Optical properties of (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n superlattices: an insulator-to-metal transition observed in the absence of disorder A. Perucchi SISSI, the IR beamline of the ELETTRA Storage Ring Synchrotron Infrared Source for Spectroscopy and Imaging SISSI - Solid State Physics activities Electrodynamics at High Pressures Insulator to Metal Transitions (VO2, V2O3, V3O5, NiS2, etc.) Charge-Density-Waves (CeTe3, LaTe2) Superconductivity (BaFe2As2) THz Superconducting Gaps (MgB2, V3Si, Ba(Fe,Co)2As2) Optical Properties of (LaMnO3)2n/(SrMnO3)n •L. Baldassarre •S. Lupi •P. Calvani •A. Nucara •L. Maritato •P. Orgiani •D.G. Schlom •C. Adamo Outline • Basic concepts on Manganites Double-Exchange, Jahn-Teller polarons, optical conductivity • (LMO)2n/(SMO)n SuperLattices (SL) • Optical properties of n=1 compound Understanding the role of disorder in LSMO alloys • Optical properties of large period SLs Appearance of novel “bulk” electronic states Colossal Magnetoresistance (CMR) manganites (H) (0) MR (0) 10 2 O Mn R,A R1-xAxMnO3 P. Schiffer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3336 (1995) Electronic Structure and Phase Diagram Mn3+ Jahn-Teller LaMnO3 (Mn3+) Y. Tokura, Rep. Prog. Phys 69, 797 (2006). 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The (LMO)2n/(SMO)n SL series mimics the doping content of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 alloys Smadici et al., 2007 Tuning the MIT in (LaMnO3)2n/(SrMnO3)n A peak in the resistivity is always found at the Curie Temperature!!! Double-Exchange physics Adamo PRB 2009 Optical reflectivity of 20 nm (LMO)2n/(SMO)n on STO 1.0 n=1 0.8 10 K 400 K SrTiO3 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 500 1000 Frequency (cm -1 1500 ) IR I0 R=IR/I0 2000 Optical properties of the multilayer vacuum (n=1, k=0) sample (n, k) STO substrate (nSTO, kSTO) vacuum (n=1, k=0) r ij ni n j r1234 ni n j 2n j t1234 ni n j p p i p dp /2 2d p (n p ik p ) / 0 1 r12 r 23 exp{2i2 } r 23 r 34 exp{2i3} r12 r 34 exp{2i(2 3 )} r12 r 23 exp{2i2 } r 34 exp{2i(2 3 )} r12 r 23 r 34 exp{2i3} t ij t12 t 23 t 34 exp{2i(2 3 )} 1 r12 r 23 exp{2i2 } r 23 r 34 exp{2i3} r12 r 34 exp{2i(2 3 )} The Lorentz-Drude model j 2pD 4N j e 2 1 () 1 2 i D j m ( j 2 2 ) i j 1 pj ~ j 1 n 2 k 2, 2 2nk ~ N ( ) i (1 ) 4 ~ ~ 1 2 , 4 2 (1 1 ) 4 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 R() R() Data fitting 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0 2000 4000 6000 Frequency (cm 14x10 -1 0.0 8000 0 15 20 Frequency (cm 3 14x10 25 -1 30 35x 10 3 ) 3 12 10 8 -1 10 K 400 K 1 ( cm) -1 10 ) 12 1 ( cm) 5 6 10 10 K 400 K 8 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 2000 4000 Frequency (cm -1 6000 ) 8000 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (cm -1 25 ) 30 35x10 3 (LMO)2/(SMO)1 parameters 14x 10 3 12 -1 10 1 ( cm) Hartinger et al. (2004) •1 Drude term •1 MIR band •2 T-independent HOs 10 K 400 