides Alalissignaal FLASH Paralleelmuundur Kõige kiirem Küps tehnoloogia Kõige kallim Kasutatakse digitaal TV, kosmoses INTEGRATING Integreeriv Vana, hakkab kaduma Kõrge eraldusvõime Hea müra mahasurumine Hea lineaarsus Küps tehnoloogia Aeglane muundamise kiirus (selle tõttu ei kasutata enam tänapäeval) Kasutatakse digitaalmultimeetrites (tester) DELTA SIGMA Odav ja tõrjub integreeriva välja Kõige uuem Kõrge eraldusvõime Suurepärane lineaarsus Sisse ehitatud aliase kõrvaldaja (LPF filter) Vahelduvad signaalid Kasutatakse audio signaalide digitaaliseerimiseks ja analoogiseerimiseks, helisignaalid PINGE-SAGEDUS MUUNDUR Odav ja võimaldab tulemust hästi edasi kanda SAR - Successive approximation ADC The basic algorithm used in the successive approximation (initially called feedback subtraction) ADC conversion process can be traced back to the 1500s relating to the solution of a certain mathematical puzzle regarding the determination of an unknown weight by a minimal sequence of weighing operations. In this problem, as stated, the object is to determine the least number of weights which would serve to weigh an integral number of pounds from 1 lb to 40 lb using a balance scale. One solution put forth by the mathematician Tartaglia in 1556, was to use the series of weights 1 lb, 2 lb, 4 lb, 8 lb, 16 lb, and 32 lb. The proposed weighing algorithm is the same as used in modern successive approximation ADCs. SAR algorithm dates back to the... 1500's ! SAR - Successive approximation ADC SAR - Successive approximation ADC SAR - Successive approximation ADC An N-bit conversion takes N steps. SAR 2 A simple 3-bit capacitor DAC based SAR. The switches are shown in the track, or sample mode where the analog input voltage, AIN, is constantly charging and discharging the parallel combination of all the capacitors. The hold mode is initiated by opening SIN, leaving the sampled analog input voltage on the capacitor array. Switch SC is then opened allowing the voltage at node A to move as the bit switches are manipulated. If S1, S2, S3, and S4 are all connected to ground, a voltage equal to –AIN appears at node A. Connecting S1 to VREF adds a voltage equal to VREF/2 to –AIN. The comparator then makes the MSB bit decision, and the SAR either leaves S1 connected to VREF or connects it to ground depending on the comparator output (which is high or low depending on whether the voltage at node A is negative or positive, respectively). A similar process is followed for the remaining two bits. At the end of the conversion interval, S1, S2, S3, S4, and SIN are connected to AIN, SC is connected to ground, and the converter is ready for another cycle. Subranging ADC (Pipeline etc) Subranging ADC (Pipeline etc) Subranging ADC (Pipeline etc) Subranging ADC (Pipeline etc) Subranging ADC (Pipeline etc) Võendamine, sampling, reconstruction, taastamine The sampling theorem Aliasing - rüsimine The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing By Steven W. Smith Paul Annus Võendamine, sampling The sampling theorem Gábor Dénes (1900 – 1979) 1946 "Theory of communication" Edmund Taylor Whittaker (1873 – 1956) 1915 "Expansions of the Interpolation-Theory", "Theorie der Kardinalfunktionen" Claude Elwood Shannon (1916 – 2001) 1949 "Communication in the presence of noise” If a function of time f(t) is limited to the band from 0 to W cycles per second it is completely determined by giving