TCP/IP TCP/IP Internal TCP/IP Learning outcome Application layer – Transport layer – – – – – HTTP, FTP, TELNET, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, DNS protocols TCP and UDP TCP and UDP segment Opening and closing connections Flow control Reliable data transmission Internet layer – – – IP , ICMP, ARP and RARP IP datagram Routing TCP/IP Learning outcome cont’d Before we have explained how – – Each layer adds header information to the block of data passed to it from the previous layer And these headers are interpreted and removed by corresponding layer at the receiving end In this Chapter – – We will look in details at the header information constructed at the transport and internet layers We will also show how this information is used TCP/IP Reading List for this chapter Joe Casad, Teach Teach Yourself TCP/IP, chs. 4-6 or William Buchanan, Mastering the Internet, Ch. 4 or Julian Moss, “understanding TCP/IP” (parts 2-4, October 1997-March 1998) and Liam Proven, “understanding TCP/IP” [details of IP addressing] ( January 2001) TCP/IP TCP/IP Protocol Suite is a four-layered protocol suite. The location of the important protocols within the TCP/IP layers is showed below OSI layers SMTP FTP HTTP IMAP TELNET SNMP POP DNS RTP Application layer TCP IP Transport layer Internet layer UDP ICMP Network interface Network-specific protocols (e.g. Ethernet, Token-ring, FDDI, ATM) 5 The suite of Protocols for TCP/IP ICMP TCP/IP suite The application layer Handles high-level protocols, issues of representation, encoding, and dialog control. The TCP/IP combines all application-related issues into one layer, and assures this data is properly packaged for the next layer. – – – FTP, HTTP, SMNP, DNS ... Format of data, data structure, encode … Dialog control, session management … TCP/IP suite Application Protocols Protocols HTTP FTP Role Ports Hyper Text Transfer Protocol browser and web server communication 1. client browser connects to HTTP server 2. client browser send a request to the HTTP server 3. HTTP server reacts by sending a response 4. HTTP server disconnects 80 File transfer protocol 1. allow people anywhere on the Internet to log in and download whatever files they have placed on the FTP server, or upload other files. 2. Port 20 for data channel and 21 for control channel 20, 21 TCP/IP suite Application Protocols Protocols DNS Role Domain Name System 1.provides translation between host name and IP address 2.DNS messages are carried using UDP on port 53 TELNET Ports Remote login 53 23 TCP/IP suite Application Protocols (cont’d) Protocols POP3 IMAP SMTP Role Post Office Protocol 3 1. The point of POP3 is to fetch email from the remote mailbox and store it on the user’s local machine to read later. 2. Downloaded emails are then deleted from the server. Internet Message Access Control 1. Retrieve emails 2. retaining e-mail on the server and for organizing it in folders on the serve Ports 110 143 Sending email 1. 2. 3. Sending emails Establish TCP connection to port 25 of the destination machine / server Start sending email message 25 TCP/IP suite The transport layer Transport layer Transport protocols – UDP – TCP TCP AND UDP segments TCP/IP suite Transport Protocols in the Internet • The Internet supports 2 transport protocols UDP - User Datagram Protocol datagram oriented unreliable, connectionless No acknowledgment simple unicast and multicast useful only for few applications, e.g., multimedia applications used a lot for services – network management (SNMP), routing (RIP), naming (DNS), etc. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol stream oriented reliable, connection-oriented complex only unicast used for most Internet applications: – web (HTTP), email (SMTP), file transfer (FTP), terminal (TELNET), etc. TCP/IP User Datagram Protocol UDP Header Datagram Header Frame Header UDP Data UDP DatagramUDP Data Data Area Header Datagram UDP Frame Datagram Data Area UDP Data Data Area Header Header TCP/IP User Datagram Protocol Source port (optional - zero if not used) Length - Count of octets including header and data (minimum is 8) Checksum (optional - zero if not used) UDP Source Port UDP Destination Port UDP Message Length UDP Checksum Data . . . TCP/IP User Datagram Protocol IP checksum does not include data UDP checksum is only way to guarantee that data is correct UDP checksum includes pseudo-header Pseudo UDP Header Header UDP Data TCP/IP UDP Pseudo-Header Source IP Address Destination Address Protocol UDP Length Zero UDP Source Port UDP Destination Port UDP Message Length Data . . . UDP Checksum TCP/IP Transport Control Protocol TCP/IP TCP Lingo When a client requests a connection, it sends a “SYN” segment (a special TCP segment) to the server port. SYN stands for synchronize. The SYN message includes the client’s ISN. ISN is Initial