K 8 6 4 2 0 2000 4000 Frequency (cm -1 6000 8000 2.0x10 21 8000 ) (cm ) 0 p Tot 2 m * /mb Drude 2 p N N MIR D 7 ND -1 MIR 0.5 2000 0.0 10x10 -3 N Mn 7 1021 cm3 if mb 0.5me 4000 0 with 1.0 6000 0 6 21 4 2 8 (·cm) N 1/3 N Mn -3 me N D N MIR 5 1021 cm3 mb NMIR ( cm ) N ND ( cm ) 1.5 6 4 2 10 -3 6 4 2 10 -4 6 4 0 2 0 100 200 300 Temperature (K) 400 0 100 200 300 Temperature (K) 400 Comparing n=1 SL with alloys AP et al., Nano Letters 10, 4819 (2010) 8000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 K 400 K 1 ( cm) -1 6000 The electronic properties of (LMO)2/(SMO)1 SL are fully equivalent to those of the corresponding La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 La2/3 Sr1/3 MnO3 La0.825 Sr0.175 MnO3 4000 dc conductivity ~ 104 .cm Tcurie ~ 350 K m*/mb ~ 7 MIR band softening edge in1 at ~ 1000 cm-1 2000 0 0 2000 4000 Frequency (cm 6000 -1 ) 8000 Adamo PRB 2009 • The n=1 SL has homogeneous electronic density • Disorder probably plays a very limited role in the corresponding LSMO alloy Reflectivity of n=1,3,5 and 8 compounds 1.0 n=8 n=5 n=3 n=1 0.5 R() 1.0 T=10 K SrTiO3 n=8 n=5 10 K 200 K 300 K 400 K 0.5 1.0 n=1 n=3 0.5 0.0 0 400 800 1200 0 Frequency (cm 400 -1 ) 800 1200 AP et al., Nano Letters 10, 4819 (2010) Optical conductivity 4000 2000 n=8 T=10 K 1000 0 3000 1000 n=5 -1 0 2000 1 ( cm) 1 ( cm) -1 n=8 n=5 n=3 n=1 n=3 1000 0 n=1 10 K 200 300 400 3000 1000 2000 1000 0 0 0 4000 8000 12000 Frequency (cm -1 ) 16000 0 2000 4000 6000 Frequency (cm -1 8000 ) AP et al., Nano Letters 10, 4819 (2010) (LMO)2n/(SMO)n parameters 12x10 3 10 a d -1 (cm ) 10 n=8 10 10 MIR 6 0 4 10 The overall free carrier spectral weight diminishes with n e 2.0x10 10 -3 10 10 1.0 f n=3 0.5 NMIR ( cm ) 10 10 0.0 10x10 10 21 8 g 6 0 n=1 10 10 4 2 10 -1 -2 -3 -1 (·cm) n=8 n=5 n=3 n=1 1.5 -3 n=5 21 b -2 10 0 ND ( cm ) -1 8 2 -3 0 The agreement between resistivity measurements and dc conductivity worsens with increasing n: Role of perpendicular paths in the resistivity -2 -3 -2 -3 -4 c 0 0 100 200 300 Temperature (K) 400 0 100 200 300 400 Temperature (K) 500 Dong et al. (2008) Large period SLs, end-members, and alloys 2000 T=10 K 1 ( cm) -1 1500 n=16 n=8 LaMnO3 La0.9 Sr0.1 MnO3 SrMnO3 Adamo PRB 2009 1000 SrMnO3 In site Mn4+ transitions: t2g-eg 500 0 La1-xSrxMnO3 0 Mn3+ to Mn4+ transitions: 1/2 Jahn-Teller 5000 10000 15000 Frequency (cm -1 20000 ) 25000 LaMnO3 In site Mn3+ transitions: eg-eg (Jahn-Teller) The presence of a mid-IR band signals mixed Mn valencies. Its sizable spectral weight can not be attributed to interfacial Mn3+-Mn4+ transitions alone AP et al., Nano Letters 10, 4819 (2010) Conclusions 1. Homogeneous electronic state for short period SLs 2. Similarities between n=1 SL and corresponding alloy (reduced role for disorder) 3. Optical characterization of the Metal to Insulator transition with increasing n 4. Novel “bulk” (not limited to interface) electronic states in large period SLs