its ordinates at a series of discrete points spaced 1/2W seconds apart Harry Theodor Nyqvist (1889 –1976) 1928 "Certain topics in telegraph transmission theory” 1933 "On the transmission capacity of the 'ether' and of cables in electrical communications" Владимир Александрович Котельников, (1908 – 2005) Võendamine, sampling Võendamine, sampling Võendamine, sampling Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768 –1830) Mémoire sur la propagation de la chaleur dans les corps solides. (1807) Uuris soojusnähtusi ja kasutas siinussignaale temperatuuri jaotuste kirjeldamiseks. “...any continuous periodic signal could be represented as the sum of properly chosen sinusoidal waves.” Võendamine, sampling X Dirac comb Võendamine, sampling * cosa cosb 1 / 2(cos(a b) cos(a b)) Dirac comb Võendamine, sampling, A->D Võendamine, sampling, alias Võendamine, sampling, filtrid Võendamine, sampling, D ->A Võendamine, sampling, filtrid Võendamine, sampling, filtrid Bode plot AD ja DA muundurite täpsusest Paul Annus AD (DA) muundur 2n q Fs=1/T 0 T 2T 3T DC parameetrid, nulli viga ja võimendus Integraalne lineaarsusviga INL (inegral non linearity) Differentsiaalne lieaarsusviga DNL (differential non linearity) Differentsiaalne lieaarsusviga 2 DNL (differential non linearity) Differentsiaalne lieaarsusviga 3 DNL (differential non linearity) Subranging ADC Differentsiaalne lieaarsusviga 4 DNL (differential non linearity) Koodi muutusega kaasnev müra ja DNL Ideaalse ADC AC parameetrid, kvantimisega kaasnev müra ajas Ideaalse ADC AC parameetrid, kvantimisega kaasnev müra ajas 2 Ideaalse ADC AC parameetrid, kvantimisega kaasnev müra ajas 3 Koherentne muundamine Sisendile taandatud müra SINAD, ENOB Signal to noise and distortion ration – effective number of bits SINAD, ENOB Signal to noise and distortion ration – effective number of bits Analoog riba, signaali suurus ja ENOB Signal to noise and distortion ration – effective number of bits SFDR Spurious free dynamic range Mitu signaali korraga - IMD Intermodulation distortion Võendamine, SHA Aperture Time, Aperture Delay Time, and Aperture Jitter Võendamine, SHA 2 Aperture Time, Aperture Delay Time, and Aperture Jitter Võendamine, SHA 3 Aperture Time, Aperture Delay Time, and Aperture Jitter Võendamine, SHA 4 Aperture Time, Aperture Delay Time, and Aperture Jitter Transiendid, lülitamine, ülepinge Haruldlased vead, metastabiilsus Võrgud ja võrgupõhine andmehõive Wikipedia, etc. Paul Annus Üks kuni mitu ja miks PC based I/O PCI, PXI, ISA etc Bus I/O Rack based I/O Remote I/O Data transfer, parallel Data transfer, serial The first telegraphs came in the form of optical telegraph including the use of smoke signals, beacons or reflected light, which have existed since ancient times. A semaphore network invented by Claude Chappe operated in France from 1792 through 1846. It helped Napoleon enough to be widely imitated in Europe and the U.S. The Prussian system was put into effect in the 1830s. The last commercial semaphore link ceased operation in Sweden in 1880. Very early experiment in electrical telegraphy was an electrochemical telegraph created by the German physician, anatomist and inventor Samuel Thomas von Sömmering in 1809, based on an earlier, less robust design of 1804 by Catalan polymath and scientist Francisco Salvá i Campillo. One of the earliest electromagnetic telegraph designs was created by Baron Schilling in 1832 Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Weber built and first used for regular communication the electromagnetic telegraph in 1833 in Göttingen, connecting Göttingen Observatory and the Institute of Physics, covering a distance of about 1 km. An electrical telegraph was independently developed and patented in the United States in 1837 by Samuel Morse. His assistant, Alfred Vail, developed the Morse code signaling alphabet with Morse. America's first telegram was sent by Morse on 6 January 1838, across two miles (3 km) of wire at Speedwell Ironworks near Morristown, New Jersey. The message read "A patient waiter is no loser." Data transfer, serial Bit rate – bps – bits per second Byte rate – Bps – bytes per second Baud rate - Bd – symbols per second WAN modems Ethernet LAN WiFi WLAN •1972: Acoustic coupler 300 baud •1977: 1200 baud Vadic and Bell 212A •1972: IEEE 802.3 •1986: ISDN introduced with two 64 Ethernet 2.94 Mbit/s WiFi WLANs kbit/s channels (160 kbit/s gross bit •1985: 10b2 10 Mbit/s •1997: 802.11 2 Mbit/s rate) coax thinwire •1999: 802.11b 11 Mbit/s •1990: v.32bis modems: 2400 / 4800 •1990: 10bT 10 Mbit/s •1999: 802.11a 54 Mbit/s / 9600 / 19200 bit/s •1995: 100bT 100 (72 Mbit/s gross bit rate) •1994: v.34 modems with 28.8 kbit/s Mbit/s (125 Mbit/s •2003: 802.11g 54 Mbit/s •1995: v.90 modems with 56 kbit/s gross bit rate) (72 Mbit/s gross bit rate) downstreams, 33.6 kbit/s upstreams •1999: 1000bT (Gigabit) •2005: 802.11g •1999: v.92 modems with 56 kbit/s 1 Gbit/s (1.25 Gbit/s (proprietary) 108 Mbit/s downstreams, 48 kbit/s upstreams gross bit rate) •2007: 802.11n 600 Mbit/s •1998: ADSL up to 8 Mbit/s, •2003: 10GBASE 10 •2003: ADSL2 up to 12 Mbit/s Gbit/s •2005: ADSL2+ up to 24 Mbit/s Mobile data •1G: • 1981: NMT 1200 bit/s •2G: • 1991: GSM CSD and D-AMPS 14.4 kbit/s • 2003: GSM Edge 57.6 kbit/s down, 28.8 kbit/s up •3G: • 2001: UMTS-FDD (WCDMA) 384 kbit/s • 2007: UMTS HSDPA 14.4 Mbit/s • 2008: UMTS HSPA 14.4 Mbit/s down, 5.76 Mbit/s up • 2009: HSPA+ (Without MIMO) 28 Mbit/s downstreams (56 Mbit/s with 2x2 MIMO), 22 Mbit/s upstreams • 2010: CDMA2000 EV-DO Rev. B 14.7 Mbit/s downstreams •Pre-4G: • 2007: Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) 144 Mbit/s down, 35 Mbit/s up. • 2009: LTE 100 Mbit/s downstreams (360 Mbit/s with MIMO 2x2), 50 Mbit/s upstreams Data transfer, serial, RS -232 Recommended Standard 232, 1962 Serial binary single-ended data and control signals connecting between a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and a DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment). ASCII-HEX Parity XOR sum of the bits (even) Input A B Outp ut 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 7 bits of data (number of 1s) 8 bits including parity even odd 0000000 (0) 00000000 10000000 1010001 (3) 11010001 01010001 1101001 (4) 01101001 11101001 1111111 (7) 11111111 01111111 EIA-485, also known as TIA/EIA-485 or RS-485 Data transfer, serial, SPI “four-wire" serial bus, three-, two-, and one-wire, microwire (NS) SPI bus is a “de facto standard” = igaüks saab omamoodi aru... Clk - 1–70 MHz Data transfer, serial, address first versus data first Data transfer, serial, I2C “two-wire" serial bus, SMB, Philips, 1980, UM10204.pdf Multimaster, 10 kbps – 4 Mbps maximum number of nodes is limited by the address space, and also by the total bus capacitance of 400 pF First byte after start Protocol! Data transfer serial - CAN CAN-bus started originally in 1983 at Robert Bosch GmbH Controller–area network (CAN or CAN-bus) is a vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a host computer. Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously. A message consists primarily of an ID which represents the priority of the message and up to eight data bytes. It is transmitted serially onto the bus. This signal pattern is encoded in NRZ and is sensed by all nodes. If the bus is free, any node may begin to transmit. If two or more nodes begin sending messages at the same time, the message with the more dominant ID (which has more dominant bits, i.e., zeroes) will overwrite other nodes' less dominant IDs, so that eventually (after this arbitration on the ID) only the dominant message remains and is received by all nodes. This mechanism is referred to as priority based bus arbitration. Messages with numerically smaller values of ID have higher priority and are transmitted first. CAN, basic frame Field name Length (bits) Purpose Start-of-frame 1 Denotes the start of frame transmission Identifier 11 A (unique) identifier for the data which also represent the message priority Remote transmission request 1 (RTR) Identifier extension bit (IDE) 1 Dominant (0) (see Remote Frame below) Must be dominant (0)Optional Reserved bit (r0) 1 Reserved bit (it must be set to dominant (0), but accepted as either dominant or recessive) Data length code (DLC)* 4 Number of bytes of data (0-8 bytes) Data field 0-8 bytes CRC CRC delimiter 15 1 ACK slot 1 Transmitter sends recessive (1) and any receiver can assert a dominant (0) ACK delimiter End-of-frame (EOF) 1 7 Must be recessive (1) Must be recessive (1) Data to be transmitted (length dictated by DLC field) Cyclic Redundancy Check Must be recessive (1) CRC Cyclic Codes for Error Detection W. W. PETERSON, AND D. T. BROWN, 1960 CRC Cyclic Codes for Error Detection W. W. PETERSON, AND D. T. BROWN, 1960 A well-constructed CRC polynomial over limited-size data blocks will detect any contiguous burst of errors shorter than the polynomial, any odd number of errors throughout the block, any 2 bit errors anywhere in the block, and most other cases of any possible errors anywhere in the data. So every possible arrangement of 1, 2, or 3 bit errors will be detected. Nevertheless, there remains a small possibility that some errors will not be detected. This happens when the pattern of the errors results in a new value which, when divided, produces exactly the same remainder as the correct block. With a properly constructed 16-bit CRC, there is an average of one error pattern which will not be detected for every 65,535 which would be detected. That is, with CRC-CCITT, we should detect be able to detect 65535/65536ths or 99.998 percent of all possible errors CRC Cyclic Codes for Error Detection primitive polynomials W. W. PETERSON, AND D. T. BROWN, 1960 Name CRC-1 CRC-4-ITU CRC-5-EPC CRC-5-ITU CRC-5-USB CRC-6-ITU CRC-7 Polynomial x + 1 (most hardware; also known as parity bit) x4 + x + 1 (ITU-T G.704, p. 12) x5 + x3 + 1 (Gen 2 RFID[15]) x5 + x4 + x2 + 1 (ITU-T G.704, p. 9) x5 + x2 + 1 (USB token packets) x6 + x + 1 (ITU-T G.704, p. 3) x7 + x3 + 1 (telecom systems, ITU-T G.707, ITU-T G.832, MMC, SD) x8 + x2 + x + 1 (ATM HEC), ISDN Header Error Control and Cell Delineation ITU-T I.432.1 (02/99) x8 + x5 + x4 + 1 (1-Wire bus) x8 + x7 + x6 + x4 + x2 + 1 x8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1 x8 + x7 + x4 + x3 + x + 1[16] x10 + x9 + x5 + x4 + x + 1 (ATM; ITU-T I.610) x11 + x9 + x8 + x7 + x2 + 1 (FlexRay[17]) x12 + x11 + x3 + x2 + x + 1 (telecom systems[18][19]) x15 + x14 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x4 + x3 + 1 x16 + x15 + x2 + 1 (Bisync, Modbus, USB, ANSI X3.28, many others; also known as CRC-16 and CRC-16-ANSI) Representations: normal / reversed / reverse of reciprocal 0x1 / 0x1 / 0x1 0x3 / 0xC / 0x9 0x09 / 0x12 / 0x14 0x15 / 0x15 / 0x1A 0x05 / 0x14 / 0x12 0x03 / 0x30 / 0x21 0x09 / 0x48 / 0x44 CRC-16-CCITT x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 (X.25, HDLC, XMODEM, Bluetooth, SD, many others; known as CRC-CCITT) 0x1021 / 0x8408 / 0x8810[8] CRC-16-T10-DIF CRC-16-DNP CRC-16-DECT CRC-16-Fletcher CRC-24 CRC-24-Radix-64 CRC-30 CRC-32-Adler 0x8BB7[20] / 0xEDD1 / 0xC5DB 0x3D65 / 0xA6BC / 0x9EB2 0x0589 / 0x91A0 / 0x82C4 Used in Adler-32 A & B CRCs 0x5D6DCB / 0xD3B6BA / 0xAEB6E5 0x864CFB / 0xDF3261 / 0xC3267D 0x2030B9C7 / 0x38E74301 / 0x30185CE3 See Adler-32 CRC-32K (Koopman) CRC-32Q x16 + x15 + x11 + x9 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1 (SCSI DIF) x16 + x13 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x6 + x5 + x2 + 1 (DNP, IEC 870, M-Bus) x16 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x3 + 1 (cordless telephones)[21] Not a CRC; see Fletcher's checksum x24 + x22 + x20 + x19 + x18 + x16 + x14 + x13 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x6 + x3 + x + 1 (FlexRay[17]) x24 + x23 + x18 + x17 + x14 + x11 + x10 + x7 + x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x + 1 (OpenPGP) x30 + x29 + x21 + x20 + x15 + x13 + x12 + x11 + x8 + x7 + x6 + x2 + x + 1 (CDMA) Not a CRC; see Adler-32 x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1 (V.42, Ethernet, MPEG-2, PNG[22], POSIX cksum) x32 + x28 + x27 + x26 + x25 + x23 + x22 + x20 + x19 + x18 + x14 + x13 + x11 + x10 + x9 + x8 + x6 + 1 (iSCSI & SCTP, payload, SSE4.2) x32 + x30 + x29 + x28 + x26 + x20 + x19 + x17 + x16 + x15 + x11 + x10 + x7 + x6 + x4 + x2 + x + 1 x32 + x31 + x24 + x22 + x16 + x14 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x3 + x + 1 (aviation; AIXM[23]) CRC-64-ISO x64 + x4 + x3 + x + 1 (HDLC — ISO 3309, Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL; considered weak for hashing[24]) CRC-64-ECMA-182 x64 + x62 + x57 + x55 + x54 + x53 + x52 + x47 + x46 + x45 + x40 + x39 + x38 + x37 + x35 + x33 + x32 + x31 + x29 + x27 + x24 + x23 + x22 + x21 + x19 + x17 + x13 + x12 + x10 + x9 + x7 + x4 + x + 1 (as described in ECMA-182 p. 51) CRC-8-CCITT CRC-8-Dallas/Maxim CRC-8 CRC-8-SAE J1850 CRC-8-WCDMA CRC-10 CRC-11 CRC-12 CRC-15-CAN CRC-16-IBM CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 CRC-32C (Castagnoli) 0x07 / 0xE0 / 0x83 0x31 / 0x8C / 0x98 0xD5 / 0xAB / 0xEA[8] 0x1D / 0xB8 / 0x8E 0x9B / 0xD9 / 0xCD[8] 0x233 / 0x331 / 0x319 0x385 / 0x50E / 0x5C2 0x80F / 0xF01 / 0xC07[8] 0x4599 / 0x4CD1 / 0x62CC 0x8005 / 0xA001 / 0xC002 0x04C11DB7 / 0xEDB88320 / 0x82608EDB[11] 0x1EDC6F41 / 0x82F63B78 / 0x8F6E37A0[11] 0x741B8CD7 / 0xEB31D82E / 0xBA0DC66B[11] 0x814141AB / 0xD5828281 / 0xC0A0A0D5 0x000000000000001B / 0xD800000000000000 / 0x800000000000000D 0x42F0E1EBA9EA3693 / 0xC96C5795D7870F42 / 0xA17870F5D4F51B49 Remote I/O - CAN CanOpen and DeviceNet CANopen is a network protocol based on CAN bus and has been used in