Object-oriented ABL
April 2014
Shelley Chase, Senior Architect Progress
Object-oriented programming in ABL (OOABL)
 Introduced in 2007 with OE Release 10
• Interoperates with procedures
– Procedures can call classes; classes can call procedures
– Same ABL logic in both
 New features implemented in OOABL
• When possible – already have enough keywords 
• Easy to consume – usage is very similar to persistent procedures
 GUI for .NET uses OOABL
• Use .NET classes to build rich desktop applications
• Use .NET classes for functionality not in ABL
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Why should I Use Object-oriented (OO) programming?
 Clean-er, “bug-free” code
• Compile-time validation for programming errors beyond syntax
• Tooling: Content-assist based on object definition
 Encapsulation and easier code reuse
• Protection levels identify external interface
• Common code in “super” class – seen at compilation
• Customize behavior without changing original code
 Most modern programming languages use OO concepts
• You can use words like “factory”, “instantiation”, “inheritance” and
polymorphism (and know what they mean)
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OO Programming Basics
 Functionality centered around “objects”
• Type:
definition of API and relationships with other Types
• Class:
code represents data and behavior; implements a Type
• Object:
runtime instance of a Class
 Other basic features
• Class members – constructors, destructors, methods, data
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OO Definition: Type
 Type: Meta-data for a class
• Data members – variable and properties (getter and setter)
• Method signatures – API for the class
– Logic is not part of the type
• Identifies relationships with other Types
– Inheritance from other Types
– Implement an Interface (special Type)
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OO Definition: Class
 Class: ABL file with a .cls extension
• Constructor called when class instantiated – place to do initialization
• Destructor called when class is deleted – place to do cleanup
• Methods are just like procedures and user-defined functions
• Variables represent the state of the object
• Properties wrap variables with a getter and setter
 Implemented in a class file (.cls)
• Compiles to .r just like procedures; can be put into PL files
• Similar to a persistent procedure
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Sample OOABL Class – Starts with Type Definition
class Calculator:
define variable total AS decimal NO-UNDO.
constructor public Calculator( ):
total = 0.
end constructor.
method void Add(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum1 + iNum2.
message total view-as alert-box.
end method.
end class.
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Sample OOABL Class – Constructor
class Calculator:
define variable total AS decimal NO-UNDO.
constructor public Calculator( ):
total = 0.
end constructor.
method void Add(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum1 + iNum2.
message total view-as alert-box.
end method.
end class.
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Sample OOABL Class – Method
class Calculator:
define variable total AS decimal NO-UNDO.
constructor public Calculator( ):
total = 0.
end constructor.
method void Add(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum1 + iNum2.
message total view-as alert-box.
end method.
end class.
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OO Definition: Object
 Object: A running instance of a class
• Object reference used to access instance – “strongly-typed” handle
• Creating the object runs the constructor – like block 0 of a persistent proc
– Each instance keeps context in data members
• Deleting the object runs the destructor
• Similar to a persistent procedure
Run foo.p persistent set fooHandle.
/* Create instance of a class */
define variable theCalculator as Calculator( ).
theCalculator = new Calculator( ).
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OO Definition: Method
 Method: business logic
• Run by calling method on object reference
• Signature is strongly-typed
– Parameters checked at compile-time
• Similar to calling an internal proc or user-defined function
Run myProc in fooHandle.
/* Call Add method of the class
/* total = iNum1 + iNum2.
/* message total view-as alert-box */
theCalculator = new Calculator( ).
theCalculator:Add(3, 4).
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OO Definition: Variable
 Variable: defines the state of the object instance
• Defined outside of methods (not global)
• Use DEFINE syntax with new access levels
• Accessed through object reference
/* Access total variable of Calculator */
theCalculator = new Calculator( ).
message theCalculator:total view-as alert-box.
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OO Definition: Properties
 Variable: defines the state of the object instance
• Defined outside of methods (not global)
• Includes variable definition plus GET and SET methods
– Can validate values before setting variable
– Read-only = GET and private SET
class Calculator:
define property total AS decimal NO-UNDO GET private SET.
end class.
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 Type
 Class
 Object
 Class members
• Constructor
• Destructor
• Method
• Variable
• Property
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OO Programming Using Types
 Functionality centered around relationships
• Interface
Type definition without implementation
• Inheritance
Relationships between Types
• Override
Customize behavior
• Polymorphism
“Cool trick”
• Abstract class
Part Class, part Interface
• Package
Namespace for grouping
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Definition: Interface
 Special type of Class that has no code
• Basically a Class with only Type information: Data and Methods
 Defines a contract (API)
Any class that implements the interface must code all methods
• Used when behavior must be specialized
• Compiler validates implementation of interface
Interface iBaseCalculator:
method void Subtract(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer).
method void Add(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer).
end interface.
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Sample OOABL Class – Using an Interface
class Calculator implements iBaseCalculator:
define variable total AS decimal initial 0 NO-UNDO.
method void Add(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum1 + iNum2.
message total view-as alert-box.
end method.
method void Subtract(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum1 - iNum2.
message total view-as alert-box.
end method.
end class.
