
Power Optimization for Clock Network
with Clock Gate
Cloning and Flip-Flop Merging
Shih-Chuan Lo
Chih-Cheng Hsu
Mark Po-Hung Lin
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan
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The Proposed Algorithms
Experimental Results
page 2
• Introduction
 Low Power Design Methodologies
 The Concept of Clock-Gating Cell
 The Concept of Clock-Gate Cloning
 The Concept of Flip-Flop Merging
 Previous Work
 Our Contributions
The Proposed Algorithms
Experimental Results
page 3
Low Power Design Methodologies
• Clock gating cell (CG)
 [Wu et al., TCAS'00], [Shen et al., TVLSI'10],
• Clock gate cloning
 [Teng & Soin, ICSE'10], [Vishweshwara et al., ISQED'12]
• Multi-bit flip-flop (MBFF)
 [Pokala et al., ASIC92], [Kretchmer, EE Times Asia'01],
[Chen et al., SNUG10], [Lin et al., TCAD'11],
[Wang et al.,TCAD'12], [Jiang et al., TCAD'12],
[Shyu et al., TVLSI13], [Tsai et al., ISPD13]
• …
page 4
The Concept of Clock-Gating Cell
• A clock-gating cell can turn off the clocks at flip-flop inputs
when they are not required.
 In Fig.(a), the FFs will load new data at their input pins “D” only when
the enable signal “EN” is active.
 In Fig.(b), the CG can shut off “gclk” to the FFs when “Din” is not
Less clock network power
and smaller chip area
page 5
The Concept of Clock-Gate Cloning
• Clock buffer chain may result in:
 Longer delay
 Degrade the circuit performance
 Induce power consumption
• After replicate sufficient CGs and
connect each CG to a smaller
number of FFs
 The number of required clock
buffers can be reduced.
 Power consumption and path delay
of the gated clock network can be
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The Concept of Multi-bit flip-flop
• Replacing 1-bit FFs with MBFFs
can reach up to 30% total clock
power reduction.
 [Jiang et al., TCAD'12]
• An MBFF contains several 1-bit
FFs which share common
inverters in the MBFF cell.
 [Chen et al., SNUG'10]
• Replacing several 1-bit FFs with
an MBFF will reduce
 Inverters in FF cells
 Clock sinks
 Clock drivers
page 7
Previous Work of CG Cloning
• [Teng & Soin, ICSE'10]
 Introduced cutting-based algorithm to split a CG and redistribute the CG
fanout according to the cut line.
 The CG splitting algorithm is iteratively performed until the timing
violation of each CG’s enable signal is eliminated.
• [Vishweshwara et al., ISQED'12]
 Proposed a clustering-based algorithm to recursively replicate a CG
when the CG has a large number of fanout, or when the spreading area
of its fanout is larger than a limit.
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Previous Work of FF Merging
• [Kretchmer, EE Times Asia'01], [Chen et al., SNUG10]
 Demonstrated the feasibility of applying MBFFs during logic synthesis.
• [Pokala et al., ASIC92]
 Applied MBFFs before placement optimization.
• [Tsai et al., ISPD13]
 Applied MBFFs during placement optimization.
• [Lin et al., TCAD'11], [Wang et al.,TCAD'12],
[Jiang et al., TCAD'12], [Shyu et al., TVLSI13]
 Perform power optimization with MBFFs at the post-placement stage
for better timing budgeting.
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Our Contributions
• We present the first problem formulation
 For gated clock network optimization with simultaneous CG cloning
and FF merging.
• We introduce a novel optimization flow consisting of
 MBFF aware CG cloning
 CG-based FF merging
 MBFF and CG placement optimization
• We formulate the MBFF-aware CG cloning optimization
problem as a partitioning problem.
 Our formulation is to maximize skew slack corresponding to different
CGs subject to bounded slack constraints.
• Our experimental results show that the proposed approach
leads to better dynamic power and clock wirelength.
page 10
• Introduction
• Preliminaries
 Power Model of Gated Clock Network
 Inter-CG Clock Skew due to CG Cloning
 Control-Path Timing Constraint for Gated Clock Network
 Data-Path Timing Constraint for FF Merging
 Placement Density Constraint for CGs and MBFFs
 Problem Formulation
• The Proposed Algorithms
• Experimental Results
• Conclusions
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Power Model of Gated Clock Network
• The power dissipated in the gated clock network can be
modelled as follows.
