Section 5 – Expectation and Other Distribution

Section 5 – Expectation and
Other Distribution Parameters
Expected Value (mean)
• As the number of trials increases, the average
outcome will tend towards E(X): the mean
• Expectation: E[X]  X
– Discrete
E[X]   x  p(x)  x1  p(x1)  x2  p(x2 )  ...
– Continuous
E[X] 
 x  f (x)dx
Expectation of h(x)
• Discrete
E[X]   x  p(x)  x1  p(x1)  x2  p(x2 )  ...
E[h(X)]   h(x)  p(x)  h(x1)  p(x1)  h(x 2 )  p(x 2 )  ...
• Continuous
E[X] 
 x  f (x)dx
E[h(X)] 
 h(x)  f (x)dx
Moments of a Random Variable
• n: positive integer
• n-th moment of X:
E[X n ]
– So h(x) = X^n
– Use E[h(X)] formula in previous slide
• n-th central moment of X (about the mean):
E[(X  ) n ]
– Not as important to know
Variance of X
• Notation
• Definition:
Var[X]  V[X]  
 E[(X  X ) ]
 E[X 2 ]  (E[X])2
 E[X ]  
Important Terminology
• Standard Deviation of X: X   2X  Var[X]
• Coefficient of variation:
– Trap: “Coefficient of variation” uses standard
deviation not variance.
Moment Generating Function (MGF)
• Moment generating function of a random
variable X:
MX (t)  E[e ]
– Discrete:
MX (t)  etx p(x)
– Continuous: M X (t)   e tx f (x)dx
Properties of MGF’s
M X (0)  1
M'X (0)  E[X ]
M''X (0)  E[X ]
M (n )X (0)  E[X n ]
ln[M X (t)] |t 0  Var[X]
Two Ways to Find Moments
1. E[e^(tx)]
2. Derivatives of the MGF
Characteristics of a Distribution
• Percentile: value of X, c, such that p% falls to the left of c
– Median: p = .5, the 50th percentile of the distribution (set CDF integral
• What if (in a discrete distribution) the median is between two numbers? Then
technically any number between the two. We typically just take the average
of the two though
• Mode: most common value of x
– PMF p(x) or PDF f(x) is maximized at the mode
• Skewness: positive is skewed right / negative is skewed left
E[( X  ) 3 ]
– I’ve never seen the interpretation on test questions, but the formula
might be covered to test central moments and variance at the same
Expectation & Variance of Functions
• Expectation: constant terms out, coefficients
E[a1h1 ( X )  a2 h2 ( X )  b]  a1E[h1 ( X )]  a2 E[h2 ( X )]  b
E[aX  b]  aE[ X ]  b
• Variance: constant terms gone, coefficients
out as squares
Var[aX  b]  a2Var[X]
Mixture of Distributions
• Collection of RV’s X1, X2, …, Xk
– With probability functions f1(x), f2(x), …, fk(x)
– These functions have weights (alpha) that sum to 1
• In a “mixture of distribution” these
distributions are mixed together by their
– It’s a weighted average of the other distributions
f (x)  1 f1(x)   2 f 2 (x)  ...  k f k (x)
Parameters of Mixtures of Distributions
E[X n ]  1 E[X1n ]   2 E[X 2n ]  ...  k E[X kn ]
M X (t)  1 M X1 (t)   2 M X 2 (t)  ...  k M X k (t)
• Trap: The Variance is NOT a weighted average
of the variances
• You need to find E[X^2]-(E[X)])^2 by finding
each term for the mixture separately