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Sample OOABL Class – Compile time Validation
class Calculator implements iBaseCalculator:
define variable total AS decimal initial 0 NO-UNDO.
method void Add(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum1 + iNum2.
message total view-as alert-box.
end method.
method void Subtract(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum1 - iNum2.
message total view-as alert-box.
end method.
end class.
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Definition: Inheritance
 Inheritance: defines relationships among classes
• Super class – common data and functionality that can be shared by
• Subclass – specialized class that inherits from a Super class
– Inherits public & protected data members and methods
– Can add additional data and methods
– Override can augment OR override super class behavior
 OOABL super class
• All Types implicitly inherit from this super class
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Sample OOABL Class – Inheritance
class AdvancedCalculator inherits Calculator:
/* Inherits data members and methods from Calculator */
/* Extend the class with a new method */
method void Multiply(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum1 * iNum2.
message total view-as alert-box.
end method.
end class.
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Definition: Override
 Override: Change the behavior of a super class method
• Overridden method must have same signature
• Can be used to define totally new behavior
• Or do pre-processing or post-processing
To access super class method: SUPER:<method-name>
Class SubCalculator implements iBaseCalculator:
method override Add(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
/* new behavior */
end method.
end class.
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Definition: Polymorphism
 Polymorphism: Ability to write generic code but call custom methods
• Code written using super class / interface (parent) type
– Tightly coupled to inheritance, interface and override behavior
– invoke an overridden method in a class
– Parent variable used at compile time
– Subclass created and assigned to parent variable at runtime
• Cool trick: Method called on parent object reference actually calls
subclass method
– Method call on parent dispatched to subclass’ method at runtime
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Invoke a Polymorphic Method
class BackwardCalculator implements iBaseCalculator:
method void Subtract(iNum1 as integer, iNum2 as integer):
total = iNum2 – iNum1 /* swap order */.
end method.
end class.
define variable cal1 as iBaseCalculator.
define variable cal2 as iBaseCalculator.
cal1 = new Calculator().
cal1:Subtract(1-9). /* Calls Calculator:Subtract()
cal2 = new BackwardCalculator().
cal2:Subtract(1-9). /* Calls BackwardCalculator:Subtract() */
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Benefits of Polymorphism
 Supports generic programming using super class or interface
• Type used at compile time is super class or interface
• New subclasses can be defined and code doesn’t need to change
 Specialized behavior is called at runtime automatically
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Definition: Abstract Class
 Abstract class: part of class implementation is missing
• Combines an interface and a class in a single definition
– Used when some behavior must be specialized and some can be
• All implemented properties and methods are available to subclass
 A subclass needs to inherit from an abstract class
• Class cannot be directly instantiated
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 Package: Uniquely identify the Type from other Types
• Type name = Package name and Class name
• Defines the directory where code lives is foo/bar/MyClass.cls
• Must identify Type using fully qualified Type name
– Or add USING statement for the class or package with wildcard
/* Class file must be located in math/Calculator.r */
Class Math.Calculator: ...
define variable cal as Math.Calculator.
cal = new Math.Calculator().
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 Inheritance
 Interfaces
 Override
 Polymorphism
 Abstract class
 Package
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OOABL Specializations
 Classes and Procedures
 Progress.Lang.Object
 Progress.Lang.Class
 Compiler changes
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Classes and Procedures
Class files (.cls)
Procedure file (.p)
Data members
Define variables
Void methods
Internal procedures
Non-void methods
User-defined functions
Code in main block
Super procedures
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Classes and Procedures: Interoperability
 Procedures
• Can use an Object
– Create and delete an Object
– Invoke methods using object reference
– Pass objects as a parameter
 Classes
• Can RUN a procedure or persistent procedure
– Can RUN internal procedures and user-defined functions on a handle
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Classes and Procedures: Behavior Differences
 Procedures and Classes
• Modular programming
• Supports reuse of common behavior (super)
 Classes only
• Programming errors caught early by compiler
• Natural integration with modeling tools and other Object-oriented
platforms like .NET™
• Modern programming model (used at most universities)
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 Implicit super class for all user-defined classes.
 Facilitates generic code
• Methods
– ToString ( )
– GetClass ( )
– Equals ( ) – Must be overridden
– Clone ( ) – Must be overridden
• Properties
– Next-sibling
– Prev-sibling
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 Used for reflection
 One per user-defined type
• Methods
– IsInterface ()
– IsFinal ()
• Properties
– TypeName
– Package
– SuperClass
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Compiler changes
 Two pass compiler
• First pass gathers Type information
• Second pass does validation and compilation
– Compile time validation of object reference
– Validates
o Methods
o Parameters
 Compiles all files in class hierarchy
• Does not compile subclasses
• Might need to compile Types referenced in code
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 Classes and Procedures
 Progress.Lang.Object
 Progress.Lang.Class
 Compiler changes
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Part 2: Even More Advanced Features
 Static Class members
 Events
 Chaining method calls
 Garbage collection
 Class browser in PDSOE
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In Summary
 Standard OO concepts available in the 4GL
 Built on top of existing 4GL constructs
 Interoperability between Classes and Procedure
 "Be part of the cool crowd" 
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© 2014 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved.