Samsung ARM S3C4510B

Samsung ARM S3C4510B
Product overview
 System manager
 Unified instruction/data cache
 I2C bus controller
 Ethernet controller
 32-bit timers
 I/O Ports
 Interrupt Controller
Product overview
 16/32-bit RISC
 Cost-effective, high-performance microcontroller solution for
Ethernet-based system
S3C4510B built an outstanding CPU core
 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI RISC processor
 TDMI means Thumb mode, Debugger core, faster Multiplier,
embedded ICE logic
ARMTDMI Block Diagram
Introduction to AMBA
AMBA: Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture
Three distinct buses are defined within the AMBA specification:
 the Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB)
for high-performance, high clock frequency system modules.
acts as the high-performance system backbone bus.
supports the
efficient connection of processors, on-chip memories and off-chip external
memory interfaces with low-power peripheral macrocell functions.
the Advanced System Bus (ASB)
 for high-performance system modules.
 suitable for use where the high-performance features of AHB are not
the Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB).
 for low-power peripherals.
 optimized for minimal power consumption and reduced interface
complexity to support peripheral functions.
Product overview
Integrated the following on-chip functions
 8k-byte unified cache/SRAM
 I2C interface
 Ethernet controller
 Timers
 Programmable I/O ports
 Interrupt Controller
Product Overview - Features
 Embedded in Circuit emulator (ICE)
 Little/big-endian mode supported (Internal architecture is big-endian)
System manager
 8/16/32-bit external bus support for ROM/SRAM, flash memory, DRAM, and
external I/O, Support EDO/normal or SDRAM
 Four-word depth write buffer
 Cost-effective memory-to-peripheral DMA interface
Unified instruction/data cache
 Two-way set-associative, unified 8k-byte cache
 Support for LRU (least recently used) replacement protocol
I2C serial intrface
Ethernet controller (10/100-Mbps full-duplex)
DMA controller (2-channel general DMA)
 For memory-to-memory, memory-to-UART, UART-to-memory
UARTs (two UART with DMA-based or interrupt-based operation)
Timers (two 32-bit timers with interval mode or toggle mode operation)
Programmable I/O (18 programmable I/O ports)
Interrupt controller (21 interrupt sources, includes 4 external interrupt)
Product overview – special registers
System manager
Handle the following functions
 Decide little and big endian for external memory or I/O devices
 To enable the cache function or not
 For the external memory operations (6 ROM/SRAM/Flash memory
banks, 4 normal/EDO DRAM or SDRAM banks, and 4 I/O bank)
Memory bank locations
External bus width access cycle
Control signal timing (Ex: RAS, CAS)
The size of memory banks to be used for arbitrary address spacing
The address resolution for each memory bank base pointer is 64k-bytes
(16 bits)
 The base address pointer is 10 bits for each memory banks (therefore,
the total address space for memory bank space is 16 M words)
System memory map
The size and location of each memory
bank is determined by
 Current bank base pointer
 Start address: base pointer << 16
Current bank end pointer (next pointer)
 End address: end pointer << 16 -1
The maximum access memory space for
each memory bank is 4 Mbytes
The address boundaries of consecutive
banks must not overlap
For external I/O banks are defined in a
continuous address space
 Only set the base pointer of external I/O
bank 0
 The start address of external I/O bank 1
is bank 0 start address + 16K
After power-on or system reset
 All bank pointers except for the next
pointer of ROM bank 0 are set to zero
 The next pointer and the base pointer of
ROM bank 0 are 0x200 and 0x000 (is
32-Mbyte space with a start address of
The memory map after power-on or reset
System manager registers
External address translation depends on the
width of external memory
Connection of external memory with various
data width
When the CPU issues an arbitray address to access an external memory
 The CPU compares the upper 10 bits of the issued address with the
address pointers of all memory banks
 When the bank is identified and the offset has been derived, the
corresponding bank selection signal (nRCS[5:0] or nECS[3:0]) is
generated, and the derived offset is driven to address external memory
through the physical address bus
Bus arbitration
Control registers: system configuration register (SYSCFG)
Determine the start address of the system manager’s special
Start address of internal SRAM
Enable the write buffer
Cache enable and cache mode
Stall enable operation
All DRAM banks set to the synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) mode
Start address setting
 If a reset initialize the start address to 3FF0000H
 The offset address of the ROMCON register is 3014H
 The physical address for ROMCON is 3FF0000H + 3014H = 3FF3014H
Cache disable/enable
 To enable or disable the cache
 Does not have an auto-flush feature (not auto write-back)
 The memory area that is allocated to DMA access operation must be noncachable (don’t maintain cache coherence problem)
 Internal 8-Kbyte SRAM can be used as a cache area or normal SRAM
according to the CM field (cache mode)
 The address of internal SRAM is set by internal SRAM base pointer field
Write buffer disable/enable
 Four programmable write buffer registers
 To maintain data coherency between the cache and external memory, the
S3C4510B uses a write-through policy
Clock control register (CLKCON)
System clock
External I/O access control registers
Data bus with register (EXTDBWTH)
Allow interface for 8/16/32-bit external ROMs, SRAMs, flash
memories, DRAMs, SDRAMs, and external I/O ports
ROM/SRAM/FLASH control registers
Has six control registers for ROM, SRAM, and flash memory
The external data bus width of ROM/SRAM/Flash bank 0 is determined
by the signal at the B0SIZE[1:0] pins
ROM bank 5 address/data multiplexed bus
The S3C4510B has separate address and data bus
S3C4510B supports multiplexed address/data bank (ROM bank 5)
which can support address/data multiplexed bus and 4-data burst
access by GDMA. For this feature, you should set the MUX enable
bit and wait enable bit of CLKCON register
Four-data burst access by GDMA
 When FB (4-data burst enable) bit in the GDMACON register, the
GDMA request 4-data burst access.
 When you access ROM bank 5 by 4-data burst mode, the
multiplexed ROM bank 5bus has only one address phase
DRAM refresh and external I/O control register
External I/O bank address map
Unified instruction/data cache
The S3C4510B CPU has a unified internal 8K byte instruction/data
Using cache control register settings, you can use part or all of
this cache as internal SRAM
The cache is configured using two-way, set-associative
The replacement algorithm is pseudo-LRU (least recently used)
The cache line size is four words (16 bytes)
Cache configuration
 If cache size is 4 kbyte, two-way set associative instruction/data
cache uses a 15-bit tag address for each set (line)
 The CS bits is tag memory stores information for cache replacement
 When a reset occurs, the CS value is 00 (set 0 and 1 is invalid)
 The first cache fill after the reset, the CS value become 01 (set 0 is
valid, set 1 is invalid)
Cache replace operations
Cache disable/enable
 Set SYSCFG[1] to “0” can disable cache
Cache flush operation
 To flush the cache line
 Write a zero to tag memory bits 31 and 30, respectively
The 4-Kbyte set 0 RAM area, 4-Kbyte set 1 RAM area, and the 1-Kbyte Tag
RAM area (total 356 words) can be accessed from locations 0x10000000h,
0x10800000h, and 0x11000000h, respectively
Tag RAM is normally cleared by hardware following a power-on reset
If the cache or memory bank configuration is changed and the cache is
 The application program must clear the Tag RAM area
Non-cacheable area control bit
 If ADDR[26] in the ROM/SRAM, flash memory, DRAM, or external I/O
bank’s access address is “0”, then the accessed data is cacheable
 If the ADDR[26] value is “1”, the accessed data is non-cacheable