Sequence Number. TCP/IP More... Every TCP segment includes a Sequence Number that refers to the first byte of data included in the segment. Every TCP segment includes a Request Number (Acknowledgement Number) that indicates the byte number of the next data that is expected to be received. – All bytes up through this number have already been received. TCP/IP And more... There are a bunch of control flags: – – – – – URG: urgent data included. ACK: this segment is (among other things) an acknowledgement. RST: error - abort the session. SYN: synchronize Sequence Numbers (setup) FIN: polite connection termination. TCP/IP And more... MSS: Maximum segment size (A TCP option) Window: Every ACK includes a Window field that tells the sender how many bytes it can send before the receiver will have to throw it away (due to fixed buffer size). Client TCP Connection creation SYN ISN=X 1 3 TCP 3-way handshake time 2 SYN ISN=Y ACK=X+1 ACK=Y+1 Server TCP 3-way handshake 1 Client: “I want to talk, and I’m starting with byte number X+1”. 2 Server: “OK, I’m here and I’ll talk. My first byte will be called number Y+1, and I know your first byte will be number X+1”. 3 Client: “Got it - you start at byte number Y+1”. TCP Data and ACK Once the connection is established, data can be sent. Each data segment includes a sequence number identifying the first byte in the segment. Each segment (data or empty) includes a request number indicating what data has been received. TCP Fast Retransmit Another enhancement to TCP congestion control Idea: When sender sees 3 duplicate ACKs, it assumes something went wrong The packet is immediately retransmitted instead of waiting for it to timeout TCP Fast Retransmit Sender Receiver Packet 1 Packet 2 Packet 3 ACK 1 Packet 4 ACK 2 Packet 5 ACK 2 Fast Retransmit Packet 6 ACK 2 ACK 2 Retransmit packet 3 ACK 6 Figure 6.12 Fast Retransmit Based on three duplicate ACKs TCP Fast Retransmit Example MSS = 1K Sender Receiver ACK of new data Duplicate ACK #1 Duplicate ACK #2 Fast Retransmit occurs (2nd packet is now retransmitted w/o waiting for it to timeout) Duplicate ACK #3 Buffering Keep in mind that TCP is (usually) part of the Operating System. It takes care of all these details asynchronously. The TCP layer doesn’t know when the application will ask for any received data. TCP buffers incoming data so it’s ready when we ask for it. TCP Buffers Both the client and server allocate buffers to hold incoming and outgoing data – The TCP layer takes care of this. Both the client and server announce with every ACK how much buffer space remains (the Window field in a TCP segment). Send Buffers The application gives the TCP layer some data to send. The data is put in a send buffer, where it stays until the data is ACK’d. – it has to stay, as it might need to be sent again! The TCP layer won’t accept data from the application unless (or until) there is buffer space. ACKs A receiver doesn’t have to ACK every segment (it can ACK many segments with a single ACK segment). Each ACK can also contain outgoing data (piggybacking). If a sender doesn’t get an ACK after some time limit it resends the data. TCP Segment Order Most TCP implementations will accept out-of-order segments (if there is room in the buffer). Once the missing segments arrive, a single ACK can be sent for the whole thing. Remember: IP delivers TCP segments, and IP is not reliable - IP datagrams can be lost or arrive out of order. Termination The TCP layer can send a RST segment that terminates a connection if something is wrong. Usually the application tells TCP to terminate the connection politely with a FIN segment. FIN Either end of the connection can initiate termination. A FIN is sent, which means the application is done sending data. The FIN is ACK’d. The other end must now send a FIN. That FIN must be ACK’d. App2 App1 FIN SN=X 2 ... ACK=X+1 1 FIN SN=Y 3 ACK=Y+1 4 TCP Termination 1 App1: “I have no more data for you”. 2 App2: “OK, I understand you are done sending.” dramatic pause… 3 App2: “OK - Now I’m also done sending data”. 4 App1: “Goodbye, It’s been real pleasure talking to you ” TCP TIME_WAIT Once a TCP connection has been terminated (the last ACK sent) there is some unfinished business: – – What if the ACK is lost? The last FIN will be resent and it must be ACK’d. What if there are lost or duplicated segments that finally reach the destination after a long delay? TCP hangs out for a while to handle these situations. Test Questions Why is a 3-way handshake necessary? Who sends the first FIN - the server or the client? Once the connection is established, what is the difference between the operation of the server’s TCP layer and the client’s TCP layer? TCP Features Flow control: keep sender from overrunning receiver Congestion control: keep sender from overrunning network Application process Application process Write bytes … Connection-oriented Byte-stream – app writes bytes – TCP sends segments – app reads bytes Reliable data transfer … TCP Send buffer Segment Read bytes TCP Receive buffer Segment … Segment Transmit segments Segment Format 0 10 4 16 31 SrcPort DstPort SequenceNum Acknowledgment HdrLen 0 Flags AdvertisedWindow Checksum UrgPtr Options (variable) Data TCP Segment Fields Source & Destination Ports – Sequence number – – 16 bit port identifiers for each packet (65536 ports) The packet’s unique sequence ID Initial number selected at connection time Acknowledgement number – The sequence number of the next packet expected by the receiver TCP Segment Fields (cont’d) Window size (flow control) – Specifies how many bytes may be sent after the first acknowledged byte Data(SequenceNum) Sender Checksum – Receiver Acknowledgment + AdvertisedWindow Checksums the TCP header and IP address fields Urgent Pointer – Points to urgent data in the TCP data field TCP Segment Fields (cont’d) Header bits – – – – – – URG = Urgent pointer field in use ACK = Indicates whether frame contains acknowledgement PSH = Data has been “pushed”. It should be delivered to higher layers right away. RST = Indicates that the connection should be reset SYN = Used to establish connections FIN = Used to release a connection TCP Congestion Window TCP introduces a second window, called the “congestion window” To determine how many bytes it may send, the sender takes the minimum of the receiver window and the congestion window Example: – – If the receiver window says the sender can transmit 8K, but the congestion window is only 4K, then the sender may only transmit 4K If the congestion window is 8K but the receiver window says the sender can transmit 4K, then the sender may only transmit 4K Sliding Window Revisited Sending application Receiving application TCP LastByteWritten LastByteAcked LastByteSent TCP LastByteRead NextByteExpected LastByteRcvd Internet Layer Best path determination and packet switching 4/8/2015 Internet Layer Process Process TCP UDP ICMP, ARP & RARP IP 802.3 Application Layer Transport Layer Internet Layer Data-Link Layer IP Datagram The Internet layer defines – A packet format – Addressing scheme – And IP (Internet protocol) Ensures that any computer on the Internet has a unique IP The Internet layer adds an IP Header to a packet. A packet with an IP header is called: – IP datagram Header – Source IP address – Destination IP address – Payload size (actual data sent without header) – And some other stuff… Forwarding a Datagram Because datagrams are a connectionless communication, they are forwarded from node to node. At each step, the router (node) inspects the destination address of the datagram and forwards it to the appropriate interface. Simple Datagram Forwarding Datagram Forwarding with a Routing Table Network Address From our subnetting discussion, we’ve already seen how the network address can be determined from the IP address and the netmask. & == With the network address, the router can determine the correct next hop. Best-Effort Delivery Although IP makes the best-effort of datagram delivery, it does not guarantee proper handling of: – – – – Datagram duplication Delayed or out-of-order delivery Corruption of data Datagram loss Other protocol layers are responsible for error handling. IP Datagram Header IP Datagram Header (cont.) Vers: – version of IP (4 bits) Only 2 permitted – 0100 for IPv4 and – 0110 for IPv6 H. LEN: – Header Length (4 bits) length of the header in 32 bit words. Service Type: – Information about how data transmission is prioritised IP Datagram Header(cont.) Total Length (16 bits): Identification (16 bits): A value assigned to aid in assembly of fragments. Identification, Flags and fragment offset: Total length of the datagram, measured in octets, including header and data. These values allow datagrams to be fragmented and reassembled ant the destination. Time to Live (8 bits): Maximum time the datagram is allowed to exist in the system. Each router that handles the datagram decrements the TTL by 1. If the value is reaches 0 the datagram is discarded and an ICMP message is sent to the source host. IP Datagram Header (cont.) Type: – – Header Checksum (16 bits): – – Protocol (8 bits): Indicates which Transport Layer protocol the datagram is passed to. UDP or TCP Checksum is used to verify It is recomputed at each router hop. Source address (32 bits) Destination address (32 bits) More about IP Routing Routing - the process of choosing a path over which to send packets Router - a computer that performs routing Routing is one of the Internet Protocol’s primary functions IP Routing (cont’d) Criteria that could (ideally) be used to make routing decisions: – – – – – Network characteristics Network topology Network load Datagram length Type of service requested in the datagram’s header IP routing software: – – Normally does not consider most of these factors Makes decisions based on fixed assumptions about shortest paths Hosts vs. Routers Hosts make routing decisions Hosts don’t typically transfer packets from one network to another Routers make routing decisions Routers typically transfer packets from one network to another Direct vs. Indirect Delivery Direct delivery - transmit datagram across a single physical network to the destination Indirect delivery - transmit datagram across multiple physical networks (with the aid of routers) to the destination How does a machine know which method of delivery to use? Direct Delivery Map the destination IP address to a physical address Encapsulate the datagram in a physical frame Send the frame over the physical network to the destination Indirect Delivery Encapsulate the datagram in a frame Choose a router on the physical network Send the frame to that router Router forwards the datagram on towards its final destination – – How does the host choose a router? How does the router forward the datagram? The IP Routing Table Routing table - each machine stores information about destination networks and how to reach them Using only netid portion of the IP address keeps routing tables: – – Small Relatively stable Next-Hop Routing Next-Hop Routing (cont) Routing table at machine M contains pairs (N,R) – – N is the IP address of a destination network R is the IP address of the “next” router (R and M must share a physical network) Routing table size: – – Depends on the number of networks in the internet Only grows when new networks are added Properties of Next-Hop Routes All traffic destined for a given network takes the same path Only the final router can determine whether a host exists or is operational Routes are not necessarily symmetric The Internet Control Message Protocol Abnormal normal communication among routers and hosts is sometimes necessary to: – – – Report errors Handle abnormal conditions Update routing information ICMP ICMP is for Error Reporting Errors are reported to a datagram’s original sender It is the sender’s responsibility to take appropriate action ICMP Message Format All ICMP messages begin with the same three fields: – – – TYPE (1 octet) - identifies the message CODE (1 octet) - information about the subtype CHECKSUM (2 octets) - covers the ICMP message ICMP error messages always include the header and first 64 data bits of the datagram causing the problem Mapping IP Addresses to Hardware Addresses (MAC) IP Addresses are not recognized by hardware. If we know the IP address of a host, how do we find out the hardware address ? The process of finding the hardware address of a host given the IP address is called Address Resolution ARP The Address Resolution Protocol is used by a sending host when it knows the IP address of the destination but needs the Ethernet (or whatever) address. ARP is a broadcast protocol - every host on the network receives the request. Each host checks the request against it’s IP address - the right one responds. ARP (cont.) ARP does not need to be done every time an IP datagram is sent - hosts remember the hardware addresses of each other. Part of the ARP protocol specifies that the receiving host should also remember the IP and hardware addresses of the sending host. ARP conversation HEY - Everyone please listen! Will please send me his/her Ethernet address? not me Hi Red! I’m, and my Ethernet address is 87:A2:15:35:02:C3 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Each device on a network maintains its own ARP table. A device that requires an IP and MAC address pair broadcasts an ARP request. If one of the local devices matches the IP address of the request, it sends back an ARP reply that contains its IP-MAC pair. If the request is for a different IP network, a router performs a proxy ARP. The router sends an ARP response with the MAC address of the interface on which the request was received, to the requesting host. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RARP The process of finding out the IP address of a host given a hardware address is called Reverse Address Resolution Reverse address resolution is needed by diskless workstations when booting (which used to be quite common). RARP conversation HEY - Everyone please listen! My Ethernet address is 22:BC:66:17:01:75. Does anyone know my IP address ? not me Hi Red! Your IP address is SUMMARY Transport layer – UDP – TCP Connectionless Unreliable transmission Less overheat CONNECTION ORIENTED Reliable Transmission More overheat to deal with ack’s Internet layer – IP – – – Connectonless IP routing (next-hop using routing table) Unreliable ICMP (information control message protocol) ARP (IP to MAC) RARP (MAC TO IP)