Lecture 8


MS 101: Algorithms


Neelima Gupta ngupta@cs.du.ac.in

Table of Contents

• Number Theoretic Problems

Problems to be discussed

• Addition of two large intergers

• Multiplication of two large intergers

• x^n

• x^n modulo m

• Gcd(a,b)

• Primes(x)

– Simple Exponential

– Pseudoprimality (polynomial time)

– Miller-Rabin randomized primality (polynomial time)

– AKS primality (polynomial time)

• RSA public-key cryptosystem

Computing x^n

• Iterative: x n-1 * x

T(n) = T(n-1) + c (n-1) log 2 x

= O(n 2 log 2 x)

• Divide and Conquer: x n/2 * x n/2

T(n) = T(n/2) + c n 2 log 2 x

= O(n 2 log 2 x)

Both Exponential in the input size B = (log x + log n)

Computing x^n modulo m

• x n modulo m never becomes too large

(never more than m) i*log x = O(log m)

• Iterative: x n-1 * x modulo m

T(n) <= T(n-1) + log x * log m

= O(n * log x * log m)

Exponential in the input size B = (log x + log n)

• Divide and Conquer: x n/2 * x n/2 modulo m

T(n) = T(n/2) + log 2 m

= O(log n * log 2 m)

Polynomial in the input size.


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Correctness of Euclid

• Follows from

For any non-ve integer a and +ve integer b, gcd(a,b) = gcd(b, a mod b)

Prove it yourself, its very simple.

Time Complexity

• Number of recursive calls k satisfies the following:

• Theorem: If a>b and the invocation

EUCLID(a,b) performs k>=1 recursive calls , then a>=F k+2 and b>=F


. ( F k is fibonacci number)

Proof: Omitted

• Since F k is approximately Φ k / sqrt(5), where Φ is the golden ratio (1 + sqrt(5))/2, the number of recursive calls is O(lg b)

(where b< a).


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RSA Cryptosystem

(Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, 1977)

1. Select two large prime numbers (say 100 digit) p and q at random.

2. Compute n = pq

3. Select a small odd integer e that is relatively prime to Φ(n). Φ(n) is the number of positive integers relatively prime to n and = (p-1)(q-1).

4. Compute d as the multiplicative inverse of e, modulo Φ(n).

5. Pair P =(e, n) is the public key.

6. S= (d, n) is the private/secret key

Primality Testing

• Prime distribution function π (n) is the number of primes <= n.

• Prime Number Theorem:

• lim n→∞

π (n) / (n/ ln n) = 1

• i.e for large n the number of primes <= n is (n/ ln n)

• i.e we need to check about ln n numbers <= n for primality to find a prime that is of same length as n.

• Thus step 1 of RSA can be done in polynomial time using Rabin-Miller or AKS algorithm.

Modular Linear Equations

• ax ≡ b (mod n) , n > 0

• There are Modular Linear Equations

Solver which solve the system in polynomial time for large a,b and n.

• Thus step 4 can be done in polynomial time with b = 1.

Encryption and Decryption using RSA

• Encryption: P(M) = M e (mod n)

• Decryption: S(C) = C d (mod n)

• Note that S(P(M)) = M since de = 1 (mod n)

• Clearly, these steps can be done in polynomial time using power function modulo n.

How difficult it is to crack RSA?

• The eavesdropper has M and d but he doesn’t have e. He could get e if knew n. How does he get n?

• He tries all numbers, factor a number into primes and obtain p and q ,

• gets phi(n) (he can’t find phi(n) without p and q; phi(n) = n* product of (1- 1/p) of all prime factors of n),

• computes e and its inverse e’. If e’ matches d, he is done.

• Factoring a number into primes is a hard problem

• And that makes RSA difficult to crack.

• b + (a mod b) = b + (a – floor(a/b) b)

= a + (b - floor(a/b) b)

≤ a ( as a>b>0 => floor(a/b) ≥ 1) a ≥ b + (a mod b) = a k-1

+ b k-1

≥ F k+1

+ F k

(by induction hypo.)

= F k+2


And, b k

= a k-1

≥ F k+1

(by induction hypo.)

Note: a’s and b’s above are a k

’s and b k

’s resp.

Primality Testing

• Fermat’s Theorem

If p is prime, then a p-1 ≡ 1 (mod p) for all a relatively prime to p

• Converse

If a n-1 ≡ 1 (mod n) for all a relatively prime to n, is n prime?

Ans: Not true for all n

Carmichael numbers

• These composite numbers for which the converse does not hold are called

Carmichael numbers.

• Carmichael numbers are extremely rare:

Only 255 less than 100,000,000.