various applications, such as vehicles, industrial machines, building automation, medical devices, maritime applications, restaurant appliances, laboratory equipment & research. It allows for not only broadcasting but also peer to peer data exchange between every CANopen node. DeviceNet based on the CAN bus is one of the world's leading device-level networks for industrial automation. Contents of a standard CANopen frame: Length Functio n code Node ID RTR Data length Data 4 bits 7 bits 4 bits 0-8 bytes Common Industrial Protocol or (CIP), which includes the following technologies: EtherNet/IP (take note of the capital 'N', and "IP" here means "Industrial Protocol") ControlNet DeviceNet 1 bit ISO-OSI Layer # Name 7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session ISO/IEC 8327, X.225, ISO/IEC 9548-1, X.235 4 Transport ISO/IEC 8073, TP0, TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4 (X.224), TCP, UDP, SCTP, DCCP ISO/IEC 8602, X.234 3 Network ISO/IEC 8208, X.25 (PLP), ISO/IEC 8878, X.223, IP, IPsec, ICMP, IGMP, OSPF ISO/IEC 8473-1, CLNP X.233. OSI protocols TCP/IP protocols Signaling System 7[6] AppleTalk NNTP, SIP, SSI, DNS, FTP, Gopher, FTAM, X.400, X.500, DAP, INAP, MAP, TCAP, HTTP, NFS, NTP, DHCP, SMPP, [7] [8] ROSE, RTSE, ACSE CMIP ISUP, TUP SMTP, SNMP, Telnet, RIP, BGP ISO/IEC 8823, X.226, MIME, SSL, TLS, XDR ISO/IEC 9576-1, X.236 2 Data Link ISO/IEC 7666, X.25 (LAPB), Token Bus, X.222, ISO/IEC 8802-2 LLC Type 1 and 2[9] 1 Physical X.25 (X.21bis, EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-449, EIA-530, G.703) [9] Sockets. Session establishment in TCP, RTP PPP, SLIP, PPTP, L2TP IPX AFP, ZIP, RTMP, NBP RIP, SAP SNA UMTS APPC HL7, Modbus TDI, ASCII, EBCDIC, MIDI, MPEG Named pipes, NetBIOS, SAP, half duplex, full duplex, simplex, RPC AFP ASP, ADSP, PAP NWLink DLC? DDP, SPX SCCP, MTP ATP (TokenTalk or EtherTalk) Misc. examples NBF RRC (Radio Resource Control) Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) and BMC (Broadcast/Multicast Control) IPX MTP, Q.710 IEEE 802.3 LocalTalk, AppleTalk framing, Remote Access, PPP Ethernet II framing SDLC LLC (Logical Link Control), MAC (Media Access Control) MTP, Q.710 RS-232, RS-422, STP, PhoneNet Twinax UMTS Physical Layer or L1 NBF, Q.931, IS-IS Leaky bucket, token bucket 802.3 (Ethernet), 802.11a/b/g/n MAC/LLC, 802.1Q (VLAN), ATM, HDP, FDDI, Fibre Channel, Frame Relay, HDLC, ISL, PPP, Q.921, Token Ring, CDP, ARP (maps layer 3 to layer 2 address), ITU-T DLL CRC, Bit stuffing, ARQ, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) RS-232, Full duplex, RJ45, V.35, V.34, I.430, I.431, T1, E1, 10BASE-T, 100BASETX, POTS, SONET, SDH, DSL, 802.11a/b/g/n PHY, ITU-T PHY, Controller Area Network, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) TCP/IP HDLC High-Level Data Link Control The contents of an HDLC frame are shown in the following table: Flag Address 8 bits 8 or more bits Control Information FCS Flag 8 or 16 bits Variable length, 0 or more bits 16 or 32 bits 8 bits The bit sequence "01111110" containing six adjacent 1 bits is commonly used as a "Flag byte" or FSS Zero-bit insertion is a particular type of bit stuffing (in the latter sense) used in some data transmission protocols. It was popularized by IBM's SDLC (later renamed HDLC), to ensure that the Frame Sync Sequence (FSS) never appears in a data frame. An FSS is the method of frame synchronization used by HDLC to