 [Shen et al., TVLSI'10]
Pd   clk  c0lclk  Cbuf  Ccg
  gclk  c0l gclk  Cbuf  C f   0.5   en  c0len  Cbuf  Ccg
Vdd2 
clock net
gated clock tree
enable signal net
T period
dynamic power consumption
supply voltage
clock period
unit wire capacitance
input capacitance
switching activity
page 12
Inter-CG Clock Skew due to CG Cloning
• When a CG is replicated in the gated clock network, the interCG clock skew Tskew , can be calculated as follows.
• To minimize Tskew , we shall balance the wirelength and flipflop fanout numbers among all different CGs.
 
Tskew  Ti clk  Ti gclk  T jclk  T jgclk
Ti clk
Ti gclk
i th
CG delay
inter-CG clock skew among gated FFs
interconnection delay from the clock root to gi
interconnection delay from gi to the farthest gated FF
page 13
Control-Path Timing Constraint for Gated
Clock Network
• The figure shows the control-path timing of the gated clock
 Tperiod
Ti en  Ti gclk  Tperiod  T EL  T CG
Ti en
CG delay
interconnection delay from the clock root to gi
page 14
Data-Path Timing Constraint for FF Merging
• Only the FFs which have common intersection of their timingfeasible regions can be merged.
 [Lin et al., TCAD'11], [Wang et al.,TCAD'12], [Jiang et al., TCAD'12]
• The timing-feasible region of a flip-flop can be obtained from
the available timing slack on the corresponding data paths.
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Placement Density Constraint for CGs and MBFFs
• We divide the chip area into a number of bins with equal size.
 [Lin et al., TCAD'11], [Wang et al.,TCAD'12], [Jiang et al., TCAD'12]
• A CG or an MBFF can only be placed in a bin whose density is
less than the maximum placement density.
 To evenly distribute logic cells throughout the chip area, in order to
avoid routing congestion.
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Problem Formulation
• Input
 A clock gating domain contains a set of FFs which are controlled by the
gated clock signals whose switching activities are the same.
 A cell library containing both CG and MBFF cells.
• Objectives
 Minimize Pd and Tskew of the clock-gating domain
(Pd is the primary objective, while Tskew is the secondary one because
Tskew can be further minimized after clock tree routing.)
• Constraint
 Control-path timing constraint
 Data-path timing constraint
 Placement density constraint.
page 17
• Introduction
• Preliminaries
• The Proposed Algorithms
 The Proposed Algorithms Flow
 MBFF-aware CG Cloning
 CG-based FF Merging
 MBFF and CG Placement Optimization
• Experimental Results
• Conclusions
page 18
The Proposed Algorithms Flow
Initial placement / Cell library /
Design constraints
MBFF-aware CG Cloning
CG-based FF Merging
MBFF & CG Placement Opt.
Optimized placement containing
newly generated CGs and MBFFs
page 19
MBFF-aware CG Cloning
• The CG must be replicated and the fanout FFs are bisected when:
 Control path violates the timing constraint
 CG drives too many FFs leading to larger clock power consumption.
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Hyper Graph Construction
• According to the timing-feasible region of each FF, we construct
the hypergraph, H(V,E).
 vi: the timing-feasible region of the FF fi.
 ei: the intersection among the timing feasible regions of different fi.
 w(ei): the number of vertices connected by ei.
page 21
Cut-line Determination with
Inter-CG Skew Budgeting
• The cut direction is determined by the physical dimension of
the FF bounding box. [Teng & Soin, ICSE'10]
 A vertical (horizontal) cut is applied if the dimension in x-direction is
larger (smaller) than that in y-direction.
• To balance the delay passing through different CGs, we sweep
the cut line to search for the maximum skew slack Tskew
_ slack
page 22
Skew Slack (1/2)
• In Fig.(c) (Fig.(d)), the CGs are placed at the position closest to
(farthest from) the clock root within the respective FF
bounding boxes, resulting in the shortest (longest ) clock signal
delay from the clock root to the FFs.
 Ti gclk
 T jgclk
 Ti gclk
 T jgclk
T clk  T gclk
page 23
Skew Slack (2/2)
• The skew slack, can be calculated by the difference between
the minimum longest and the maximum shortest clock signal
• To more easily balance the delay passing through different
CGs, we would like to find out a physical cut line which
maximizes the skew slack.