indicate the beginning and/or end of a frame. IP Internet Protocol LXI LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation The LXI instrumentation platform combines Ethernet-enabled instrumentation with the ubiquity of the World Wide Web and applies them to test and measurement applications. LXI devices can communicate with devices that are not themselves LXI compliant, as well as instruments that employ GPIB, VXI, and PXI, into heterogeneous configurations. In order to simplify communication with non-LXI instruments, the standard mandates that every LXI instrument must have an Interchangeable Virtual Instrument (IVI) driver. Precision Time Protocol (PTP) IEEE 1588-2008 introduces a clock associated with network equipment used to convey PTP messages. The transparent clock modifies PTP messages as they pass through the device. Timestamps in the messages are corrected for time spent traversing the network equipment. This scheme improves distribution accuracy by compensating for delivery variability across the network. TCP/IP + Precision Time Protocol = LXI GPIB IEEE-488 is a short-range digital communications bus specification. It was created for use with automated test equipment in the late 1960s, and is still in use for that purpose. IEEE-488 was created as HP-IB (Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus), and is commonly called GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus). It has been the subject of several standards IEEE-488 Pin out Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 Pin 9 Pin 10 Pin 11 Pin 12 Pin 13 Pin 14 Pin 15 Pin 16 Pin 17 Pin 18 Pin 19 Pin 20 Pin 21 Pin 22 Pin 23 Pin 24 Female IEEE-488 connector DIO1 Data input/output bit. DIO2 Data input/output bit. DIO3 Data input/output bit. DIO4 Data input/output bit. EOI End-or-identify. DAV Data valid. NRFD Not ready for data. NDAC Not data accepted. IFC Interface clear. SRQ Service request. ATN Attention. SHIELD DIO5 Data input/output bit. DIO6 Data input/output bit. DIO7 Data input/output bit. DIO8 Data input/output bit. REN Remote enable. GND (wire twisted with DAV) GND (wire twisted with NRFD) GND (wire twisted with NDAC) GND (wire twisted with IFC) GND (wire twisted with SRQ) GND (wire twisted with ATN) Logic ground GPIB Physically the GPIB bus is composed of 16 lowtrue signal lines. Eight of the lines are bidirectional data lines, DIO1-8. Three of the lines are handshake lines, NRFD, NDAC and DAV, that transfer data from the talker to all devices who are addressed to listen. The talker drives the DAV line, the listeners drive the NDAC and NRFD lines. The remaining five lines are used to control the bus’s operation. Mõõtevigadest Paul Annus Põhjused Mõõtmine on...võrdlemine -Võrdlusallikas -Meetod -Vahendid Välised mõjurid -Häired -Mürad Millega võrdleme? Tugisignaali allikad: -DC -Pingeallikas -Vooluallikas -AC -Ühesageduslikud -Mitmesageduslikud Referents komponendid: -Takistid -Kondensaatorid -Poolid Tugipinge allikad # Ultralow noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) ADR440: 1 μV p-p ADR441: 1.2 μV p-p ADR443: 1.4 μV p-p ADR444: 1.8 μV p-p ADR445: 2.25 μV p-p # Input range: (VOUT + 500 mV) to 18 V # Superb temperature coefficient A Grade: 10 ppm/°C B Grade: 3 ppm/°C # Low dropout operation: 500 mV # High output source and sink current +10 mA and −5 mA, respectively # Wide temperature range: −40°C to +125°C Komponendid, takisti Max võimsus Tolerants: -+-5% kuni 0,005% Max pinge TC: tüüpiline +-50 ppm/C Lineaarsus! The Standard TCR is 5ppm - however, if you need something closer, special TCRs to 1ppm per degree C. are available. Ultra Stability vs. Time - probably your most important consideration - can be conditioned to 0.001% per year. Wide Temperature Span - from -65°C. to +125°C. ... derated to zero wattage at +145°C.. Other technologies are limited to +70°C., which can be a problem in your soldering processes. Special Custom Flexibility - when you need matching TCRs and tolerances with part-to-part repeatability. Non-inductive - All HR & RX standard parts are noninductive (suffix "N") except the HR103 Müra: Color 1st band 2nd band 3rd band (multipli er) Black 0 0 ×100 Brown 1 1 ×101 ±1% (F) 100 ppm 2 ×102 ±2% (G) 50 ppm 15 ppm 25 ppm Red 2 4th band Temp. (toleranc Coefficie e) nt Orange 3 3 ×103 Yellow 4 4 ×104 Green 5 5 ×105 ±0.5% (D) Blue 6 6 ×106 ±0.25% (C) Violet 7 7 ×107 ±0.1% (B) Gray 8 8 ×108 ±0.05% (A) White 9 9 ×109 Gold ×10−1 ±5% (J) Silver ×10−2 ±10% (K) None ±20% (M) Komponendid, kondensaator Tolerants (0,5-20%) Max pinge TC: NP0 Parasiitelemendid Lineaarsus! Müra: Takisti: Kondensaator: * C0G or NP0: typically 1 pF to 0.1 µF, 5%. High tolerance and good temperature performance. Larger and more expensive. * X7R: typically 100 pF to 22 µF, 10%. Good for non-critical coupling, timing applications. Subject to microphonics. Temperature up to 125°C * X8R: typically 100 pF to 10 µF, 25-100v, 5-10%. Good for high temperature up to 150°C * Z5U or 2E6: typically 1 nF to 10 µF, 20%. Good for bypass, coupling applications. Low price and small size. Subject to microphonics. * Ceramic chip: 1% accurate, values up to about 1 µF, typically made from Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ferroelectric ceramic Komponendid, aktiivelemendid Komponendid, aktiivelemendid Komponendid, aktiivelemendid Komponendid, aktiivelemendid Mõõteahel Objekt Sensor Võimendi Filter AD Muundur ... Toiteahelad Tugipinge allikad Taktigeneraatorid Mürad Häired Komponendid Müra Müra Müra Müra Müra Müra Müra Digitaalne signaalitöötlus The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing By Steven W. Smith, Ph.D Paul Annus DSP? DSP, CPU, uC, FPGA, CPLD...? Applications Rakendused Operating system Operatsioonisüsteem Instruction set Käsustik Functional units Funktsionaalsed komponendid Finite state machine Lõplikud automaadid... Logic gates Loogikalülid Electronics “Jupid” Word LabWiev Linux Nucleus asm objektkood ALU, RAM, MAC ... Moore Mealy AND, OR, NOR, XOR... transistor DSP, CPU, uC, FPGA, CPLD...? Harvard Modified Harvard von Neumann DSP -Digitaalsed filtrid -IIR -FIR -Informatsiooni kodeerimine -Informatsiooni pakkimine -Informatsiooni edastamine -.... Konvolutsioon ! Linear, Time invariant, Causal y = ax + b •System A: •System B: Complex Fourier Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) representation of any discontinuous function in space or time in terms of a much simpler trigonometric series of continuous cosine or sine functions Linear, Time invariant Aknad Rectangular Hanning Triangular Blackman Kaiser Hamming Filtrid Lowpass Highpass Bandpass Bandstop Multipass Multistop Differentiator Hilbert Transformer Raised Cosine Root Raised Cosine Gaussian Edge .... Filtrid Chebyshev Butterworth Elliptic Digitaalsed filtrid FIR IIR edasi tagasi Digitaalsed filtrid