 , T
Tskew_ slack  min Ti clk  Ti gclk
 Ti gclk
 
 T jgclk max  max Ti clk  Ti gclk
Tskew_ slack
 T jgclk
 Ti gclk
 , T
 T jgclk
 T jgclk
 
T clk  T gclk
page 24
MBFF-aware FF Swapping
• We perform the FM algorithm on H(V,E) to move FFs between
different FF sets such that the cut size is minimized.
 Cut size: sum of edge weights on the cut line
• A balance condition that the skew slack after moving an FF to
the other FF set must not less than   Tskew_ slack .
  is a balance factor, 0    1 .
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CG-based FF Merging
• We merge 1-bit FFs into MBFFs starting from the four
boundaries of the FF bounding box to the center area, based on
 INTEGRA [Jiang et al., TCAD'12]
 Spiral clustering technique [Chang et al., ISPD'12]
page 26
MBFF and CG Placement Optimization
• We perform MBFF and CG placement optimization to
Minimize inter-CG clock skew
Minimize wirelength
Minimize required clock buffers
Satisfying control/data-path timing constraints
Satisfying placement density constraints
page 27
MBFF Placement
• When placing the MBFFs controlled by the same CG, we
search for the placement bins, which satisfy:
 Placement density constraint
 In the timing-feasible region corresponding to each MBFF
 The FF bounding box of the CG fanouts is minimized.
• The smaller FF bounding box can result in shorter gated clock signal
wirelength, and hence smaller T gclk and P d .
page 28
CG Placement
• The CGs are initially placed inside their feasible positions
which satisfy the control-path timing constraings.
 The feasible region of a CG is roughly an ellipse whose the two foci are
at the positions of the enable logic and one of the CG fanout FFs.
• We perform an iterative optimization algorithm to:
 Move CGs around their feasible regions until inter-CG clock skew
cannot be further minimized.
 Add clock buffers to either clock path from the clock root to a CG for
delay balance.
 Insert buffers to either enable signal path from the enable logic to a CG
for a larger feasible region of the CG.
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The Proposed Algorithms
 Experimental Setups
 Experimental Comparisons
 Experimental Results
• Conclusions
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Experimental Setups
• Programming language
 C++
• Platform
 2.26GHz Intel Xeon machine under the Linux operating system
• We adopted the benchmark circuits in [Jiang et al., TCAD'12]
 Add other logical, physical and timing information for CGs, clock root, and EL.
 Referred to the Nangate 45nm Open Cell Library to set the input capacitance.
 Assumed that all FFs in each circuit are initially connected to the same CG.
 Chose the circuits containing less than 1,000 FFs with reasonable FF bounding boxes.
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Experimental Comparisons
• Reference Flow 1 & 2
 CG cloning technique is based on the MBFF-aware CG cloning without
applying MBFF-aware FF swapping.
 FF merging technique is exactly the same as the CG-based FF merging.
page 32
Experimental Results (1/2)
• Comparisons the numbers of MBFFs with different bit
numbers (“# of FFs”) and CG numbers (“# of CGs”).
 When comparing with “Reference Flow 1” the proposed flow results
in much more MBFFs with similar clock gate numbers.
 When comparing with “Reference Flow 2” the proposed flow results
in much slightly more CGs and slightly fewer MBFFs.
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Experimental Results (2/2)
• Comparisons of the dynamic power consumption
 15% less than that resulting from “Reference Flow 1”.
 10% less than that resulting from “Reference Flow 2”.
• Comparisons of the clock net wirelength
 22% less than that resulting from “Reference Flow 1”.
 18% less than that resulting from “Reference Flow 2”.
• Comparisons of the signal net wirelength
 2% less than that resulting from “Reference Flow 2”.
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The Proposed Algorithms
Experimental Results
page 35
• We have presented a new problem formulation for clock
network optimization with both CGs and MBFFs.
• We have also introduced novel techniques to optimize gated
clock network with CG cloning and FF merging simultaneously.
• The experimental results have shown that the proposed
approach results in better dynamic power and clock wirelength
compared with those which optimize gated clock network with
CGs and MBFFs separately.
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Thanks for Your Attention
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